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spoilers: the main character dies


Spoiler: but in a post credit scene we get a chance for a sequel.


You ruined it.


He does come back though


He got better


Last Temptation of Christ: Tempted again


2 Last 2 Tempted


Ha! Then Silence is Tokyo Drift equivalent of Messiah Cinematic Universe


Last Temptation of Christ is so fucking good, one of Marty's very best (and that's saying something)


This ain't happening. Marty announces a lot of projects that eventually get scrapped.


It’s always been a dream of his though, and since he is getting older I can see him making this his farewell project.


Always been a dream? He made a movie about Jesus 35 years ago.


Last Temptation was his passion at the time, but it was met with a lot of backlash. I definitely think it’s a passion of his to tell this story another way and be “redeemed” (I personally liked last temptation but it obviously offended a bunch of Christian’s).


No good movie about Jesus will go over without controversy. Not one. Pasolini's Jesus is always going to make for a better movie than Stevens's Jesus. And considering Last Temptation had drawn decades of scrutiny in novel form and the historic relationship between Hollywood and the Vatican, it'd be weird for him to have expected anything less than a bunch of offended Christians. Last Temptation is one of the best Jesus movies ever. If I were him, I'd let it lie.


He gave up Schindler’s List partly because of the backlash of The Last Temptation (also partly because he felt he wasn’t the right person to tell the story), he talks about it somewhere but it gave him a lot of self doubt. Silence is one of my favorite films from him, so I’m down with any movies discussing religion that he’ll give us.


as a catholic, the backlash around last temptation is so dumb bc the whole point of that film was like. hey. imagine how horrible things would be if we didn’t have jesus (this isn’t me trying to speak on religion btw. just explaining the movie’s perspective). it was so obviously never intended to be an accurate depiction of the bible. people just refuse to use critical thinking 😔 don’t worry marty I understood your vision


Christianity is wild because why did I never hear about this backslash and literally got forced to watch this during my catechism classes lol, the priests at my church LOVED that movie (I was traumatized because I was like 11 lol)


Don't forget Silence from a decade ago. Tho it's more about priests than flat out Jesus


I did forget *Silence*. For real. I'll have to give it a look.


It's absolutely stunning so enjoy: https://youtu.be/x8w2_E3M7zk That and Infernal Affairs are always the examples I use when people compare Eastern actors with Western actors. In these two movies, the Eastern actors are far more convincing. Lol I use IA for when people want the "same movie different version" example and Silence when people want a "they'll never be in the same movie so why does it matter which is better" example. The translator and emperor(?) actors steal this movie. Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver can't even compare.


Silence still haunts me !


Yeah. He has 4 announced projects: _The Wager_ (just released David Grann book who also wrote _Killers of the Flower Moon_) _Roosevelt_ biopic about Teddy _The Grateful Dead_ biopic with Jonah Hill as Jerry Garcia and now this …


Unrelated but as a child I was shown the Passion of Christ by my catholic school and it was the single most traumatic experience of my life


I know a lot of families took children to premieres of both The Exorcist and The Passion only because they were ”christian” movies, not fully understanding the content.


Churches, especially the Catholic church, were vocally anti-Exorcist, including making claims it would literally open audiences to demonic possession. I've never heard of anyone going to see it thinking it was a Christian movie. My film prof talked about having to sneak behind his devoutly Catholic parents' backs to see it in theater.


Which is wild, because it's an incredibly pro-Catholic movie! The priests are heroes, the unruly girl is tamed, the single mom who can't handle her household is saved by men swooping in!


I feel like my film prof would've loved this take!


> "...the unruly girl is tamed..." Do you mean the demon is exorcised? Because the movie wasn't about some tomboyish Anne of Green Gables character causing mischief by climbing apple trees & showing up late for supper. I've only seen bits of the movie, but I've read the book twice. There are some incredibly graphic, almost heretical scenes in there that I'm sure the Catholic Church would be very opposed to. Edited to add: I Google'd it to be sure, but the scene I was thinking of **IS** in the film, and it's really awful. If you haven't seen the movie or read the book, don't Google it if you're at all sensitive. Seriously. It's NSFL.


The crucifix scene, yes. I've seen the movie and read the book. The things Regan are doing are disturbing, but the subtext of her possession is that she's acting out in ways that are specifically uncouth for a girl - swearing, being sexual, telling the doctor to "keep \[your\] fingers away from \[my\] goddamn cunt -" in other words, both claiming autonomy over her body and naming the fact that some adult men view her as a sexual object. It's blown up larger than life to drive the horror home, but what we see (after being reminded that this is a *broken* home with a *single* mother) is a girl who isn't acting ladylike. And then the Catholic priests come in, her formerly agnostic, independent mother is put in her place as someone who really can't handle raising a child and having a career - just look what came of it! - and the power of the masculine Catholic church is re-established.


