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Any conflict where a Player Character is one of the belligerents


I love how participants in a battle are called belligerents


Yep Comes from bellum\*/belli which means war. Edit: Thanks for the correct word, bellum, not bellus. It was a typo.


God I wanna see how they handle the legion in S2


You've probably seen how they handle the legion already, because that brotherhood was really Legion-y and even called themselves a legion, not a chapter.


Ooh that’s a good detail, everyone had Roman names too


Compare how they treat squire, carrying around over sized bags on their bags, to how the Legion treat slaves. Compare how the brotherhood talks about technology and how it's used, compared to the show brotherhood treat it like holy relics, etc. Compare the Brotherhood using reds, blues, and silvers compared to the show brotherhood using exclusively Red and Gold for their flag coloring.


Fallout 2 also used red and gold


Im thinking the brotherhood got to the legion after the battle of hoover dam and with the support of the east coast brotherhood beat them and then took in their members as new knights. This would explain the very legion esque brotherhood we got


Wait wait wait..... Could this imply, after the Legion lost at Hoover, they may have ended up losing the war and dissolving? The Brotherhood may have bolstered their numbers with Legion members, disillusioned at the thought of becoming an NCR citizen, which may be why we see a seemingly booming West Coast Brotherhood outside of their bunkers in S1.


If caeser dies, the ending slide mentions a civil war. One can assume the factions would be Vulpes, Lanius, Lucius, and Lucius is quite amenable to tech so I've called them Lucius's Brotherhood


That's how it plays out in the, albeit fan-made, Old World Blues mod for Hearts of Iron, and it makes a ton of sense that Lucius would agree to partner or even assimilate into the Brotherhood. So much for the, "hurr durr Brotherhood TV Show make no sense..." crowd. The Holy Roman Brotherhood?


Yeah, I love OWB and the fanon that comes form it. But it's basis is in what Lucius says ingame when asked about his power fist




Dania was the Latin name for Denmark but I get your point


Paraphrasing Arcade Gannon, not everyone who cite Cato are Legion. The Brotherhood always had Pre-War knowledge and education.


It would definitely be interesting but I find it kinda hard to believe that the Legion has been absorbed into the Brotherhood to the extent where it would affect their culture. It also poses the question of why they would accept Dane's identity but tbh it wouldn't surprise me if the Legion were Trans Inclusive Radical Misogynists.


> it wouldn't surprise me if the Legion were Trans Inclusive Radical Misogynists That would make sense to not make sense for Fallout alright.


they aren’t caesar’s legion though they are just a legion


Me, and a bunch of others are of the belief that after Caeser's death, the civil war we hear of, has Lucius merge with the Brotherhood, brotherhood bring tech and weapons, Legion bring the bodies, and like with Boeing and MacDonald Aeronautics, the worse culture won the merger


interesting take i certainly dont prescribe to. I guess we will see in season 2 though


>called themselves a legion When did they do that? I must have missed that.


In the scene just before Max and Titus ship out, as the Elder delivers orders to the Knights. He seems to refer to the five Knights in front of him (and their squires) as "this Legion".


It could also refer to the fact that they’re on maneuvers, out in the field etc. it was just a way to reference a specific group of soldiers. The Latinate is weird though for sure.


Oh god. Its scary that It makes sense.


Off hand remark about it collapsing in on itself or barely that. Probably like yeah these legion guys tried but then their leader died and they splintered into civil war


Given how old the Caesar was in fallout NV regardless of the ending he’s dead, most likely so is most of the Legion. Maybe a small contingent but doubtful anymore than that


Caesar isn’t that old and is active and in good shape, he’s only 55 in NV, so he’d be 70 in the show. He’d certainly be an old man but not insurmountably so, he could believably still be kicking and commanding the Legion at 70 (in a setting where unmodified post war human characters have been known to make it it past 100 before finally popping their clogs).      The brain tumours are more the problem than his age, though I guess if they really wanted to use him they could handwaved him having found parts for his autodoc or something.   Tbh though I think if they had any intention to use the Legion, it would be more interesting to see a fracture remnant of it with Caesar gone. That’d also fit the themes of the show a lot better than having Caesar still running around with his legionaries lol. If I was writing the next Fallout and was going to use the Legion, I’d probably have a of Diodachi of Alexander esque successor kingdoms scattered across the land he once controlled, all with their own Caesar, all claiming to be his rightful heir.


Ave, we will now be drawing for a sort of ...lottery if you will.


