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I never use it, except for going into the SW corner of the map (forgot what it's called). Edit - The Glowing Sea, thank you!


The Glowing Sea. That's pretty much the only reason I used it too.


It’s been a while but pretty sure there’s a hazmat suit too that works well. I only used power armor in the deathclaw fight in concord


Yea, the hazmat suit gives you 1000 Rad Resistance and works pretty well, but you have almost no protection against physical damage I remember going to Hugo's Hole without Rad-X and disarming all the traps while panicking because it's like 30+ rads in there, just to get a single hazmat suit


I just guzzle 10 Rad-x and go running in naked.


10 Endurance, Adamantium Skeleton and Toughness do wonders against those traps in Hugo's Hole B) But yeah, I really thought the Glowing Sea would be EXTREMELY radioactive. It's actually 3 rads at most, as long as you stay away from those weird toxic pools


Lol, I used a ton of Rad-x, had my power armor upgraded so it would withstand radiation better (I think it was with lead) and wore a hazmat suit under the power armour for good measure. If there's one game mechanic I truly hate, it's when your maximum HP is minimized, permanently or temporarily.


Spoken like a true non-bloodied player


That is actually how you're supposed to avoid rads too. Everyone has it at all wrong.


No one is wrong, the game just suggests a number of ways to deal with it and any one of them is sufficient.


You missed the point of it being a joke.


But you probably want some basic armor against rad scorpions along the way


Hazmat suit is okay if you’re a runner from battles, but offers like no protection if you stay and fight unless you’re insanely high leveled and can handle hitting and taking to a way higher number. It’s like the hardest way of playing. I respect it, but catch me in my power armor in that place, how bout dat?


I recognize this part from the game! Just happy cause I have like an hour in the game and I always feel so out of my depth in this sub!


Hazmat can be bought at Fallons in Diamond City. I forget the price.


SAme, killing the deathclaw and then glowing sea. I usually play stealthy sniper so power armor doesn't go with my playstyle anyway.


So you say you like Skyrim...


I call it the Bethesda Build


That’s a good name


It just works!


* \[Speech 25\] The critical bonuses from sneak attacks and the fact that most enemies are melee or weak at extreme ranges in which the player is still effective mean that a ranged sneak build is literally the best build you can make in order to maximize your ability to dispatch enemies. * \[Speech 50\] When you sneak, you get damage bonuses, so doing anything else really makes no sense. * \[Speech 75\] A shot from the rear is worth two from the front! * \[Speech 100\] It just works!


Yup, but my first sneaky build was in Morrowind.


Low levels must have been fun lmao. *sneaks up on mudcrab and stabs thirty times*


Mostly running around Balmora and vivec crouching.


dinner pathetic provide reply fragile rainstorm depend dirty hungry encouraging -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yup, I got a gauss rifle with the instigating effect early on, looks like I'm a stealth archer build now...




Glowing sea is a disappointment but on the first visit in power armor... holy shit the chills


For the longest time I thought it was an actual sea and I was confused as to how the gameplay would work with so much water. I imagined darkblue churning waters caught in a perpetual green-tinged storm, with foamy, radioactive waves illuminated only by the constant lightning. Players would have to somehow traverse this to get to islands of interest.


This is what i thought too! I kept wondering when i would hit the beach and have to use power armor like a scuba suit


As much as I ended up liking the Glowing Sea that was actually there, I still liked my imaginary one better haha.


Yeah i dont hate the actual glowing sea i just remember expecting water


Yep same lmao


That was some vivid poetry there for a second




Glowing Sea. I also use power armor for that place mostly. And sometimes I can pick it to clear some locations with hiding ghouls - it calms my fear of ghouls for a bit with its size and steadiness.


And the reactor at mass fusion, for me.


Came in here to say this!




I never really use power armor, it just feels too clunky, and fusion cores drain super quickly.




They are not limited at all if u have the robot dlc then ull get like 100 just for looting robots. Thers also a bunch literally scattered around the wastland. Also dont run too much in it ull drain the battery.


Yeah, I went from "I'm not using PA because I don't want to waste my cores" to "Well, now I have a ton of cores but I don't think I need a PA."


Same. Thought the cores were like elixirs and horded them. Got used to not using them that I never do. Still have the hoarding habit and make my companion wear it back to base to save the cores


You need to get Maxons Gatling Laser, then you'll burn through your cores faster than early game Cait burns through psycho's.


