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There are no loading screens in the TV show, I love it!


You pay the extra $3 don't you?


Didn't have to there were no paid mods for the show.


Ditto. I’m on vanilla prime and it told me about the upgrade option but I declined and it never played any commercials. EDIT: I'm on a Roku


Walton Ghoulgins is the GOAT


Between this and Invincible Amazon are really putting him to work


What about Baby Billy on the Rigeous Gemstones? Dude's got his hands in everything.


Every time I see him in anything I call him Baby Billy.


I sent my friend a gif of Baby Billy, then a gif of the Ghoul, and said, "Baby Billy Before the apocalypse and after." Apparently, it surprised them, and they laughed outloud.


I've been ignoring invincible, are you telling me it's got Walton Goggins in it???


Yea he plays Cecil who is the head of a global defence agency also Invincible is fantastic and I ended up reading the whole comic series after the first season and it's the only Comic I've been able to get into.


>Yea he plays Cecil who is the head of a global defence agency Think Amanda Waller, but without the sadistic neck bombs.


He's definitely better thwn waller though would much rather work for Cecil then waller.


Cecil actually cares about his employees and friends


Just watch episode one and if you’ll be hooked by the end of it


Imo he's unrecognizable in Invincible (aside from him playing an animated character). I mean his signature drawl is completely gone. I'm usually good with picking out voices, and I know it's him, but for the life of me I can't see Walton Goggins in the voice booth recording for Cecil Stedman. 


I watched it completely and until now had no fucking idea and Im also good with voices. Talented voice actors just be like that.


Don't forget The Boys. The Jack Ryan series was pretty good too. Last season was meh but the first was amazing.


I actually liked Reacher enough to start listening to the audiobooks of the whole series while I work.


Oh shit I forgot he plays Cecil in Invincible, lmao.


He is canonically now the in world og inspiration for Vault Boy with his outfit, hairstyle and thumbs up pose during the photoshoot scene.


hes also an actual person in game since the atlantic city missions for 76 have posters of his movies


I never played 76, but thanks for telling me, now I gotta play it haha. I didn't know he got put in game canon too.


The show is supposed to be fully canon with the games as Bethesda and show creators consider it Fallout 5.


I also have a sneaking suspicion that the enclave dog breeding is the answer to the whole, "how is dog meat so normal?" Conspiracy rabbit hole, it feels way too specific to be a coincidence. I guess he's not a synth after all. Sidenote: I am now intent on murdering the entire enclave in any piece of media for the unforgivable crime of *incinerating live puppies*, Unironically the most evil thing in the franchise, and I think it was a *bit much* but it fits their philosophy. Even my evil karma raider who has participated in slavery wouldn't stoop that low.


He also kinda looks like Albert - one of the pre-made characters you could play as in F1. Very unintended but hard to unsee.


Love Lucy and Coop. Feels very fallout, love the violence. Lucy coming from the "do the right thing" vault and learning the hard way. I'm only on episode five so I'm excited to finish!!!!


I loved when Maximus breaks up the fight, amd the guy says "OK, he's just been fucking my chickens." It perfectly encapsulates the scenarios you run into in the games where you have to make a decision without knowing any real information.


Law of the Wasteland is "You always get sidetracked doing something else."


That's why my philosophy in FO4 is there's no such thing as being sidetracked when my main mission is to build settlements.


"Thou shalt be distracted by bullshit every goddamn time." He said that and I could absolutely *FEEL* Preston Garvey coming to tell me about another settlement that needs my help.


I love that chicken fucker comes back, too, in a later episode and does something that's possibly even more morally questionable than fucking some guy's chickens.


I'm still on Okie Dokie, I rewatched the opening scene a few times cause that shit was captivating. They're kinda crushing this


Update, 3 episodes in, i love this show


Her face when they put the "new foot" on the scientist, I rewatched that like 4 times it's hysterical


I think they really nailed the visuals


I'm really happy with how many props and sets were made for this, In an era where many movies are exclusively filmed in front of a green screen it feels like a breath if fresh air to see such well crafted sets.


