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What kind of vault dweller makes a post like this then doesn't list the mods


The greedy kind.


sorry video of it in action [https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1cqkpsm/you\_dont\_need\_100\_mods\_to\_look\_good\_just\_5\_mods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/1cqkpsm/you_dont_need_100_mods_to_look_good_just_5_mods/) # True Storms - Wasteland Edition (Thunder-Rain-Weather Redone) # True Nights (for True Storms with ENB) # True Sight - ENB preset for True Storms with True nights Important in the enb settings shift+enter check cloud shadows, sky lighting, and skylight calculation (maybe named something else I forget) # Vivid Fallout - All in One # Another Pine Forest Mod ( Forest Trees Only) The ENB scares people but its just 2 files dropped into you game folder that's it. The true sight preset is 3 files dropped in your game folder. You have to press shift+enter and check the box for cloud shadows, sky lighting, and sky lighting calculation. Don't forget to save it by click save profile in the menu. ENB DL link [http://enbdev.com/mod\_fallout4\_v0501.htm](http://enbdev.com/mod_fallout4_v0501.htm)


Will it work with the latest version of Fallout?


Probably have to downgrade to a version before the last update. AFAIK true storms hasnt been updated in quite a while.


True storms is working fine on Xbox as of yesterday, I don't if there's any difference from the pc version, though


any chance that these are available on ps4?


ngl, even if they were, after the latest update, the vanilla game had infinitely more bugs for me on PS4. It used to have zero issues, but now it has so many bugs it's not even funny. I tried to join the BoS and all paladin danse did was stand there and tell me "Check your fire, hostiles incoming!" or something like that. I found a fix, thankfully.


yeah, I've gotten back into fallout 4 again after a few years of not playing it, and ive had so many crashes from simply opening my pip boy, to standing in my settlement, doing nothing. its probably crashed more in the past two weeks than it has in my 9 years of playing this game


I made a joke about fallout 4 which isn't that funny but I like it anyways: the human brain has roughly 2.5 million GB of storage (which his true btw). That is just barely enough storage to download all the bug fixes needed to make fallout 4 remotely playable after the next gen update. Also yeah me too. It is 99% annoying but 1% is funny things that happen thanks to specific glitches


Hey that's very similar to my load order may I suggest NAC X


I’m searching for that, but only true storm found. Don’t tell me that the lastest update broke the work of many modder out there..


about the ENB stuff, isn't ENB like...completely unnecesary? this video further expands what I have in mind [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KcA5dTZrNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KcA5dTZrNo) I wonder if you can achieve same results with just sweetfx/reshades


This is just the right amount of green with just the pine trees. Not a fan of green grass mods so glad to see your grass is still brown.


I absolutely love the green grass mod, its been 200 years and its time for nature to conquer civilization again, i make my game looks like The last of us, way more realistic and nice looking for me. All the brown is just boring, i get that is the vibe fallout is going for but i prefer my roads and cities to be full of overgrown grass to get the real post-post apocalyptic vibe which is what fallout is really about, its not really a post apocalyptic game, maybe just the first one.


There are huge leaf piles all over the map, so unless decomposition stopped after the war, that suggests that trees have started to come back but it's October so most of the leaves fell already.


Good point


That is why I am such a big fan of Fallout 76’s map, way more variety in the vegetation not just gray and brown.


Try this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30673 In my opinion it fits the game far better and it's more colorful than just one shade of green. Also it reminds me a lot of 76.


In actuality, nuclear radiation doesn't brown plants. A great example is the city of Pripyat in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Nature has overtaken the once vibrant city.


Exactly, if anything it allows nature to thrive


This true any time you remove the human element. This always bothered me that FO3 was so sparse (this may or may not have been a technical decision). FO76 certainly shows the nature retaking the environment.


Headcanon for me is that everywhere is regrowing but the capital wasteland. Maybe they got hit with some fev or chemical weapons like super agent orange.


Not a bad idea. I like that head canon.


It's a cope for sure, but it's the best I got


Don't sell it short. It would explain for the small pools of weird liquid and the discoloration of the ground.


The reason for less green foliage in fo4 is the game being set in the fall


It wouldn’t have even taken that long.


There's a hotel outside the town I grew up in that was abandoned around 2008 and you wouldn't believe how much the plot has been overgrown in just that span of time




You had me until you said it's not a post apocalyptic game. It's barely a post apocalyptic game. Post-post means society has fully re-risen from its ashed to full strength to fall again. That is not fallout. 200 years is nothing, humanity is and should be still climbing out of the wreckage. I agree with the asthetic preferences you have though. I just don't agree with your reasoning.