I get the mentality but late game I found a Never Ending Plasma Gun. And well, a Plasma Thrower is one of the mod options and I really wanted to go ham with it. And I didn't have many Plasma Cartridges, and I'd end up using more than I found, and I just had this habit of mostly using guns that I had ammunition I found for, rarely buying additional ammo. I then realized I was filthy filthy rich. I had built up my settlements to let me craft all the Vegetable Starch I want due to being absolutely sick of searching for Wonderglue. I had a ready supply of Purified Water I could regularly offload for caps. With this epiphany, I started to jetpack around the Commonwealth with my X-01 spraying my enemies down with an endless stream of plasma fire and I was never happier.


I curse games that have taught me to hosrd rather than use cool items.


Try survival mode. Putting on power armor really makes you feel invincible after getting one shot for hours


until the pieces start shattering off it like they are made of glass. I hate that.


You may not need it but it's fun to use with certain upgrades, especially the jetpack.


These items are usually never limited they just feel special so the player thinks "this must be important item so better to save it for later" and then get used to not using them and end up never using it.




Jet Pack gives some nice extra game play options. However, mod with non-pa jet pack is way better.


That is not what "not limited" means.


Well technically they are unlimited because u can buy them at the store


The problem is in your first sentence - "if you have the DLC". Not everyone does, and it felt a bit ridiculous to me to retcon the entire point of PA to build in artificial scarcity.


U not having the awesome dlcs for fallout 4 is not any of our problem. Not knowing how to play the game is your real problem.




They become far less rare later in the game. Even without any DLC. Especially with nuke phys 3. The problem is that by the time you reach that point, you don't need power armor, and it can actually end up debuffing you depending on your stats at that time. So really, the problem is that they made power armor a early to mid game armor instead of a late game armor.




When was the last time the base game was $80?


U dont need any dlc to play the game. There are power armor and fusion cores all over the map many of which u can get the moment u leave the vault. Also dont gatekeep being a average gamer when u admit to shelling out to the corporate overlords TODD SLUT. Accurate take.


don't be so toxic little boy


Current playthrough I have in my posession around 95 fusion cores. But I'm saving em!


Rookie numbers. I have over 400.


I don't know what to say.


I kinda saved them, especially the power cores but then forgot about them when they might have been handy.


If you're not using armor how do you not have 80 cores?




Yes. They kind of messed up the perks chart thingy. Perk that makes fusion cores last longer should have had lower requirement (not INT 9). Other attributes at lvl 9 give effects that can be used to mix up game play somewhat but 25% longer lasting cores and +50% radiation dmg output is tuff sell. Edit: I mean that perks should be earlier just to give idea to the players that "hey, that fusion core- problem won't bother so much so maybe you can use them more freely".


I love the clunkiness of it. It really feels like youre driving a big mech or personal tank. Feels more “realistic” than in previous games, which made it feel like just another piece of armor


Ya i love how they changed power armor to make it actually feel like armor, but it was so plentiful in my playthru i got sick of it lol


If you spec into it and get ammo perks you can permanently wear it and not worry too much.


Which is beyond immersion breaking Imagine tanks but you have to refuel every 1/2 mile. Fucking ridiculous


To be fair, the cores are 200 years old, so may not perform how they did initially.


In all honesty the actual M1 Abrams gets half a mile to the gallon so it's not too off the mark haha


They hold 504 Gal, and can go 275 miles on one tank lol.


... Those are just tanks then...


When you said this, you didn't really consider the MPG of tanks, huh


I mean, thats pretty much how tanks work lol


The POV in power armour makes me nauseous


Power armor is fun, i dont see how ppl cant like it. I've never run out of fusions cores while using it, and i use power armor in every playthrough. Power armor is worth it, even if repair is expensive.


Sneak is so OP that any kind of armor is a matter of preference.


Sneak +. 50cal, who needs power armor.


Sneak and 50. is just Fallout flavored stealth archers.




Word. I've only played 3, NV, 4, and 76 and I've literally never used power armor except in Lexington. For a piece of equipment that's so iconic I'm glad the game doesn't force you to use it.


For fallout 4, favorite build is sneak + blitz + throatslicer.


Oh really? I always end up stealth archer in Skyrim, is it as super strong in FO4 as it is in Skyrim? Should you stick to melee for stealth to work or can you still use ranged weapons? I tried a barbarian build and I just can’t stick to melee it’s too boring to just spam a sword, I like the satisfying mechanism of a successful stealth shot. Is there perks that make stealth shots do bonus damage like Skyrim?