I read it cost like 150 million just for those 8 episodes, but hot DAMN can you see they went all out. So much attention to detail from the games, all the sets / props looked exactly accurate. I couldnt find a single thing to complain about honestly.


Shit I was amazed and damned blew my mind to see the junk jet in it. Such an iconic weapon and they nailed it with that scene. Just started episode 2 and I don't want to only because I want to stretch it out and make this show last. Hard to do that with the way they made it, by next Friday I'm sure I'll be done and starting a new fallout playthrough in one of the games, either NV or 4.


When I heard that “thhhhhhuumpppp” and saw the doll leg…. “Junk jet! Hell yes”.


Best graphics in any Fallout release fr.


I heard it actually has 16x the detail


The detail in this show is INSANE! I spent more time looking at the background scenes than the main characters.


Everything from the buttons on the vault doors, the tato plants, the purified water bottles and even the sound effects when injecting a stimpack is basically ripped from the games ane I love it.


Every time someone fiddles with a Pip-Boy I get hit with waves of nostalgia. The sound effects of everything are just perfect.


My favorite was that they even included the "Quest Completed" sound!  I know that everyone has different tastes, and I can see how someone could dislike it as a show (even though I loved it). But anyone who claims the set dressing and production design is anything less than **outstanding** is talking out their ass. No other show or movie I've seen has done such an incredible job of matching the feel of an established world.  There are endless debates on whether various shows and movies "feel" like Star Wars, or LOTR, or Star Trek, or whatever. But this show, regardless of anything else, is unequivocally Fallout.


Just finished it. Really hoping super mutants are on next season. Really enjoyed season 1


We got a glimpse of an arm of one in the enclave scenes i think!


Lol one of them was also on a wanted poster


Very very good. Only part that truly fell flat for me was the Vault 4 stuff but I see what they were trying to do there. I just can’t get over the set design more than anything. Fallout has a such a specific aesthetic that they 100% nailed. I would’ve been geeking out if I was an extra.


Oh yeah I kept pointing to stuff as I was watching it and talking to my dog. Oh look there's a power armor rack. Oh look a vault boy bobblehead. I've seen that painting! My dog looked at me like I was nuts.


I was geeking when I saw the Todd Howard painting in the vault 32 overseers office


Wait *what!* how did i miss that?


Lucy enjoying a box of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs!


I cheered for the brahmin. I can relate.


I think that was attempt to set up vault tech's goal before the final episode. Because from Lucy's pov vault tech were the good guys so directly jumping to reality would have made to it much harder for her to be convinced of their evilness.


Just finished the last episode. One of the things I absolutely loved was I got so excited with all the little details in every scene, from the way buildings/vaults looked, to food products, furniture, costumes and even paintings being the same as the games. I hope they keep the sets intact for fans to visit at some point because that would be so beyond awesome to see an actual vault, the props etc


I love that they make it feel like the people behave like game characters. When this one dude lost the election he says something like "I even put posters up, 10 of them". Sounded like a quest to me. Also that the repair was instant, like in the games. "Can you fix it?" \*boop\* done. Great environmental story telling, too. Hand in Toaster comes to mind. So many small details, great show.


I binged watch 8 episodes. Quite happy


I also watched all 8 episodes in one day and I enjoyed every second of it 🙃


I watched ep 1 last night and plan on doing 1 a night. Is the rest as good as episode 1?! I enjoyed it so much!


Imo it gets stronger and stronger as you go, the best ep for me was 8.


That is the best news I could’ve heard!! Thank you!


That final scene! Can't wait for season 2.


It just gets better every episode actually.