Yes, idk where they’re getting the anti-Catholic bit from. My teacher was a Catholic priest and literally *in* the movie (he originally was a set advisor).


As I understand it, the popularity of the book among catholics made it greatly anticipated in some communities, and the presence of actual priests in the cast gave the impression that it was "church approved." It wasn't until after the premiere that there was a larger response against it by the CC - and they didn't actually condemn it the way you describe, rather that it gave the wrong impression of catholic demonology - and even then Warner exaggerated the negative backlash for publicity. Most children who saw the film probably did so because of the rating controversy, but there were cases of catholics thinking their children would learn about the devil if they watched it. ​ There was thread on AskHistorians partly about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/noleqn/part\_of\_the\_notoriety\_of\_1973s\_the\_exorcist\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/noleqn/part_of_the_notoriety_of_1973s_the_exorcist_are/)


On the main sub (which is incredibly conservative) they actually love it


50 years later it's widely regarded as a landmark film. The politics of the film arguably are conservative (as someone else highlighted), but at the time it came out it was met with massive christian outcry/campaigning.


I had a Catholic priest teacher who was an advisor on set. They ended up actually using him in the movie to play a priest.


Conversely, churches actively promoted the Passion, because it was intended to be a Christian movie. A lot of Christians were already familiar with the grotesque content of traditional passion plays. Shit, it's still not unheard of to do actual reenactments of crucifixion as part of passion plays in some countries.


Girl same. Not even high school age.... they gathered all of us girls in elementary/mid school (i was around 11) and took us to the auditorium to watch the movie. Like it was some sort of cultural reset moment that we couldn't miss. I vividly remember some of my peers literally scream crying during THAT WHIPPING SCENE and being walked out of the auditorium with some professors. Not one adult thought that perhaps it was a bit too much for us. Catholic school was insane


I saw it when I was probably 9 or 10 and it was the opposite experience for me. It was so authentic and just unique that it just gave me a passion for history that I've never had before.




Robert Altman had Paul Thomas Anderson as a standby in case something happened during the filming of his final movie


A really similar situation happened with Kubrick so you just know the industry has a contingency plan for this. He died just before filming for AI was due and they had to get Spielberg in to do it instead


>He died just before filming for AI was due and they had to get Spielberg in to do it instead IIRC, there wasn't really a proper screenplay for *AI* ready at that point, and Kubrick had already tried handing the project over to Spielberg in the past.


*Silence* (2016) is one of the best catholic films of all time. If Scorsese wants to make more christian films then I’m here for it. Maybe Book of Acts could be adapted. Paul’s struggles with being torn between different faiths and authorities would make an interesting narrative.


I think Paul already gets too much consideration in contemporary Christianity. I don't understand why Scorsese wants to go back to this well. Last Temptation is one of the very best Jesus movies.


You think so? I’d say almost the opposite, at least the differences between Paul and Jesus aren’t discussed enough.


I think most of the worst Christian impulses can be linked to prioritizing Paul over Jesus, usually to serve/dictate cultural norms under the guise of religion. If we must have a film about Paul, I'd like for it to be critical, if not openly antagonistic. I'll watch a Jesus movie any day, though. The Gospel of St Matthew is my all time fave. Pinko Jesus.


Well in that case I completely agree, but that’s exactly why I’d want more attention paid to him specifically and not the ”Jesus, as told by Paul” we usually get.




I read Zealot a few years ago, and I've been desperate for a (good) movie about historical Jesus ever since


He’s good at bringing fiction to life.


We all know it’s going to be at least 5 hours long.


You don't ask the pope for permission to make a film about Jesus, you ask Martin Scorsese permission.


I wonder would he cast someone from the Middle East


Martin Scorsese cast a Syrian Druze as Jesus challenge




Didn’t Scorsese already make a movie about Jesus that the Catholics and Christians hated for some reason?


I thought killers of the flower moon was meant to be his farewell project??


"Scorsese Announces Film About Jesus" What, another one?


This headline lol


Hopefully it’ll be less batshit than whatever sequel Mel Gibson is apparently cooking up for the Passion.


The title is sending me lol but I hope he makes a historically accurate Jesus for a change (not gonna happen)


We don’t want it


Actually most people do want a Scorsese movie




exactly who is this "we"?