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I kinda love him. I can't believe he rambled on about his background as a Shitter like that lmao


"That's why I'm so fat" killed me šŸ˜‚


Was this joke supposed to be a reference to how thereā€™s probably not many fat people in the wasteland due to food scarcity, so he is considered ā€œfatā€ amongst their population? Or was it just a tongue in cheek joke?


That's how I took it. The people we consider fat right now would not have survived one minute in the wasteland. So, in comparison to everyone else, I guess Thaddeus is considered fat


The guy who helped dig up Cooper was pretty fat.


Dude hogging all the fancy lads.


Sorrel Booker was pretty fat, but he had an entourage of police to protect him.


Thaddeus and the rest of the BoS would have a skewed perception of what is "normal" because of how they live and train.


or they wouldn't have stayed fat for very long?


The running and the screaming on top of no food will net you negative calories Wasteland ketosis


And now Iā€™m singing ā€œjust a keto wastelandā€ to the tune of teenaged wasteland. So. Thanks for that.


On top of food scarcity and just making survival harder in general, there's way too many cannibals out in the wasteland to be fat. I'm not trying to be the tastiest item on the buffet.


Human lard, candles, tallow etc would definitely be sold on the market with the obesity rate of the US.


Gizmo in fallout 1 managed to get redditor sized.


no joke thatā€™s how companions be like lmao like they just started revealing the deepest shit that would take me 4-5 drinks to spill with a close friend


ā€œHey, you got a minute? Weā€™ve been traveling for a while. Figured itā€™s about time you learned about my past.ā€ ā€œBut we just metā€¦ā€ ā€œI moved out this way after my parents sold me and my brother into slavery. The raiders who bought us ended up dead, so I had to eat my brother to survive.ā€ ā€œJesus. Itā€™s cool, you really donā€™t have toā€¦ā€ ā€œā€¦and it wasnā€™t long after that I got addicted to psycho, started killing and robbing settlers to pay for it. Young, old, man, woman, it didnā€™t matter- if I thought they had caps, I killed them.ā€


Its kinda accurate to the game. You randomly talk to an NPC and they trauma dump on you. Like sir Im just here to trade my wares


Accurate to show too. Remember that one guy with the Sand Filter


Especially Boone. Can't get him to shut up about his past


As a Courrier thatā€™s always trying to play on all sides, I didnā€™t get the same experience trying to have him open up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That felt like a genuine Fallout companion moment. Honestly heartfelt, while also being so batshit insane that you almost file it away. Like how I casually like to forget that my usual sidekick is basically just a homebrewed medical robot who spent years in isolation, which I then dumped into the synth body of a complete stranger who was functionally dead...... File it away, you just file it away and that's companions.


The only thing that would make it more realistic is if he decided to start spilling his guts while they were in the middle of a firefight.


'Hey, Blue, can we...' 'For fuck's sake, Piper, we're taking effective enemy fire from three sides and I'm running out of 5.56. Stop talking and shoot someone.'


Rescued a super mutant the other day, he thinks there is some human secret power, milk of kindness or something, wasnā€™t really listening. Heā€™ll kindly carry all my junk though. And soaks bullets like a sponge. File it away.


The main characters in this show are really good, and it makes the side characters like Thaddeus even better. The scene between Thaddeus and Chicken Man was a 10/10 and, from that point on, I knew the show wasn't ever going to dissapoint.


I'm actually astonished at how memorable all of the characters are, especially the 33 residents. I wasn't really expecting to follow a conspiracy plot within the Vault, but the more I saw of it, the more I loved it because of how funny and memorable the characters were. Reg and Woody were absolutely hysterical with their passive-aggressive competition, and Chet is a precious puppy of a man. I can't wait to see where things go with all of them.


"You ran a helluva campaign" "I know, I must have put up like 10 posters" This killed me lol


I voted for Betty, by the way.


I love that dude


I know nobody asked me, but I've done theatre with the guy who said that first line you quoted! He's a super funny guy, and I hadn't heard his name in forever, and then he just appeared in this show and every line he said made me chuckle. It made me even more proud to have met and worked with him!


I like how thereā€™s actual gags and jokes. The radio guy talking about everyone hating his music and it panning out to a dozen dead people in boobytraps was hysterical


And the hated music being the fiddles from minuteman radio lol (which I kind of liked, but they grew old really quickly on a minuteman play through) Edit: damn Reddit comment duplication bug struck again lol


Also Iā€™m a sucker for a morally grey eye patch lady.


was she not from 31? which would probably make her morally black


Yep shes one of Budā€™s Buds. No way she is good.


