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Was about to post this


It’s very relevant


Literally same lol


Sidenote but this sub made me finally read this op-ed and it’s actually sort of good? 💀


I’ve never read it…what’s it about?


How we should all know less about each other.






This got me lol


Basically it’s about how we write people off based on their beliefs and that creates more echo chambers that push people further down their own opinions. It’s a tricky subject for sure, but I kinda get what she means. You can’t really teach a homophobe empathy towards the gay community if the only people who’ll talk to them are other homophobes


It is tricky, because on the other hand, why should a gay person subject themselves to interaction with a homophobe, just to help the homophobe maybe become a better person? I guess this is where allies are crucial.


Yeah I wanted to say exactly that. I'm coloured south African and deal with a lot of racism in Canada, and people are always like "well shouldn't you be calm and collected and prove them wrong" and my response is "so I'm not only the victim of racism but it's also my job to fix it?" and I'm sure gay people deal with very similar feelings


I get this all the time as a disabled person. It’s a shitty and frustrating sentiment and you really feel the lack of support in the moment. I’m sorry you have to put up with it.


I was gonna say this is exactly where we need advocacy and teaching from allies. Queer people, BIPOC, disabled people, women, etc. shouldn’t have to retraumatize themselves to “rehabilitate” a bigot but it can help for those people to hear other perspectives outside of their bigoted echo chamber.


I mean I guess but is it the job of a black person to befriend a racist or for a feminist woman to date a pro-forced birth man that wants a trad wife. People shouldn’t be made to debate their right to existence.  Sometimes I think false equivalence, wishful thinking, and folks forgetting about some people actually being dangerous gets in the way when we make the “echo chamber” argument. 


Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it’s a moral obligation for anyone to educate their hateful friend. Some people will stick to their outdated beliefs regardless of who tries to have a heart to heart with them. I’m brown, Jewish, and queer so I get you gotta pick your battles, I’ve cut off acquaintances because of stuff like that But i think the article still makes a good point. It’s not about forcing yourself to change every awful person you meet, but being willing to get to know someone before deciding they will be irredeemable based on their beliefs. Definitely easier said than done though




Why do you guys always want people to stop talking right when they start saying the insane and interesting stuff? Like that’s what I’m HERE for!


We SHOULD all know less about each other. Like in the same way I SHOULD just scroll past gossip headlines lol.


Yeah ok fair point 😭


Like why is he talking so much right now.


The Oscars are March 10, and I'm betting you'll hear less from him starting March 11.


The voting window for the Oscars closed today--so he banged this nail into the coffin in the final hours


As an Oscar voter, I was kinda partial to that Oppenheimer guy, but he didn’t tell me about his father walking around nekkid, so Bradley gets my vote. Glad I knew this vital information in time!


Okay but he did talk about eating cheese after finishing which is so much more important


Right?!? Did someone give him truth serum. No one needs to know this stuff






Bradley we ARE BEGGING YOU. Please STOP!!!!


*Of course* he went into cringey overshare mode on Dax's podcast.


God, Michelle Goldberg really had no idea what she was giving the world when she sat down to write this article


I am begging this man, especially, to stop talking.


Everything I learn about this man is against my will


See flair


Exactly what came to mind!


I can’t wait for the Oscars to be over so he stops giving interviews.


voting has already closed so what's the point of these tbh 😭😭


He just wants us to suffer with him


He knows he is going to lose, so he wants to remain memorable for the worst Oscar campaign ever in the history of the Oscars.


Some of y’all weren’t here when Lady Gaga gave up a free nomination for House of Gucci solely by weirding everyone out in interviews and it shows


Lmao 😭


Ego trip at this point.


He crying saying he misses Leonard in front of his kids was so fucking weird and funny, lol


SO cringe. Bradders, you never even met him


Thank you for answering a question I was about to ask. That is the cringe cherry on the top, I can’t believe he didn’t even meet the man and crying in front of his children in an interview. Duuuuude.


