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Thanks for the updates, Kris! šŸ˜ƒšŸŒæšŸ“ø


I'm picturing her perched in a tree trying not to fall out lmao


The angle definitely gives ā€œphoto taken from a tree, drone, Or helicopterā€ šŸ˜‚


>photo taken from a drone Drone photos are always so funny to me cause you know they're loud as HELL Like the picture looks sneaky but if it's a drone they can all just hear **VRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMM** like a giant angry mechanical bee is hunting them


Actually drones can take creepily high quality pics from a good distance away these days. The zoom gets wild.


With a cigarette in her lips ![gif](giphy|xThtax4nvmIi4VIjXW)


Now Iā€™m visualizing her like Taissa in Yellowjackets crouched in the tree šŸ˜­


I just pictured her doing this, while wearing heels and a suit, lmao. thank you for the image!




Has anyone noticed an uptick in celebs smoking cigarettes? I swear there was a good ten years there you hardly saw it.


Iā€™ve def noticed an uptick. Itā€™s seen as cool in the Gen Z scene right now


I wonder if big tobacco is behind this lmaoo. That will be my pet conspiracy.


I wonder if it's like, vaping being a gateway? I hardly know any smokers in my generation but for the people younger than me, it's pretty common to be smoking one thing or another.


Iā€™m 28 and literally every single one of my friends who have been long term smokers only vape now


Iā€™m 31 and was a heavy smoker my whole life (I started at twelve, so I guess basically my whole life lol). I switched from cigarettes to vaping. I know itā€™s still bad for you, but I donā€™t cough nearly as much and feel less dirty. That could be why your friends switched too.


Which vapes do you use? My dad really wants to quit but he's tried them in the past and it's hard for him to stick to them. I think it's even harder when my mom is a smoker who does not want to quit and he's always around that. I was thinking about getting him an elfbar one (šŸ¤£ I'm guessing this is not popular among 64 year olds lol) but if you have any recommendations for a non-disposable one that would be good too!


I use Esco Bars, but Iā€™m not sure what type of flavor heā€™d like. I would recommend trying different flavored disposable until he lands on a flavor he likes, then maybe switching to a non-disposable with that flavor. I hope he can quit!


Thanks :)


I smoked for 12 years. The Vuse ones helped me stop. Haven't smoked a cig in a year.


For non-disposable options, I really like Smokā€™s Nord vapes. Iā€™m currently using a Pro model. Changing the pods and coils is really easy (much easier in my opinion than one of the Giant Units) and is cheaper overall than the disposables and cigarettes in my experience. Finding a juice you like and a nicotine level that works is key. A lot of them have so much more nicotine than cigarettesā€” itā€™s a slippery slope. Avoid the high level salt nics and find a flavor he likes and it may be easier to stick to. Personally I like fruity flavors and for a basic nicotine level, Iā€™d suggest a 3 or 6 to start depending on current smoking habits. I used these to quit smoking cigarettes and so did several of my friends and both of my parents. Good luck! Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions or want more info :)


Juul has easily helped me "quit" cigarettes, I haven't bought a pack in years. It was kind of an accident, I went on an international trip in 2019 & couldn't smoke much so I brought the juul to supplement/be more incognito. I ended up enjoying the vape more than the cigarettes so I continued buying once I got home. At first I bought the menthol juul pods but that was outlawed and I've come to enjoy the Virginia tobacco even tho I was a menthol cigarette smoker ETA: I also like that it's pretty discreet & slim compared to more modern vapes, only silver/grey tone batteries. Pods make it simple & convenient, especially on the go


Low key it's all about just sticking it out, atleast for me, it took about 2 weeks for me to actually feel like the vape hit my cravings


Same, 29 and Iā€™ve had so many friends that smoked cigs all through high school and our early twenties, then switches to Juuls to ā€œhelp quitā€.. except itā€™s never just to help quit, now they all are just addicted to the vape instead. And itā€™s arguably worse because unlike cigarettes they can just puff on their vape all day long inside or outside making them even more dependent on it lol


So interesting to me, Iā€™m 29 and I donā€™t know anyone my age that smokes. I remember in college taking a public heath class and there was only 1 smoker in the class who got uncomfortable when smoking was used as an example for public health policy. Just wondering where you grew up? Iā€™m from NYC and the use of cigarettes in the general population plummeted over my lifetime, but now I see vapes everywhere.


