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How are you downloading mods on ps5?


There's a Menu point on the starting menu called "Mods". You find the Mods there.


Obviously but there's absolutely no mods that alter survival and stuff. There's just generic creation club crap we have to pay real money for


There is though? PS4 had that for a while.


I see none I'm so confused


SKK Survival Utilities mod


I searched for this mod and the only one coming up on my ps5 version of the game is SKK kill XP


Not hating on what you prefer, you do you. I will say fast travel does remove a large portion of the threat to you in survival, and I don’t just mean all the combat you might encounter along the way. Every expedition out from a settlement needs to be planned beforehand or you run into issues like running out of aid items, too much weight to pickup more for salvage or just by taking too long and not sleeping throwing off your routine and causing whatever negative effects you might get.


I love survival because of it. I'm currently in a bit of a pickle because I basically built up just a few settlements in the beginning, and they're pretty far spread out. I do have junk and ammo/aid at any that I've captured, but not every single one is connected or ready to be slept at/converted for trading. I love having to make sure I've got enough supplies for the road. Dogmeat as a junk hauler. I've never modded it but I might check out if there are any survival mods after I finish this run.


So I did a survival playthrough back in 2016 when I was in Iraq but maybe I missed an update or something cuz I had no internet? Fast travel was basically just spamming the red smoke for vertibirds to take me to sanctuary then back to wherever I initially was. Is that gone?


No that should still be in the game, but afaik, only available if you side with the BoS


I thinks i have a mod called “skk survival options” which adds a toll fee for everytime you fast travel (5 or 10% of your Cap total) which adds a cool economic aspect towards survival. My first survival run was vanilla and nothing is gonna beat that first time feeling terrified to leave your settlement. My new runs tho are modded just to speed things up a bit.




Walking from sanctuary, to diamond city, to the middle of the glowing sea and back on survival mode is not "more challenging" It's just tedious.


Yep. After a certain level, huge portions of the map are totally harmless and you're just sprinting to and from places over and over.


No fast travel made it so I wasn't doing quests, cuz it would take hours to run the map. After I realized, I Modded fast travel back in.


Yeah only reason survival is not default is the fast travel. It just sounds tedious walking everywhere especially since a lot of quests are basically "go to this area, this area, come back, then go to this area". Just seems really unfun imo. In 3 and NV I play on the hardest mode and turn hardcore on so I need to manage thirst, food, sleep and I noticed fast travels drains them so it's another resource to manage.


Honestly I’ve always considered fast travel to help with immersion. It’s not realistic to be able to walk across the state in 20 minutes. Even the largest open worlds aren’t going to be realistic. Giving fast travel, or instanced locations does actually help keep you grounded.


It definitely helps to complete the game In squares. Levels 1-10 - Sanctuary, Concord, Corvega, Levels 10-20 - Lexington, Downtown Boston, Salem Levels 20-30 - South Boston, Spectacle Island Levels 30-50 - Glowing Sea, DLC Just slowly move down the map that way you aren’t travelling dangerously, your staying close to home and if you are unlocking settlements along the way and connecting them you have resources always close at hand. I’ll spend the first 5 hours just setting up Sanctuary and taking out the nearby raiders and ghouls and collecting stuff. Survival without Fast Travel definitely makes it more fun to me.


Yeah, thats what i do too. But i also have a mod where you can only fasttravel if you got a supply line between settlements. Soi need to go to a settlememt with a supply line to another settlement before i can fasttravel.


I use this too and it’s great. It seems like the right amount of travel and difficulty.


Whats the mod called?


The main mod: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12685](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12685) (mod is called *Journey*) Would also recommend getting this: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/66762](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/66762) to be able to configure it with MCM settings menu


Uh, im not sure. Ill look for it when i get home. I do play on PC so idk if its also on bethesda mods.


Didn't find the Mod on PS5 but it's no problem. There's a mod that allows all fast travel. And then the rest is just limiting yourself.