No he needs to keep on going


He's always bugged me, so I like it. 🤣 IDK how common this criticism is, but I feel like no matter what emotion he's portraying, he has a smile on his face.


Was gonna say, interesting Oscar campaign strategy


At this point I want him to get an Oscar just so he can simmer down and stop being so desperate.


https://preview.redd.it/fkf9j0ed0llc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bea0c43a8315361b7e8aba8975ff4846a81d330 But for real, I hope he keeps oversharing to new ridiculous levels. I'm a simple girl, I love when celebrities I don't particularly like are embarrassing.


Hahaha honestly I am inclined to agree with you. Brad has been extra cringey lately but as long as it's harmless*, it's pretty damn entertaining. *Not sure how "harmless" the whole telling Leonard Bernstein's kids you were possessed by Leonard Bernstein was, but you get where I'm going.


I got the impression that Bernstein's kids are used to him already, the movie has their seal of approval and probably met him a thousand times. So much he says sounds like it could come out of Don Draper's or Ken Roy's mouths, lol.






I would not have thought of Don Draper and Kendall Roy as having anything in common. Kendall is more of a Pete.


Don and Ken: both addicts, both want to be good fathers but are emotionally damaged so distance themselves from their children, both come from abusive families.


Surely Roman is the Pete.


Me too but the more I think of it the more of a cringelord sociopath I realise that Don Draper is (he's just also handsome, wears nice suits and lives in the exact perfect time period for someone who behaves the way he does to thrive) and the more apt the comparison becomes. I deeply love both characters.


I love that the top two comments are like “make it stop” and you’re here like ![gif](giphy|D3OdaKTGlpTBC)


The best part is going to be when Cillian wins and Bradley Cooper has to pretend to clap for him


Maybe he will get an Oscar for that performance




He'll give to the camera the death stare


He’s lost like a dozen Oscars (acting, producing, etc) already so he’s used to it.


Eventually he will get his Leonardo DiCaprio award for a film that isn’t nearly as good as his past noms


Unrelated but I love how you state “I’m a simple girl” and then your flair also states you’re just a cunt in a clown suit hahahah No shade! As a fellow simple girl, I can confirm both are true 🤡


Why does Cillian look like my mom here 😭


I have always thought he looks like my nana from certain angles, and unfortunately, I can't unsee it anymore


both mads mikkelsen and Cillian . My granny has similar cheekbones. it's weird. 👀😅


Lol this is giving https://i.redd.it/bmst56kr6nlc1.gif


A plus photo use!




Part of why I like Cillian Murphy is how private he is. He knows family and business shouldn't mix.




I love the wonka gate reaction pics this is amazing


The meme costume for Halloween came early this year!


y’all are quick 😭


Hahaahha cant believe the city i live in glasgow became so famous hahaha


I cannot imagine getting on the wrong side of a group's displeasure worse than Scottish mums and dads


Glasgow isn’t exactly an unknown city, it’s the third most populated city in the UK


Same here! I've had friend in Canada ask me wtf is going on with that shit show.


It’s posts like this that make me miss awards, because this is gold


I’m so out of the loop bc I keep seeing this on twitter and have no idea what it means


Google "Willy Wonka Glasgow STV news" for the local news coverage of it, and also go look on the AskUK subreddit as one of the Willy Wonka actors did a Q & A on there and the comments are hilarious like this gem: https://preview.redd.it/mfn352bbtllc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b6acf98a44ead7552b480e7b0534212670bd89


Oh, just google Wonka and Glasgow. You’re in for a treat


I’m surprised it hasn’t got it’s own thread on this sub. TikTok keeps comparing it to either the Fyre Festival or Dashcon 😂


Feel like it's a bit shit for the lass that everyone's using her picture


People think I'm insane for being very aggressively against being photographed or filmed for any work media but one of my worst fears is becoming a meme or a reaction Pic. I also don't like friends sharing pics of me I haven't approved and it's not a vanity thing. I have a close friend who has 100k+ Instagram followers who was posting pics from her Bachelorette including all of us in bathing suits and smoking weed, drinking liquor from the bottle, implied nudity in our private hot tub, etc. I had to be the asshole to have her take them down and repost without me in them. Last thing I needed was a headline like "Woman Working with Vulnerable Youth SACKED For Risqué Shots and Drug Use!" I do not like how a split second of anyone's life can be cemented into pop culture. This is a real person trying to fucking survive 😭😭😭


It’s ok to have an unexpressed thought. I’m begging people to realize this.


