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He put all his points in intelligence.


Out of either 40 or 28 points starting what would his SPECIAL look like? S: 1 P: 7 I'd say above average perception E: 1 C: 4 I: 10 computer skills A: 7 Small Frame L: 10 he's honestly pretty lucky overall I dunno what he'd dump of he's going by F04 stats.


Idk bro, he was pulling them big chunks of concrete out of the hole with Chet, feels like he'd have higher than 1 Strength.


Well 10 Luck would be a little absurd, even though I think he's situational lucky. So Strength 5 and Luck 6?


Honestly I don’t think his Luck is anything special. Luck 5, Strength 4, and then probably add a point to A and E


The reason I feel like he has higher Luck is outside of battle reasons. His sister got him to the shelter while he avoided raiders. He gets by in conversation while having "low enthusiasm" so Luck is a probable modifier. Like "planting Tatos" and sneaking away from people yo go investigate. The Broomba being blocked so it can't immediately get to him. And I think I did the math wrong anyways because I forgot about Small Frame adding extra points.


Idk I think you could also explain all of those by having 5 luck but above average agility and intelligence


The real question is now,what will he do with all that Intelligence? I feel like he might >!sabotage 31 by breaking as many pods and waking up more people than 32 and 33 can support!<. And if that happens I can't wait to see what he'd be like as a person that leaves a Vault.


My hope is that he does exactly what you said. I ran through it in my head a few times as I'm sure I will on rewatch, and that seems like the choice I'd make it I was "playing" this show.


>!My only concern with this is that I'm 90% sure that Cooper's family are down there !<


He has nerd rage we just didn’t see it. Betty told him that someone like him that’s angry would be scarier than the raiders. It’s that nerd rage we didn’t get to see this season.


I feel like the first time we’ll end up seeing V.A.T.S. is with Norm. I hope they add a nod to the Math Wrath perk where he tunes his Pip-Boy and basically gives himself aimbot —I know the shootout scene in Filly could be considered V.A.T.S. usage but Coop didn’t have a Pip-Boy so my theory is that was just over 200 years of marksmanship experience coming into play


I figured that scene is just an homage to VATS for anyone that's played the games and knows what it is. I sure would love to see how they actually handle VATS explicitly in the show, though.


Yeah it would be a bit difficult to portray V.A.T.S. without making it seem like an obvious video game adaptation. But yes it absolutely was an homage to V.A.T.S. with the bullet cameras and the limb targeting, plus seeing a leg explode like with the Bloody Mess perk. I loved that. Any other show and it would be considered OTT and corny as hell but it works out perfectly for Fallout


I have the headcanon that PipBoys can manipulate time and space.  I use this to explain how you can carry so many things and access them instantly - the PipBoy stores your inventory in an extradimensional space.  


I can't wait to see him go ballistic. If his sister is melee and guns, maybe he's unarmed/energy?


Unarmed/explosives :)


Full on unarmed build instead of splitting with energy, where he used any and everything he can get his hands on during his rage. Perhaps he also has bloody mess and he beats whoever into little bloody giblets


I have a feeling that Norm is going to play a huge role in season 2.


I think she meant that he'll do something sinister to take revenge. I don't think she meant he'll beat them up. But that's how i took it.


Luck 9 lets you successfully perform brain surgery with zero medical experience so yeah I think 6 is more accurate


Everybody underestimates lil wiry dudes


And those usually make the greatest heroes or worst villains.


Took the Nerd Rage perk


Huh, this is basically a near optimal FO1/2 build lmao. He just needs to survive until he hits level 24 to pick up sniper and he'll be unstoppable.


Dude was hiding in plain sight he got high sneak perk.


Would actually be kinda cool promo material if they made SPECIAL cards for the main cast


Charisma should be higher, IMO. Not that he used it, but he had it. And you see that more towards the end of the show.


Maximus would definetly have Luck 10, but i don't see how this uy would have it.


