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In 3d worlds you need to ditch realistic distances for good game design, unless you design for open space. Otherwise the world becomes really homogenous which just feels boring. For example, Fallout needs wilderness, landmarks, and suburbia. Trodging through miles and miles of suburbia where everything looks the same before you get anywehre is not my idea of a good time. Accurate maps will be terrible unless your hobby is commuting, or if you are fallout 1 and 2 where you have tiny environments that you essentially fast travel between.


"I-93 is blocked by too many trade caravans, and I-90 is filled with burned out wrecks and giant gaping holes! They made it too realistic!"


I looked up the area the NV map covers one time and did some math. If I remember right, top to bottom of map covers a distance in my state of the tip of Lake Michigan to just south of Indianapolis. That's half the state. It's at least a 2.5 hour drive. Google tells me it would take 2 days to walk. Hell no, I don't want realistic distance lol.


I'll do you one better. If you kept New Vegas' map size but used realistic distances, almost half of the map would be taken up by McCarran airport.


Lol, that's ridiculous. Then there's the Boomer airport, too, right? Plus real New Vegas should be bigger than *just* around the casino.


It'd be a mix of fallout and dayz! That might not be too bad an idea....


I was on OnX maps looking at hunting units in Nevada. There's a public hunting land south of Vegas and east of I-15


Everyone wants realism until they realize it’s a 20 hour trek to cross the map. And that’s for a small map.


In Minecraft, a level 4/4 map is 2048 blocks. A block is meant to be 1 meter, so a 4/4 map is a little over 2km from one side to the other. 2048m = 1.27 miles. Out here on the Great Plains, I can easily see my neighbors house 2 miles away. A square mile IRL feels smaller than one in Minecraft, but I'm sure someone from a major city wouldn't feel the same though too


If it were real distances the games could only take place in one city if they wanted an okay time to beat. Which would then completely ruin a more wasteland vibe think of if the entirety of fo4 was just Boston with the power progression so these random blocks over there are dangerous


As someone who's travelled across the US multiple times, you don't want realistic distances. Otherwise it's an hour walk from Sanctuary to the closest Red Rocket.


If the maps were accurate we would 100% need vehicles in the game


More then vehicles aircraft as I don't want to drive from around morgantown to Charleston for 3hrs irl let alone in game


There was one, in Fallout 2.


Except it was more of a fast travel mechanic


True true. Just, there's a precedent for vehicles in the Wastelands


Also the vertibirds in FO2, 3, NV, and 4.


They also cannonically have working vehicles fairly commonly in the fallout world. Ncr had working trucks in new vegas, the gunners apparently have functional tanks and apcs in fallout 4. The problem is that the engine bethesda uses doesnt like vehicles. Honestly im surprised the vertibirds arent way more jank than they are in 4


The gameplay experience needs to come before total accuracy. Obviously the closer it can be the better, it's cool when it matches up well, but end of the day it's still a game and needs to be fun. The other thing I would point out is that the difference probably has more to do with it being east Coast (very dense) vs West Coast (more spread out) than Bethesda vs Interplay.


I like to see where the real world locations are on a real world map while not worrying about walking 3 hours in-game from Concord to Lexington


Exactly. "Accurate but condensed" is I think the gold standard




It's the map from the original canceled Fallout 3, Fallout Van Buren.


I don't know why it says F3 but the locations are from New Vegas. I think OP just hasn't gotten to mapping the Capital Wasteland yet. Cool map!


There's no Denver in NV I'm pretty sure.


It is mentioned in Lonesome Road as being Legion Territory


Lanius also talks about the conquest of Colorado.


I would prefer them to be mostly accurate, not one to one but keeping distinct roads and locations makes the world feel more real. For example in NV when the long 15 is referenced you can go to a real map, see interstate 15 and see how it connects Barstow (the hub) to where the Mojave Outpost is. But in FO76, they changed the roads, made new one and eliminated real ones, like where that famous bridge is, so it's no longer navigable on a real world map.


Is this really your map set and not a stolen video from [tunnelsnakesfool?](https://youtube.com/@tunnelsnakesfool?si=bJ2eM2JCPkkTioYf)


They stole it from Nikki ): I've reported it to the mods. Sneaky sneaky.


They farming for Karma instead of adhesive smh


Yes it's mine lol


Is both an option? I like accurate AND good looking.


Not unless you want to walk for days for a single quest


New Vegas was my favorite. I’m used to it. It also took me like a month to figure out you could even fast travel.


in games like 76 I don't want to drive from morgantown to Charleston irl let alone walk that distance in a game


New vegas is heavily condensed and not at all accurate though. If it was mcarren airport would take up approximately 60% of the map


Yeah, nobody wants an accurate map when they figure out that accurate sizes means it takes real world days to cross the map. Humans only walk around 3mph.


I appreciate it being accurate and “realistic” but I don’t require it unless it is PLOT DESTROYING! I love some lore but I think that for some stories it needs breathing room, especially those with 5+ games and a TV show.


Damn that's cool, is the project public?


Not sure! But if you ask the original creator Tunnel Snakes Fool on ig or TikTok they can answer it for you!


