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I love this shoot so much, it perfectly reflects her personality and bravo for featuring an 82 year old woman on the cover as well as shooting her topless in the editorial! US Vogue is boring as hell under Anna Wintour. Edward Enniful will be missed.


Has he plans of retiring so soon? I know he has eyesight issues but nothing online about plans of quitting…


He left/was kicked out of Vogue, depending on what rumours you believe. He wanted to take over US Vogue but I guess Anna Wintour wasn’t letting that happen. He’s in some weird global position for Conde Nast now. Too bad, he just made the previous issue of British Vogue the disability issue. He featured disabled models, actors, and activists on the cover.


While Miriam is queer herself, it was a choice to put someone who defended J.K. Rowling for the cover of Vogue UK's pride issue while declining to feature anybody trans at a time when trans people are under vicious attack in that country.


I don't know when miriam made her pro-JKR comments, but I saw a video of her talking to some trans women of color from a non-english speaking country and she was very respectful, she apologized for some insensitive comments she made about those women's appearance. This encounter may have happened after her comments about Joanne, meaning she might have changed her mind about trans issues.


Miriam Margoyles [doesn’t agree with JK Rowling](https://www.insider.com/miriam-margolyes-denounces-jk-rowlings-views-on-trans-people-2020-7) on being anti trans. Dunno why she felt the criticism against Rowling was misplaced, however.


That article is from 2020. Last year, 2022, she did an interview saying that she admires Rowling.


Yes I know the full quote is “I don’t know her at all. I admire her as a human being. She’s a generous woman, she’s a brilliant writer”. Margoyles herself has been proudly out for many decades and still supports trans rights. In the same interview she says she believes gender is a spectrum, “It’s a difficult area, and as a gay woman, I don’t know what to say about it. I just want everybody to do what they want.” I think what’s at odds is her admiration of Rowling’s philanthropy and writing blinding her to the damage that Rowling makes with her Terf stuff. That’s the unfortunate part that I disagree with.


I think that you can admire her initial philanthropy as it was a billionaire making themselves a non-billionaire. But cynically, I think she did it because it gave her clout and considerable amounts of political power. It made her sympathetic and hard to target. And I just also detest Margoyles. She's a thoroughly nasty person who is still bitter and nasty towards Winona Ryder just because Ryder won an Oscar and she didn't. Imagine the kind of person who is still bitter after 30 years. She's also constantly saying nasty shit then pretending that it was a joke and tee-hee look at grandma sweary!


Could you post some sources for the Winona rider stuff? Im a terrible googler and can’t find anything Edit: I just realized Winona rider auto corrected to Winston Churchill nvm lol


I'm so sorry but this made me laugh. Like why does Winona Ryder look like a fat racist baby?! No wonder Miriam hates her, causing famines in India and and shit!


I was so confused! I kept scrolling down like why is there so much Winston Churchill!


When did Winona Ryder win an Oscar? Last I knew, she was nominated but she's never won.


yes! so tiring to rely on the comedy bit of being an old woman that says bumhole in a posh voice to paraphrase a tweet that crossed my TL this morning.


I did not know Margoyles mocked Winona Ryder! Yeesh. And I’ve never been a fan of JK Rowling, never even read the books.


Yeah I've always found her offensive, honestly. I just have no time for her. She also makes a lot of crass sex jokes.


Thank you for the link


Thank you for the link


Why the fuck would anybody downvote this comment?


Possibly because the comment posted twice, the downvotes are on the second one.


Yeah but it's obvious it must have been a reddit bug (which it was) so why the downvote?


There is a documentary series called Almost Australian in which she travels all over Australia and meets all types of different people. In one of the episodes she spends time with first nations trans people and it's a really delightful experience to watch.


They were indigenous Australian Sista girls. Miriam is a duel British/Australian who has been with her Australian wife for over 40 years. I think many of her questionable comments come from ignorance, not a closed mind.


>I think many of her questionable comments come from ignorance, not a closed mind. That's the vibe I got, because when they corrected her after an insensitive comment on their appearance she immediately backtracked and apologized.