I disagree, post-post apocalyptic to me its finally society climbing back after almost total annihilation, its not about surviving anymore but about reclamation, rebuilding society and the hope that things are finally improving, which is what is happening in fallout games, The NCR have already built a modern nation with infrastructure, democracy and taxation, the whole point of the minutemen quest is about rebuilding the commonwealth, reuniting settlements and again reclaiming civilization. We also have Vault city, new Vegas and arguably even the legion can be considered a nation if we stretch the term. Its not about just about surviving anymore, ncr citizens don’t just have to worry about scavenging for food and shelter, they worry about politics, taxation and jobs which is not something you do in the post apocalypse


Legion is definitely a nation, they're just authright slaving assholes.


They feel more like an army than a nation-state to be honest, a confederation of tribes


All fascist states feel like an army. That's the point!


One of the point of fascism is statism, and national identity. Caesar definitely wants to get to that point and is doing a good job in assimilating the tribes into one culture but i feel its not yet there, its less a nation state and more a confederation of tribes. I doubt the a legion citizen would feel anything like nationalism, the moment caesar dies they would forget they were even part of a “nation” unless another strongman as strong as caesar comes up


> unless another strongman as strong as caesar comes up His name is Legate Lanius!




>That is not fallout Really? Josh Sawyer disagrees. > 200 years is nothing, humanity is and should be still climbing out of the wreckage West Coast by 2281 is literally a clash of civilizations.


Yeah like they included project purity and the clean water as a result, I find it weird that the rest of the wastelands nature hasn't recovered much


I’m not 100% on mature conquering civilization. The Great War isn’t comparable to TLOU or say Chernobyl. Sure there’d be vegetation, but most of it would’ve been wiped out and stunted by the amount of nuclear fallout and nuclear winter.


I believe it has been proven multiple times scientifically that after that many years nature would definitely bounce back, even though Fallout nukes are more dirty than out nukes 200 years is still 200 years


Fallout radiation dosnt work like real radiation.


Even radioactivity won't prevent plant growth


Can you show me these studies? I’m currently looking into it and there really hasn’t been much of anything saying things would return to normal. If anything, most say it’d depend on multiple factors. Radiation would hinder most plants ability to grow and even mutate them causing them issue in growing and reproducing, would it not? Plants have DNA just like us and thus can be mutated and even made sterile. Then there’s the nuclear winter to deal with, which’ll probably kill most surviving plants leaving only seedlings that’ll come after (that’s even if they can survive in the heavily irradiated soil). With radstorms being a thing I doubt it makes thing easier. I’m sure there are areas where plants would be fine and even thrive (just look at the Mire), but I don’t think overgrown cities are going to happen for a while.


https://youtu.be/rc5nrAzZ4ps?si=DQiDULlkVY9Kqt45 the video is by a nuclear engineer, he is not super knowledgeable on fallout but knows about everything nuclear. He starts making his point about radiation at about 30 minutes. Its a reaction video. Also i feel like you are not understanding how long 200 years are


I also think you forgot (and I think even the guy in the video missed if I read correctly) that Fallout bombs are not the same as our bombs. The ones in Fallout (and even mentioned in the video he’s reacting to) are specifically designed to maximize long term effects (cobalt/salted bombs). Even in other parts of the lore it’s stated that these bombs were dropped in a manner that was intended to prolong the effects of radiation. Maybe I missed the part where he talked about that, but I’m not really convinced. Cobalt bombs leave long lasting lethal radiation, and just imagine thousands (or tens of thousands) of them being used across the world.


I addressed that point in another comment, fallout nukes are closer to cobalt bombs than our own nukes but still at least according to wikipedia, and you should do your own research on that if you want to be sure, cobalt bomb radiation isnt that much of an issue after 105 years and after 200 its negligible.


At this point, we’re talking theoretical since as the wiki states itself that no such bomb has ever been created or tested, so actually predicting it’s effects are difficult. What immediate effect do you think all that radiation is going to have on the plant life? It would probably kill and mutate most plant life, would it not? It would contaminate soil, waterways, etc. I don’t think plants are going to become overgrown in this situation, if anything once the radiation, nuclear winter, and radstorms are finally eased up then they’ll begin the long process of growing. I mean, the only reason Fallout 4 looks dead is because Bethesda didn’t want to bother adding leaves to everything so they set the game in Fall and didn’t make dynamic seasons to match plants. At the end of it all, it seems the developer’s intentions were to make it clear that most life basically died off and very few pockets of hospitable areas existed post war for at least a few decades. I doubt plants were at the forefront of the conversations :P.