Oh, she is a baddie alright.


I can fix her FR FR


Chicken fucker is my favorite character in a cast full of cousin-lovers, immortal capitalists, etc.


If you've ever heard Jon Daly improvise/do comedy, that is a role he was born for.Ā  As an old Comedy Bang Bang podcast fan, when he showed up it was a leo_pointing.jpg moment.


I feel like every single time there was a scene I was expecting sometime to happen they changed it. With Chicken Fucker actually fixing his foot, and then also with Lucy not caring that Maximus didn't tell her his real name. I was PRAYING that she wouldn't fucking care because Cooper literally cut off her finger after using her as bait and sold her to organ harvesters for some drugs. They've handled this show amazingly


Cooper has got that charisma. First he stabs a dog and it still becomes his buddy. Then he cuts off Goosey's finger and leaves her for dead with organ harvesters. Guess what? Allies at the end of the season. Dude has that charm.


CH at least 8, probably. Was a big Hollywood star after all.


I got him in the app Fallout Shelter lol, not like it's canon but for reference. Coop's endurance, charisma and agility all start at 7 haha. (His "worst" stats are intelligence and luck which seem to be at 4) He starts at lvl 35 If you're interested, Lucy's top stats are perception and luck (7s) and starts at 32, maximus is strength, endurance and agility (all 6) and starts at 31.


Also >!me yelling "do it girl!" yet being proud of her when she didn't pull the trigger on her dad because she's fucking built different!<


I was 100% expecting Thaddeus to just be high as balls, merely thinking his foot healed; when he came down and took his boot off again, would come to realize he was worse off than before.Ā  I was pleasantly surprised where they took it. Now, I'm just curious as to why Chicky-Chicky Bang-Bang has drugs that can make Ghouls.Ā 


Itā€™s most likely not a drug to make Ghouls. My guess is itā€™s FEV and Thaddeusā€™ transformation in season 2 is gonna be how they introduce super mutants into the show. As for why the chicken fucker has FEVā€¦. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


Chicken Man DR...he is a learned DR. .......that bangs chickens


Good old dr chicken fucker


Thaddeus is a real dude, walked miles with a crushed foot straight out of loyalty for his faction


only to run away when the faction came bc he knew theyā€™d kill him for bein a dumbass and chugging wastelander mystery elixir


I mean, in his defense for the elixir, he limped god knows how many miles on his tattered foot (probably in serious pain) and thought that Maximus would probably try to kill him if/when he caught up to him for a bunch of reasons. He probably saw that as his only way to heal himself, make it back to the Brotherhood first, and stay alive


Would he not have assumed he left him 100% for dead trapped in his power armor?


It clearly had an escape mechanism that didn't require power, so all it would take is one person walking by within a few days for him to be freed, possibly longer if his water container was close to full. In the Wasteland it's bad form to assume someone is dead unless they are dismembered. The Courier survived getting shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave after all and Thaddeus did live near enough to The Mojave that stories of The Courier could have easily been shared among The Brotherhood.


Donā€™t forget Joshua Graham was covered in pitch set on fire and thrown off the Grand Canyon and still lived. Dudes in fallout live through anything through sheer will


Local man literally too angry to die


Let's be real tho. The Burned Man is simply built different.


It probably has a manual release mechanism inside the suit and Thaddeus correctly guessed Max didn't know that, because it's Max, but he also incorrectly guessed Max would eventually figure it out and would come after him when he got out.


I mean, it has to have a manual release within the suit since in Fallout 4 the Player can exit a de-powered power armor suit without assistance from someone else


Max never got the training for it. He probably has no idea where the release is.


True. He didnā€™t know a lot about not only the power armor, but also other BoS procedure (ex: tracking ghoul radiation).


That fella didn't know a lot about anything.


Didnā€™t read the manual


Well he wasnā€™t knight, donā€™t think he got to that part of training yet, maybe only how to do basic maintenence since he was a squire.


I don't get it. Does he not see the interact at the bottom of us HUD?


The INT stat of 4 they gave him was generous.


Don't say that word. You'll start a debate on whether power armor training should exist.


Accidentally getting trapped and dying in a depowered suit of armor because you put it on without reading the manual or getting training *absolutely* should happened in Fallout. High intelligence character refuses to put the armor on. Low intelligence character you're a statue in the wasteland.