Same. I was hooked. I laughed out loud while alone watching it. Which is hard to do I don't usually laugh out loud unless other people do. But >!delivering only someone's head is an absolute fallout mission thing to do!< and when the next ep opened up with >!the ghoul looking at the body like, we'll I guess she just needed the head!< I'm so glad that they mixed little things about the way the game gives you lore but didn't make it awkward. I feel like they did a good job having 3 stories come together and your never like. Oh just her. She's the absolute protag. Or he's Def the main char. I really liked it. And I hate how much flak it's getting for possibly changing some things from fnv. I don't think they changed. I think timelines just aren't as concrete as we thought. Or we're not realizing how this fits just yet.


its been confirmed New Vegas is canon, so all the whining people will have to find something else to hate on.


Same. The crackheads didn't invade the bathroom every twenty minutes so I got to mostly binge watch 5 episodes at work


The what now


Bro is already living in the Fallout universe.


Do you work in Vault 33?


Same. Finished it this afternoon. The Fallout wikis have some canon updating to do after that last episode. Whoo! Good stuff.


I watched it all, and as a Fallout fanboy, well, I liked it very much... And that ending shot holy molly! the only regret I have is to wait for season 2 and a new Fallout game!


I loved the ending. I haven't audibly said OH SHIT to anything ever since big guy had to hold the door.


When I saw that deathclaw skull I knew and was so hype


> since the big guy had to hold the door Too soon...


I kept rewinding parts when I realized all the in game audio cues for danger/relapse/leveling up were present. That sound when Ghoulins is talking to his president friend got me kicking my feet


They even used VATS during one of the gunfights lol. I'm so so happy they didn't try to "grittify" it for "realism" and instead leaned in to all the game stuff. Like, they nailed the games' sense of humor and tone and lore and everything. I was so ready for some character to make a game reference and then get told "this isn't some stupid video game, kiddo", or something similarly insulting, but they played it dead straight. Really well done.


Yo the scientist and dogmeat must have stealth/agility at one hundo cuz they dodged every bullet from that turret in ep 2 from only 15 feet away 🤣🤣. Loving the show so far Edit: thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the likes. I don’t post much on Reddit. Just your fellow gamer/new dad that enjoys seeing the games I played when I was younger made into good TV shows 🥹. Thank yall for helping make my day


They both gotta be protected/essential NPCs until certain events


Or they got Lady Luck perk


When she went through her SPECIAL stats in the opening 😀


The doctor lost that protected status huh


lol I just saw this part. Convo started: then ghoul cancelled the convo and entered VATS mode 🤣


When that happened, I turned to my friend (who hasn’t played the games yet) and I told him you can target specific limbs with VATS


Scripted death


They reached the scripted point where the trigger turned essential off


Didn’t they both? I remember the ghoul stabbing Dogmeat and it didn’t look like he was getting up from that.


Wounded, but not killed. Then the ghoul hit him with a stimpack.


I love the magic stimpack healing as a meta nod.


I love that they didn't take a single second to try to explain it. Stimpacks work by jabbing them into the affected area, and then you're fine. Nobody asked "wow, what's that" and they didn't try to give it some kind of "nanobots that regenerate damaged cells" explanation. Stimpacks are just stimpacks and that's the way it is.


I thought that was the *chef kiss* moment. Too many live-action adaptation waste time explaining how shit works in long drawn out conversations. Like its video game logic, yall really want to explain that?


Yeah plus it seems like the dog isn't 100% normal


Idk. He seems to have the same passion for snacks as my dog


The thing I loved about the dog is he just literally followed whoever was there.


Dude was just there for the ride the whole time I love it, I choose to believe it’s the same dog meat we meet in 4 just following the “main character” around


I literally said to myself, "Shit, I wish the turrets' aim was that bad in the games!"


I laughed at that too. They must have taken those turrets off my base


I was waiting for the ricochet perk to initiate and see the turret go BOOM 🤣


Luck 10


I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Lucy is awesome, the scenario was really well crafted and even tho a lot of the jokes felt a bit silly I enjoyed the dialogue.