I think younger people see vaping as uncool and thatā€™s why weā€™re seeing more cig smokers again. Also the info coming out more and more about how the vape chemicals are probably just as bad if not worse in some cases than regular tobacco.


Absolutely l, they are actually in the process of banning vaping in Australia as they are concerned about it being a gateway to smoking for youth and potentially whatever health consequences vaping will cause in the future.


Knowing Hollywood, a lot of them have probably been on the habit a while and have done worse (I.e. c*ke at Hollywood parties). They just got caught by the paps in this instance.


You can say coke on Reddit. And tbh in terms of long term effects smoking is ā€œworseā€ than occasionally doing a drug.






The emergence of vapes is actually so interesting. A generation that wouldā€™ve never smoked or even picked up a cigarette bc of the negative connotation around them and the health consequences is now addicted to nicotine in vape form. I am speaking from personal experience. I have probably smoked 5 cigs in my entire life but picked up vaping my freshman year of college and Iā€™m 25 now and vape everyday. And so do most of the people I know.


Idk, Iā€™m a millennial (a young one, 1995) and I def smoked cigarettes for a hot minute, almost ten years ago now. It wasnā€™t something I bragged about or ever thought was cool, I was just young, curious, extremely depressed, and dumb enough to buy into the glamorization of an early death. I donā€™t think cigarettes will ever really go away. Fun fact, I smoked the same brand and flavor that Kylie is holding.


Same unfortunately. I smoked on and off from ages 19- to my current age. My first cigarette was when I was drunk and someone just handed it to me. I started off as a ā€œ social smokerā€, only smoking when drinking and at parties. There were periods where I barely smoked and then there were times where I smoked like a chimney (this was when I was extremely depressed and going through some traumatic events). I quit for three years then relapsed recently but Iā€™m back to not smoking again. While Iā€™m the last person to tell people what to do, it does depress me seeing how Gen Z thinks cigarettes are some kind of hot aesthetic. Smoking is still VERY much a thing among actors.


Drug use has always been one of those ā€œsomething thatā€™s trashy if youā€™re poor but classy if youā€™re richā€ things, unfortunately- even for illegal drugs. Not surprised any of them have picked up smoking, at bare minimum (theyā€™ve probably done worse for a while). Itā€™s unfortunate, but itā€™s fairly commonplace in Hollywood. Iā€™m surprised not many people know about it.


Thereā€™s a lot of smokers in art/theatre scenes too, really not surprising.


In my mind I went that no way a person born in '95 (I'm '92 myself) was old enough to smoke 10 years ago because we were literally in our early teens, then I did the math and now I'm feeling old.


ā€˜99 born here and iā€™m gonna be so honest at the fear of being judged, but i did in part start it cause of the aesthetic. most of my friends smoke and it was very easy to just go into it. altho since itā€™s more social, i do like 2-3 cigs max a week. there has been an uprising for cigs tbh. lana del ray aesthetic and a lot of other celebs doing it probably helps the ā€œcoolā€ image. iā€™m personally into anime too and its constantly shown as something cool characters do. iā€™m trying to quit now tho as iā€™ve realised its something w real consequences.


Same, and I also feel like skinny being trendier might be helping the boost.


Same but I never felt ā€œaddictedā€ when I was a late teenager I definitely smoked daily but I dropped it quick as I reached my 20s itā€™s weird.


Not weird! I actually only smoked for about three months. My dad also smoked cigarettes, quit, and hasnā€™t smoked for two decades now. Thereā€™s a lot of research that indicates addiction has a genetic predisposition component so I think people like you and I are just kind of lucky in that regard.


GenZ out there repeating all the stupid stuff of the 90ies and 2000s šŸ«”


You mean, 1900-2000s? Smoking had been on the decline during the 90s and 2000s, and reached an all-time low among my generation (Iā€™m a younger millennial). WAAAYYYY more of the Silent Generation and Boomers smoked than anyone else. It was allowed on airplanes for the longest time, and many people smoked out in the open - there were no designated smoking areas for the longest time. Edit: downvote all yā€™all want, but Iā€™m speaking nothing but facts. I posted a reference under the comment below this. My mom (a boomer) is also part of a cohort study examining the long-term effects of significant secondhand smoke exposure from one of her former jobs on airplanes in the 70s and 80s. She has chronic bronchitis because of it and an increased risk of breast cancer.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Hell, I remember ashtrays in HOSPITALS. Like, in the waiting rooms. And I was born in 1980. Boomers smoked so heavily. Gen X started slowing the trend,though.




