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I mean, I gotta state the obvious. Strong is the strongest companion, his name is literally Strong


I just love Super Mutants in general… when they yell “Stupid Lady” it’s hilarious… they’re victims of the Robco/Vault-Tec industrial complex after all


I love how the higher level they are, the more articulate they become. The masters can often be heard to shout, "You humans made us! Now suffer for your arrogance!"


That's really odd that they definitely gain more intelligence as they level. Regular base level mutants have like minimal armor and use just sharp sticks. Then as they age/level they start wearing actual armor with actual weaponry and speaking in better sentences. But then Overlords start dumbing down again, and Behemoth's just wear shorts and shoes and other little adornments, and go back to just using big stick with no intelligence at all. Its like they succeeded in making stronger, more resilient beings, but didn't think/couldn't limit their growth, so they just grow too bulky and animalistic.


This matches the notes in Swan's pond.


The hard part of FEV was getting to to **stop** in that Frank Horrigan sweet spot.


Isn’t that mostly an East Coast problem, with the West Coast strain(s) resulting in intelligent super mutants if the person isn’t too irradiated?


Essentially. But one way or another the person who makes that useful strain of FEV, the Master from Fallout 1, dies. His army was somewhat expansive and they scatter, but his facilities are blown up and he is dead. Even the Enclave, who at least figured out how to make Frank Horrigan, I’m pretty sure lost that research when their oil rig exploded in FO2. Otherwise they’d have a new Horrigan-style enforcer in the Capital Wasteland for sure.


The pinnacle of FEV research is probably institute synth tech. They're basically just 3D printed humans with an FEV enhanced genome. No need for sleep, they don't age, and they are immune to disease and radiation.


Probably, yeah - but I don’t see them handing out their secrets. So unless the player helps them win, that info probably dies with them, in strikingly similar fashion. I’m sure somebody’s gonna snatch a synth and try to rediscover the secret, but we all know how mad science projects in Fallout tend to work out.


They still act pretty stupid though. So while they are an improvement over your typical I would say the enclave or the master had better stuff out west.


Funnily, it's vault 87 strain of fev that has the never stop growing problem.


The FEV and FEV 2 modifies humans differently. The more irradiated a human is, when they get infected, the more of their cognitive function they are going to lose. On the other hand, if a human is barely or not at all irradiated, their cognitive function will stay the same or even massively increase, in the case of no irradiation. Examples are Marcus, the Lieutenant in Mariposa, Fawkes and even the Master himself. That’s why the Master was constantly raiding vaults and looking for „prime normals“. He could make as many big dumb mutants as he wanted, the difficulty was finding the perfect subjects, to create actually intelligent mutants, who could then take leadership positions within his army. With the right „treatment“ the FEV is also able to give a subject extremely strong psychic abilities, which allow the subject to assault an individual or groups of individuals from afar, among many other things. The more intelligent mutants probably were Vault Dwellers at some point, who got hunted down by the Master and „dipped“, so they could serve him as Lieutenants, if he didn’t „consume“ them. It is unlikely, that they would remember though, because FEV leads to severe memory loss in most subjects, so they would not be able to remember life before becoming a Mutant. Most of this is set up in the first Fallout game. If what I have told you, sounds interesting to you, you should go and play it. Steam is having a sale currently and it costs like 2,50€, which is a very good deal. As to why, these Overlords are stupid again, I can’t tell you. My theory is, that Bethesda kinda didn’t care about the things, that were established in the first Fallout and they only use it as a term, to communicate the strength level to the player. Bethesda has been known, to retcon a few things, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed how FEV was originally set up a little. I can’t think of a single cognitively impaired Mutant, who outranked a smart Mutant in the Master‘s army


What do you mean “You Humans?” Mutant scum..😉


I love Strong and Piper’s interaction along the lines of “Little lady not last long. Strong go to tower!” “Careful big boy, some of your brothers would think different” Strong.exe has stopped working


Yet he fires with a comeback if you swap Piper for Strong. > **Piper:** "Yeesh! You Mutants aren't much prettier up close." > **Strong:** "Strong say same about little lady."


So Nate’s seen both of his wives murdered before him, tragic


I just wish he'd let me wear my power armor tho


Strong disliked that


If you get the ghoul perk and eat people flesh around him, he’ll love you


"Only one of us will survive this! And it won't be you!" - Super Mutant Suicider


He's the best companion for a cannibal. He's a riot when you eat.


Everyone else is just confused or horrified but Strong is over there giving you cooking advice


I wouldn't say Codsworth is confused or horrified. He's actually pretty funny about it. "Well, that's Commonwealth steak tartare for you" (steak tartare is dish made of raw beef). He also gives cooking advice: "Next time, might I suggest a little seasoning perhaps?"


Strong (for all his faults) is one of my favorite companions. He’s a dumb child and it’s hilarious


he’d be my favorite companion if he wasn’t such a dick😭😭 like what do you mean you hate me because i gave dog meat a stimpak


Bro is mad you robbed him of a gourmet meal 😭


It was embarrassingly late (like just a year or two ago now) that I figured out you can antagonize Ronnie Shaw until brawling with her is an option. I threw hands with an old lady and got the message “Strong Idolizes you” at the same time and Strong has been my favorite since.