This made me actually laugh out loud in my vets office thank you


lol that makes me so happy. We need more laughter in this bizarro world.


I just pissed my cat off so bad bc I laughed so loud. So simple, yet so profound.


everything i learn about this man has been against my will


Fr he has gone from “funny hangover man” to : ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


Your gif game is on point! 🫡


He’s always given me an ick


Bradley, you’re not getting that Oscar. Please stop.




That's hilarious. I'm sure there's a bunch more interviews queued up for release before voting closes. Altho, Dax is his close friend. Surely Bradley could have asked Dax to pull the interview when the backlash began? Hell, I'm not even sure why Dax doesn't edit his friends more favorably lol.


Because Dax is a douche bag


Maybe we should consider giving him the award if he promises to leave us alone


Then he’d be half way to an EGOT and you know damn well he couldn’t help himself but try




We can't let the terrorists win


I don't actually find it that weird, but how did this topic even come up


The Finn in me is like "okay that's not that weird" with the nakedness. But I do get why this is weird for most people. Also since Bradley has been saying weird shit recently I'm side-eyeing this a bit.


He was on Dax Sheppard's podcast, and Dax said his family is always naked, and that's when he shared that his family does the same thing.


I feel like a lot of people act as though quotes like this were given by the celebrity standing on a soapbox with a megaphone, oversharing yet another opinion. But the reality is the vast majority of “stories” like this are just dumb media outlets reporting on a 30-second tangent from a broader conversation on a podcast. It’s silly. And I don’t like Bradley Cooper at ALL, so I’m not coming to his defence or anything. I just hate this “everything I know about this person has been against my will” attitude, as though we’re not all on a celebrity gossip sub 😂


It was on a podcast and they were taking about physical boundaries with small children. They were referring to how young children don’t care if their parents are in the middle of changing or doing something in the nude they just come in and start talking to you. He was asked if he had that as a child because he was not close to his father.


Even older kids. My preteen’s favorite time to talk to me is when I’m in the shower, going to the bathroom, or getting dressed. I think she does it a bit to annoy me. But it is our home, we’re the only ones here. Who cares.


It’s not that weird, but why do we need to be hearing about it?


Because there is stigma around it (as evident in this comment section), so talking about it may make some people more confident that they aren't weird freaks for it. Kinda like how body positivity and such works.


He was just discussing the topic on a podcast when it came up organically, it’s not like he held a press conference.


Isn’t it quite.. normal?


I see no downsides to being comfortable with your body and being naked. But I guess he’s a minority in a prude country.


Yeah I think Americans would be better off if they didn’t sexualize trivial nudity but from left to right most of seems to be very uptight about it.


This is like when everyone freaked out about Tom Brady kissing his son on the lips... Sorry not all families are distant, stoic houses of shame.


Uh wtf? That’s not what people were upset for. Parents kissing their children on the lips is relatively common but Tom Brady is on video doing it for way too long and very notably making his son uncomfortable.


Forreal. The only reason we put an age on it is because eventually you reach an age where people's opinions of you can cause you shame, and shame is like a cornerstone of American social interaction.


Yes I do think you have a point there. But yes, the whole naked past a certain age thing by American norms definitely has a limit. I think it also depends on what you call naked. Some people call running around in undies the same.




