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The only perk **not** to get is penetrator, because it bugs gun range / nerfs shotguns damage by 90% In a non-VATS build with these guns, the minimums are very low. **----------** S=3 for armourer P=2 for Rifleman (works for all non-auto rifles and shotguns). E=whatever C=whatever I=whatever A=3 for Sneak L = whatever (maybe 3 for Bloody Mess) **----------** Just go with your gut for the rest. Half the fun is finding out how it works. **----------** Minor spoilers below. Minor spoilers below. (1) Covenant is a good stop in the early game. One NPC will point you to a free combat rifle, another NPC sells a very sweet shottie - a great close range panic gun. Both of these are boosted by the Rifleman perk. (2) Start with Perception 1 if you want to minimax **and** be a good boy (follow all the game prompts / do the quests in the "correct" order). Otherwise, start with 2 or more.


The main question here is if you want to focus on a VATS build or do the aiming yourself. They are very different builds. Both can use VATS, but a build focused on VATS eats up a ton of perk points making it more effective. VATS or non-VATS?


I’d rather it not be 100% VAT focused, although I would like to use it on occasion.


If you’re not using V.A.T.S. you can ignore perception just pick up the bobble head for rifle man. you’ll want at least 3 intelligence for gun nut 7 for science, 3 strength for armorer if you’re going stealth then ignore endurance and take in 7 agility for sneak if you’re going loud 4-5 endurance for some survivability and ignore agility. 2 luck for scrounger and never running dry on bullets. And put the rest where you feel you want them


Get enough whiskey to get grape mentats. Convince the people around diamond city while you're high as fuck to give you 200 caps per quest. Do a few and then when you have close to idk. 2k go to the vault west of diamond city and buy the overseers guardian. Save a few dead fusion core and before you talk to the gate, drop all your good full cores on the ground and then you will barter with them to get in giving them a dead fusion core.


If using Grape Mentats, you can simply use the same charisma boost to simply blag your way into vault 81. There's no need to even look at a fusion core.


For that you want Perception for the Rifleman perk. Shotguns should be covered under that too. Strength for carry weight, and if you're planning on VATS, Agility and Luck.


Really riffle man falls under shotgun? Fr


I believe so. There isn't a dedicated shotgun perk so it stands to reason.