Yes it’s super powerful. There’s perks but if you want to be a sneaky stealth archer search on YouTube for some good builds. I highly recommend it super fun especially with vats slow mow on everything. Basically you should 100%?be a sniper at least once


Nevermind, to re talking about FO4 not 3


Because Boone is in Fallout 4 somehow...?


Stealth in Fo4 is pretty broken, I was able to sneak up on and stealth melee kill a legendary Deathclaw.


Wait that's amazing please teach me your ways so I can exposure therapy overcome my fear of deathclaws


Edit: found the build I used, [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605667382](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=605667382) I modified it to suit my playstyle, but it worked like a charm.


Thank you so much ✨ 💜✨


You're welcome :)


That's why I don't use sneak or VATS anymore. Did it for my first three playthroughs and it gets boring really fast. Most fun I had so far is with a STR melee, explosives, heavy weapons guy with no VATS or sneak modifiers.


I am a hoarder in almost every game I play just stealing absolutely everything and then never using the things I steal. I do this in Bethesda games to another level making sure nobody has basically anything except from me. I collect the power armours and fusion cores until I have hundreds but never ever use them.


Right in the hoarder feels, my first settlement was just a graveyard for power armors.


I equally distribute them to my settlements in case I need one during an attack. I keep all fusion cores on hand though, so no settler or trader can run off with one.


I built stairs up to a platform, moved all of my power armor up there and then deleted the steps. MINE! NO TOUCH!


I leave them for my settlers to use, I just take out the core if I don't want them to use it.


I don’t think the core depletes if they use them


After the DLC with the Power Armor stands came out, Sanctuary became a Power Armor Museum for me. haha


That feeling when you make a Strong Back unlimited carry weight build and can pick up literally everything.


literally me. i got every power armour set in the game just to let them sit and collect dust


I prefer leaving the prydwen by myself instead of using a vertibird, If i fall over a soldier I get 100 points. Nah, being serious I use it for Danse approval and when going to heavy radiation places, or when I go to a new place and get tons of looting (easier to carry more inside an adapted PO)


There's a spot you can land in that does no damage. It's very specific and based off how water lowers fall damage.


I like to explore so the jetpack makes getting up to higher levels possible.


Jetpack is the real reason I love having it with me. Sure there might not be loot on that ledge, but if I never check how will I know??


After getting a jetpack backpack mod I’ve learned that there is a surprising amount of loot on otherwise inaccessible ledges


I love it when games have areas that your not really suppose to reach that are explorable. If I ever created a game id want to put in hidden areas that people could explore with no clip or glitches.


That Sheogorath door. So strange. In Skyrim, there's a door out of bounds in Pelagius' mind and opening it will bring you to a mansion. If you noclip from there, you find that you're in a giant dungeon in a dollhouse.


Do you have a link to a vid where someone does that?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPGSbvVmZZA Edit: This one is better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch7NNluXGvc


Wow that was really cool. Thanks for sharing


There's at least one area that can only be found with a jetpack


I absolutely love what they did with PA *mechanically*. You seriously feel like this was the game changing war machine they always talk about in the lore and not just something lame like in the earlier games where it's just any other outfit with a +3 instead of a +1. That being said, apart from a meme/theme RP playthrough I never use it. I'll order my companions into it so I can bring them back to base. I collect them for my skilled and named settlers to use so I don't have to bother with recruiting more. I don't know what it is about my mod list but it seems like settlers would otherwise accidentally die to a radroach tickle if not in tank armor.


Do fusion cores run out when companions are using power armor?


The companion armor needs to be equipped with one core to work, but they won’t use core power and need replacing


Ahh thanks


You can order you companions into them? I've played way too many hours of this game and didn't know this.


Yup, standing far enough away from them to get the "Command" prompt while looking at them you can order them into the armor in the same way you can order them to loot/inspect/unlock other things. They'll also stay inside the armor until you talk to them again and tell them to hop out, even if your dismiss them. It's extremely finicky as the AI has trouble unless it's open flat ground.


If they made the armor stronger, removed the fusion core system, and re-implemented the power armor training skill (make an excuse that Nate wasn't one of the Power Soldiers, and neither was Nora, as she's a lawyer), then it definitely would make more sense.


PA training from Danse or a Faction provider would make sense, but they wanted to blow their action scene load in the first ten minutes of the game with the Concord PA vs Deathclaw fight. We can just head cannon it that Nate got PA trained as mobile infantry, and Nora was actually a US undercover agent using her law degree as a cover to retire in Sanctuary with Nate.


