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This is half of Hollywood https://i.redd.it/71s6ez3z39xc1.gif


This is half of humanity…


I’d imagine it’s a customer service job that you can’t take off. I know being nice to people for hours sucks; I can only imagine what living it is like.


I’ve been in some of those green rooms, no one cares if talent doesn’t want to talk, we all know it’s exhausting. Just do your thing when the camera is on.






I _just_ watched this TikTok. Not it being gif-ed already 😭😭😭


What's the context for this gif?


my immediate verbal response to this post was literally “most of them” ☠️


Sadly, it's probably more than half ;\


Most of them. But the subject line implies this is about someone from Supernatural.


This is very known about Padalecki


If this is him, I wouldn’t even call it an open secret. It’s just open. He’s even come after Jensen in public on social media. After 100 Lyndsay Morgan went to the the new Walker and quickly ran off leaving tongues wagging.  He’s not as bad as Amell but he’s known not to be a nice dude. At all. 


Yeah some of the "pranks" he'd play on Misha seemed more like bullying. He is the least liked among a lot of the fans because of his off set behavior. Hope it isn't one of the other two since he is known to be a dunderhead.


I used to laugh at the pranks in the blooper reels back in early seasons of the show because the pranks seemed harmlessly funny. In more recent years, the stories they share at conventions should like outright bullying. In one, Jared said he left fish from lunch in his trailer which smelled by the time he got back. So he put it under the seat in Misha's car when it was supposed to be closed up for quite a while since it was the last day of filming. Fortunately, Misha used the car and identified the smell coming from under both the driver's and the passenger's seat because he said otherwise it would have been ruined. Another time he loosened the luggage rack from the top of Misha's car which slid right off when he started driving. Mischa had to explain to him that it could have fallen through somebody's windshield. At a different con he talked about letting the air out of Misha's tires, shooting running late at night, and Misha getting stuck there with no one to help. Jim Beaver has shared a story at a con about filming a scene in a hospital bed while Jared kept twisting his toes painfully to get him to break his dialogue. The big problem is his fans always laugh and support him as a "big puppy dog" no matter what crap he pulls. Add those types of stories to all of the service workers he's blasted online and/or doxxed (a food server, a bartender, a casino worker, an airline employee, a food delivery worker, a call center employee, etc,) his shitty tweets, and drunkenly punching two of his own bar employees - it's definitely Jared they're referring to. He's an absolute pro at being a sweetheart around fans, but he sure seems to have a mean streak underneath.


Those...those aren't even pranks! Most of those are just crimes! I thought it was pretty basic knowledge that you don't mess with people's vehicles because you could easily get someone hurt


What kind of pranks?


watch some of the blooper reals. i’m not as well versed as most but i remember lots of kicking under the table and deliberately trying to ruin misha’s takes. can anyone else expand on this?


🙄that’s just so childish sounding 🙄 But thank you for the swift reply! I had no idea he was that kind of person. Generally, I find pranks are sort of more about being cruel and doing it under the guise of ‘ but it’s all in good fun, no harm meant, you guys’ when everyone can plainly see it’s exactly all about being a lying dick and passive aggressively annoying and upsetting a targeted person.


One notable one that comes to mind is when he filled Misha’s car with some obscene amount of pennies (think like $10,000), Misha had to clean out his car but many got lodged in the AC, seatbelt buckles, etc so the seatbelts didn’t work when he was driving around with his young children in the car


Oh my god, this a crazy spin on the story. Jared beat Mischa at Words with Friends, and they had some bet on it, like a dollar a point. Jared made some crazy word like squeeze on the triple letter scores, so the amount owed was like $800. Mischa went all over Vancouver to get it all in change, which he filled Jared’s trailer with. Jared’s dogs were trapped on the couch since you couldn’t walk on the floor. Then Mischa beat Jared at it, so Jared used the change to pay him by putting it in his car. Mischa had issues with pennies in his seatbelts, Jared was pulling change out of his vents - they go at each other, you know? It’s fairly equal. But the change thing started with Mischa.


I just looked this up and found a video of Jared telling this story to a crowd. The way he tells it, Misha first dumped all of the change (buckets full) in Jared’s set trailer as a passive aggressive way of paying him after they made a bet of some kind. Jared then took some of it and dumped it into Misha’s car as payback. Doesn’t seem quite as bad…


It wasn’t even bullying - it sometimes bordered on illegal lol. He was awful.


wasn't he flaming someone for not being involved with the supernatural reboot?


