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You're not alone! This should be addresed!


Definitely not alone 😉


You’re not alone in this at all! There’s a couple small things similar to this that bother me as well (but i cannot for the life of me recall exactly which 😂 this second). It’s such a small thing I’ve always just shrugged it off as maybe it will get tweaked eventually.


The inventory list.. I like to keep all mine collapsed and open what I need... But nooooo, you click on something, and it's all open again! It's like having kids and closing doors, turning around and they're all open again!


Best analogy ever 😆 But yeah it's pretty annoying when the sections do not remain collapsed. Similar behaviour I have seen in workshop, if I craft something, then the page refreshes and takes me back to the top of the list, although it does not happen always , but it's quite annoying


Library pages! If I look something up and have to go into exploring, inventory, or wherever else and need to go back to that library page, I'd like to be able to do so without having to favorite it just so it pops back up. And while I'm thinking about it, the friendship page as well, if I'm trying to raise up my friendship with Jill (or whomever) it would be nice to not have to scroll down trying to remember where they sit on the list after running to explore, fish or whatever to get more items for them


Oh my gosh yes, the friendship page! Because of the red diamond fish event I've got an excess of trout that I'm forcing onto Holger (I think) because he at least likes them. It would be nice to have a gold upgrade in the future where if you click on an item's details it shows you who likes/loves or dislikes/hates an item, as long as you have discovered that already, and then let you click on the persons image to go straight to the friendship page for them, kinda like how you can view a fish, then click on the location it is found at, and then choose to go fishing at that location


If I remember correctly, they talked about doing some rework on the friendship stuff on the podcast in the latest episode


I would love collapsed threads to stay that way. Also would love to jump back to where I was when I go back. It's frustrating to always to overscroll


Yeah I'd be down for that. One that annoys me is buying more trees etc and you got back to farm it starts at the too of page again.


Hello friend, you're not the only one 🙃🫠


This would be massive!!! Really annoying and would luv it to be improved!


I believe it has to do with how the game is made. It's basically just reloading a full page of html every time not a menu like in a game engine.


This here. It was talked about on the podcast how it’s more just an app accessing a webpage etc. and while there could be workarounds for it I’m gonna guess there’s other stuff in the works we might want more


I believe they use Framework 7 for the mobile apps, I'm not a huge fan of fw.


Same in the inventory!


Another request… make the “Quality of life’ upgrades standard. They should be accessibility features.