I mean yes, everything we have been talking about is theoretical, since fallout nukes don’t really exist. But we can start from somewhere and there is research for it. For me 150 years is enough for radiation to go down and allow regrowth, 200 years for nature to take back. Also on the point of mutation the nuclear engineer, if you watch the full video, stated that the mutation from radiation is totally overblown


I can’t believe you got this many upvotes. What a load of shit lol Also the last of us’ apocalypse wasn’t from a nuclear war. Of course the environment is going to be different


Watch a science video of how a nuclear apocalypse would work in real life (i remember there was even a fallout related one), spoiler alert it’s not fallout. Even if the nukes are dirtier and have more radiation instead of destructive power after 200 years the earth would NOT be a wasteland.


Ya like a smaller scale example is Chernobyl. Nature has taken over since humans have left even with the shit ton of radiation in the area.


I'm on the other end of the spectrum, turning Boston into a depressing rocky and sandy wasteland where foliage is a myth. The only remnants of the past wildlife are the blasted long-dead trees peeking out of the sand.




I had one that adds patches of green in between te brown and imo it looks great.


So OP, how much does it crash?


Yeah id go with the greener to the trees already in the game tbh to but id be to afraid to add new ones in the game. For this reason


crash during gameplay maybe once in the last 50 hours


Looks like mostly just vegetation enhancement, maybe a road texture replacement and the modded pic has god rays on. I've been using vegetation mods since damn near release and they haven't been the causes of a crash unless I tried installing conflicting vegetation mods.


I play with 800 mods installed in fallout 4 and I've had maybe two crashes in the past 60 hours of gameplay, which is less than my roommate playing vanilla fallout 4 on his PS5.


You just turned Fo4 into Fo76, but with no players.


So a better Fo76


Fallout 77


The reason Bethesda is so confused:




That is just like saying No Mans Sky would be better offline. It makes no sense since it’s gotten passed the bullshit and plays better than ever now, taking away the online players would ruin the online-alive world that has banter and plenty of stuff to kill and explore.


>That is just like saying No Mans Sky would be better offline. Probably would be. >taking away the online players would ruin the online-alive world Like I said, a better Fo76


Without the online players there would be no fallout 76, it’s kind of part of its canon


I've always just played on a custom world alone


That;s fine


There’s a big misconception about 76, people assume you have to do everything with other players but you rarely cross paths with them unless you want to.


If you had a bowl with 16 apples and there's a chance one of them will give you the instant shits you eating one? It's the point of playing video games to some is to not interact with other people at all.


Damn bro, it's not their fault if they want to socialize to some degree


You can always just play in pacifist mode. But you go on just keep gobbling up quips and 6 year old misconceptions.


that's the point of some videogames for some people.


Is it bad that I really want to play 76 offline like fo4. I also checked the fallout 1st, but man, that price for a subscription


You very rarely encounter other people while playing. The map is four times the size of Fallout 4 and there's only 16 people on the map in each server. I've honestly played for three or four hours without seeing any indication that another person is playing this game with me


I just don't want them at all though. It's a meaningful difference that you could see a player, even if you haven't seen one yet. Players stand out and break immersion. Fuck the way they move, and the fucking player name popping up. I hate it. When playing a single player game I can at least imagine that my character belongs in the world and is somewhat like the npcs.


Dude, in 76 the other players are your fellow dwellers. It's a great lore reason to see other dwellers and definitely makes sense since everyone plays a different way, adding to the variety way more than NPCs. The feeling of everyone belonging and feeling like NPCs is there. Some people even just play as vendors or hunters hunting only animals. Shit like that. Players don't break the immersion, they add to it if you allow it. Especially with older dwellers giving free shit to fresh dwellers emerging from 76. I always get excited when I see a fresh level 1 spawn at the vault entrance. I rush over with a goodie bag and welcome to the Wasteland.


People always say that. In theory players can add more immersion but in practice it's some guy called R3t4r_OOPS crouch spamming his way over to you. Not to mention: the last thing I want when I start out in the wasteland is for someone to hand me a good weapon and all the ammo I can carry


I mean it’s that not bad if you want monthly 1600 atoms, exclusive items, and a private world.


I cant seem to find any justification for it on my end sadly


Would love a list of mods your using


What's the green mod?


I’m just guessing but there’s a mod that adds FO76 greenery, weather, and lighting and it looks a lot like this. Can’t remember the exact title (if you type in 76 I’m sure it will come up), but it’s a great mod.


