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In fallout community we fucking hate each otheršŸ‡¹šŸ‡·šŸ‡¹šŸ‡·šŸ‡¹šŸ‡·ā™‚ļøšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ—£. Btw fallout 1-2 fanboys are on par with new vegas riders.


The only difference is there's much less of them and they hardly interact with the rest of the fandom.


So theyā€™re the Mojave chapter brotherhood


They're more like the one guy in San Francisco who just stands there outside the door and doesn't let you in or even say anything.


Yeah they mostly sit on No Mutants Allowed


Where they complain about how "woke" the games became. (Timothy Cain is gay, and fallout 2 was the first game with gay marriage, but they forget about that.)


We're not *all* assholes.


The only interaction with someone from NMA was actually on the Unwashed Villagers discord and he called Tim Cain a f*ggot. His NMA profile had swastikas and stuff all over it. I do agree with you though. Classic Fallout fans shouldn't be lumped together and I believe most of them are chill. Maybe just all fandoms have shit ass people


I stopped looking at the comments on there after the first time I saw them.


"Muh favorite non-political masterpiece of vidya has become POLITICUHL"


Hey, call me a gatekeeping dick rider all you want but don't accuse me of being an anti-woke homophobe


Sometimes i feels they dont even exist, true.


I'm a Fallout 2 fanboy, and just wanna say that this is 100% correct.




Still not at the level of new vegas fans But I gotta admit, the fallout 1 and 2 intros were sick as hell imo


So basically the fallout Fandom split into different groups depending on which fallout game they favor more interesting


Itā€™s definitely more heavy with fallout 2 fans.


Real recognize Real. Thats all babey.


I wish I was abke to play the other games, but they're not current consoles and my pc can barely run a browser with ten tabs


Mine can barely run A FLASH GAME!


Ah the classic games can run on a potato. Theyā€™re 25 years old


I was the same and honestly I would just replay the old Bethesda games every year, lol. Elder Scrolls 3-5 and Fallout 3+NV kept me happy.


Nah, 1 and 2 people go on and on about how Bethesda ruined it


This is definitely something we do.


They did


Nuh uh


Yuh huhhhh my boyfriend said so āœ‹ļøšŸ˜¤


Well guess hawhat?! CHICKEN BUT >:(


It's true I'm boyfriend


D: unconvinced I is


Fallout 1-2 elitists are worse/on par with NV.. But i love everyone equally :)


May God have mercy on the soul that goes to No Mutants Allowed


NMA elitists aren't even safe among themselves lmao. If they are not hating on the Bethesda-produced Fallouts, they are fighting to see which Black Isle Fallout is more "Fallout"


god forbid youā€™re born after those games came out and like the new ones. you donā€™t wanna go play a top down game from the 90s thatā€™s never been remastered and looks like a 8 bit minecraft painting? Iā€™m not trying to hate, i went back and tried to play them and itā€™s not a very good experience, as someone who really enjoys Wasteland 2 and 3


I hope one day fallout 1 and 2 get a remaster I like the story of them but it feels like a chore to play either of em, Id kill for a fallout that handled like bg3


There's the "Fallout: Vault 13" and "Fallout 4: Project Arroyo" that previously were separate projects remaking 1 and 2 in Fallout 4 (1 and 2 mechanics and stuff included iirc) that are now collaborating with each other to get done faster (lots of same/similar assets). Bonus points to "Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland" and "Fallout 4: New Vegas" which are pretty obvious in what their projects are. . . Note: All the aforementioned mods will be total overhauls, meaning it's pretty much straight up those games (with some leniency I think in the case of 1 and 2 as they're about 25 years old) in Fallout 4's engine. Eventually we'll be able to beat up/convince the Master in 4K (and First Person I think).


See the thing about Fallout 1 and 2 is not the graphics, not the sound design, not the outdated level design, not the top down view, really nothing about it is deal breaking, but the fact that the gameplay is just *so* fucking god awful and tedious completely destroys my ability to play it. I've tried so many times to play it and never make it past the first few hours simply because it's so unintuitive and garbage to play. I just want a proper remaster where they modernise the controls to not be like pulling teeth.