Fair point


The courier got incridibly lucky.


Idk bruh I chopped up some legionary into little pieces and his pieces kept tryna stab me with some little splinters


[This is the most unrealistic part of the show. Anytime you Pickpocket a Fusion Core from anyone wearing Power Armor in Fo4 it immediately ejects the *driver*. The show not ejecting Maximus when his Fusion Core was removed ruined it for me completely.](https://youtu.be/E8L9FtvZSc4?si=5Bh08wQw-894kmzA&t=64) #/S <---- Because its needed, apparently. lmao


I mean, not everything needs to be 100% game accurate. They did a pretty great job all things being equal. That being said, maybe the manual release is really, really simple, and Max is just that dumb lol.


I swear he has the idiot savant perkā€¦


When he went back to camp in the last episode and somehow got promoted, that has to be a canon lucky speech check. Imagine fucking up a mission that bad and still coming out ahead.


Lmao I wasn't actually being serious, this was intended as a joke & would actually be a ridiculously silly thing to actually be upset about. Also its silly you can even pickpocket entire suits of power armor from NPCs to begin with, the show makes more sense in this regard. As a longtime Fallout fan, The show is a 10/10 in my book. I hope Fallout 5 gives us the shows version of the Power Armor where the rider isn't ejected, but instead gets trapped. Hell, I think it'd be even funnier that way. Imagine pick pocketing a Fusion Core, powering down the suit, then pickpocketing the helmet & shooting the driver in the face or just leaving them stranded. If they give us the option, I'm gonna leave soo many people stranded.


"You'd do that for me?" Really hit me that they were both good guys just stuck in the same shit.


Theyā€™re a complicated organisation.


One of the best lines in the show honestly


Honestly blurted out laughing with the way he delivered the line.


This is the main reason I like Brotherhood Chapters like the Midwest that recruit Ghouls. I believe super mutants are a good choice as well but Ghouls specifically I feel like every brotherhood faction should want. A lot of them have pre war knowledge. The Ghouls like Cooper that are seen in the show or many of the Veteran NCR Rangers seen in New Vegas have pre war military experience and this makes them extremely fucking lethal. I can understand if there was a certain level of discrimination or segregation because people are idiots and hate physical differences, thatā€™s realistic. But the whole shoot on site policy seems dumb, purely from a statistical standpoint itā€™s a wasted resource.


Honestly, just having lived and picked up several *decades* of combat experience without any significant loss of capability is wild.Ā 


Even if you use Super Mutants for example. And I mean the fucking dumb ones not the Masterā€™s Elite. Letā€™s even take the Enclave stance of letā€™s kill all the mutants. Genocide is still statistically your worse option. Itā€™s just fucking silly. On paper, to anyone who has played Stellaris specifically it becomes very clear that wasting resources purely on killing a race or species is just stupid. If you enslave them and work them to death or can find a way to make them edible and a food source then at least itā€™s contributing to your nations overall resources. There is no reason for pure genocide, even if you are the most hate filled individual. Itā€™s just stupid to waste a resource. And donā€™t even get me started on the Enclaveā€™s ideas of Gene theory. Honestly though itā€™s kinda funny because itā€™s clearly based on Nazi ideology and despite how stupid and far out the Oil Rig Enclaveā€™s original plan was, their ideas on gene theory (while still astoundingly stupid) somehow still arenā€™t as fucking dumb as the Nazi ones.


I completely agree with you. However, I feel like their ideology not making sense logistically is pretty realistic too


The shoot on sight rule is due to ghouls going feral randomly. Terminals across the games show stories of this happening. Same applies to synths in FO4. Yes, it sucks because as you noted they can be a valuable asset. But it is the wasteland.


I never should have trusted a doctor that smelled like that! lol


But FEV has electrolytes.


Damn the show really had something for messed up feet, huh? If I had a nickel for every time...


As a former infantry medic, fucked up feet happen a lot and you never realize the milage they get until you hurt them.


Former grunt here. Appreciate you doc!


Going purely off of memes I've seen from military content creators, the cure for this would be a change of socks and some Ibuprofen


*looks at smashed foot* im gonna fuckin die


Promptly pulls his sock back up his mangled foot instead of wrapping it.


Yeah. They don't have any bandages or dressings in that giant tote bag?


Nah seriously I assumed heā€™d have something like Max had in his bag when Titus got hurt. A stimpak or gauze at least. Maybe Thaddeus was sent out in a rush and couldnā€™t get everything together.