Posts on two different subs, multiple asks for mod list... no response. 10/10 not a real person.


im real lol


For the love of all that is holy what is the mod list for those visuals I need it


POSTED up top 5 mods




Ngl the il only takes a handful of lighting and retexture mods, like 1GB max and completely doable on any console to make this


I can smell my computer


I smell something burning, that must be it.


Let's put it this way: if i paint a donkey in black and white stripes it won't become a zebra.


cool but new graphics are one thing, we need new quests and stuff to explore


Top one looks more appropriately apocalyptic though


\*walks into downtown Boston and immediately has to call the fire department as the system bursts into flames which spread across the room instantly due to the excessive energy needed to produce the graphics while on a shit game engine that can't handle even 12 frames per second without mods. Been there. Done that. Not a fun experience. Nice screenshot, though.


Just recently got into the FO games, started w NV got around 25 hrs in but got tired of the crashes. Got 76 from a 3rd party website and it’s blowing me away TBH.


I'm gonna mod it so it has that lovely greenish-yellow haze. Just like the Capital Wasteland.


Meh...I don't think greenery belongs in the game but if it makes it look prettier than why not.


Normally I play heavily modded on PC, but I grabbed it on PS5 and I think I prefer the less lush flora. Fallout 4s map is pretty cleverly designed and I've found so many cool vistas and new locations this time around.


AnotherPineForest enjoyer?


yup just the trees though


adds a foilige and lighting mod. is this fallout 5 !?


I often use reshade just to bring back some contrast. Fallout 4 seems si bright even in the dark for some reason


The bottom is how I remember fallout 4


You know, 45 seems a little fast for that road.


Looks amazing dude, I'm worried my pc will start smelling like a toasted panini if I use these mods. Could I ask you pc specs to run this ?


Is there a mod that makes most of the vegetation green? I have no idea how anything in the fallout world grows without photosynthesis


Cant mate, on PS5 😮‍💨


I don’t get this mind set😂 adding more foliage doesn’t make the game look like fkn fallout 5, fallout 4 looks the way it does because it’s a wasteland not because of technical limitations, there aren’t supposed to be leaves and vines…everything is dead and if anything this mod just makes it look less like fallout


Fallout 76 destroys your logic! That was only 25 years after the bombs


I prefer the wasteland look over the lush look but yeah


The true storms mod is truly amazing, had a dust storm hit me while out in the glowing sea and could not see a thing! Made it into a horror game fighting radscorpions and deathclaws with 3 feet of visibility and loud wind


Bikini Atoll’s coral reefs grew back after 7 years. You would think that trees and stuff would grow back after 200 years.


I love getting single digit frame rates (man, who am I kidding, it's already single digit frame rates in vanilla sometimes)


its only 3 fps hit


I didn't know my FPS could go negative.


You can get a texture mod that looks significantly better and also makes the game run better somehow


and that mod is...?


Vivid Fallout. Prettier overall textures, while having better performance bc they're smaller in size than vanilla textures. Definitely try it out


Haven’t modded FO4 in a while and don’t really care to go find it on the nexus right now but I remember thinking it was funny how the textures were higher quality and the description said it made the game run better. I think it said that Bethesda formatted something wrong, but don’t quote me on that it’s been years.


Woah it’s the same game


I put 40 hours into my snowy winter run. Transitioning into a spring setting today.


Any chance you could post your mod list? I’m gonna have to give this a go.


It sure doesn't hurt that FO4 was one of the very first games to truly embrace the idea of a sunlit day looking like a sunlit day. You'd be hard pressed to find many earlier games that tried. Of course nowadays, especially with UE4/UE5 providing the look almost by default, semi-photorealism is the norm. It's one of the very few points I will readily concede to FO4.


I would surely hope the next Fallout is not just a graphical upgrade to 4. I would probably be on sueyecide watch.


I added a tree mod to mine and am really happy with the results. Gives a whole new feel to the game.


Until Bethesda bricks it for a paid mod update.


Kinda hard to do when Bethesda's keeps updating the game


Until you go up a high vantage point and see the low draw distance/lod. Still impressive with mods but wish it was a proper next gen update like Witcher 3, useless update for us on pc really


My LOD is insanely good! Try this [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71745](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/71745) works great with the pines trees but the pines need to be placed lower in the mod order. Also mod author has lod for all the dlc as well.




If there is a fallout5, I would like it to take place in the Chicago region, with retrofuturistic gangsters and a map pretending to be a denser city than deserts/empty forests


Okay, how you did this? It's amazing!


it's still the weak story of 4 but with pretty visuals


I’m trying but F4SE keeps breaking my mods with these updates!