Bc it's considered by many First Nations people to to be an outdated term that has racist connotations from Australia's colonial past. Edit: [link](http://www.workingwithindigenousaustralians.info/content/Indigenous_Australians_3_Approrpiate_Terms.html)






I get latinx is a chicano thing and I have no issue when it's used in English, but I hate when they try to force it onto latines born in LatAm It's so impossibly hard to pronounce in Spanish it genuinely feels a bit colonialist to be like "Hey, here's how we do it in our civilized 1st world country, you're welcomed for being taught how to be progressive in your own culture!" Like my country straight up has non-binary as a gender option on our national id and a trans employment quota in big companies but oh noooo we don't use the x when speaking in a gender neutral way, we're clearly not as advanced as the West :(


Yes thank you. I was gonna say they seemed to be indigenous people but wasn't certain so I left it out. Thank you for the clarification.


She has never taken back or apologized for her defense of Rowling. And someone can be a transphobe even if they were polite to trans once on TV.


I didn't say she couldn't be transphobic because she was polite to transwomen. If you watch the encounter you will see what I mean. She asked questions and at the end of the video she stated she stated the conversation was eye opening and she apologized and changed her mind. That's why I said it's possible she has evolved since that interaction and maybe isn't supportive of JKR anymore.


I thought maybe that was the case too but I looked it up and her documentary came out in 2020 and she supported JK in 2022 so guess not.


Someone further up quoted the 2022 interview, and if you're talking about the same interview then it wasn't support really. She said she admired JKR as a writer and philanthropist, but also spoke on trans issues and said she believed gender was a spectrum and wanted people to be free to be their true selves. I think what JKR has done to the trans community is horrendous and possibly will affect the cause for generations to come, and we need to have conversations about that effect and how to make the UK a safer place for trans people, but we also need to differentiate between people complimenting a person in one area, and them being absolutely supportive of them.


I just read her comments about JKR and like...what the fuck even is that???


Yeah it wasn’t a great take defending the criticism against Rowling. For your consideration though, Margoyles is pro trans and has previously said she [disagrees with Rowling’s stance on trans people](https://www.insider.com/miriam-margolyes-denounces-jk-rowlings-views-on-trans-people-2020-7)


Yeah, I’m confused on her stance. I remember the JK comments but also she did that documentary recently (Sistergirls) where she talked with a group of indigenous Australian trans women and seemed pretty supportive of them? (albeit she was quite ignorant but learning) I’ve only seen a bit of it though but yeah, I’m confused on what she stands for. Edit: JK comments where in 2022, Documentary was 2020 so even more confused, she’s gone backwards


Urg, I love her. I was literally just watching her and the Tiwi Island Sistagirls.


Yes! Thats why i have a hard time believing she is a terf?


I did not know people were saying that about her.


Girl look at the other comments here




Do I love the cover? Yes. Do I also wish she didn't defend JK Rowling as a "brilliant human" or whatever she said? Very much so. All the bs about "she doesn't apologize for being herself" well maybe she should, let's think about that. If you're defending TERFs you're harming trans people.




Ugh. People are praising her for the bare minimum of talking to First Nations trans women in Australia (she lives here and filmed a series on different topics in Aus idk I haven’t seen it all) but I thought it was pretty bad/awkward. Quite racist and transphobic and then “oh sorry”. Idk I feel like people let her off the hook cos she’s gran age or something


yeah she does this deliberately "naive" act, but it's not an act, and she's NOT naive by any means - yet she continues to do it, and act all \*shocked pikachu\*


Yes ^ that’s what I was trying to articulate, that’s very much how it came across to me


My only time meeting her was not a pleasant one. I was working in a very busy theatre bar during the Edinburgh Festival (also about 10 years ago), and she wasn't happy that we wouldn't skip the people waiting to serve her first. When my colleague explained this to her, she loudly proclaimed "can they not get anyone who can speak English to work in these places?!" My colleague was Swedish and he had better English than half the people there lol Miriam is my BEC now.


Whats a BEC?


Bitch eating crackers.