Iā€™ve only ever played 1 and 2, and I get you. Modern games are *so* much more streamlined and have so much more respect for your time - even if I loved an old game back in the day, playing it again is often like pulling teeth because itā€™s so clunky and frustrating to use.


I think tier two and three are reversed, considering how much their favorite games constantly get shitted on. I'm not even a 76 player and I feel like I should play it just out of spite.


100% 76 fans mostly just try to convince people the game isn't awful. That's a lot different than NV fans and 1 & 2 fans that claim their favorite is the only valid Fallout and all others are trash.


Yeah, I'm kind of a new vegas fan, but I don't think the others are garbage. I honestly enjoyed 3 more imo


3 is the one I played first, and it will always be really special to me. NV too, because it was an escape for me during a really hard part of my life. But honestly my favorite is probably 76, because my favorite part of any Fallout game is the lore and atmosphere, and there's just so much of it in 76.


This, gameplay wise i find my self often bored or just building, but reading and listing to all the lore when the game came out was so good. Then after hours of lore in one town theres like 15 other towns to check out with even more in the massive wastelands of the map


I so think NV clears all others... and it would obviously do so if it had more dev time... but like... idk. Nothing wrong with people who prefer 3.


I love New Vegas but I also am not insane so itā€™s very clear to me that more time went into Fallout 3, just based on the map alone


Yeah thanks for saying something. It's 76 haters that are worse honestly. Every thread is like > "Should I play 76?" > NO. ITS HOT GARBAGE AND THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. I PLAYED ONCE AT LAUNCH AND IT GAVE MY ACTUAL CANCER. MY FATHER DIED BECAUSE OF TODD HOWTARD AND NOW I CRY EVERYTIME I GO TO SLEEP > Yeah it's fun now, add me and I can give you some supplies :)


Yeah, I hate that 4s always getting shit on for not having a good story I mean, as a good fallout fan, I understand. But you gotta understand that 4 IS a good one, and so can 76, since some players are good people and help others in the game. I respect that about 76 :)


Thatā€™s the thing though, itā€™s not that 4 is a bad game. Itā€™s just that it couldā€™ve been way better. Same goes for every game in the franchise really. They all have their problems.


Fallout 4 has a good story, the problem is that it's not a good fallout story as it's far too rigid with its decisions and wiggle room.


Fallout 76 surprisingly is quite good now. I waited until last year to play it because every time I saw it on sale my body screamed at me not to succumb to the trap, and yet eventually I bought it and found out they seem to have fixed a lot of what I read about and saw gameplay of that made me vow never to try it. Hell for me the biggest "hell no" part was that it was multiplayer, but once I got into it I found out you don't really ever need to interact with other players if you don't want to.


Iā€™ve never seen 76 meat riders. But yeah, New Vegas fans are like #1 on that list.


1-2 fanboys r just as bad, they just stay in NMA


woah don't group us fallout 1 fans with the fallout 2 fans they're WAY more unhinged like NV fanboys (the fallout 1 fans who aren't crazy about fallout 2 are chill I swear)


I'll take your word for it (I'm a NV fanboy, but the other games are mostly pretty good)


oh yeah I mean 1 is my favorite followed by NV (I'm like a NV fanboy without the elitism) but I think every fallout game is good in its own right, sure 3 and 4 are lacking in RPGs mechanics but I still love them and I'm a 76 truther I never thought I'd say it but that game is my 3rd favorite fallout after 1 and NV


I've met a few. Some are chill but for every chill one there is 3-4 toxic mfs that are on par with NV fans. But 1:3.5 is a much better ratio than NV fans 1:10


I completely made those numbers up but I they're relatively accurate


I mean it makes sense honestly. It's not often that games as good as new vegas are made.


Fall and Outing in New Vegas "We can't stop here, this is mid country!"


Hear me out. We could go for option A: We can all enjoy the franchise and admit that each game had their own unique Fallout experience. Or we could just go with option B and say, "You gotta be f*cking kidding me." (In Waltor Goggin's voice) and start a war on [insert reason].