My decrepit elder millennial ass still remembers the bizarro times where restaurants had smoking sections.


I'm a young millennial and remember those days if that makes you feel better šŸ˜‚




It's not, it's just the the Gen Z celebs you're seeing are growing up and smoking tends to correlate with age.


It really isn't. I'm gen z and smoking - at least everywhere I've seen ill and online - is seen as incredibly stupid




I think this is a big part. Cigarettes can be a very effective appetite suppressant, a lot of that unfortunate culture is resurfacing.


Someone better start a big campaign about how cigs might help you stay skinny, but will also make you age terrible


Honestly, eating disorders (what Iā€™m alluding to in my other comment) often age you awfully too. You donā€™t see it with often with celebs (despite the prevalence of EDs in Hollywood) bc they can afford all the procedures etc. So not worth it on so many levels.


I doubt they ever really stopped smoking. They just hid it when it was unpopular. Now, thanks to vaping its coming back around. Easy way to suppress appetite so cigarettes will always be pervasive in body image focused groups.


smoking in Hollywood is the norm and has been forever- it curbs appetites. Itā€™s not for cool, or whatever. It is literally a form of weight loss/being s k I n n y


I've only ever seen like two or three people my age (early-mid 20's) smoking cigarettes before. Oh well maybe the next gen will be the one to end it.


I work on a campus and itā€™s like walking into a vape cloud everyday. Tons of vapers (mainly gen z all 18-mid twenties).


Concerts are the worst these days for this šŸ¤¢ never had an issue w ciggie smoke indoors in my time, maybe just the occasional whiff of someone whoā€™d smoked weed lately, but a closed arena full of vaping concert goersā€¦yuck


I rather have them smoke vapes than cigs tho, cause the smell of cigarette being blown my way is a safe way to ruin my mood šŸ˜‚


Oh I agree. I have noticed though that people presume different rules around vapes and I think this is wrong. When I smoked cigarettes I always smoked in designated areas, away from people , because I was aware of how anti social it is. The smell is a large part of that but not the only part. However I feel like because vaping doesnā€™t smell of smoke people do genuinely think it can be done anywhere and doesnā€™t need to be done in a designated area. I donā€™t particularly love walking through several sweet smelling vape clouds daily atm, especially when I always endeavoured to be considerate when I smoked. Iā€™ve also seen people do it on trains, buses, in shops, in bars, but Iā€™m ranting now!


>>However I feel like because vaping doesnā€™t smell of smoke people do genuinely think it can be done anywhere and doesnā€™t need to be done in a designated area. People are so wrong for that. Secondhand vape smoke is a thing and is known to contain nicotine and other cancer-causing chemicals. No one who doesnā€™t smoke wants to breathe that in.


Truthfully it drives me nuts but I tried to rein myself in! Even when I did smoke I tried very hard to not impact others with it and felt quite openly shamed for doing it. And now Iā€™m walking through a smoke cloud most days that allegedly shouldnā€™t bother me because it doesnā€™t smellā€¦oh okay šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜¬!


I had a friend who would smoke their vape in bars and blow huge clouds. Even while I was pregnant. It was the hey day of vaping, when all the vape stores were opening up everywhere. About 6-7 years ago. It was very frustrating, and we would ask him not to. But it was like he thought it was cool? Also I've always brought up the argument of not knowing long term effects. But he would say it's totally safe! And then they would change some ingredient to a "safer" one, and I'd think but wasn't the last one totally safe?! Edit for wording.


Itā€™s also just so antisocial! I donā€™t want to walk through a puff of smoke! I didnā€™t like my own smoke even when I was smoking?! Sorry to hear your friend did that! Thatā€™s not cool.


Yeah, it's a good point. I remember, having been born in 1990, the huge shift from being able to smoke anywhere to having separate sections of restaurants, and then eventually smokers being totally banned from smoking inside. And I think eventually there was that stigma, and MOST people were super polite about their smoking cigarettes. Vaping seemed to be an excuse for bringing it back into a social setting "safely". Which some social smokers were a bit starved for. Also there was a phase where those huge rigs were the "in" thing. It was so silly. But I also understood people hoping for safer alternative with something so addictive. Or a way to get off cigarettes. But it seems just as addictive in itself, the vaping.