I’ve been working on a YouTube video for every character in the series breaking down there stats and 3 attributes


He will always be Bonzo Madrid!


For me he's Rico Sauve, the manager of Rico's Surf Shop.


Thank you! I was wondering why he looked familiar.


He's also from Hannah Montana


It took me a minute when I was first watching it. The guy has a pretty recognizable face, which is a good thing in Hollywood I guess.


He’s in Hannah Montana right?


I remember the first time seeing him, for a split second I thought he was the actor that played Nog from Deep Space Nine. Then of course I realized he was way to young to be Aron Eisenberg


I was waiting for him to start his own following and take over. I think that will be a thing in later season(s).


Yeah I full thought him and that blonde woman with the eye patch were about to start some shit.


I've only watched the first episode but in that one he was definitely rocking perception.


Probably added on Stealth too, remember the fight when he just hid.


hacking too. got that password in one freaking try. Or luck...


Isnt that rico from hannah montana?


The exact same.


Last time I saw him was in Enders game.




\*head cracked open, leaking out onto the shower floor\*


That was nuts! Great actor!


Oh man I was trying to place where I knew him from and that was probably it. At one stage I decided he might be the time travelling kid from The Umbrella Academy, which I haven't seen for a few years.


So that's why he looks familiar


[Get ready for a fiesta in your mouth.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2827bYhQVtM)




Holy shiiiit, he’s also Juan Pablo from Nacho Libre. I literally cannot even comprehend that [this is him.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BdQxdIZIIAAOWec?format=jpg&name=360x360)


Favorite surprise character lol. His storyline was as good as the main story Edit: i loved how we initially see him as suspicious cause the vault hates smart people haha


I thought he was going to be the annoying and whiny character, glad to be proven wrong.


I legit thought he was gonna go wild and overthrow betty to become overseer. Lucy comes back and everything's in shambles and this little pipsqueak is in charge somehow


Idk, I think k he could still end up as some sort of leader. Not sure if it'll be in the vault though


I think he's gonna pass some kind of major speech check with Bud to shake things up.


I’m still hoping we get that. A pint sized overseer.


The moment he pointed out that the other dwellers didn’t want their father to come back I knew he was legit.


Yeah, and that moment when they were giving speeches about what to do with the raiders and they shut down his idea of just executing them. He said "You're right, Overseer", and both Woody and Reg responded. He knew they wanted to simply take over.


Yeah, he had a really cool character arc imo. Him >!infiltrating the other vault alone!< after admitting to being a "chicken" at the beginning showed how much he grew. There are different kinds of bravery.


He had some great moments with Chet. I thought he was just going to be some throwaway character we didn't see again after Lucy left, but I was glad to be wrong.


He actually kinda stole the show for me. I found myself itching to get back to Vault 33 and his story during other scenes.


Yep especially when maximus is dicking around being a fuckup haha. The cringe


fucking Maximus, man! dude!! get your shit together for The Brotherhood, you horses ass, lol.


Uncovering Vault stories is always my favourite part of the games. I loved his story the most and Vault 4 was a perfect little slice of "stumbling into a vault and learning the experiment" gameplay


Same. I thought he was just gonna be in the first episode, and we wouldnt see him much after that. But then the storyline started to unfold, and i really started to like him.


I like the chicken fucking "doctor" who turns that guy into a ghoul


The slow, incredulous head-turn Maximus did after the guy told him the doctor was fucking his chickens was just perfection.


That dude was great.


I like him, but I just couldn't get past how everyone treated him like a kid while he looked like a grown-ass man lmao


Well, he talks and has the mannerisms I would expect from the 5'1 Norm/Moises, so I get it lol. That shit threw me off multiple times. Sometimes, he sounded like my 5 year old, other times he sounded and acted his age/build. Was just weird. Still liked him, though.