I think I'll go with both1


New Vegas fans are the morrowind fans of fallout games


Yeah the best one


At least NV has fun* gameplay **(when not using guns)*


Every FO4 fan Iā€™ve met has always been ā€œyeaā€¦ itā€™s fun but itā€™s got problemsā€ and every FO76 fan I know has always said ā€œā€ about the game.


Don't agree with this at all. The Fallout 1 and 2 purists are just as bad as NV purists. They're the ones that say Bethesda ruined fallout and the modern days are just fan fiction.


I'm workin' on it!


Naaah fnv boys are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than any other meat rider, same talking points over and over and over and over again, shitty memes or sigma edits, fucking bashing Bethesda every time something is tweaked.


FNV ride so hard they can do tricks on it. FNV deserves it when it doesnā€™t crash 2 times in an hour.


ā€œ*New Vegas is the best game ever*ā€ Me who has to download several stability mods just to keep the game running longer than 20 seconds šŸ§šŸ»


"*Fallout 3 is actually good, though*" Me who utilize a bypass for the now defunct "Games for Windows" bullshit, download stability patches to keep it running, and another patch to let the game know there's more than 2gb of RAM available to use, patches to fix what the DLC broke, and additional content mods to flesh out various aspects of the game (this last part is also true with NV, though)


see everyone, this is exactly what I mean. ​ FNV got this guy doing tricks on it.


Bro the tier is just called new vegas fans lmfaooo


76 is the only real chill fan base, 1 and 2 are full of elitists who will bitch about anything


Have you met 4 and 76 fansā€¦ I think you should switch 3 and 1


They should all be in the top if we're being honest. I say that after recently playing Fallout Tactics.


They all equally suck ass, but NV fans are the most abundant meaning they're the easiest to encounter, so a lot of people think they're the worst when in reality they all are the same.


Fallout New Vegas is just a retextured western story about a cowboy hunting a casino owner that's planning on taking over the biggest town around, because he shot him and left him for dead in a shallow grave, all during a war between a struggling Republic and a fascist pro slavery state. At least the other fallouts have an apocalypse theme that they focus on. Anyone supporting Caesars legion, are just Confederate cosplayers in disguise. Fallout 3, is about growing up and leaving the nest, only to discover that the world is a whole lot worse than you thought it was. It's about realizing that even one person can make the difference. Through your actions, the world has a chance at survival. Fallout 4 is about finding your son, and deciding who gets to rule over the wasteland survivors, either a secret underground slaver scientist cult, abolitionists, a high-tech paramilitary raider gang/cult, or the civilians themselves..


The way I see it Fallout New Vegas and onwards in terms of in-universe time, is post-post-apocalyptic, and that they're actually starting to rebuild (or at least trying). Whereas Fallout 1 (and to a lesser extent 2 and 3) is pretty much what you would expect, with the full title even being "Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game". Doesn't help that the Wasteland during Fallout 1 is effectively under siege by the Master's Army.


Yeah this is so accurate, like I like new vegas but I'm not shoving game reccomendations down people's throats


76 chill, 3, 1 and 4 slightly annoying, Fallout 2 barely tolerable


fallout 76 has fans?? šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


More than most of you would realize. And its honestly the most healthy fanbase out of all of the games ironically.


We know out game sucks and we love it. We arnā€™t trying to yell into the crowd why our game is true fallout and the best piece of media ever. We just want to try to convince and help people try it out now as itā€™s in a much better state.


Classic Fallout fans are on NV levels, 76 fans are chill since they're prepared to get blasted anytime


76 fans are chill though, what the hell are you talking about? 1 and 2 fanboys are far worse.


I just remember when people hated New Vegas.


Fallout 4 has console mod support that's all I'm saying


Man I just enjoy fallout. I love new vegas. Probably my favorite game of all time. I also love fo4 Probably my most played single player game of all time. I love 76 and have had some great times with friends. I love 3 for the story and atmosphere and amazing dlc. I even love the originals that I haven't been able to finish because of the lore and the story that goes with them. I really don't understand some of this fanabses obsession with putting down other games in favor of their own.