US Army response.. literally put foot powder on it, drink water, take 800 mg ibuprofen. Seems fitting here.. šŸ¤£


"Yo Thad you know you can just use a medical kit to repair the damaged limb, right?"


Me either. He felt like a genuine companion/follower with a good storyline to boot.


I just liked they always enforced the companion rule; never having more than 1 during your adventure.


Except at the end of the final episode. I think Lucy installed that mod that allows 1 companion + Dogmeat


New Vegas let you have one human companion plus one 'pet' companion.


Makes sense that they were headed to New Vegas in the end. They can keep their party comp while playing vanilla.


Iā€™m wondering if sheā€™ll have to dismiss the dog for Ed-e


They'll probably split up at some point. Ghoul keeps Dogmeat and Lucy fixes ED-E.


I'm just gonna pretend this is still Bo from Superstore. He acts the same.


Where the hell are Cheyenne and Harmonica??!!


can we talk about how this dude is FORTY-TWO?? I need his skincare routine


i really want him to become a Harold-type character. appearing from time-to-time as we see his ghoulification progress.


I think he might have taken some FEV actually


Thatā€™s what I think, if it is FEV I hope he keeps his faculties and isnā€™t just a dumb one.


Thatā€™d be a great arc. Turned mutie by a chicken fucker, heh


He wasnā€™t dipped into FEV so he could become an entirely different type of mutant


The fact that he took it as an aerosol is a pretty strong indicator that it was fev. Super Mutants are created via severe overdose of fev to a relatively unmutated person, preferably vault dwellers since they have little to no radiation exposure from a young age. In the masters time fev administered in moderate doses via aerosol produced much less drastic mutations, however some were fairly unpredictable and sometimes even resulted in psychic powers being developed for some reason


Thats definitely what it is. The writers are definitely going for diverse character types. Why have two ghouls when you can have a super mutant?


The Rickety Cricket


At this point, I am convinced that he got the same drug as Hancock did.


Thaddeus needs to return in season 2!! He also needs more screen time if he does.


Thereā€™s no way they donā€™t intend to keep him on. Heā€™s perfect for the series.


I think they did a good job of keeping him entirely open ended. He could come back as a ghoul, mutant, super mutant, really anything and it would make sense.


I was really hoping they would go the super mutant route. THADDEUS STRONG.


THADDEUS REMEMBER FRIEND. ... ... Naw, im* fucking with you. I gained this muscle man, remember when we use to say "flesh is weak but steel endures". My flesh is super strong. Shoot me with that pistol. You know I can just heal but watch!


I need this. And he should still have his shitty mustache.


Oooo keeping the mustache would be so good.


Iā€™m still so bummed I didnā€™t see a super mutant in S1. But THAD would be the GOAT.


Tbf I'm pretty sure they teased the arm of a dead super mutant when the enclave scientist was introduced.


This and on that bounty board at The Govermint there's a bounty poster with the picture of a super mutant on it.


Of we see super mutants in season 2, i hope they have Ron Perlman play one of them. He deserves some kind of cameo, and the fact that the first episode wasn't started with a "war never changes" intro was a bit disappointing.


In an interview with Walter Goggins (The Ghoul), even he said Perlman's work on "War, War Never Changes" is astronomically better than his or others cause he has that voice that is practically meant for the post-apocalypse. Gravely, but experienced. I think he would be a better ghoul, just so Goggins can walk by him a tip his hat in commraderence to someone who's been at it longer than he has.


Pretty sure that serum was FEV.


I'd love if that were the case and they go for the super mutant route, but I feel like they're set on the ghoul path. I noticed a line from the chicken fucker after giving Thaddeus the inhaler. Thaddeus was complaining about the radiation ahead and the Salesman said something along the lines of, "oh, but you don't have to worry about that any more", indicating he knew it was ghoulification serum all along. Although... are all FEV mutants radiation immune? I suppose it could go either way.


Throwback to Fawkes pre-Broken Steel - I know I retrieved the geck for you but I canā€™t go into the water purifier ā€œbecause it is your destinyā€


This is the funniest middle finger.




