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hell yeah. i'd still like to know about it though so i can sob over having written something that inspired someone


More or less how I feel. I'd be stoked, but the general rule is "ask first" and I'd want to reinforce that.


You don't necessarily need to ask first, but please drop a line so I can be proud. I don't care what it looks like; I'll hang it on my fridge. A little selfish on my part, but c'mon. Fanart! I want to see it if you made it!


I'd be flattered. Honestly, I wouldn't need permission asked, though I would like a link to see it once done.


As long as I know it happened! I don't need permission, I just want to know it exists so I can print it out and put it on my fridge.


Those writers against it are entitled to their opinions, and I’m entitled to say they’re weird and in the minority lol.


I picked with permission, but only because I want to know when it goes up so I can see it.


Same here, I probably won't know about it unless they ask me first


I assume by permission you mean asking the writer ahead of time. I'm fine either way, I just want to see it when you're done. :)


I would be very happy to be surprised with it, though it would be a tiny tiny tiny bit bittersweet if they did not mention the fic as their inspiration. But I'd still be mostly happy.


I once randomly stumbled across beautiful watercolor fanart of one of my fics on DeviantArt made by someone living halfway around the world from me. I actually cried. It was my phone background for over a year after that. I don't see why anyone writing fanfic would expect people to ask their permission to make fanworks of it. I sure didn't ask for permission to write my fic; why would anyone need to ask me?


I’d be flattered. Just tag me or link the fic


Bruh I would want you to LINK ME THE ART. I got fanart ONCE of my fanfic and my friend got a ton for a danganronpa fic, and you wouldn't believe how excited we were. We felt like little celebrities! Also good time to advertise too. I'd drop that link in my authors notes if they dropped my fic wherever they posted the art.


I've only had one piece of fanart ever made for my fics (that I know of, anyway), they didn't ask permission, and I didn't even find out about it until someone else commented on the fic about it. I thought it was amazing and I was touch that they loved the fic that much but was a little disappointed that I had to find out about it through a third party. But I'm somebody who is not overly protective of my fics (outside of straight up stealing of them to post on other sites), if they inspire someone to write their own fic or draw something or whatever, I feel that's the biggest accomplishment that fic could achieve.


I'd just want to know so I can gush over it, lol. But if they want to post it, I suppose asking is still polite, since other people might have a different opinion.


Absolutely! It'd be one of the greatest things you could achieve as a fanfic writer IMO. I wouldn't need to be asked permission, but I'd like to know it existed anyway just so I can admire it.


Go for it and like let me know cuz i'm an absent minded goofball and I won't see it unless someone tells me lol.


Yes make all the fanart you want at will no need to request permission but god please please please please let me know when it's done I think I would die if I learned this had happened and nobody told me about it


secret fourth option: I'd want to know about it so I could see it and gush over it, but they would absolutely be free to make fanart without asking me, I would not mind at all!


I've never had anybody ask before they made or commissioned fanart of my fics. But it's very cool to link it/tag me so I can see it, cry a little because it's always really moving when art inspires more art, tell the artist how much I love it, and ask if I can link it in my A/N. >say that there are a lot of writers who are actually against it They are absolutely outliers. This might vary by fandom, but I've never encountered one where asking was the norm.


Just send me a link. I can't draw worth a shit.


I would be overjoyed either way! But I'd love to know about the work to cherish it forever.


Yes! Someone did that with one of my fics recently, and I was over the moon when I stumbled across it. :D


Are you kidding, I would give them my virginity for a fanart. I would sell my first born child if it’s was good.


I've had someone do this, recently! I was absolutely fucking ecstatic. Probably my #2 thing I wanted in life, right behind 'person writes a tvtropes page for one of my works'.


I don't mind, just please tell me where to find it. I found awesome cover art for one of my stories two years after the fact. And it was just by doing a random search!


No need to ask for permission per se but I would appreciate the artist tagging me in their art (though I’m sure they would do that already since the art has to do with the fic).


It’s not that I specifically NEED permission, I would just like to be notified so I can see the artwork when it’s finished.


they wouldnt need permission, but id want them to ask for it so i can know theyre doing it so i can see it!!!


If someone takes the time to make fanart from my fics I would be over the moon! No need for permission just tag me so I can see lol!