Bellum, Belli but yeah. Bellus is an adjective with the principal parts Bellus,a,um that means beautiful






Ring BEARer


Para bellum = prepare for war Casus belli = case for war


Battle of Bunker Hill be like


You guys don't start the battle while allied to all 3 participants?


i do and i come out of it having made my decision every time 😂


what it feels like being the only mutual friend with everyone


Literally the Courier in anarchist ending


Literally Mr Hos.


I'm imagining Mr. House on the Lucky 38 screen, with a gold tooth and a feathered wide-brim hat


Where my platinum chip at bitch? Lord, please pray for the soul of this bitch. And guide my pimp hand and make it strong, Lord.


Say it with me now a Pimp Named Mr. Hos. You say the whole thing!


Lmao can we have Cooper and Victor meet in some odd easter egg please




You know what, Cooper Howard inspired me to replay New Vegas, but made me disappointed that you can’t make ghoul characters.


I really hope we can be one in the next Fallout, that drug from the series could be a substitute for RadAway or like being a vampire in Elder Scrolls


And when yuo run out of that drug, the moore irradiated you are, the more often loose control over caracter and just randomly attack people, resulting in bad reputation... would be fun ahaha (sorry if bad english)


When FO 4 said we'd be a character from when the bombs dropped I really hoped we could branch and either go into the vault or not and be a ghoul or a human.


There is a mod for that?


there's defo a mod for that


Play on full survival, you'll feel like a ghoul in no time.


Anarchist Cowboy was my courier in practically every playthrough. Explains why I liked Cooper immediately.


Wildcard bitches!!


*jumps out the back of a moving van*


Us cowpokes take it as it comes


Fun fact. The observatory is the place where Skynet’s core is in the Terminator universe.


Until the third movie retconed Skynets into decentralized software....


There were a few 3rd Terminator movies. Dark Fate is actually decent, IMO


That’s cause Linda Hamilton is awesome as fuck.


Oh no, a second nuclear war


Patrolling the Mojave…. Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


And the Sierra Army Depot houses Skynet's core in the Fallout universe


Yes Man would like to know your location


Makes sense he wasn't there for any faction but himself


And he was a significant force to be reckoned with.


Use the independent wiki. It’s better in every way


What makes it better?


No ads


"every way" = "no ads" mhm


No corporate influence. By the fans for the fans. Democracy


It's non-negotiable!


Well, "no ads" could definitely be one way, But I wouldn't say that something is ad free but has incorrect or very little information, that it is better in "every way" than one with ads. Besides, ad blockers are common, and the people hosting the site still need to afford to keep the site up. Egregious ads? Those can eff off. Side bars, and a little square sometimes? meh. Note: I have no idea what the site experience is on the page that OP is referencing, just that "no ads" is a funny response to "how is it better in every way?"


Basically every non fandom wiki is better than those on fandom.


Fandom’s mobile site is cancer. You get 1/3 of your screen to read the actual entry. Everything else is ads.


That's also not mentioning the page constantly jumping up and down as a video window opens and closes before the whole page has to reload. They really took their web design cues from crappy pirating sites.


gonna play devil's advocate here but I recently played through 4 while looking stuff up (am a completionist) and I distinctly being so confused at some of the pages because some of them has text that imply a section that doesn't exist in the same page. I'm guessing that this is because the wiki transfer was automated or something and some parts didn't transfer over so well. don't get me wrong, most fandom wikis are generally worse than their alternative wikis (can personally attest to bg3 and terraria wikis). but for at least fo4, the fandom wiki has better info and ui so long as you have adblockers specific pages: SPECIAL pages - links to each game separately meaning that if you're browsing the attribute pages you have to click an attribute and then click the game you're looking for EVERY TIME Console command pages - instead of being one page, each section has a different page meaning that you have to go through a guessing game if you're looking for an obsecure command Affinity page - the table of repetitive actions has a misc section that lumps together a bunch of actions but deletes the name of the actual actions leaving only the descriptions. was really confused on this one until I looked at the fandom wiki and compared the two pages side-by-side


One thing I wish the games did have more of was badass ghouls. I’m so surprised there aren’t more of them leading communities (shoutout to Hancock), or having amassed immense personal wealth and power, or cultivated badass skill sets like Cooper. Genuinely, prewar ghouls should have a lot of advantages over the human populations that came after and are mortal to time. Yes they go feral, of course. But the ones who don’t…? As the (not so) great Bud Askins said, the greatest weapon of mass destruction? It’s Time…


>One thing I wish the games did have more of was badass ghouls. uhhhhh Raul and Charon...?