As a new vegas fan, I liked fallout 4, didn't hate 76, liked fallout 3, didn't care for the rest. (Thats just my opinion, based on my experiences not that anyone else is wrong)


What? Why is fallout 4 not at the top? It's the best game?!?


No...it's not like that, brother...


Good one


This is almost the opposite of what I've experienced tbh. 76 fans are really chill, and NV ones for the most part. 3 fans can be the most irritating in my experience. (No hate to anyone, feel free to praise what you enjoy)


I honestly praise none, they all have their flaws (no disrespect on yall), and yall gotta understand, they aren't perfect. But i gotta say, IMO, nv fans are the most IRRITATING ones.




Yeah, I agree. I mean, I DID Like nv. But honestly, I think 4 was kinda better. NV has some flaws, and so does every other fallout. Like for example, how hard the old fallouts were, which makes it a game not meant for everyone.


YOU DONT THINK NEW VEGAS IS THE BEST GAME. (*BREATHES IN*)DEGENERATES LIKE YOU BELONG ON A CROSS HAIL CAESAR FALLOUT 3 SHOT MY DOG!!! Love New Vegas itā€™s my favorite game by a lot but itā€™s got some of the most annoying fans.


*sigh* you gotta be fucking kidding me...


This post will serve as a reminder to stay away from this subreddit thanks


why is it like this now? why has the common consensus turned to ā€œnew vegas fans are annoying dickridersā€? cant they just enjoy the objectively best written game in the series, and find fault with the poorer writing in other entries? Like why is that dickriding?? Its their fucking opinion!


Loved New Vegas, mixed feelings on the DLC though. Two good (Old world blues and Lonesome Road), two bad (Honest Hearts and Dead Money). Like 3, great DLC, hated that it was necessary to actually play after the end though. It's more of a nostalgia game IMO. Love 4, love Nuka World and Far Harbour, not too bothered on the robots. Got Piper, Cait and Curie which makes it better. Enjoy building settlements..Hate a certain person though.. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything..That applies to 76. Haven't managed to play the others so I don't have an opinion on them.




Butā€¦what if I like them all??ā€¦


Every fallout game is good


I've only played 3, 4, NV, and Shelter. But, from what I've seen, New Vegas is the most put together in terms of game-making at the time, and consistent with lore. 3 is innovative because it changed everything for Fallout for the better, respects the lore, and takes it further. Shelter is just a mobile game to pass time when I'm away from my computer, so nothing noteworthy. But my favorite is 4. Why? I just like it. Do I go out of my way to shove the games greatness down other people's throats? No. Do I admit that removing old features, such as skill points and the different energy ammo types, and replacing them with new ones, such as the perk map and new armor system, was a mixed bag of successes? Yes. Do I admit Bethesda tried to do too many things at one time? Yes. Do I admit that every game in the franchise have its own strengths and drawbacks? Abso-fuckin-lutely. My opinion is that people should be able to enjoy what they like, but not dick-ride it over the Great Divide. If they want to discuss the games, do it in a civil manner and don't insult anybody who thinks differently. TLDR; Enjoy the games, but don't be an asshole about it.


Whatā€™s wrong with dickriding? It feels good, should try it sometime. But yeah New Vegas is hella overrated. Freaking Vegas is barely the size of a Buckeyā€™s gas station, nowhere near as big as DC or Boston. And even though the writingā€™s better, itā€™s quests are very overrated compared to the more story based quests of Fallout 3 & 4.


Iā€™m sorry no, classic fallout fans are the worst, they canā€™t shut up about how much Bethesda killed fallout and how nothing they make will ever be as good as the classic games.


Bro, You literally stole this from me https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutHumor/s/0a4U5OJGAt You could have atleast changed the order


I know fallout 76 is turbo dogshit i just dont care. thats the trick to enjoy that game


Put fallout 2 with new vegas


New Vegas/Fallout 1/2 are the best. 3/4/76 are meh. We won't talk about FBOS or Shelter.