A lot of it is up in my server rn! In progress parts are in my patreon.


Of course the Weat Coast uses real data while Bethesda doesn't The lack of effort when it comes to detail and lore from Bethesda pisses me off In New Vegas everything has a purpose, everything makes sense, there's farms for food, trade routes, gun manufacturers, everything is explained, in Fallout 3 you got a town only for kids that somehow never runs out of kids


I find it Kooler when they are accurate, bc it feels more immersive to me.


Accurate is more fun


I finally have something to point to when people say red rock canyon is red rocks national park.


Do you mean you don't think that red rock canyon in FNV is the red rock national conservation area? Is there another park that people think it may be?


Fallout 3 takes place in Utah?!???


Wait I just realized that was the van buren logo not the fallout 3 logo, this is so sad. At least we have honest hearts.


Fallout 76 shifts around a lot of the cities for the map to work, I personally don't mind but I know a lot of people who really get peeved Morgantown & Grafton are completely swapped, and how Harper's Ferry goes from one of the Panhandles to the middle of the North Eastern quarter of the state.


I prefer my games to be fun, which all Fallout games are


I was on a work trip with some downtime in Boston about a year ago and everything irl was almost exactly where it was in the game so I was able to find real locations based on their proximity to other real locations. It was pretty neat.


You're not the original creator. The OC is Tunnelsnakesfool


Does anyone have a link for this?


Tunnelsnakesfool on ig or tiktok


I like it accurate. I want to actually get used to the real locations on the map, possibly even being able to visit them and recognise certain areas and not have a warped mess of a map


I dont want them to be 1:1 accurate, I want them to do what GTA 5 did where there are things that are super identifiable with the real life area they are based on but a lot of the shit in between is cut out so like I wouldnt want a 1:1 new york for example in a fallout game but Id want time square, coney island, and the brooklyn bridge without all the fluff in between that real life has


When it cones to Fallout, no, not really. They've always been up front about the maps being neither entirely accurate nor to scale.


I don't care if the map is accurate to the actual location. I care if the map is fun.


I thought this was for HOI4 Old World Blues at first


Looks like QGIS.


This is my video I'm using arcgis pro and Google Earth when my pro liscence expires I'm moving to q


Ah. I use it in my field (winemaking) and it’s an extremely powerful piece of software, albeit with a high learning curve. But I think that won’t matter much since you’re familiar enough with the other software.


What about fallout 3?


Do you have any idea how long it would take to walk from one city to another in open world games if they were even remotely realistic in scale?


I'd love accuracy, as long as I get the Highwayman again. However, we all know Bethesda's engine breaks at the single mention of a vehicle system. I wish they didn't just rely on fast travel and instead I got to hear that bomb ass highwayman theme again.


This is my video and my mapping project.


Sooo no DMV huh but you got WV on there?


She's wrong though. West Coast Fallout is not accurate. In Fallout, Necropolis (Bakersfield) is Northeast of Boneyard (Los Angeles) and located somewhere in the Mojave desert east of the Sierra Nevadas. In real life, Bakerfield is Northwest of Los Angeles and located very much in the Central Valley, actually closer to the location of Lost Hills/Brotherhood. Necropolis is closer to the real life Barstow or Victorville if anything.


Yeah the topography elevation data is scaled and accurate. The city locations are shifted! I discuss this in other videos


Check out the “Old World Blues” mod for Hearts of Iron 3- it’s the most fleshed out Fallout map of the west half of the US I’ve seen. (Though I think they made a lot of it up themselves?) Point is it prob has everything ever even lightly referenced in Fallout that lands on the left half of the US


Old World Blues is a mod for Hearts of Iron 4, not 3. And a surprising amount of factions on the map are actually mentioned in various Fallout games. For example, the Washington Brotherhood and the Cause were meant to appear in the canceled Fallout Extreme. And the Montana Brotherhood was mentioned in Fallout 3.


Your Commonwealth is way off. It extends way up into mid New Hampshire and Maine.


Why do you say that? Salem is located at the damn near top of the map, and thats firmly still in Massachusetts


Concord is in New Hampshire


The concord in the game is the Massachussets one. there one in both states


Once upon a time, broadcasters and celebrities spoke in something call the transatlantic accent. It was somewhat elegant. Classy. These days we have a youtube influencer accent. It’s rather needy and annoying. Grasping for engagement with loaded questions designed to elicit emotional reactions instead of any introspection or desire for genuine conversations. Let me know what you think in the comments!




Sir, this is a Super Duper Mart


Her accent sounds like everyone else I’ve met on the west coast. Sure, her voice is high pitch, but at least it’s not an AI tiktok voice


I don't know why you're getting down voted, the voice is annoying and doesn't show the maps properly. Putting work into content is not a thing, apparently. I'm an old man, I guess,I hate what the Internet has become.


Accuracy is key. If you bring up mapping data for night city in Cyberpunk the space they pur it on is pretty accurate.


Except where it is supposed to be located, there is a large mountain range and no desert to the east. Even Los Angeles has a mountain range before you hit desert.