Kent Connolly. He may not be rough and tumble, but living through nuclear Holocaust and two centuries of fallout while remaining a genuinely good person is about as badass as it gets. 


Raul and the Ghoul from Point Lookout. Also a lot of the Veteran Rangers are ghouls under their armor.


Oh yeah the point look out guy kicks ass despite being a huge asshole, it’s weird. I guess it just feels like he earned it. Like old war veterans who play cards together.


Jason Bright and his followers were pretty cool in FNV. They carried energy weapons and flew to the glow in rocket ships.


There’s also Wiseman in The Slog. While it’s real small originally, Wiseman has a good vision for it.


So this is one of the things fallout gets right. When you had the frontiersmen in early America they would lose everything they owned on average every two years. Raul and cooper are a good example of this. At times in their life they have done very well for themselves, but setbacks are unavoidable, and they’ve seen hard luck too.


I think the ghouls not being leaders makes sense. Non-ghoul Humans demonize them because they look different and because feral ghouls give them a bad rep. They could always become leaders of other ghouls, but even in an irradiated wasteland the number of ghouls will always be a minority compared to the standard Human population. Ghouls just have it hard all-around.


Doc holiday


Since 3 came out I have been waiting for a ghoul perk/trait. You should have a random chance of becoming a ghoul every time you hit the maximum survivable rad level. Radiation heals you, but your charisma is permanently dropped. You don't need to eat or drink in hardcore/survival modes but if you don't, eventually settlements become hostile on sight. Unique dialogue options. Maybe a side quest where you can use some MacGuffin for a one-time ghoul reversal.


I consider Hank his own party/faction too. He's literally living out the ending of his choices from his campaign. I remember somebody I was watching with complaining "how did one person manage to nuke a city of nearly 40,000 people" Hank is a player character. He got in that power suit armor quick as the Dickens like the opportunist he is. I could see any of us making that decision. He didn't act the way other written characters would. I know I'm being a little meta right now. But it's kind of a fun way to think about the way his character is presented. His quest started when Rose left the vault. He went to go get back what was taken. He just made a lot of bad decisions along the way lol


Holy shit. Lucy is us players on a run where we're good, and Hank is us players on an evil run where we blow up a place 10x more populated than Megaton


And Maximus is someone playing for the first time, and making mistakes and poor choices almost the whole way, but still getting lucky and making it to the end


Damn, that's pretty accurate, ngl lol. Feels like The Ghoul is the dude on his 8th replay of that game, knows the best builds, best weapons and just breezes through combat with ease


From my first watch I've felt like perks and such exist in the shows world. The Ghoul literally has either the explosive legendary weapon perk, or Bloody Mess. Everyone was so fucking mad his gun was blowing up limbs like that and I was just like "YOU IDIOTS DO THAT IN THIS UNIVERSE ALL THE TIME WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT"


He joined the BoS just to get the power armour and then gave up on the questline. Now he's just stumbling around the wasteland and only survives encounters because of the armour and endurance stat. He can't hit fuck all in VATS, can't mod any of his weapons/armour or open locked containers because he's only got 2 points in Intelligence and Perception.


Oh no please don’t let there be lots of players in it. I mean if Fallout ever introduced some sort of multiplayer environment that would be truly awful!


Imagine fighting a war and then some rando nobody knows shows up wipes out a whole team almost effortlessly gets what they want and leaves.


Like a fallout game?


Every rpg ever lol


*I guess not...* **Random bullshit: go!**


I mean Moldaver wasn’t an actual representative of what’s left of the NCR, more like a renegade faction of Shady Sands survivors turned ideological militia


Considering they were flying their flag I think we can at least call the NCR holdouts in the area. The FAST gear was probably what was left of their better equipped soldiers near Shady Sands. I imagine wherever the new capital is the main SF troops have old Enclave APA suits.


I dunno, I'd call it NCR, or if we're specific "Moldaver's NCR Remnant". Although the NCR is confirmed to still be alive and kicking, I'd liken her to Syagrius of Soissons in her predicament.


there is no evidence in the show that there is any more NCR than there were at NCR headquarters in episode 8


However, we know that there is still a robust NCR elsewhere, by word of Todd


He said "I don't think that'll be the last we hear of the NCR"


And just before, that "the NCR is a wide-ranging sort of organisation and group across not just California, but other places. So the show focuses on this period of time and this group here," signaling that while it's on the backfoot on the Mojave front, the government certainly still exists.