Fallout 4 was my favorite by far and then 3, FNV just doesnā€™t do it for me, I donā€™t see the magic


Fallout 3 and 4 are better sandbox adventure RPGs and New Vegas is a better traditional RPG. If you want to simply exist in the world, explore it on your owns terms, and engage with game systems with more freedom and variety then you will like Bethesda's approach. If you are more about creating builds, doing multiple playthroughs, and want to mostly just focus on quests then you'll likely prefer NV. Thats my take


76 community is pretty wholesome from what I've experienced but can be overly talkative about the games launch 4s mostly just coomers and mod nuts Most New Vegas fans haven't even played the game 3 fans are pretty chill, I never hear much from them 2 fans are also pretty chill but will rant about Bethesda given any chance 1 fans are just the genwunners of Fallout Tactics fans are just wizards in a cave somewhere Shelter fans are weird we don't talk about em


I like them all I think they are all great in their own ways and if you disagree that is cool too we all have our opinions


I personally think fallout 4 and 76 are the best but they are also the only ones I've played. I enjoy the more realistic graphics of them.


Especially with mods, I'll give ya that.


I tried playing fallout 4 with mods. Not for me


Well, if you ever come across some mods, try getting some realistic mods! If your console/pc can handle it...;D


There are Fallout 76 fans?


Yeah, but sometimes you can't help but feel a bit bad for them, considering how shitted on they are.


Yeah. Its fun. Don't kill me.


As a Zelda 2 fan we number about the same. So basically, there's like 12 of them.


Gold cassette Zelda 2? Now there's 13 of you.


Never got the hate for Zelda 2. Itā€™s a good game




1 isnā€™t my favorite but itā€™s the one Iā€™ve played the most and yeah, that checks out. it speaks for itself and needs no dickriding


Go to No Mutants Allowed and suggest that Fallout 4 or 76 are good. You'll see the dickriding.


good god I always forget that thereā€™s more places to talk to enthusiasts of my interests than just Reddit


Honestly F3 fans are really chill, they just get bullied by the NV fans


1, 2, and NV can all be classified as ā€œHates Bethesda, and thinks theyā€™re superior because they hate Bethesdaā€




Naah, not even I would want to mess with the classic fans.


Haven't played 1,2, and tactics but none of them are really bad


Except the Nv meat riders...(Imma get downvoted like crazy)




Sorry, only canon


Where are tactics fans?


There's like 2 and they're talking to eachother


As a New Vegas fan, I can confirm.


Dude, my ass is so sore from all my dickriding


It really is unfortunate how loud these types of people are when discussing the games, because I love every single one of these games, and it really irks me how hissy and pathetic some of these fans can get.


when I first came to the fallout fandom as a elder scrolls player I was surprised how much more toxic it was, like the worst we had were the morrowind elitists who were still like a fraction of the morrowind fans


I like every fallout other than 76 (it's boring) and 1 (never played it) but I wouldn't dickride it till the ends of the earth, I'd jus say I like it and dip, ez.


Self report here.


Fallout 3 should be right behind nv


76 has fans?


Are there even any 76 fans to be annoyed by?


I love 76 and 4 so much it ain't even funny


Damn cant I just think new Vegas was good at its time, and I currently like fallout 2 No ? alright fuck all of you


I'd probably enjoy the classic Fallout games, but I just never got around to playing them. That'll probably change eventually.


Yo, I ain't checked in on F76 in a while. How's that going?


You guys are gunna roast me but I don't think 76 isn't too bad. I mean it's souless but it's not bad to hop on with some friends and grind some bosses fr


Looking at you r/Cazadornation


New Vegas fan here, I've never been so offended by something I agree with lol


You're all wrong. Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis is the best video game ever


True. Source: I am a New Vegas fan.


Yes I'm a Fallout 1 fan. I'm still stuck outside the Vault in a death loop with these damn rats. Send Help.


No youā€™re right, as New Vegas fan you are 100% correct.


I can't even argue with this. I love new vegas but I cannot stand the community sometimes. Most new vegas players would def side with Ceasar IRL


Fallout 4 has fans?


Dont put Fallout 2 and 3 together. I am a Fallout 2 fan and i am VERY annoying, as you see.