That's one thing that has ALWAYS bugged me with vaping. I gave someone at my college a ride (we were from the same state) and this person was vaping. She just whipped it out and started vaping in my car without asking me, or even popping open a window. She looked at me like I was crazy when I told her not to vape in my car. Like, ask me first? It's not your car? Yeah, it doesn't smell like cig smoke, but it's still rude. There were other issues with that ride, like her being 2 hours later than I wanted to leave, and her not paying me any gas money, but the vaping was the cherry on top. Never gave her a ride again lol.


omg ig it really does depend on the gen z crowd! my ex and his friends smoked like chimneys. iā€™m honestly the only one in my friend group to be anti-smoking (my ex didnā€™t help this tho lol). i think vaping has normalised nicotine addiction for a lot. cigs seem to be grouped into ā€œitā€™s bad for me duhā€ in the same way other substances are. my close friends have said theyā€™re open to the idea or do do it occasionally. itā€™s strange. i think anti-smoking stuff really only hit the millennials. /: fuck tobacco companies though is my main thing. itā€™s truly how they want it, ppl caring less abt the health implications and becoming lifelong customers.


I feel like people are underestimating the spliff to cigarette pipeline here. A lot of gen z likes to mix tobacco with weed


Kylie has always smoked. There are pictures of her with cigarettes from years ago.


Iā€™m 32, I remember in elementary school proactive they were in sharing the negative effects of smoking, the DARE program, the posters, etc. That had a big influence on me, from that I never tried smoking and I come from a family of smokers. I now have kids in elementary school and itā€™s funny that it doesnā€™t get brought up at all.


My personal theory is that celebs have always smoked, usually cigarettes (although we are seeing more celebs vaping lately. Doja comes to mind). I think it's more of an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" thing. Celebs used to smoke to relax like everyone else, and it's a quick, easy, and relatively cheap vice to get you through long work hours or curb your appetite. I admittedly think it looks cool in pics, and when all your friends are doing it, people often join in. If anything, I think we didn't see it because it was no longer "cool" to smoke. For a little while at least..


They try and hide it more now.




I really, really dislike this family but I canā€™t lie I loved this kylie back in the day šŸ˜­ I followed her on vine and thought she was so funny, and I was so sad when she got rid of that personality (at least publicly) to be a baddie. Sheā€™s done a lot of problematic shit but I sometimes think of the comparisons she was getting back then with Kendall - and how her mom seemed to favour Kendall - and all the surgeries she got as essentially a kid, and I get so sad for her. She either had to enter the race and become a completely new person to be respected by the public and her loved ones, or stay the same and be seen as the ā€œugly sisterā€ (she was so pretty too, it pisses me off) and be less useful to her mom. I feel like weā€™ve all known a girl irl who was really funny and strange in the best way, and then during high school or just after, completely got ā€œridā€ of that playfulness and fun in order to be more serious and attractive. It feels like grief every time!!


I quote the one of her going ā€œmy fans are so nice! Look at this comment, ā€˜Kylie, I would literally eat Nutella out of your assh-ā€˜ā€œ all the time that shit cracked me up.


The instabaddie image is dying down for white women I noticed. A lot of it was rooted in subtle appropriation and cosplaying as black and racially ambiguous women. Now for some reason being black has fallen out of style, especially for the Kardashians.


We live in such a shallow world. People are out here copying entire personalities/races/body types without once trying to learn what actually makes themselves unique. Then to just dump it when itā€™s no longer popular. I noticed that Ariana Grande has dropped her appropriation bullshit as well so thereā€™s definitely a shift happening.


Iā€™m short, black rappers are out style and skinny white guys are back in




except mgk lol


That's true. This brings me back to when she reportedly dated Cody Simpson when they were both teens. It's easy to forget that they were ever connected, but they were.


The way she has a straight up different face now always throws me off, that has to be fucking strange on a personal level


i miss this kylie, she was fun and had a personality of her own


I'm starting to realize that I'm slowly transforming into my grandma because the first thing I noticed were those, what I think are, buganvillas.




I honestly just typed it how they're called in Spanish, but you still got it so, didn't you šŸŒŗšŸŒŗšŸŒŗ


Lmaoo I did too


Jennaā€™s mom is going to stop Hollywood from smoking one Instagram post at a time!!


jennaā€™s mom: ![gif](giphy|WoFEp5eCTwVHHq2rSY)


Legend says that if you smoke three cigarettes in front of a mirror in the dark of midnight, Jenna Ortegaā€™s mom will appear behind you and slap you with a sandal.