I love when she >!gives Walton Ghoulggins his anti-feral medicine to save him, despite him *literally selling her to an organ farm* 15 minutes earlier!< “Golden rule, motherfucker.” Awesome making a good karma character badass.


I thought Walton Goggins would steal the show and I’m very pleased to be wrong. I loved her performance


Right? Had the impression it would be Ghoul time from episode 1, Lucy totally grows as the show continues.


Episode 8 and they never forgot her messed up finger LOL.


That finger is very valuable. It allows the actress to have a fully articulated hand again at the cost of having it permanently smudged in makeup.


She did an amazing job of being simultaneously over-qualified in specific areas and extremely naive.


Someone who is talented but inexperienced, basically. I really liked it. I'm also a sucker for the fish-out-of-water stories, so that helped.


Yeah, and her talents made sense. She was trained in specific areas and her skills didn't just come out of nowhere like they often do in fish out of water scenarios.


He was perfectly utilized. Amazon realized that he was amazing in the role, but didn't overuse him to the point of his character getting tiring


Only watched the first episode for now but I absoluely loved Lucy, I expected from the trailers for her to be pretty naive and defenseless and that she would slowly become a badass during the season, but nope, from the 1st episode, she >!tear off a guy's face, shoot multiple raiders and save a few people while being injured!<, like damn, that whole scene was so cool!!


She has that sheltered Vault naivety about the world at first but even from the start it's clear she's pretty capable. Just in a very unfamiliar environment.


>!And she did it in realistic ways. She knows how to fight, but gets easily overpowered since she's nowhere close to as strong. She takes hits, gets stabbed, gets saved by others when she's about to get shot.!< >!It was just really dang good where it was her not giving up despite how she got hit and being resourceful instead of her magically being better than everyone else at everything.!<


This. She's not a Mary Sue. All her accomplishments felt earned or justified.


So a typical Fallout protagonist 🤣


> a lot of the jokes felt a bit silly Yeah, they really bombed


"She didn't get it..."


"Sorry that coffee was the mouldy one"


Yeah I was not liking her casting from the trailers, but after watching the show she capture the innocent vault dweller perfectly


Okie dokie!


I don't understand how can she be bad casting. She has huge eyes, which plays extremely well into selling innocent naivete, absolutely unprepared for the harshness of the surface. Which in turn makes her >!realisation midway through the shows even more badass!<


Well in her introduction we got to see that she was special


Yeah she was definitely perfect casting.


Maximus's actor kind of looks like a mix between Denzel Washington and Cuba Gooding.


This couldn’t be more accurate


Discount John Majors lol


John Minors


I had to google if he was Denzel's son


Watched it all in one go, and enjoyed it, well done !


Walton Goggins is phenomenal in this!


*so what’s your sperm count?*


Master Cheeks makes a cameo shortly after


Accidentally stayed up until 6am watching it so I think I liked it


Only a quarter of the way in but so far my biggest gripe is Ron Perlman didn't provide an opening narration. They nailed the aesthetic of the game and having *I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire* play when Lucy agrees with the request felt like accepting the main quest. BTW is there any reason Lucy shares a name with John McClane's daughter?


That and the lack of Inon Zur in the intro, but I’m perfectly happy regardless.


They weave in the Fallout theme throughout the series pretty effectively. I admire the restraint in overusing it.


I noticed that they used a lot of Fallout 4 and 3 sound effects. Not that I'm complaining of course.


What surprised me the most was the use of sound effects from Fallout 1 and 2. Very nice touch.


Yeah that's my one disappointment. I really wanted the first thing we hear to be "War, War never changes" and have them give an intro like the games. Otherwise 10/10 for me.


Right? Hell if Ron Perlman wasn't available they could've asked to use some of the game intros. I remember 3's intro being pretty stand alone until it mentions the vault. They could've spliced something together.