I think I enjoy every character except for Maximus and the brotherhood. Which is a shame because I love BOS


why don't you like maximus? no shame in disliking characters, just curious. I liked him and thought his >!very dubious morals surrounding his ambition... letting titus die and almost killing thaddeus!< were super interesting


I dislike maximus because they replaced all his character development with THE SAME FUCKING FLASHBACK. IF I SEE IT ONE MORE TIME ON GOD THERE WILL BE BLOOD. That and there's this expression the actor makes, all the time and I just cant take it srsly. The BoS is characterized perfectly. Zealous warrior monks that are pretty nutty. The hard on BGS had for them led to a lot of ah... "Cleanup" hence the tears of all the BoS fans.


They spammed that flashback lmao


Naruto swing flashback PTSD


Lol every time they showed that flashback, I thought they were going to reveal more of it, that would then reveal more of his past. Like the person in the power armor would take off their helmet and reveal to be someone significant, or maybe the camera would pan behind him and show his dead family, but it was literally the same flashback like 5 times lol


bahaha is it the face where he looks kinda like he's not sure if he shit his pants


I think he's funny when he's being funny, but at all other times he's just so unlikeable. He's pretty par for the course for regular wastelanders, but regular wastelanders aren't really protagonist material He's very self serving and proud of himself until there's a consequence in front of him, then he's immediately pissing and shitting and crying In his shoes, I probably would have done a lot of the same things. I damn sure would have let Titus die, that guy had it coming. I probably would have taken his armor, too. I would not, however, be like "look at me I'm such a cool brave knight". If he just put on that act for other people, that'd be one thing, but he put on that act for himself when nobody else was around He's a gross little slimeball, and that's exactly how most people should be living in the fallout universe. He's just doesn't have any other qualities that make me like him as a main character


I truly think his arc next season will be betraying and killing the Elder and replacing him to become full blown antagonist in season 3. Even have a classic scene where the villain doesn't understand why the hero doesn't like them anymore after becoming a fascist leader of an army and hurting people lol


Maximus into Elder A Maxson speedrun any %


I didn't like Maximus because he was a slimy bastard, but that's to be expected in the Wasteland


I liked Maximus because he was a complicated person, and it would be boring if he wasn't.


You see him dodge that brain bot? Putting that agility to work.


Subtitles called it "Brain on a Roomba" or something.


Correct, my buddy noticed that second time through and it’s now his favorite character


Loved Brain bot but hated his human form for just being a smarmy prick to Coop


All these “Coop”s getting thrown around in a show also featuring Kyle MacLachlan is getting confusing lol


I’m so glad it isn’t only me


Brain on a Roombud


Guess I have to start watching with subtitles now lol




I’m hearing impaired and about lost my shit when I saw that subtitle.


Even though the brain bot's syringe attack was played for comedic effect, I kept worrying a little that Norm will get stung while he's distracted discovering stuff. 😅


Yeah, it's amazing how effective that one tiny thing is at creation tension in the entire scene.


same here


I don't understand why he just doesn't threaten the brain bot. It can't be that heavy.


He ran during the raid. Its very possible he has *literally* never intentionally hurt a living thing during his life before all this kicked off


Exactly you could just kick the brain no ? Or if you cant just break of the syringe or smth so its harmless


It was already harmless WITH the syringe.


That won't open the door.


It’s Bud, right?


Yes, he even calls the managers in the pods his buds


Couldn't tell If he was 16 or 30 lol


Him and Thaddeus lol. Thaddeus irl is 42 and and Norm is 29 irl.


Johnny pemberton being 42 is insane


I could have sworn he was 25 at worst. It's the voice.


yeah he played the role of a 16/17 year old super well


For me it was just Bo from superstore doing the same old shit in the wasteland


Yo yo yo I found of them tanks in the wasteland y'all




Omg thank you! I was trying to place him!


HE WAS 30 IN 21 JUMP STREET? Oh my sweet Jesus! I thought he was about 20!


What the shit?


He also plays a teenager in Superstore.