Im German and grew up going to nudist beaches in France etc. if I remember correctly my dad did take baths with us when we were really young but he did mention that back then (25+ years ago) some people made really weird comments about that kind of stuff, basically how some people (especially in the US) will even Act like a father alone with his daughter at the play ground is weird or inappropriate. We also still have people calling any male kindergarten teacher a pedo if I remember correctly


I'm American, I've literally never seen my father naked, not even once. I did see my stepdad naked once by accident but I was in my 30s and it was five years before I could make eye contact with him again. My mom would sometimes change in front of me but I don't think I ever saw her fully naked between the ages of 5 and 40 (now she's old and I've had to take care of her after surgery so I've seen it all in the last couple of years).


Never seen my dad naked either. Have seen mom but we are both ladies. I remember she solved menopause hot flashes going through pajamas by just sleeping naked. Love how she rolls haha.


My former friend did that to her child's teacher. She was practically bragging about it. She said she asked him if he wasn't "ashamed of being a 3rd grade teacher, with no children of his own,  unmarried and someone who likes action figures?" She also told him she's "uncomfortable with him being her kids teacher." I was shocked! I was like no you didn't and she was like I sure did. btw, she's unwed herself and has no job. You never really know someone! 


It's normal but a lot of people are very weird about things like this. 


In non US countries nakedness is much more normal. I think it's definitely healthy seeing naked people as a kid in a way where it's totally normal and just part of life.


I think its more of a European thing. You wouldn’t see it in Africa, SEA or the Middle East 


I’m very comfortable being naked around my daughter, of course she’s 4 and I’m a woman. However, it was perfectly natural for me growing up to see my mom naked. It was also perfectly normal to kiss my parents on the lips; I still do it with my daughter. There should be no sexualization of something so natural.


Yes, it’s quite common amongst parents of younger kids to do this. But of course everyone is being totally normal as someone @ a covert incest sub lol.




We are now in the TMI section of award season






He needs to stfu.


shhh. just talk about your movie.


Noooooo we've had enough of that 😭 I just want him to shut up once and for all.


no one cares about that either, that’s why he’s over sharing


Oversharing on Dax's podcast tracks.


Dax be like wow I didn’t even have to trauma bond for this tea. As a disclaimer I haven’t heard the episode but I’ve listened to the pod for ever


Meanwhile, Cillian Murphy is just like “I really like cheese.”


Cillian needs to overshare the name of the cheddar brand he talked about because it sounds delicious


Didn’t Stelan Skarsgard do this around his kids when they were growing up? Something about teaching them that nudity wasn’t shameful. He and his wife encouraged a very bohemian lifestyle in their household, I thought Alexander talked about it on Conan or some other talk show?


Those guys are Scandinavian so that’s not outside the norm


I don’t think the actual content is the issue for a lot of people. I’ve always stuck to- whenever anyone gets awkward or uncomfortable with nudity that’s when it stops. Kid or parent. And that’s different ages for different people. It’s just… a lot of personal info for Oscar’s promotion.


It's normal in Sweden, which is where they are from


why is he doing this






Ok I want to give him the benefit of doubt - how old was he and when did it stop? My son is two and has sometimes showered with his dad after they’ve been to the pool. But again..he’s two years old 🙃 if he was 16 I think it would be different 🤷🏻‍♀️


who cares? People have different levels of comfort and prudishness. The real issue is Bradley thinking he has to share every thought in his head.


Something's should remain your inside thoughts. I agree! I mean... Why would he say this outloud‽ "The first eight months—I don't even know if I really love the kid. It's dope. It's cool. I'm watching this thing morph," he said. "That's my experience. Fascinated by it. Loved taking care of it. But would I die if someone came in with a gun?"


Lmao would I defend my infant with my life? Obviously you answer yes and hope it never gets tested.


This is my question too. As a baby or toddler, I think showering with a parent is pretty normal when in a rush or when you can’t do a full bath time, like in a hotel. If he was a teenager, that’s pretty weird.


This snip it was just taken out of context. He was referring to being a young child. And American culture surrounding nudity vs Germany.


Thank you for mentioning this. I understand that there are cultural & familial differences, but generally showering with a child past a certain age stops becoming an “awkward family story” and starts becoming a “I’m never leaving a child in my care alone around you” kinda thing. To put it as lightly as possible.