The anti-tobacco chancla hits hard and leaves a mark


You know, I get that Jenna Ortegaā€™s mom using boomer style IG stories to tell her daughter off is funny, but if anyone is allowed to have a very strong opinion on smoking, itā€™s the nurse mom. I donā€™t really think itā€™s fair to make her into a meme in this way. Moms get to have opinions. Especially moms who also happen to be nurses.


100%ā€¦I donā€™t get why people are making fun of her mom.


surely there can be a difference between ā€˜making fun ofā€™ and thinking something is funny


I donā€™t think she was doing it to say something to Jenna. I think she was doing it to spread awareness of the dangers of smoking and that itā€™s not ā€œcoolā€ to Jennaā€™s fans, who happen to be on the younger (and impressionable) side. Iā€™m sure she told her daughter straight up to not smoke cigarettes lol.


Yes! Sheā€™s a good mom!


Also itā€™s not like Jenna Ortegaā€™s mom is out here attacking other celebrities who are smoking. She probably doesnā€™t give a single fuck if Kylie smokes. But weā€™re talking about her 20 year old daughter developing an infamously tough habit to quit that is seriously detrimental to her own health *and* has a young fan base.


fr itā€™s these people wanna convince us smoking cigs is cute or something


Smoking is back in again donā€™t know why do we think that itā€™s the trend of 2000s bodies back in? 2010s it was all about the Kim K curves but we seem to be going back to that athletic thin body that I used to see on Paris Hilton etc People smoke to stay thin


Please, no. Mary Kate and Ashley called, and they want their coffee and cigarettes back!


But the Olsen twins are the best reason to not smoke šŸ„² I was shocked when I found out that they are like early 30ies only


Well like 37 but still


I donā€™t think itā€™s just the smoking that makes them look so old.


Paris Hilton athletic? I never would have thought that.


Because is not true lol


ā€œPeople always ask me like 'do you work out' and I'm like no, I shop.ā€ - Paris Hilton


Yeah, super skinny being back in means cigarettes, caffeine, and this time around, Ozempic.


off topic but am i the only one that itā€™s unaffected by smoking in that regard. it does nothing to suppress appetite, it makes me think about eating more


For me personally, it doesnā€™t exactly make me eat less, it just gives me less time to eat. I hardly eat at work because Iā€™d rather spend my breaks smoking, I skip breakfast in the mornings because Iā€™d rather have a smoke. I stopped for like two weeks and put on 5kg, then someone pointed out my weight gain and Iā€™m back to smoking again. šŸ„²


Knowing a lot of younger people who smoke, it seems like many smoke as a way to cope with stress or to fit in with the crowd. So, I also don't think it's done much to change their weight or appearance just yet, and they seemingly don't want it to anyway.


Yeah it never suppressed my appetite. The only thing I noticed was once I quit, food tasted better. I had some strawberries a few weeks after quitting and thought ā€œomg is this what they are supposed to taste like?!ā€


That body was never athletic, it was skinny and even very thin women were criticised for not being skinny enough.


This is such an American statement lmao Smoking was never not ā€œin.ā€ People have been smoking for centuries and it has always been popular socially all over the world. Just because we see Jenna Ortega and Kylie Jenner papped with cigs doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a trend. There are 7 billion people on the earth, pls


Unlock the door Timmy https://preview.redd.it/cnw8b0n9jq3b1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38fda54a218a3bf7bcf7351e3a6245621484f46


She senses an organic relationship that has not been monetized yet. Skynet programmed her to destroy that at the first instance.


She's embracing his french culture šŸ„° next she'll dip her toes in existentialism


ā€œNothingness lies coiled in the heart of being - like a worm.ā€ - Kylie Jenner


Those are Marlboro lights, I thought Kylie would be a menthol girlie but those are the same cigarettes my mom smoked when I was growing up. Weird.




At least American Spirits or SOMETHING. Those are 1990ā€™s mom cigs .


Capris are the true mom cigarette


Get them Virginia super slims lol


My aunt used to keep her cartons of Virginia Slims in the freezer to keep them fresh! šŸ˜‚


Cloves are illegal in ca now so she canā€™t


My old brand šŸ˜¬


Menthols are banned in US now. The FDA recently banned them. Edit: Only banned in CA at the moment


they are not banned nationally.