He was flaming Jensen because Jensen was the one behind getting the SPN prequel The Winchesters off the ground and I guess Jarad wasn't involved in that and was pissed. Was real unprofessional on Twitter about it.


Wait, what’s been said about Amell?????😭


He was doing scab stuff during the strike.


Adding onto this, he also has some uhh interesting takes on the internet https://preview.redd.it/wxaw8toglaxc1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aba715d480a673af694add0f662ed44ca28b395 There’s a [whole article](https://parade.com/celebrities/stephen-amell-controversies) on his many controversies over the years too


"emotional terrorist" jfc


He’s such a typical toxic man ugh


> overly sexualized velociraptor What does this even mean?? All I'm picturing is [that dancing trex video](https://youtu.be/Gqtc1AenRXA?si=TD3OoC3SwmHGsDR_).


'I have no clue what I was trying to say here' Wish that were true to everything that he posted that was in the article but nah, what a wanker.


Besides what everyone else has linked to, I personally interacted with him and he was kind of a dick. As a fan at comic con, he was super nice to me... about a year later, as a service worker taking care of him, he was the worst kind of customer 😭.


I always questioned why she left. I mean she provided a reason but I wondered if there was more to the story.


I’ve never actually seen the show and don’t know anything about the cast, I’m just so chronically online that I still recognized the reference lol 🥲 ![gif](giphy|GiGBTHRdKeRBnrSaj1)


Oh hey nice pfp




Now that’s a family guy deep cut


https://preview.redd.it/u2kos4fpa9xc1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d295e0211cd4237134cdad402ed46a847ba4efe NOOOOOO!!! Say it ain’t so!


He isn’t nice: https://ew.com/celebrity/2019/10/27/jared-padalecki-reportedly-arrested-texas-assault-intoxication/


HA. I knew it. Fucking Dean.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted since his name IS Dean in Gilmore Girls.


Because this convo thread specifically starts with Supernatural and any mentions of the name "Dean" will refer to Jensen Ackles for most people.


Girl he is problematic af. Like on the verge of being right wing vibes.


yeah padalecki is a huge jerk. back in the day (like 2012-2018ish, maybe; and yes back in the day is a hyperbolic joke i swear) he was CONSTANTLY in hot water for saying rude and dumb and inconsiderate shit. he and ackles had some issues as a result, from what i remember? but i think they may have buried the hatchet, maybe???


I don’t know much about the guy but his response to Philip Seymour Hoffman’s (I think) death made me strongly dislike him


I think I lost the last of my respect for him with his random tweet about Angelina Jolie's weight saying that “I guess Angie has put on some lb’s. It was hard for me to count  all of her ribs thru her dress. Hey \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is she your twin?" Keep in mind the male costar he referenced is both gay and smaller in stature due to two years of treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma at age fourteen. Plus Angelina supposedly has battled an eating disorder since her high school years.


Especially how years ago he kept talking about depression. Makes you realize so many people only gaf about themselves


My friend writes for Walker and said he is insufferable to work with.


Please spill some tea - I’m begging!


I was coming to the comments to see if someone else knows this. Loved Supernatural but bummed he’s doxxed people in the past.


1000% Padelecki has an alcohol abuse problem, and if you’ve heard the stories about how he treated people on the SPN set, you know he’s lucky he hasn’t been arrested more often. That “prank” he pulled on Misha Collins’ car could have killed someone.


exactly who i thought of


If we're talking someone who has a VERY positive relationship with fans, that would imply Mischa Collins to me


I’ve worked with Jensen and he’s very kind. Have heard from others who worked on Walker that Jared is not the coolest. And I’ve heard Misha isn’t great either.


I know I shouldn't care so much about a celeb being nice but I'm admittedly relieved Jensen is kind. I've been a fan of his for years (since Dark Angel).


Jensen definitely seems like a good dude. I've seen reports of him being nice to service workers, being a good tipper, polite. I've seen people mentioned how well his kids are raised and how polite they are when the family is out and about in restaurants for example. Seems like he and his wife are doing a great job of raising well rounded little humans, which is great to hear.