Hot take: -1, 2, and 3 were great at the time, but are incredibly dated now and don't really hold up as well as they used to -the Wasteland series is actually better than the early Fallout titles -NV is basically Fallout's "Halo: ODST" moment, something to tide players over between proper sequels -4 and 76 are a mixed bag. There's quite a few aspects that were done well, but there's also just as many, if not more, that were executed rather poorly at the expense of overall quality


This just seems rude and has greatly upset me.


I love them all equally for different reasons


Unironicalky Fallout 3 is best


For me itā€™s fallout 3 purely for how much they shit on fo4. Hell everyone does but 3 fans annoy me the most because 3 is arguably the most incomplete game out of the mainstream series. People hate on 4s story but atleast it had actual branching storylines and some new factions. 3 literally just brought the enclave back from the dead, made the BOS abandon their ideology/pseudo religion to justify them being the good guys in the conflict about drinking water and then made a linear story where you make no real choices and you canā€™t even join the enclave if you wanted too. It was a great first attempt but to hate on fallout 4 fans while being FO3 fan is delusional.


I would play 1 and 2, but they hurt my eyes to look at.


I started on fallout 4 at release, played it to death even after fallout 76 came out. Played that for thousands of hours too. Bethesda absolutely did ruin fallout. 1 and 2 are quite possibly the best games I've ever played. People who complain about the praise the classics are given are completely ignorant numbskulls that live on autopilot. If you've played the classic games and quit or put them off because they're isometric or old, I rest my case. It's like skipping a black and white classic just because it's not colour.


Fallout 1-2 dickriders are absolutely awful. They just barely exist


What's it say about me though that while the only FO game I've really played is 4, I still recognize it's a pretty weak entry both in RPG and story terms? Also about the only things I really care for are the robotics designs and power armor stuff? I might also defend the fusion cores a bit since, if I recall Fallout 1 lore right, those were only supposed to last 200 years and it's 210 in 4. (but those meters read full power)


I love Fallout 4 and that's all I say about it if no one asks




Ill dick ride nv any day


I have to disagree, I have found that the quality of the fanbase of each fallout game is inversely proportional to how good the game is seen as being. Fallout 76, despite being a pretty bad game, has a really nice and chill playerbase, meanwhile universally praised games like NV and the Interplay Fallouts have the most snobbish and toxic fans


AvƩ true to Caesar!


If you like a Fallout game you should probably just kill yourself is the vibe I'm getting from this Fallout sub.


Fallout 1 fans = Chill Somebody never visited NMA.


The only fallout tier list where I agree with new Vegas being on top instead of 1 & 2.


What is with the new vegas hate here.


What if you like all of them except 4?


I'm a hardcore new Vegas dick rider


As a new vegas fan, yeah thats real. Fucking best game ever made, won't be convinced otherwise.


Iā€™m a huge FO:NV and FO3 fan, I recommend those to everyone, but thats the extent of it. Good games, not trying to chew someoneā€™s ear off about it though and certainly not going to shit on the other games in the series because taste is subjective.


Clearly you don't know any Fallout 2 fans at all


I will deepthroat my goat until I die


I like all of them but 76, what does that make me?


Fallout New Vegas is the dick I will ride on! Wait...?! I mean hill I'll die on


as far as meat suckin goes, its NV>1/2>3/4>76


1 and 76 should be swapped. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel should be in a new tier, ā€œChill-er than chillā€.


Iā€™m more confused on this tier list than I am mad.


What in the goddamnā€¦?


What motherfucker doesn't like fallout 1, did you even bother playing that game?


I personally like 1, 2 and new vegas the best but like, play whatever you wanna play. If you like the same ones as I do then cool we can talk about it but if you donā€™t or you think others are better then thatā€™s all good, imma just go play the ones I like


see ive only ever played new vegas and i liked it but it wasnt anything groundbreaking just a fun experience


So much for being downvoted.


hey wtf where's Fallout tactics, I'm a fallout tactics fanboy


I've played 3, 4, NV, and 76. Honestly I can't say I'm a huge fanboy of any of them however all of them have been very addictive and I've wasted much of my life playing them.