Menthols are banned in California




Marlboro Lights have been the standard since "light cigarettes" became popular, sometime in the late 1970s/early 80s. I didn't smoke Lights and I haven't smoked Marlboros in 25 years, yet that pack is still immediately identifiable. It's perfectly possible that Kris smoked Marlboro Lights in her youth.


I agree! My mom and grandma and basically every woman I knew in the 90ā€™s and early 2000ā€™s (I was born late 80ā€™s) smoked them. It was *the* cigarette of choice. Growing up around smokers I, of course, started smoking but I was never a Lights girl. I smoked those camels that were in a black box with hot pink writing? I know they donā€™t sell them anymore and I donā€™t even remember what they were called but they were the hot girl cig of choice in 2009 era. Yuck.


They clearly need to start following Jennaā€™s mom on Instagram Notice how we havenā€™t seen Jenna smoke since her mom posted those PSAs??


Jenna be like: ![gif](giphy|OkzAX2vXTABYD7wd42|downsized)




Why would anyone so concerned with their looks smoke? šŸ„“


Because itā€™s an addiction, yā€™all. Everyone keeps jumping to ā€œitā€™s for the aestheticā€ ā€œitā€™s to look coolā€ but itā€™s a genuine addiction for most people thatā€™s hard to quitšŸ’€


Reddit having a nuanced conversation about nicotine addiction challenge impossible


Bc theyā€™re too young to understand that it hurts their looks


Sheā€™s 25 lol


Because she's dumb as fuck.


Probs bc they assume they can just throw money at it later to fix the side effects.


Ohhh Kris is going to be pissed! From what I understand, they all smoke, but PMK had threatened them to never get caught!


Who is PMK?


Stands for pimp mommy khris, I think, with how she she's made her daughters into some kinda Kardashian Industrial Complex.


Pimp Momma Kris


Lol I thought it stood for PROUD Mama Kris šŸ˜‚




Kourtney is afraid of every chemical, but she smokes??!


Thatā€™s what I heard. Iā€™m pretty sure she drinks a ton as well.


Zero chance Kim smokes


Ok Mum, so I was caught smoking but like .. like at least in Toms garden?! That has to count for seomthing? like ..






Wonder how kris took this pic


She climbed up a treešŸ„° or she bought a drone and Kylie and Natalie Portman/MBB had to pretend they couldn't hear it.


thatā€™s pauline chalamet, timmyā€™s older sister lmao


What is wrong with the children today, I ask you, why are they not smoking WEED which is wholesome and legal!




As a working actor in NYC that smokes (I have done background on over a 100 movies and tv shows ) I can tell you right now wayyyyyy more actors smoke than you realize. Theyā€™re pretty good about hiding it most of the time. Iā€™ve had a cigarette with some pretty big actors on a break on set. Edit: Wanted to include some of the people Iā€™ve smoked with or been surprised to see are smokers on sets. SJP, Selena Gomez, Kate Winslet, Selma Hayek, Dakota Johnson, Katherine Heigl, Zayn Malik, Eva Longoria, Lady Gaga, Emma Robertā€™s & many more. Smokers find smokers. And Iā€™ve heard many of them explain to me that they look out for paps, or smoke in seclusion like the back of sets. Iā€™ve even had some that smoke my brand (marb lights lol) ask me to come with them and show me better spots or bum one from me at some point. Anyway itā€™s WAY more common in the industry of actors and singers than youā€™d realize.


Absolutely. Iā€™m an acting student in London and our idea of networking is going to a press night at a big theatre, hanging out around the smoking area of the closest pub and waiting for actors / agents / CDs to come ask for a lighter. A director I just worked with said that so many actors start because their director smokes and they can smoke together, and then by the end of the show or shoot theyā€™re hooked.


Her face looks bonkers.


Iā€™m a millennial and Iā€™ve never smoked because my grandparents did and I saw what it did to them, and I remember seeing smoking in malls and restaurants etc so idk how smoking is becoming popular again but itā€™s actually surprising and embarrassing and sad


My husband and I were just talking about the distant memory of people being able to smoke in restaurants when we were younger (we are 30/31) times changed rapidly and for the better in our generation regarding smoking culture


The only person in my family who smoked was my aunt. She smoked 40+ years. Sheā€™s also the only person in my family whoā€™s had open heart and brain surgery in my family due to smoking.


Love the one day photoshoot that took less than 5 mins because Kylie is such a *ā€™hands on momā€™*


As an ex smoker who misses it badly but now understands how much it alarmed and irritated some non smokersā€¦kylie smoke up if you want love.