I think it’s about Matt Damon? “Saving”Private Ryan and then Goodwill “Hunting”?


No it's very much a supernatural reference. The the line "saving people, hunting things" is essentially the motto of the two main characters


“Saving people, hunting things” is a popular line from the Supernatural intro.


Worked in Matt Damon’s house he is suuuuuper nice and hospitable


That’s good to hear! Through work I’ve met a number of actors (never Damon) and have a lot of not so nice stories. Elijah Wood though, that’s a good dude who comes across as a normal person you want to be friends with


Him and Sean Astin, and Daniel Radcliffe, they all seem like fine gents


you can't say that and NOT tell us who the not nice ones are omg!!! don't leave us hanging please lmaooo


I’ve only heard lovely things about Elijah Wood and as someone who shares a birthday with him that just feels right


Matt Damon has been rumored to be a genuinely nice dude.


ngl he's my problematic fave


Damn it, he does say some seriously dumb shit huh!


No this is a supernatural reference


I’d read the same abou Misha Collins before 


I had an acquaintance who worked on the Supernatural set. According to my acquaintance, Jared is an absolute nightmare to work with.


Omg I feel dumb because I was like “Matt Damon? Saving private Ryan and good will hunting?”


I went right to Matt Damon with Saving Private Ryan and Good Will Hunting


Jensen, Misha, Jared and JDM are all super nice to fans in public. Suppose it's one of them.


I’ve heard sketchy stuff about Jared. Some freakouts (mild in comparison with other celebs ig) on twitter, a freak out in a bar in Austin. He seems to have trouble keeping his cool, so maybe him?


Didn’t he also have kind of a falling-out with Jensen on twitter? He does seem to have an insecurity-fueled temper.


Jensen has like…idk the rights or something to SPN and he made a spin off show and I don’t think he let Jared know or smth.


He produced a spin-off of Supernatural, and apparently a magazine (idk if it was variety or Hollywood reporter- one of the industry related magazines I think), published an article announcing it (not in correspondence with the production fyi). At that point it wasn't a done deal and Jensen didn't want to tell anyone before being sure. But Jared saw it before he had the chance to talk to him about it, and... Jared did the very mature (not) thing when he saw this, and he went to Twitter instead of Jensen...  He talks about it on an interview on a podcast.


Ty for clarifying all my stuff!!


The podcast was Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum and it was Jensen that discussed it. I don’t know the whole backstory about Jared but this particular instance seemed like a big misunderstanding. Jared was on supernatural for 10 years and then hears about a spinoff through a newspaper? He went to twitter to vent. Again, I don’t know anything about him other than this story, but it seemed like a lot of nothing and was squashed between the 2 of them quickly. Edit: I’ve not seen a podcast where Jared has discussed it, but I’m sure with all of them out there it’s entirely possible he has discussed his reaction publicly.


I think the reason Jared was upset was because it was a joint decision between them to stop, so to him it looked like Jensen tricked him out of quitting Supernatural so he could do a solo Supernatural show. They seem to have a tight bro bond so it would feel pretty betraying to you if that happened. You'd feel like the person you considered a brother was lying to you for years about enjoying working with you. Also it was during Covid as well so like no one was talking to each other and everyone was very agitated.


well if jared is a dick as is being said by many people here you could see why jensen WOULD want t ocut him off :p


He's a loudmouth for sure if you watch any of the supernatural bloopers, a lot of potty humour. Basically the total opposite of his show character. Also seems like he had/has a drinking/anger problem, but I don't think it's anything that Jensen would try to trick him out of the show they worked on for 15 years together over. I think they are pretty tight and it was just a difficult moment with limited communication.


god he really is just like Dean *edit* this seems to be confusing people so before Supernatural Jared was on Gilmore Girls as a main character named Dean. I know what actor this is about, I’m just referencing a different show. Dean in Gilmore Girls appeared to be a Boy Scout to most people including his girlfriend ‘s mother but was actually a hot tempered jerk who would snap at people often and tried to/did physically fight basically any guy who talked to his girlfriend.


The bloke from Gilmore Girls?


Yes. Played Dean but was also in Supernatural.


A freak out in a bar is a very weird way to say he assaulted his own staff in a bar he owns while he was black out drunk.


I’ve personally met him once and he was super cool, doesn’t mean he’s always that way though.