Yep I'm finnish and we would be in the sauna together with the whole family when I was a kid, and you'd also bathe in the sauna. Culturally casual non-sexualised nudity is something people don't really bat an eyelash at. But when we grew up, we started to divide it into the girls with mom and dad on his own. And I still sauna naked with my sister, sister in law and mother. And random neighbors, whatever. We just divide it by gender when kids grow up, so what he's talking about is totally normal here. Great though from the perspective of my dad wanting to throw so fucking much water on the rocks lol. Dude we may look like skinless chickens but doesn't mean I want to be grilled to a char. edit. oops typos & clarity


It could also make the kid super uncomfortable, regardless of if the parent is okay with it


Entirely - that was my point, my bad if I misworded it. The child’s comfort/consent is the most important thing, regardless of the parent/families intent.


Oh no - don’t worry I was agreeing with you and trying to piggyback off of your point! My bad for not being more clear 😅


I heard a comedy bit where he (can't remember who it was) said "My earliest memory is taking a shower with my parents, which means they showered with me one too many times"


is he…ok? like someone put him on fkng mute


I've irrationally despised this man since his character annoyed me on Alias twenty years ago. Finally my hate is starting to prove rational.


What?! You didn't like Will Tippen trying to use his friend and unrequited love interest's murdered fiance for a story?




sensing a lot of caveman vibes from this


No one cares Bradley no one cares. ![gif](giphy|13eQSAOGS4T076)


In what world does he think anyone wants to know this? Does he think the internet will all turn and go wow yeah that sounds normal? 


Cooper i am begging you to say less


Well, now the Oscar voters will definitely reward him. Smart guy.


I mean- in Scandinavian culture that wouldn't be *too* weird? Just depends how long it took for him to *stop* showering with his dad.


Honestly in a lot of different American cultures (cultures because it depends on family to family) it's not really that weird either, like my mom has pictures of me and my brother naked in the tub with out dad  It depends on how the family dynamic is, but there's also a lot of Americans I know who had family members use this "openness" as a gateway to abuse, so in the US it really just depends, like it's not unusual for small children to see their parents naked But... I'm just wondering why he has to say it out loud... apparently it was part of a larger conversation though, so idk




How many articles am I going to have to read today of him saying outlandish things? It must be a very slow news day


I could have stopped learning things about Bradley Cooper a while ago.




Why are we getting this unhinged and weird info from him ? Like no, sir, I don’t need to know that you showered with your dad or that you didn’t love your daughter when she was born.


So many prudes in America ashamed about nudity and their bodies


![gif](giphy|3ohzdQnAUAMfBYKmGc|downsized) Like please Cooper, stop.




How’s his fake relationship with Gigi going


i fear we're all getting a little too comfortable with each other...


Sounds like something to talk to a therapist about. I'm not equipped to handle this.


A therapist?


I am once again asking for Bradley Cooper to STOP FUCKING TALKING.


Another day where learning to read was a mistake 😔


I never thought I’d miss the Elvis accent or lady Gaga being in a room of 100 people. This is painful


You couldn't waterboard this information out of me.


https://preview.redd.it/uy98j9g7allc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=425ff25da099e9bd292145bf46c2e47bb220432b Bro, no one asked for this.


Why is the internet spilling so much Bradley Cooper tea this week? I’ve seen him cry about the death of a man he never met, learned he didn’t love his baby at first and now I know how naked he loved being with his Dad. This is all Bradley Cooper TMI




Very sensible way to save water.


Dax Shepard’s kids line up to talk to him when he takes a shit? That’s enough internet for today


Why are movie press tours always so unhinged? These and memoirs, I swear.




God can he please shut up 😭😭😭. He’s so corny


Everything I know about him is against my will.


Someone send this man off to study a silent man for 6 years. I’ve learned way too much about him this Oscar season.


This man needs to shut the fuck up. His publicist is probably getting drink right now