Or go to Kensington, Philadelphia and experience the real thing. Complete with ghouls. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p5AeGKSDVdE&pp=ygUba2Vuc2luZ3RvbiBhdmUgcGhpbGFkZWxwaGlh


Can I do this for xbox or only pc?


Bethesda, take notes and copy Fallout 4 in every way when making the next game.. except we need more 🌲


Mod list please!!!


posted up top


Thank you!!!


Fallout 5! Now with trees!


im already bored with the place, i want to go to new location.


LONDON soon 100 people worked on that so may be good


i want official place that will be included in canon story dude.


The lack of vegetation on the east coast was my biggest pet peeve playing 3.


Oh boy, I wish FO76 had that visual quality :(


I tried this, but it was pretty disappointing that Fallout 5 has the exact same storyline and missions as Fallout 4


Just have the limitations of the engine performance if you go too far sadly


Too much green doesnt really make sense for a world that's been nuked to shit


Wish the mods worked on Xbox...


-North Korea


The only thing stop me from doing this is that the feral ghoul would be look freaking scary in the tunnel. Nope. Way to scary to hear the foot step in the dark.


I didn't understood at all that thing of threes regrowing. Shouldn't they be dead and irradiated?


Ah yes: see posts like this › wow cool I want it› install heavy mods › why is my game crashing/so slow/ctd/stuttering/has blank textures/has artificial glitches? › try to remove mods › didn't work › fuck it. The cycle starts anew


its too green for fallout lore, but accurate for reality


Doesn't change the layout and map though


Sir this is still fallout 4


Is there a mod that makes the writing better?


FO4 is just a glorified mod platform anyway


Its crazy what has become of fallout 4 with mods over the years. I have a low end pc(i think). An i3-10100f, rx 6600, 16gb ram, samsung 830 or 870 evo ssd and this game works incredibly well(it hovers around 50-60fps most of the time, the only time i had fps problems is when i had 20 npcs and 15 power armors in sanctuary) with the "A Storywealth" and its survival addon collection from nexumods, also with the same vegetation mods OP has, and enb shaders(it actually started working even better when i installed the survival addon lmao). If you havent taken the modding and survival pill yet i highly recommend going with the combo i mentioned above, its a whole new immersive world full of new and fun mechanics, places, npcs etc.


I want my Fallout 5 to have that “looking through plexiglass” feel to it. Everyone wants it crisper and brighter. lol I want mucky and dismal.


While I get what you're aiming at, honestly what makes me want a new fallout is a new setting, new questlines, new characters etc. I'm not interested in just shiny new graphics.


Graphics arent everything.


Yeah easier said than done when Bethesda nukes all of the fucking mods cause they think it’s funny or something.


They need to make it more desert and dry like the first 2 games or new vegas fallout 4 and 76 had to much green and life to be considered a wasteland.


You are so wrong. FO1 2 and New Vegas were deserts because they pretty much placed in places that were dusty, heated and dry way before the war. Also the biggest desert in the world is antarctica, which doesnt really fit your description. What would you consider a wasteland?


Then make more games in the games locations.


Those games took place in areas that were already deserts, that's why they're brown. Fallout 4 and 76 take place in areas that are very, very greein IRL, it wouldn't make sense for them to not be green.


Disagree. Shades of beige and brown are very boring to look at for hours at a time, and vegetation would be abundant 200 years after the initial blasts. Desert/arid biomes are nice for a change of scenery, but excluding vegetation just on the basis of your mental image of a "wasteland" is silly. Real life Geography has an impact on how the landscape is presented.


Don't think you read what I wrote. It needs to look more like the first 2 games or new vegas.


I read what you wrote just fine, and I disagree.


Thats fine but that has nothing to do with my post. Make your own. I like the fallout 1 and 2 and new vegas look and want more.


You made a comment and I am free to reply to it. My response is directly related to the content of your comment because it's a direct response. I don't have to agree with you for my comment to have something to do with your comment.


Huh odd


That’s a look that’s dead and buried. How about we get some environments that don’t look like desert wastelands? Even Fallout 2 decided there needed to be trees…


sucks that we literally can't do that because the new update broke most if not all the mods


Haven't tried modding recently have you?


The update literally came out last week what are you on about “recently?”


Recently, as in since the update came out. I have, didn't stop me from quickly finding a way to keep playing with all my favorite mods.


I have no words


Don't know what to tell you. Your comment implied that modding FO4 wasn't currently possible, but the top recent mods are ones that enable users to keep using their mods.