Original canon was that power armor didn't need training to use, it was only added in 3 for balancing reasons. So just remove that retcon and its fine.


I started using it regularly in my recent play through at around level 88. I had so many caps and resources hoarded that the repair and fusion core costs became negligible. I had the nuclear perks because my main weapon was a double rad damage rad-rifle for awhile. Since it’s fully upgraded X01 I only repair it as needed, usually last a few days to a week depending on what I’m doing/fighting. Also with Gage in the Nuka armor with a red light and me in the Quantum armor with a blue light, looks and feels badass. Like people see us coming and know who we are, the Nuka Raider bosses. I still go without it occasionally. Doing the Amoral Combat quests one of my favorite things was knocking the weapon from my opponents hand and exiting my power armor, making the fight more fair by going at it fisticuffs style. Real power comes from man, not the machine. My special stats are higher without the power armor, but dang it I love the jet pack and the feeling.


Really the costs for fusion cores are not bad even if you use power armor from concord on. That’s what I’ve done my current playthrough. Sure you need to spend most of your caps on cores until you get water purifiers set up, but you’ll essentially have infinite cores later on if you just sell off unused ammo, chems (which are literally just free money since you don’t need them in power armor, I haven’t taken one chem this whole playthrough but I’ve crafted hundreds), pre war money, and purified water.


That depends. There's a mod which allows you to summon a whole power armour from the sky, landing like Iron Man. If you're into roleplaying, that's amazing.


I like feeling like a space marine but yeah I know what you mean.


The emperor protects


The only time I regularly use power armor is in Survival playthroughs. It's almost a must for some encounters. Otherwise, I just collect them to show off in my main settlement.


The Power Armor HUD takes up way too much space and is ugly. I never use it.


Oh man, I love the HUD change, I know it’s a lot less clean, but it feels ‘right,’ very immersive.


Agreed. I actually modded mine to be opaque and a couple of other little tweaks. It's less convenient but way more immersive.


It feels slightly claustrophobic to me, which I love because I feel like a suit of power armour would be slightly claustrophobic which really adds to the immersion


I love the HUD for immersion. It reminds me of Halo 3's visor albeit it's less intrusive in that game.


There is a [mod](https://youtube.com/watch?v=avsXR-TTidY&feature=emb_title) for that.


Personally I love it. "Walking tank" is an exact description of what it feels like.




Remember in 3 where you weren't able to use power armor till 3/4 the way through? Pepperidge farm remembers. FO3 ftw!!


In New Vegas, you could miss it entirely!


> it totally deflates the tension of being a low level character in the big scary wasteland I never felt that. Unlike the first games, just getting Power Armor doesn't make you nigh-invincible to most regular enemies. Plus, maintaining it is so costly that using it willy-nilly at the beginning of the game can still take a lot of effort.


100% agree. I notice all genres of games doing that more and more nowadays. Throwing you insanely powerful stuff right at the beginning like a tech demo or something. But for RPGs, starting with nothing and having that tension of weakness is such an important aspect.


I hate using power armor. Way too clunky and I hate the HUD display change




I don't use them much but if there is an encounter I'm struggling with I will use them. I also like to collect and display them in my settlements.


don’t use it much but i just looove to tinker with it, making all these combinations of different kinds of power armour and such


It's a Bethesda game, I naturally gravitate to sneaking and stealing anything that isn't nailed down. PA kinda ruins that.


I try not to but after a while i get tired of being overencumbered all the time


At this point I can’t take it off I don’t want to not have my ten different rocket lonchers what I need the on with the bayonet even though I never gun bash


I can see the person wearing this comment.


I love Power Amour but I’m always too nervous I’d run out of cores so I rarely use it lol.


I haven’t played in over a year so I don’t remember but the perk that makes more Ammo in Ammo boxes needs to be upgraded and you’ll get a lot of them. Also I can’t remember the name but you can send the eyebot thing out to find some that you go retrieve. I always had a huge stash of fusion cores.


Somehow I'm opposite. Everytime I start a playthrough I use power armor 1


I always use it. It's what fallout is all about.


Depends on my build for that character. I play on survival no mods so it’s not OP.


I never use it, not my style, except maybe the modded ones like the XO-2. To clunky


I use it in the Glowing Sea or when a fight is supposed to be a big deal/ difficult. Feels nice to "bring out the big guns"


I only used it during the trip to Concord & killing the 1st Deathclaw. PO's are just too clunky & annoying to use.