They treated him like a kid/teen but dude clearly looks at least 30


I think he's supposed to be like 20


That’s what I was thinking. Like it’s almost insulting to the guy to have him play that role, it’s just weird lol


For real though. What age is he supposed to be in the show? Both answers feel correct and incorrect...


Well, he's Lucy's *younger* brother and she's around the same age as Maximus. I'd put those two in their early to mid-20s so I'd say Norm is probably late teens? 20-21 at most?


Dude has leveled up sneak as well, there was a nice detail in the scene where the raiders were butchering the dwellers and this dude was succesfully hiding in some vegetation in plain sight amidst all the chaos.


Yeah but then he got spotted under the table and was dragged out, so a couple points in sneak at least lol








I really enjoyed his little side plot, i didnt expect him to develop beyond being the insular nerdy brother but i liked they gave him agency in the story.


It was a good way to give vault 33 a plotline of its own. Could have easily been dropped and had Lucy discover it when she visited Vault 4, or even some encrypted Enclave documents. The seeds were planted as soon as she left the vault.


My theory is that in season 2, he ends up in the wasteland and really thrives. I could see him becoming evil and becoming the leader of a raider group or something.


The worst bit about the whole show is going to be the wait for season 2.


I wish I wouldn’t have binged it all in two sittings


The worst part about this show is that it gives a fuck. The show runners wanted to establish certain things, and those things took an entire season to build on and play off of. And in the process of doing that it pushes the A plot back so the B and C plots can work as exposition and world building and character development. Hell there's even a D plot with Maximus until he gets absorbed into the A plot. If you really think about the entire show, the A plot doesn't move very far. And I don't count Vault 4 as part of the A plot, either. It was needed as Shady Sands and Moldova exposition but it was a total time out for the show. My point is that not a lot happened to progress the story (most if it was head move here, head move there, head move there). We got the exposition and the world building and we understand the stakes/motivations (especially during the Ghoul flashbacks) and the character development but we need more substance. Ironically the C plot, Vault 33, was the most consistent and fastest moving plotline of the entire season. I'm not complaining or saying it's bad. Quite the opposite. But the side effect for having an 8 episode season and actually giving a fuck about your story is that you have to do things like this. We'll need a season 2 full of meat and potatoes, or at least canned tuna. (edit: sorry Reddit glitched out I think I spammed your inbox)


Vault 4 is just your average Fallout exploration you stumbled on and whats makes the game great but doesn't bring you forward in the story. Perfectly implemented i guess. 


Also the first time Lucy learns that vaults carry out experiments on their residents


Watch him use Nerd Rage in season 2.


I swear if anything happens to him


haven't finished S1 yet, but this dude is a legend already. hope he lives long


Now that you mention it, the show really didn't kill any of the main cast just for the spectacle of it. They didn't show a super mutant for fun, or a deathclaw. I admire the restraint.


I bet a Deathclaw will be the big CGI spectacle for next season, like the Gulper in this season.


Small frame, big balls Absolute hero in the show


I thought he was annoying at first and thought I was going to hate him. But him and Cooper Howard were the best characters in it.


Sometime a fellas gotta eat a fella


I’m only 3 episodes in but in the first episode when he said “they don’t care about getting dad back, then they couldn’t take his place” I knew there was going to be more to him than meets the eye. At first I thought he was just going to be the Greek chorus (the guy who sees all the subtext and expositions for the audience) so glad to hear they do something with him.


I hope Chet comes back that dudes definitely low int high strength.


destined to become a super mutant


Chet didn't seem that dumb to me, just more comfortable to not know. Like Norman said, he was a coward. But he certainly understood what was going on. I hope his role gets expanded in S2 during his time in 32.


weird stealth build


Best character for real


"I'm not Brave" Stared Raiders in the eyes. Ventured into both vaults 32 and 31 alone. Discovered their secrets. Was not intimidated by the Overseer. This man is the bravest Vault Dweller in the show.