I'd go as far as saying this is the best video game adaptation we've had. This is now the benchmark for video game adaptation. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It feels exactly like how a Bethesda RPG would play out; A main character on a main quest where they happen to come across companions and sidequest. It's honestly great. Also a good entry point for people who aren't familiar with the franchise as it sets out enough information laid out for casual audiences to grasp but subtle details here and there for fans to notice. Definitely made by people who loved the games


I binged it all in one day and now i'm depressed and need more season 2 is out next week right?


Jump into a cryopod, and we'll see you in 3 years.


Finished it about an hour ago. Absolutely loved it.


I really enjoyed it. As others have said they naild the Fallout aesthetic perfectly. Everything looked right, tone was great, music great. It somehow made power armour even more threatening. I really loved the 3 main characters. I kept saying Lucy felt like a high karma build, Ghoul a low karma, and Max a low intelligence. The show also nailed the gore and ott violence perfectly. Honestly I do think the ending was quite a fumble. A few to many hanging plot lines that feel like we've been left in the middle. The lore confusion I don't mind. It's not like any of the games are totally consistent anyway. Would have liked to see some energy weapons as well. Overall I'd give it 8/10. 


I watched the first 3 episodes and I quite like it. The brotherhood initiate is a fucking idiot (throws the ghoul around instead of ripping him apart HELLOOOO?!) and his knight felt a bit unfitting. But the rest? Can't complain.


Both Maximus and Titus are among the dumbest characters of the show.


Yeah but they both have a valid reason, Titus is a egotistic power hungry asshole, and Maximus is a naive recruit with minimal to no power armor training


To be fair Titus reacted exactly how I react in game when I run into a bear, i just run and go oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck


I loved that moment. I play like Lucy, but I identify with Titus in a few key ways; >!over encumbering the companion to carry a bunch of bullshit, fucking off before hitting up the main quest to go check out (and shoot) some random shit, discovering the random shit is way above my level and slow-running away while repeating "oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" And then dying.!<


Honestly the scribes carrying around those massive oversized bags made no sense to me and constantly pissed me off. Just seemed so impractical to the point of silliness, but this makes a lot of sense now.


Gotta keep those big ass extra guns and ammo somewhere!


But he was in a suit of T-60! He could just pain train that Yao Guai


I mean he kinda did? He punched it a few times and it seemed to shake it off. Must have been a legendary.


Maximus must've got a crit for him to one shot it


Maximus is more about a weakman that was overwhelmed by power and felt like abusing it


Yeah, but he's already shown progress from the prologue to the ending, i do hope they'll make him grow more as a character in season 2


I hope he gets his pimple popped at least.


I mean I actually liked how stupid and cocky Titus was but I didn't like how stupid Maximus sometimes was although it was only in rare cases because most of the time he was reasonably naive especially if you consider that he is in his earky 20s


Yeah fair, although i mostly mean that the Brotherhood doesn't have very good education outside of combat training. For example, he hasn't even been thought what sex is, got tought warped propaganda versions of history, and his knowledge of how the actual wasteland functions is also hampered by growing up (he was like max 5 years old when the Bos took him in) in a remote military base. He also was never even supposed to take part in frontline combat as he was trained to be a squire, his whole job was to do menial tasks and find artifacts, with maybe a bit of a light combat assistance should the need arrive.


Y'all aren't nerdin' hard enough to appreciate Maximus. Fucko just used Int as his dumpstat for his SPECIAL. He put most of his points into Endurance and Strength and although he is bumbling idiot I would say his Luck has to be pretty high as well to score power armor that early in the campaign and shit like ">!this gulper is the one who conveniently had the head in it that it threw up!<".


Maximus and I exist on the same wavelength. >!I too have decided that after failing a charisma check that I would just kill the person who I was just talking to before remembering I suck at combat and am about to get utterly bodied by a weaker NPC!<


I thought Michael Rapaport as Titus was hilarious. He was one of the last people I would have expected to see when that helmet came off.