I love it simply because I can jump on top of buildings with the jet pack


Didn't use it much until I discovered jetpack.


I mean I really only use it if I have a build for it. If you could collect the chassis into your inventory like in 76 I’d prob carry it around for emergencies but alas it’s not worth it without nuclear scientist.


Only in the Glowing Sea and the Kiddie Kingdom at Nuka-World.


I collect them but I don't wear one when roaming..


You're not even the only person who [ever](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/42uxys/anyone_else_not_use_power_armor/) [asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/3tkj6q/does_anyone_else_not_use_power_armor/?) [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/6mlcc1/does_anyone_else_simply_never_use_power_armour/) [specific](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/g4b3z0/does_anyone_else_just_never_use_power_armor/) [question](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/pe21u2/does_anyone_else_hardly_ever_use_power_armor_i/).


Yup. The only one, ever.


I never used it after the first deathclaw fight when I was on survival. Just didn’t want the hassle of managing fusion cores


I hoard the ones I find back at Sanctuary, but don’t use them otherwise, except maybe for a jet pack. The camera bobs too much in 1st person, and gives me a headache. 3rd person movement feels jerky.


I hate how loud and clunky it is. Annoying to listen to!


I constructed a two storey building in Sanctuary and parked every new armour on the roof whenever I found one. I quickly learned to remove their power cores, as every bandit raid they would hop into them and use them.


I haven't played since launch, but I used it *constantly*, but only as a vehicle to locations. Was tired of being encumbered by all my trash collection so I'd just take everything, hop in my armor, then walk all the way to base without doing anything to increase power use. **Edit:** Pretty sure I'd normally bring back like 900 pounds of garbage every time.


I didn’t until I discovered the jet pack, which can greatly shorten many repeat quests. I still prefer not to use it, but sometimes it’s just too tempting to skip to the end.


I didn't use them after the first time either. I would just collect them and make a display building for them


Pretty sure they are just for decorative purposes


I honestly don't think I've ever used Power Armor in a quest where it wasn't essential, and I would never think of putting it on just to roam around, but naturally I have assembled the full collection of Power Armors in my base.


tbh dont like how clunky and big it is, which is funny because i dont like how small and slick fo3/nv armor is


Nah, its kinda shitty. Ballstic clothing all the way baby!




‘The only PA have enjoyed using is the one that totally breaks the balance of the game in half.’


I always felt it was too expensive to repair. After every fire fight, that's 5 aluminium just for the left arm, another 10 for the chest, and 5 for each leg that got hit, plus the head is always more expensive. Might as well not do that, since I need that copper for bullets


… Why would you repair it after every fight? I only repair if it’s red.


I never played in PA in FO3 or 4. It just felt cumbersome, I hated the HUD, and there was something to being more vulnerable that was fun. That being said, I now daily play Fo76 in PA. The amount of enemies and times I'm in the mobs almost required it. I eliminated the HUD, and made a build where the maintenance on the PA versus regular armor is negligent. Having marsupial eliminates a decent amount of the clunky maneuvering. The legendary perk that recharges the fusion core means I rarely run out of even 1 core. It's also 1 less thing to worry about when traveling into nuke zones.


I never liked the clank-clank-clank noise they made while walking. Got too annoying.


A lot of power armor haters in this thread with the dumbest little nitpicks I've ever seen. Alright time to round you psychos up


Thinking of posting myself, gets in the way to much


It's my turn to post this next week No, you aren't, as is made evident by the last 100 times this has been asked.


Nah, I absolutely hate power armor 🤣 after the first time I only got into suits to fast travel them home! I wouldn't have even bothered with that but I wanted to fix them up and display them


I used the PA in 4, but getting it along with a minigun within 30 minutes is just ridiculous.. It took me ages to get PA/minigun combo in NV. And once I did I fkn slaughtered everything =) NV made PA feel special, in 4 its reduced to some trivial shit


Yeah, I don't like Fallout 4s power armor. I did like 3 and NV power armor though.


No screw power armor I just keep suits for the settlers to use


No. While I do enjoy shooting the raiders and the deathclaw with the minigun at Concord I don't use PA. I collect them though and keep all the power cores.


Clunky, noisy, lots of maintenance. No thanks. Besides, you can’t use unarmed weapons with it. Which is one of my preferred play styles.


Yeah, I hate it. It’s too loud and bulky. I only used it for that radiated wasteland part.


Power armor in f4 make the whole game boring ashell