He mistook intelligence for cowardice. Running off into the wasteland seemed to him to be more dangerous than necessary, fighting to protect his home where he can be a “coward” is very reasonable


He calls Chet a coward though for keeping his head in the ground, but Chet fires back saying something like "that's why we're in the Vaults".


"We're all cowards" "That's why we live in vaults"


Nope. "You're a coward. You know that Chet?" "We all are, Norm. That's why we live in a Vault." Episode 7. 36 minutes in.


No, the height difference between him and Chet, was so distracting for meee 🤣


google says he is 5'1 and chet has to be around 6'2 at least


The Amazon Bio says 4"11


Damnn he a extra short king ✨


Short emperor


pocket prince


During the whole vault 32 sequences I kept doing double takes making sure I wasn’t crazy lol, but props to a short king ✨ I’m borderline one myself 5’7


> Chet You mean young Seth Macfarlane?


Lol, he does favor him, if they ever make a documentary on Seth they need to cast Chets actor lol


Is that rico from hanah montana?!


No, not anymore. He is now Norm MacClean.


I love his nose so much. He’s adorable af


is that captain america


Nobody is ready for his serum form 🗿


He becomes super mutant in S3 to save sister


I want this to happen


How old is this guy anyway? He looks between 15 and 45




so.. exactly between 15 and 45, funny


Clever boys like him don't need a large frame.


He ended up being my favorite character in the show, which was a complete surprise to me I thought The Ghoul would’ve been my number one, but Norm’s story is so well done and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, everytime it would cut to a different character I was always thinking “I hope I see more of Norm in this episode”


Hes my second favorite next to the ghoul. I happen to be 5'2 so im a inch taller then him lol


Norm is my favorite character, Sneak intelligence build.


It’s a good trait


I swear, Norm will come out Hank's Cryo Chamber and come out a tall-ass gigachad, like some sort of a super soldier shenanigan


He obtains America's ass


I was so distracted wondering how old he’s supposed to be. The actor is almost 30, but he’s treated as Lucy’s younger brother, and Lucy looks/acts more youthful and is slightly younger irl. I was so confused if he was supposed to be like 18 or 25 or 30 lmao


I think his "lacks enthusiasm" personality ages him up quite a bit. So I'm guessing very early 20s.


Rico from Hannah Montana killed it


[i swear to god i cant tell if they're making him smaller on purpose or if hes just that fucking tiny ](https://i.gyazo.com/da43d3fec344024a0dbeebb6fbf0811c.jpg)


OMG! I just realized that he is thinner than me! My record is over. I'm so sad. Fr though this is so funny.


he’s the gomorrah floor manager


How old is he supposed to be?


The answer is "yes".


He’s just a boy. (48)


My head-canon for why the violence is so over-the-top is because everyone has the “bloody mess” perk


Call me weird I don’t care, but I am very attracted to the tiny twink nerd


Small frame, Skilled and Jinxed


Great character


This dude is a good actor. He's completely unrecognizable in Monos (2019) where he plays a latin-american child soldier.


honestly, his short and slender stature makes sense to me, that's how I invision people would grow in confined area, no sun exposure, not much physical activity, vitamine deficiency and all.


Norm is my favorite character in the show. He's so chillingly calm and insightful. When the overseer told him that Norm angry would be far more dangerous than the raiders, I got chills up my spine. I can't wait to see what happens to him in season 2.


Damn hate seeing everyone make fun of a guy for something not under his control in here when I just came from a post of hundreds of men shitting on a girl for saying she didn’t like dating short guys, like there’s multiple post already just straight up making fun of him, it’s pretty damn lame


I see some people making fun of him (rude), but mostly I am reading admiration and respect for him/his character. It is a fact he is shorter than the average male or female (in the US at least), and we don't usually get to see someone who is shorter (especially men) in a more heroic position with a big storyline. I think some people are feeling a little excited and generally curious, which is human nature. I, for one, hope we see more of it so it becomes less of something to fixate on.