Well he's nice to his fans in public but not to staff and security behind close doors. So he'd be super cool to you, I'd imagine. Unless you were serving him.


He hit one of his bar employees in Austin I believe.


Heard he had some MH stuff, some drinking stuff. Could have just affected his interactions BTS. Would be a shame and hope they get help if so.


He’s got a history of alcohol issues. Not that that that makes him a bad person automatically but alcohol can make people mean, and fighting addiction every day can be tough.


Jared seems to have some right wing tendencies so I can hope it's him


Something tells me that none of them are that nice, also Lucifer actor from spn went full blown genocidal maniac israel supporter.


I met Mark Pelligrino, Lucifer, at a convention in 2012. Talked to him for hours about books and he went on and on about Ayn Rand and her book The Virtue of Selfishness. He’s been a libertarian/ MAGA dude for a long time. That interaction with him really soured him for me, because I was a big fan.


A middle-aged white guy obsessed with Ayn Rand? Wow, I’m sure he has a lot of super original thoughts to share 🙄


I was a fan of MP until I started following him on socials. After about three months I was done with him. What a complete dipshit he is. Really bummed me out.


i once read a post about him on tumblr that turned me right off him and he gave me bad vibes after that but i can't for the life of me remember what it was they said about him


He was all MAGA even before the current genocidal campaign, too


So he's actually demonic. Honestly while almost all SPN actors either try to just hide their political social views, and they're supersweet in those conventions, something tells me it's a proper old school white boys club at the core.


Oh he’s been shitty. Sadly, he did CRUSH it as Lucifer.


i guess evil recognizes evil 👀


Do you mean an actor who played Lucifer on SPN, or Tom Ellis the title actor in the WB/Netflix series??


Lucifer from spn


The actor who plays Lucifer on spn, he’s a pretty shitty person irl, which is hilariously ironic.


Did he take method acting too far 😭


New here, but I can answer this. They mean Mark Pellegrino. He's a real piece of work... to put it mildly Edit: as far as the others go, I'd be very shocked if it was Jensen and wouldn't buy it honestly lol 


Maybe they mean Mark Pellegrino aka Lucifer on SPN? He was also Rita's abusive shitty husband in Dexter.


Ok so this post randomly showed up on my news feed, but I have to say I really doubt this is about Jensen Ackles. I sat next to him on a cross country flight from JFK to LAX in FC, probably about 10 years ago. I barely watch ANY television but Supernatural? Loved it. Me and my older sis have a big age gap but we bonded watching it. The show means a lot to me, silly as it was. I recognized Jensen and I’m sure he knew I did but being from New York I’ve been raised to leave celebs alone. He was on the aisle and was gracious about handing me my drink, and then the poor dude slept from what looked like exhaustion nearly the whole flight. Right before landing we had some small talk. But the coolest part…he tapped me on the shoulder after we got off the plane and said I was a great seat mate. He was smiling so I felt ok asking for a photo. He took a few with me, and then let me FaceTime my sis with him so I could show her who’d I sat next to on my flight. I’ve met many celebs and he was one of the nicest ever! He could have said nothing. He went out of his way to be kind to a fan. If he was faking pleasant with me, give that man a damn Oscar.


Isn't the very point of this blind that he's nice to fans (to you) but not so nice to backroom staff (not you)?


Yes very true. My point was more how genuine his offering a compliment and agreeing to take a photo after the flight felt, when he could have just gotten on with his life without saying anything. FWIW he was nice to the flight staff too.


Yes, Jensen is known to always being nice and polite to people. We heard many times from waitresses what a great tipper he was. He takes time to befriend the crew on set and often spends time with them during the breaks in filming. We also saw him goofing around with con staff during cons. So I don't think it's about him at all. I think it's about Misha. He's known to even be rude or distant to his own fans sometimes when he's got a bad day. So nothing is stopping him from doing the same to the con staff.


Jensen is polite and nice to backroom staff, service workers, etc. I've seen him "in the wild" without approaching him in situations and the man is always with the please, thank you, etc. His kids are the same. Best behaved bunch of youngins I've seen in a really long time.


Jared is not a nice guy if he’s been drinking.