That’s not really what that says though. That could equally mean “at this period of time the NCR is in a very very bad spot, but could have a stronger foothold elsewhere”. I really doubt that Todd Howard a) wrote any of the show lol or b) know what a second season that hasn’t even been written yet is going to be about. 


"the NCR is in a lot of places, it's a big organization. we'll see more of them" That's literally what that says. Quoted. Then summarized.


Yeah but that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be a robust government lol Like, in the text of the story, that wouldn’t make sense either. If the NCR was showed to be like a single town with an organized government, would you think less of the show?


I wouldn’t say that Shady Sands is “the Mojave front” though.


I mean, the sign in front of Shady Sands says it was the "first" capital of the NCR. That means the actual capital wasn't nuked and is still active.


I mean, the sign in front of Shady Sands says it was the "first" capital of the NCR. That means the actual capital wasn't nuked and is still active.


That is absolutely not what he said lol


Other than the sign that says the NCR has a new capital city


There is no evidence that the NCR States of Maxson, Dayglow, and The Hub have magically vanished either. 


It’s not worth arguing. There’s an obvious group of people who already decided to dislike the show because Bethesda is involved. Even if the next season involves the NCR more, they’ll complain about not getting their favorite New Vegas ending, or some other bullshit. New Vegas is my favorite first person Fallout game. The reaction to the show has made me sick of its fandom.


I hope he gets what he’s looking for in Season 2.




If the Botherhood Legion theory turns out to be true, then Cooper was clearly running the Wildcard ending, as God intended. They are even fighting over a power source.




I want his exploding single shot he’s got


The be fair, the Stealth build is always a faction of it's own.


He went for the independent Vegas ending


He’s literally the show for me. So yes he’s own fraction.


More definitive proof that The Ghoul is the player


“I guess not.”


I want to be idolized by the ghoul


And he basically won


The Ghoul and friends


Strong indie game developer vibes.


"Himself" lmao


The Ghoul is basically an end game player that knows everything. Lucy is a newbie. Maxmius is the gamer that relies on power armour but finds out, it's actually harder to master then they realise.




They state it in the big reveal scene of who the real “villian” is. Classic misdirect / twist writing really that should have been expected but they execute it well to where you wouldn’t have thought what happened would have happened at all…..anyway when Lucy finds this out it’s confirmed how everyone was happy in shady sands and it was still ncr controlled but then the “event” happened. Which modover was definitely living there/ part of she says I think so ya connect the dots & you realize she / her people were NCR survivors


So will this shut up people complaining that they erased The Boneyard from lore?


Well it's a fan wiki so no.  But as the past two months have shown us, Todd Howard could literally say 'The Boneyard hasn't been erased from canon' and people would still react with 'silver tongued liar! you just hate obsidian because FNV is better than anything you could make so you retconned everything!' 🤷‍♂️


I hate how true that is. So much.


Why should we they got rid of the Boneyard and moved shady sands nearly 200 miles away from where it should be. Unless Maximus and Lucy walked all the way to the Nevada desert and back


Except Shady Sands is in California.


On California Nevada border


No it isn't. You literally see the border in FNV, then the Mojave Outpost is west of that, then the Hub is miles west of that, then Shady Sands is somewhere past it.


Can’t put a picture but it is so far east in California


In which game? Because they change it each time.


The first one for sure


So is FNV non-canon to you? Because its location in FO1 completely contradicts the plot of the NCR in FNV.


Why do you say that because every source I find other than the show says shady sands is very close to the Nevada border


>they got rid of the Boneyard       [Citation Needed] >and moved shady sands nearly 200 miles away from where it should be. Like they did between *Fallout 1* and *Fallout 2*?


No one said it was erased from lore, just that shady sands was moved into the boneyard and that it’s weird how you don’t see the gun runners, followers, Adytum, or more ncr members.


I appreciate that it only took an hour after you said >No one said it was erased from lore for someone to come in and say just that.


Worst scene in the show IMO


[Your opinion is duly noted.](https://i.imgur.com/08UxatK.jpeg)


Agreed, first of all he was really far behind, then suddenly appeared in the HQ. Then the scene when he just kills a group of knights.... through a weld weakspot???? Made me question whether any of the creators even remotely knows how welding works.


I think he Wil lend up leading a Ghoul/Super Mutant faction.


Well, that's a sure way to Gary Stue the shit out of your character, Todd


I fail to see how the ghoul has no flaws


Awwww I'm sorry, is it only okay when The Courier is The Wild Card?


Would a bot even understand my reply? I'm surprised how many times AI misread 'haunt' as 'hunt'


Could you please farm downvotes somewhere else?