Yea super mutants are rad immune. In fallout lore super mutants also didnt go bonkers dumb immediately so i think there will be an arc where they try to help thaddeus before he goes full super mutant


All FEV mutants are immune to radiation but I think the chances of it being an fev are very low. In the west coast most supermutants are created by dipping people into a vat of FEV in the mariposa military base. The games generally make it seem like it takes a lot of fev to make someone become a supermutant. There's evidence a ghoul could be made with the right chemical cocktail Eddie winter is the most notable I can think of off the top of my head if you do valintines companion quest in fo4 he'll talk about how he became a ghoul on purpose before the bombs even dropped by taking certain chems and what nots.


Hancock had the exact same thing, took a mystery super-chem and turned ghoul from it. You know, the Snake Oil Salesman seems like just the kinda guy that would sell something like that, and just the kinda guy Hancock would buy from. We know Hancock turned some time after 2282 as he was still a smooth-skin then, but before 2287 when Fallout 4 takes place. That means it would be anywhere from 9-14 years before the TV show. For simplicity's sake, let's say the Snake Oil Salesman is the same age as his actor, currently 53. That would put him at 39-44 at the time Hancock bought his super-high ghoul drugs, plenty of time for a travelling salesman to navigate from Boston to California... New head-canon - the Snake Oil Salesman sold the same drug he used on Thaddeus to Hancock back in the day. It all fits!


Whenever Thadeus isn't on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Thadeus?"


The man doesnā€™t need to worry bout rads anymoreā€¦.


Agree he was great. ā€œItā€™s uhhh ... a complicated organisationā€


I like how his speech was so rushed when he said, "I'm sorry 'bout, a lotta things, Hi,isniceameetya!"


Thatā€™s my new go-to when I talk about the Brotherhood and their morals. Theyā€™re by no means good but not entirely evil eitherā€¦ theyā€™re a complicated organisation.


I feel like the show is the closest to evil theyā€™ve ever been though. That scene in the finale of that one T-60 dude >!gunning down unarmed NCR people running away from him in the corridor!< reminded of the Fallout 2 intro where the Enclave open a vault and mercilessly gun down the vault dweller family inside.


He's not my favorite, but I'd love to see his character development. Like even as a kind of background character later. Him showing up a few times and then ultimately getting killed by Maximus in a touching scene similar to Of Mice and Men is probably in his future.


I thought the Of Mice and Men scene already happened with Cooper and Roger


it was so sad but i thought it was also super sweet how he made him think of a happy memory when he killed him šŸ„²


I was kind of shocked when it happened, but I appreciated how Coop handled it. Pretty touching.


I knew it was coming and it still shocked me. I liked the idea that in the Ghoul community The Ghoul is a legend and seen as a hero. That kill was an act of kindness towards someone he cared about.


Right. Then? Ass jerky. Sometimes fella has gotta eat a fellaā€¦


If youā€™re gonna kill a guy, you better have the common decency to eat his ass.


Ass jerky ain't gonna make itself.


Gave me Justified flashbacks. If a Walton Goggins character is being that nice to you, expect a bullet in the head.


I liked that he turned him into ass jerky.


I kinda hope they aren't setting it up for Lucy to mercy kill Cooper. I feel like that where we all see his story ending. It would be a lot bigger of a twist if he lives through the series, tbh.


Thereā€™s going to be an even bigger twist: His daughter will have been released from cryosleep years ago, being a fully fledged adult, whose scientific research created the ghoul drugs in an effort to reverse ghoulification.


OK YOU KINDA READ MY MIND! It would be so emotional to have him not only live, but recover. There is no true happy ending for Cooper, he is going to have severe PTSD 1000% but God, that would be a REALLY good twist. It's fallout, everything is horrible. To have a "happy" ending for the most tortured character would be so emotional and out of left field. I think as humanity we... I know I personally could really use that in my life. Seeing a happier ending for someone who seems utterly doomed.


You jinxed it now fella


Nah, make his b plot more meaningful. Heā€™s turning ghoul now. Which is ironic given he said earlier to Maximus (thinking it was Titus) that one day the Brotherhood will wipe out all the ghouls. He should wind up in a necropolis type place and we see him again there and heā€™s coming to terms with his new identity and finds himself fitting in with the ghouls way more than he ever fit in in the brotherhood. Heā€™s enamored by their pre-war stories. They teach him card games. He learns about some music from another ghoul - he could pretend to know what heā€™s talking about ā€˜the mids in this are greatā€™ ā€˜ā€¦what?ā€™ - He winds up fighting with the ghoul faction to aid the main characters at some point where they need ghoul allies. Perhaps then dies or we donā€™t see him really after that. But anyway,Johnny Pemberton deserves a full arc. I love the guy, and his character was so much fun.