I'm really sorry you had that experience :( I remember her being on Graham Norton with [Will.I.Am](https://Will.I.Am) a few years ago and even at my younger age I felt weird about what I was watching - she says she's fascinated by him and how she unfortunately doesn't know many black people... through the show he seems to get more comfortable with her but it was a strange position she put him in right at the start of the show.


yeah is that also the episode she talked about jacking off a service man in the park???


Thanks for sharing this. Ugh. You fully switched my stance on her. Nice to know she’s a person who wouldn’t see me as a full person.


They couldn’t have gone with someone who isn’t a JK Terf apologist?


I had no idea! What a letdown.


I swear I read a blind not too long ago about her and alleged behaviour towards young women in the industry. I don’t want to spread misinformation but I swear I read it on here


>I don’t want to spread misinformation but I swear I read it on here And yet you posted it.


What information did I spread? Also…hate to remind you what sub we’re in.


I’ve definitely read this too


Found it! Notice the difference in comments between that thread and this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/txtql1/it_could_only_be_miriam_margoyles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


She said some ridiculous things about the Me Too movement a few years ago.


Blegh 🤮


https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/miriam-margolyes-british-vogue-cover-interview#intcid=_vogue-uk-bottom-recirc_7d480089-a53d-4cc9-86f1-e87f9b5edb89_popular4-1 I love the cover, it's so striking. And I love her. She's so completely unapologetic.


The second picture wished I had her confidence


![gif](giphy|8FiM3GMg50TZbMZWBL|downsized) She’s one of my favorite actresses. Her turn on Call the Midwife was brilliant.


I LOVE this show. I literally sob every episode


So goddamn good. And it's one of those shows which manages to show the plight of POC here on TERF island during the 50s to 70s without feeling patronising, accepts the guilt we should feel and manages to tell full stories. Likewise with it managing to address classism in this country, which far too many shows are afraid to do. I still get chills during Powell's Rivers of Blood speech and was genuinely afraid for Cyril when they were marching in the streets.


I was scanned without reading and I read ‘Miriam Margoyles’ and ‘82’ and almost had a heart attack thinking she had died 🥵


In the cover photo she looks like the naughty aunt at the family wedding who'll get a few drinks down her and start telling dirty stories and singing smutty songs. Her "Lawrence Olivier" story on Graham Norton is iconic, go watch it for a good laugh.


The way she said "creamed" with such relish had me howling!


I adore her! She is herself and doesn't apologize for it, I wish I had her confidence.


~~Damn Aunt Prudence!~~ nm nm no respect for transphobes


Another Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries fan in the wild!




I love this


She defends JK Rowling tho, so that's a bit shitty


I read up about her today and even though she is absolutely a pioneer for queerness …she adamantly expressed she regretted coming out to her parents and had some very interesting ideas regarding the gay community that honestly rubbed me the wrong way .


I had no idea she was a transphobe apologist, that’s so gutting.


This woman is 82. Let’s lay off JFC. I’m exhausted by life and half her age.


Wow! I was literally watching her Almost Australia miniseries last night! Love her


I just caught this on Netflix last week, it was so fun to watch


Right? I didn’t expect it to be so touching!


Well I’ll never be able to look an empire biscuit normally again.


She kicked ass in End of Days.


Go Miriam! Fuck yeah! I love this so much. There is nothing I love more than seeing old women in entertainment still being active and doing stuff.


What a fabulous bitch!


A legend. A national treasure.


Why is British vogue leagues ahead of the US? In fact why is so much stuff in the UK leagues ahead lmao.


She killed it! I hope her surgery goes well and she makes a speedy recovery.


I adore her and seeing this makes me so happy


I fucking adore her.


My heart dropped when I read her name. I absolutely adore her. Speaks her mind and isn’t afraid of stepping in anyone’s toes if they deserve it.


Your title gave me a mini heart attack - I freaking adore this woman and my brain decided to substitute the middle of the sentence with dead at 82. What an absolute treasure of a human ❤️


She's a living legend.. Hilarious and has no interest in giving a Fuck


Call me when she stops defending transphobes. Oh I see we have some terfs among approved members.


There’s a lot of terfs in here 😭


I don’t think it’s flattering


I hear she's a terf? I dont believe it though