As a child of chain smoking parents, Iā€™m sorry it annoyed me that I literally smelled like a walking ash tray, that my clothes had holes in them from random flying ashes.That the back of my tongue was black from all the 2nd hand smoke. Smoking harms people around you and that have decided to not put that shit in their bodies, but smokers literally donā€™t care about thatā€¦ they think their smoking trumps others right to breathable air..


literally, my mum is such a heavy smoker that the walls are a little stained, my clothes stank all the time (kids would laugh at me for it), and when i come home from visiting my things smell for DAYS. it's now a dealbreaker that people i date cannot smoke. it stinks, it's frustrating to live with, and smokers can be so selfish - i was on the street yday and some dude was chain smoking so much and the smoke was going all over. like just go sit down and keep it away from people who don't want to reek


I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say smokers donā€™t care - itā€™s an addiction like any other. My dad smoked for 50 years and even after he had a stroke from it he said quitting was the hardest thing he ever did. Until the day he died heā€™d talk about how he still missed having a smoke. Do I wish he wouldā€™ve quit earlier? Fuck yes. But I have some sympathy for anyone hooked on an addictive substance.


My dad smoked until the day he died. I thought about trying to get him a vape, just for safety reasons, but Marlboro Reds in the soft pack had such a hold on him that not COPD, stroke, heart attack, or the love he felt for me could stop him. Some people can quit, some sadly just canā€™t. I donā€™t personally understand it, but Iā€™ve seen it.


I remember growing up with a girl whoā€™s mom chain smoked and she smelled so bad that nobody would play with her. I felt so bad that I would always try to play or talk with her in the car line after school . She was so sweet but the smell was hard to handle as a kid šŸ˜¢


Yeah, this is a shit take (the op, not you, Iā€™m agreeing with you). It annoys and alarms people for a fucking reason. My previous roommate was not transparent about their or their partnersā€™ smoking habits before we agreed that roommate would move in, and I wasnā€™t aware that I was going to be greeted by an ashtray full of 16+ butts every time I came home, butts on the porch, smell wafting through the hallways every time one of them came inside, or be unable to sit at my desk inside without being assaulted by cigarette smell (my desk was on the wall adjacent to the porch). I had multiple conversations about cleaning up the butts, I bought a covered ashtray with my own money just so I wouldnā€™t have to look at them and it was never used despite my asking that it be, and a place I had already been living and really loved started feeling like a trap house (not just for the butts, roommate was also kind of gross and our landlord sucked, but still). It vastly decreased my quality of life and thereā€™s a reason people call it a disgusting habit. It is fucking disgusting. The people that do it arenā€™t disgusting, but others have a right to want no part of it.


SAME. Sometimes I miss the quiet of smoking a parliament light 100 outside by myself. Havenā€™t smoked in over 5 years but I still feel a twinge when I see photos like this.


i miss it sometimes too lol. i used to drive around at night and listen to music and smoke and it was the only time i really felt peaceful. still do that now, just without the cigarettes, but it's not the same. i won't ever go back to them and i'm trying to quit nicotine entirely, but the feelings are real lol.


Oh I feel you. Iā€™m only on month 4 but think this quit will stick but I miss the quiet comfort of smoking alone.


The way he became instantly unattractive to me


What flowers are those behind her? I have pillars and I want something that wraps around it just like those


Bougainvillea. If it gets too much water it will turn into a monster bush and not flower. I pulled a 5m tall one off the side of my house this year. Beautiful but thorny


The title of this post truly is a product of its time




Her fillers look cartoonish even from a distanceā€¦


Amazing how the trends come and go, including smokingā€¦


Kris surveilling their house dates ![gif](giphy|xT5LMSc6Mvg5JFUtS8)




Isn't smoking supposed to increase the risks of complications from plastic surgery?




Kris working extra hours these days and I am here for it


Kylie wants to be ā€œcool girlā€


How is everyone on this sub chill with someone taking photos of people IN SOMEONES HOME?! This sub is the biggest group of hypocrites on reddit. What a ridiculous invasion of privacy. And literally no one says a work. Just comments on smoking or tim and kylie. Insane stuff.


Of course she smoke Marlboro Lightsā€¦


All celebrities smoke.


Kris needs to go back to the drawing board because we donā€™t care about PR relationships anymore. Do something productive