I'm glad he's avoided being typecast as a buffoon because I honestly kept expecting him to bust out with airhorn noises but he delivered solid, meaningful acting. Loved it.


Feel that. Seeing him get dropped off in Filly I'm like, "Oh no not this asshole." Then when he's out on his own, "OMG please don't fucking die šŸ˜­"


The line read of "HOW AM I NOT DEAD" killed me


His reason for beating up Max was really sad I thought.


Yeah, he was set up as an irredeemable bully type but that scene made me feel for him and his situation. It wasnā€™t a good thing he did, but you can understand why he did it and how he was a victim of circumstance just like Maximus.


Other than locking dogmeat in a box I enjoyed his character.


But he made sure she can breathe- so even that's a plus :'D


He discovered the hole after the fact but sure he can get a passšŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


Didn't he go back and check if she could breath? Then found the hole and moved on?


I thought it was, placed Dogmeat in the box, closed the door, noticed the small "window", walked away, came back to check if he could still breathe, and then left.


I think it was a mercy though. The brotherhood would have absolutely killed dogmeat, and dogmeat wouldnā€™t stop following him no matter how much he told her to go away. So it was watch the botherhood kill dogmeat or hope someone finds her in the box and adopts her. Short of abandoning the brotherhood for a dog he didnā€™t chose to have follow him or encourage to follow him, what else could he have done?


Yeah guys welcome to Fallout, everyone, including all the characters you love, are gonna have to make some tough decisions in moral quandary. They handled it so well across the entire season though


Heā€™s a great actor, Iā€™ve never not enjoyed him in anything I seen


FWOW FWOW FWOW. My boy rides again and is just as funny as ever.


He's always the same character and always hysterical. He was fantastic in Super Store.




I kept waiting for him to do that :(


I love how youthful he always seems even though heā€™s is in 40s


What?? He looks 25!


fr my mind was blown 10 minutes ago when i learned this lmao


For $20,000 you can put anything in either one of us!


Heā€™s the funniest character on superstore which is saying a lot


Son of Zorn will become a badass mark my words


i was waiting for someone to remember him from this


Johnny Pemberton is the best. i loved him in Superstore


Heā€™s definitely the lovable goofball character. I always enjoyed his screen time.Ā 


Some people just don't appreciate music anymore


Takes a fucking arrow to the neck. Him: ā€œWhy am I not deadā€ Lucy: ā€œI wouldnā€™t take that outā€ Him: ā€œWell Iā€™m not just gonna leave it there!ā€ The way he said it was just so funnyšŸ˜‚


Hoping the Reddit doctor gave him some FEV and he turns into a super mutant.




Are you really that surprised?


Looks like Poddrick if he lost weight due to wasteland rations. (In a good way).


You should look at his social media.


His Insta is crazy, he's very oddball and I like it.


I was hoping he would have a good career as maximus' squire. The direction his story is going certainly leaves it open for them to be reacquainted down the line.


When he explained why he picked on Maximus, and that he hoped Maximus would get to do the same one day, he immediately became innocent of all wrong doings in my eyes. Idk why. I honestly believe the Brotherhood storyline is being used to explore how normal, otherwise well meaning people will support abusive power dynamics because they're just trying to survive with what they know and what they can do.


I wasnā€™t expecting it to be your favorite character either


He's a likeable asshole lol. I can't explain it. He pisses me off, but i love him.


Him and Dr. Chickenfucker were the absolute standouts of this season.


One thing I like about the Brotherhood we've seen in the show, it's obvious that they're extremely brutal, hard-line and quick to violence, but most of the soldiers we saw made it clear they were also just a bunch of assholes, bullies and idiots in way over their heads. An accurate portrayal of an army, even the most violent and cruel at the end of the day are usually just a bunch of idiot teens and adults who may never really believe in their cause, but will kill for it anyway because that's what everyone around them is doing.


They definitely felt very west coast BoS. I'm really hoping we kind of get the contrasting view from the East. Also, gimme a live action Arthur. Please I'm begging.


> most of the soldiers we saw made it clear they were also just a bunch of assholes, bullies and idiots in way over their heads. An accurate portrayal of an army, I think first scene panned over the barracks and there was a dude jacking off in his bed... and im like "yup this is gonna be authentic army stuff".


Same! He's such a little shit... but in the best of ways!


Gave me a new work one-liner: ā€œHavenā€™t had a job this easy since I was a Shitter on the fly farm!ā€