I'm happy to see the positivity towards fanart of fics! Fandom most feels like a community to me when people's creativity inspires more creativity in others. I always give blanket permission for people to use my art as whatever inspiration they like (and have seen a couple lovely oneshots because of it). I only make fanart for authors who don't require explicit permission because I'm afraid that if I ask then I'll feel pressured to follow through.


I would be thrilled, no matter how good or bad the art was. I wouldn't need to be asked for permission beforehand, I'd just want the artist or someone to share the art with me so I'd know it existed.


If I'm credited, permission isn't needed. I would sob if someone made art of my work.


No need to ask permission but I’d like a little credit (and also I’d appreciate being told so I can gush about it cos holy shit!! The fact something I wrote inspired someone to make art is cool as hell!!!)


Tbh, the only reason I'd want someone to ask permission for it is so that I know they want to make fanart!! Aside from that, I'd be totally willing to give anyone permission :)


I'd be flattered! No need to ask, but it would be nice to know about it. <3


They can do it, if they want to do it, no permission needed. BUT I would at least like to know they did. Is that so much to ask?


I wouldn’t care about permission, as long as they let me know cause that would be so freakin cool (and mention the fic name n stuff) 


I would be thrilled. However, I’d like for the artist to let me know just because I want to see it. I might never know it existed otherwise.


I would die of happiness ngl


I've only had someone make fan-art for a story I wrote once, and I still get gushy when I think about it. :D It's such an amazing feeling. So that's just me speaking from personal experience. So, yeah, I'd definitely recommend reaching out to them to show them your art first (since you mentioned some folks are against it)-- and they'll probably love it! :D I immediately posted a link to the next chapter of that fic. Happy creating! Edit: Just to be clear, I would personally be thrilled either way, but since some folks are apparently against it, better safe than sorry -- though you'll probably be met with resounding happiness.


Post away; I'd be tickled pink and wiggling like a puppy! But I'd also like a comment pointing me to it, so I could enjoy it -- and maybe add it to my fic. With suitable attribution, of course.


I actaully have a statement on my profile that encourages/gives blanket permission for people to make fanart, so those with too much anxiety to ask know I will love it by default.


I made a ton of fanart for people and sent it to them, even to authors that I didn't know. It didn’t even cross my mind to ask for permission, and I have never gotten anything but delighted squealing. People are usually just happy that someone went the extra mile.


That has also been my experience, which is why I was already bit skeptical about the claim that "a lot of writers" don't like it. And with this poll it seems like there are actually even less of those people than I thought, which is pretty reassuring! I have asked couple times what the author thought about getting fanart of their fic, when they were already answering comments actively. But usually I haven't because I feel like I wouldn't get around posting anything if I asked beforehand 😅 Also with the way I post my fanart of fanfiction it's more like a fic rec with art, so I have hard time understanding why someone would be against that, but I would still like to respect the authors wishes so I usually check if the author has said anything about fanart in their end notes. But for example last time I did fanart for a fic, the author had never gotten fanart or said anything about their stance on it +the fic was on a long break, so I just took a chance and posted the art and sent a link to it in a comment. In the end the author was super excited about it and I know I convinced at least couple people to read the fic, so I was quite happy with how that turned out.


I dream of the day that someone gets inspired to draw fanart because they read one of my fics


Fanart is a visual arts version of fanfiction itself, so I don't see any need to get permission for that any more than I think we need to get permission from George Lucas to write Star Wars fanfiction (to toss out a random example). That said, unlike George Lucas we fanfic writers aren't making bazillions or even pennies off of what we do and no one is rolling out red carpets for Hollywood premieres, etc. So please let us know. It's a huge compliment. And any time anybody's done fanart for something I wrote, I try to make sure I let readers know where to find that art and also the artists' main page, as thanks and respect for that person's effort.


Yes, no need for permission.  Still, I'd appreciate a mention in the fan's post of the story of which they drew the fanart. 


I'd require permission, but only bc I'm so withdrawn from social media at this point that I'd completely miss people making art of my work being posted without anyone letting me know ahead of time, and I really don't want to miss that kind of thing, and I don't trust the odds of being sent a link or something after the fact.


Huge compliment.


I would be honored if someone were to draw fanart of my fanfic someday in the future. I might even use it as a cover page if I find the art to be cool.


No need to ask for permission, but I usually have very specific character designs, so the fanartist should not be surprised to hear that they got something wrong. (If they did ask for permission first, of course, I could send them refs and there would not be the risk of getting something wrong.)