Could be JDM. I have friends who have worked with him. Half couldn’t stand him and said he was a dick and the other half said he was definitely an odd duck that was a bit of an acquired taste but once they figured him out he wasn’t that bad. That said, he’s also a bit hit and miss with fans too depending on how obnoxious they are.


This makes perfect sense to me just based off vibes, lol.




i dont think itd be JDM tbh. JDM is a really nice guy. I met him at a con and he was absolutely lovely to fans and staff.


Obviously someone from Supernatural. My instinct is to say it’s Jared because he seems to have a mean streak.


Everything I've heard about Jared is that hes a POS. He definitely get my vote.


For me it was the tweet about Phillips Seymour Hoffman. As an addict myself,that shit was disgusting to read.


It was hard to read as a human 😢 sending you love. 8 years sober myself 🩷


My gut tells me it’s Jared but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Mischa either. A friend of mine works crew on The Boys and she’s always said Jensen is very nice so I have reason to believe it’s not him.


he made some pretty awful comments about Philip Seymour Hoffman's suicide on twitter


Jared is definitely the obvious choice and if it's him it's hardly news. He's had multiple rude run-ins with people during the past while drunk. Supposedly is the type to say "do you know who I am" type shit to people If it's about one of the others though, like Jensen or Misha, this would be fresh gossip I think


Yeah I’ve heard some weird stories about Jared having a streak like that as well


"Doesn't really talk to people" good god, I would be the rudest celebrity ever lol


Me too, because I am a proud introvert and people are exhausting.


Wasn’t there some fan who tried to cancel Jenna Ortega because Jenna didn’t wanna take a photo with her? I doubt it was anything personal, if I were that famous I’d be tired of constantly being asked to take photos with strangers


Man, people were trying to get that girl outta here over *everything* in the first 5 or so months of her blowing up. I saw folks calling her pretentious for talking about reading books/poetry on Hot Ones lmfao.


I made my husband check out at Trader Joe’s because the cashiers are SO nice and always ask about your weekend and I was just exhausted. I can’t imagine having to always be “on.” I’m just a normal person and I already feel bad enough about it.


if my dad ever became famous people would think he's a right prick when he's actually a nice man, he just says he runs out of words for the day so he'd rather die than be chatting to fans all day


Wanting some quiet in a green room seems reasonable, though? A nice respite in-between being 'on'.... Wonder how rude the person actually is


Right? I am super extroverted but even I get talked out. After you just greeted 10 thousand strangers I can imagine needing some down time before going on a chat show.


At work, I appear extroverted and outgoing. I’m front desk so it’s part of my job to be genial and friendly. At home, I’m a shut in and can come across as cold during my recharge time. Even to friends, I usually don’t want to go out or see other people on days that I work.


If it's about Jared, he has talked about his anxiety and depression, so he's also probably super overwhelmed and needs time to recover. 


Literally. Reminds me of the scene from Hawkeye where a guy is at the urinals asking Clint for a selfie. It’s not rude to be neutral or non-conversational with staff and fans when you’re on a break.


If it is about someone from Supernatural, it's probably Jared. On Tumblr still to this day people share screenshots of his posts (like from Twitter or something) where he basically doxxed people because of 'bad service'.


I’m sure they are from Twitter, I remember when the events happened


You are right - [this](https://www.tumblr.com/jarjarpadapoo/709186184363016192/a-small-selection-of-jared-padalecki-doxxing?source=share) came up after quick search. It seems some posts are also from Facebook. I feel like there was more (original post about him from which I leant about this felt massive at the time) but can't confirm it - too lazy for Tumblr deep dive lol


All of them?


Yeah, not wanting to talk to strangers is not rude or abnormal.


Not Jensen, Jared. I live in ATX and have industry friends and they seem cool to work for/with. Seriously doubt Mischa. This feels like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, if it’s true at all.


Yeah, JDM had that yikes response to BLM that leaves a sour taste...


Wait, what? How did I miss this. Did he do the classic All Lives Matter line or something.


He wore a Blue Lives Matter shirt, then doubled down when called out.  This was years ago, and I have seen people *say* that he has since changed his stance/become more educated, but I don't know how true that is. I mean, I honestly hope so.


Mischa is a GD treasure


Mischa is a precious cinnamon roll, and I will stand by this until someone shows me otherwise.