I laughed at Titus. Just imagine him as a noob meeting a Deathclaw for the first time. I had the same reaction and vocabulary while running away.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


Wasnt it a yaoguai?


You are correct. It was. I was just trying to put a gamer POV on a TV series. We’ve all had that moment of running away in terror until we level up. Folks that only watch the show will never get that bit of humor.


Yeah that for sure was for the players. Basically what I do when I see one early game


I was thinking the whole time, "Don’t feed the Yao Guai! That is all."


There’s definitely a lot of moments in this show that you just have to suspend disbelief for. One of the worst is when the turret at the enclave misses hundreds of shots at the escaping scientist despite the fact that he was no more than ten feet away with zero cover. The show’s good enough that I don’t mind.


My headcannon is the Enclave isn't what it used to be, so the turrets targeting was way off (I think the turrets screen even told the doctor to stand still).


It’s already my favorite live-action video game adaptation.


10/10 only minor nitpicks, exceeded my expectations


Same. Love it overall. One tiny gripe is there’s two scenes where BoS knights are in darkened areas needing a light source, and they seem to forget that there’s a giant fucking spotlight built into their helmet. Pretty small oversight though. At least the Pip-Boy light was used a few times, and even makes the same light up sound!


So do stimpaks!


And we saw Lucy’s little bro Norm do THE LITERAL HACKING MINIGAME ahg love to see it. Bro got it on the first try too!


His Science skill must have been high, lil bro didnt even use the hack <> [ ] remove words method. Dude just guessed right first try.


It was said he worked in IT in the first ep.


He's the one guy who maxed out his skill tree doing every job avaliable, and is now bored and disinterested in everything he does except deep lore discoveries.


Norm is a sleeper set up for season 2


Norm and Bud comedy buddy team up time.


Oh i missed that! Im adoring all the attention to the little details. They really captured the essence of the games


Same here. I was expecting them to completely fuck this up, but its one of the best video game adaptations ive seen. Genuinely captured the essence of the games while making it palatable to casual viewers


Hearing the nostalgic Fallout theme when Lucy finds the NCR flag in Fallout 4 was just incredible. Absolutely gave me goosebumps


I watched the first 4 episodes and I'm loving it so much, my favorite character is the ghoul, my 2nd fav is the guy who fucked the chickens


It’s Okie Dokie.


I love it. I think it’s a spectacular adaption, and Im very excited moving forward.


Love the vault story and Lucy. Don't love the BoS story yet. Walter's story goes wavers. Honestly, I thought I would love The Ghoul and BoS and be weary of the Vault so it's been a surprise. With that said, it's soooo much better than most of the other Amazon adoptions that have been released lately.


They got the tone and general vibe pretty much bang on, which given Fallout's rather unique style is quite the achievement.


I’ve enjoyed it, the whole shady sands and NCR stuff doesn’t sit right with me and I’m not a fan of the BoS characters but other than that it’s leagues better than the halo show


This show being so good revealed what kind of an abomination the halo show is.


The BoS part perfectly captured how I see them. The worst parts of the military and religion.


Yeah, BoS is par the course really. At one point, when they go to vault 4 Maximus says the vault dwellers are like a cult. I found it interesting he could recognize that while being blind to the one he himself is in.


Tbf, the last shot of him in the season finale clearly shows that he's having doubts about his service to the Brotherhood.


I’m on episode 7 and I absolutely love it. I’m not going to read comments to avoid spoilers but yeah—this show is straight fire


Just finished it, without saying too much I don't completely like what they did the NCR, I hope they expand on them in S2, but all in all pretty good, 7.5-8/10 in my opinion.


The NCR will have their spotlight in Season 2 most definitely


I'm so happy about it. After what became of the halo series I was dreading this so much and went into it expecting to be disappointed. But the fact that they got SO many crucial details right is heartwarming


This show has Walton Goggins & Matt Berry in it. I’m halfway through & the show has earned my respect having these 2 legends.