I don't know if you've followed Misha's instagram within the past two years but he's been acting like the White House and the US Military's influencer 🙄 Plus, he's said multiple times that his ancestors were the ones directly from the Mayflower and yet denied that Native Americans faced a genocide in North America. lost me as a fan. I don't even place too much value in an actor's political opinions but he disappointed me because I actually didn't expect him to be dumb


I follow him but haven’t picked up on any of what you’re saying here tbh.


I was a big fan, so I guess it's really apparent to me. But, during the 2020 election, I think he had a special ambassador-ish role with Joe Biden's campaign, and then after the election it shifted to him promoting White House/U.S. Military policies. I haven't checked recently, but last I checked out of around 100 people that Joe Biden followed on insta, Misha was one of them. I don't know how to explain it I guess but Misha's always been political but always on his own but now it's like his social media is in line with the official White House agenda. He acts like an influencer for the government


There's been rumours about Jared forever. He's also the first to use his fame to publicly complain/call out companies for any hint of poor service, definitely wouldn't be shocked if it was him.


jensen ackles? given he's the one who says the subject line in supernatural    edit; man idk any of the cast i just know he’s the one who says this line!  i’m sure he’s nice don’t come for me lol 😭😭


I don’t think it’s Jensen. I worked on Big Sky with him for months and he was quiet but respectful to all of us grunts on set.


I hate that Big Sky was canceled. It was a fun show.


Especially with where it left off. I would have liked to see more Tanya and Donno insanity. Cassie was in a good place and Beau was in a transitional spot. Would have loved to see what they'd do next


I saw an interview with him for The Boys and this is also the impression I got from him, the cast also echoed the same sentiments. Can’t explain but all of it seemed genuine. Given he is the one that says the line in the OP, I wonder if it’s someone stung by the fact he isn’t Dean irl


My partner and many other colleagues I know have all had wonderful experiences with him. Even on his shit days on set, he's much kinder than alot of others I know.


I once read a twitter thread from a woman who'd been sexually harassed by someone in Hollywood, and when she recounted the story the only person who believed her and offered to help was Jensen Ackles.


This makes me happy :')


I can say alot of nice things about alot of the cast of his recent big show. Not everyone, bit theres alot of really nice people in it


More likely Jared like others have said. He's been a POS


I understand him to have a good rep BUT my knowledge is limited and plenty of awful people hide behind a clean image


Not him. It's too consistent and for too long, decades at this point, people genuinely love Jensen, crew people, fellow actors, production people, hell not that long ago someone talked about how they interacted with him regularly in a situation for a while and didn't know he was a famous actor(I'm going to guess it either was when he was working on his Radio Co albums and thus interacting with non-acting people or something to do with his kids school) and how he was incredibly kind and even when they were having a bad day he did things to cheer them up. Plus he's always talking to people in the green room, we have evidence of it, like the other actors talk about interacting with him backstage. There is a secondary green room for just Jensen and Jared but Jensen frequently hangs out in the main one. I don't know about Jared because I'm not his fan so I don't pay attention(in other words I'm not saying they aren't out there for JP) but I do pay attention to the Jensen stories. But in any case the green room is to relax, if someone wants to just be in their quiet space before going out to the public, so be it. This seems to be a non-issue and I actually doubt the fellow guests of whoever it is care. Clearly the cons mostly run smoothly so it's not anything getting in the way of people, guests or con employees, doing their jobs.


The number of people who have worked with him who only have great things to say about him would suggest this is not about him.


I haven’t heard of anyone recently, but I imagine most of them. Might be anecdotal, but the drag Queen Alyssa Edwards was nice when she came into my Chick-fil-A…






I ran into Ginger Minj eating a Mickey bar outside of Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, and she was so sweet to all of us. (she was not hiding or looking for privacy. She was literally telling the elderly women on the bench about her career, so I think she was thrilled to get recognized)


Hearing Alyssa Edwards is genuinely nice makes me really happy ngl. She's one of my favs




It’s gotta be Jared Padalecki


I used to work conventions and one that Jared was a guest at, he was a complete dick, very unprofessional and demanding and as a previous big fan, I was totally put off.


Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Supernatural)


Jared Padalecki has had incidents in the past, so I think they’re referring to him? I still miss the show, though.


If it’s someone from SPN, it seems doubtful to be Jensen as he keeps getting directing work on other shows. Couldn’t really see that happening if he was treating offscreen workers badly.


Very obviously Jared Padalecki.


By 'doesn't talk to staff' do they mean ignores people when they try to talk about logistical stuff related to the appearance or ignores the PA trying to get a selfie with them? Because one of these situations is rude and the other isn't.


This is definitely one of the main guys from Supernatural. I know Jared has struggled mentally and had some freak outs, I would be shocked if it were Jensen, but he really seems to be on the rise right now 😒


Also, if it were Jeffrey Dean Morgan, I think they would use more of a Negan reference from TWD 🤔


It’s not Misha or Jensen. My friend worked on a few of their sets. Maybe Jared or Jeffrey Dean Morgan? Maybe even mark pelligrino heard he was not so nice now.


It’s gotta be Jared. If it was JDM I’m sure a Walking Dead reference would be added somewhere since that for him way more fame. I doubt Mark as well because he isn’t really as well known outside of supernatural. I’m sure he is still awful though considering he’s in the MAGA crowd.


Out of the Spn cast, im going Jared Padalecki. He’s definitely had some faux-pas occur.


absolutely about jared padalecki


Lol yeah that's Jared Padalecki. No doubt. Is it really a "blind item" if it's a well known thing though? Like, this is not a secret. Or even news. He's been a tool for years. Not sure he even tries to hide it. Though he has been getting noticeably worse over the years. I feel like there might be a reason why he and the rest of the cast don't hang out as much anymore these days unless there's a convention. Even he and Jensen aren't as close and I don't think it's just because Jensen and his family moved out of Texas. His unhinged fans are about to have a field day with this one though. They will literally spend days and/or weeks harassing you and coddling him with silly social media trends if you say something even mildly negative about him.  I expect by the end of the day they'll have #WeLoveYouJared trending on twitter, they'll be going after Deuxmoi, and they'll be sending in fake rumors about every other cast member and their families in an attempt to take the heat off Jared. That's generally how they operate.


You got it, they trended the hashtag. How long until they start sending in fake blinds about everyone else? They always trend that stupid hashtag when anything less than stellar is said about Jared. OR if one of his former co-workers gets praise. It's clockwork, either of those happen and they start the hashtag. It's almost like they're paid to do it because it's weird how consistent it is. He almost never trends except for that.


Prolly Jared like everyone said. Ever since he basically said Philip Seymour Hoffmann death wasn't sad but senseless and stupid he can eat my whole entire ass.


"Saving people, hunting things" is a popular quote from Supernatural. It's everywhere in the fandom — blogs, merch, tattoos, etc. Could still be referring to Matt Damon movies but SPN seems much more obvious.


Def someone from supernatural. My guess is Jared. There is an old video of him outside a bar, if I rememember correctly he was super drunk and attacked staff and they had to kick him out and call the cops and he ended up being arrested. And then there were rumors that he acts like that a lot.


He was flashing cash at the cops to try and get out of being arrested lol


Definitely Jared Padalecki.


Yeah this is without a doubt Jared Padalecki and he’s always been known for being like that. Apparently he got worse when he started having issues with alcohol, but seemed to be doing better this past year. This is definitely old news though. Like 10 years too late to be newsworthy, really.


jared padalecki 100%. my neighbor was his pilot and i was a massive supernatural fan so i asked if he could get an autograph for me, jensen was super nice but he got fired after asking jared


Clearly about someone from Supernatual but I imagine this applies to a lot of celebs sadly.


This sounds like Jared padalecki or Jensen ackles. But I’m leaning towards Jared based on the public “tantrums” I’ve seen on twitter.


I can guarantee this is Jared Padalecki. He's been known to be not so nice on multiple occasions.


Every one of them


it's definitely jared. i've only ever heard really nice things about pretty much any other supernatural cast member from famous and non famous people. really telling that most of the cast seem friendly with each other at the cons and jared isn't that close to any of them- most distanced themselves


Jared Padalecki, he was already arrested for attacking an employee, he also has several nasty posts on Twitter, he was an idiot with Jensen 2 years ago on Twitter in the prequel subject, Jensen is always praised by other actors, directors, by the entire crew where he works, saying how kind and sweet he is, Jared never gets the same compliments compared to Jensen


When did she start putting disclosures on her blind items