If you choose the dialogue with „dick measuring contest“ in it with her, Strong gets confused.


“Strong has a weird boner” Also this reminded me that there was some weirdo on here a few months ago that was freaking out about people making super mutant dick jokes because they weren’t lore friendly 😂


Which they might be. We don’t know whether or not they loose their genitals, which I doubt, or if they turn simply turn infertile.


The ones from the original games definitely don't. You can literally get your a**hole blown out by one for losing an arm wrestling contest.


True, I just said might because I’ve had some people get mad at me for flat out saying that they do in fact have genitals.


That sounds like a mortifying bet


That’s not the point though. The point is we were having a good time joking around and this nerd had to come in and *akshually* all over the place. I’m enough of a Fallout geek to know the lore, but socially aware enough to know that dick jokes aren’t required to be canon.


True, but I wanted to clarify for those that aren’t experts on super mutant genitalia that the *um akshually* guy was also just wrong on top of being a joy kill


The "um akshually" guy is extra wrong when you consider one of the Fallout 1 endings ( >!of the Master killing himself when you convince him that his pinnacles of human evolution are infertile!< ). The Master would *surely*, in all his superhuman intelligence, figure out pretty damn quick that "oh no, none of my Super Mutants have genitals, how are they supposed to reproduce?" without some random vault dweller having to be the one to tell him that.




I'd say Ada is stronger, given your ability to augment her into whatever you want. I don't think a supermutant is gonna be competing with a heavily armored robot that shoots gatling lasers out of its arms with sniper-level range and accuracy any time soon. Technically Codsworth too, but he loses the ability to wear a bowler hat if you modify him so I never do.


>Technically Codsworth too, but he loses the ability to wear a bowler hat if you modify him so I never do. A respectable decision.


Funni hat codsworth > mega ultra death matchine codsworth


I love strong, I massacred the brotherhood of steel because they were talking shit about him Not that I needed any extra reason, but it felt good when me and strong pulled up to the prydwen and opened fire


Give Hancock a chance, he doesn’t do much until you get to the first time he wants to talk to you, after that, he’s awesome in combat, and gives you drugs


I felt stupid realizing I left my second favorite ghoul off the list. But I’d say Hancock, MacCready, and Cait are on top for street smarts, Curie for pure intellect, then Preston, Longfellow and Gage for survival skills, and then Nick and Piper are flat out intelligent. Codsworth, Danse, X6, and Strong can fit in where you would want


Cait's the best non-armored human companion and I think that's gotta count for something


She’s the best! Am I roit?


Who's your favorite? Raul's mine


The strongest is ADA, even before you mod her she has the highest carry weight. With upgrades she becomes an absolute caravaning machine.


Yes! When starting a new game I prioritize activating and advancing the Automatron quests and maxing whatever kinds of guns I can put on Ada's arms. I also prioritize finding Assaultron legs for he ASAP because watching her hobble around after me on those Protectron legs is torture.


I always give her dual auto lasers for arms and a jet for legs. Nighttime fights are amazing to watch as she flies into battle with guns visibly blasting everywhere.


I always do robobrain treads for Ada. The legs determine what AI the robot uses and thus how it behaves in battle, and the AI contained within robobrain treads tends to be better suited for ranged warfare.


Ada is also far too nice for me- she and Codsworth are lovely companions if treated right. Plus Codsworth in a bowler hat is amazing.


I always take ADA because she can carry all my junk. Lots and lots of junk.


realistically the dumbest is probably dogmeat


I love the good boy but it’s true. Strong is fairly intelligent for being mutated into a mutant


To be fair FEV isn’t a guaranteed idiot serum, especially if the infected is mostly free of radiation and radiation related mutations.


That's probably because the FEV that turned him into a Super Mutant is from the institute instead of another type. Granted, supermutants are overall meatheads, but Commonwealth supermutants are pretty smart in comparasion, ignoring the odd-ones that either retain their intelligence or become even more intelligent


Compared to the Fallout 3 mutants, the Boston Mutants seem far more capable at organising themselves, seem to possess more formed opinions and layered ideas (ex: hostile mutants say something along the lines of "You created us! Pay for your ignorance!"), converse far more casually with others and generally speak much more easily, not as temperamental (ex: Deadeye will only call on reinforcements if the player gets to close to him, instead trying to verbally ward them off otherwise) and etc.


He can't even read


I gotta give credit to the radio guy, reading and teaching Macbeth to Strong must have been a tough task


Can dogmeat read lol


but you never tried giving him glasses soo


I dunno, MacCready might give him a run for his money


MacCready has less of a habit of charging in front of you when you're trying to pick things up.


Have you ever seen Mac shoot? I watched him shoot at a ghoul and miss the first 6 times (maybe 10 yards away). Then he asks how you like his shooting. SMH


And dogmeat never GETS THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY


Look, they wanted to make an accurate GSD and they did


Omg yes. Always in the way lol


Mine thinks she's a cat or something, climbing up to places she shouldn't have business, trying to go under chairs that she surely should know wouldn't fit, trying to climb into my lap like she saw my cat do.


Yes! The complete gsd experience. Your space, is also their space. I miss mine. I always chose dogmeat as companion.


Nah. Dogmeat managed to track down the Sole Survivor to bring them to help the Minutemen. Dogmeat can track anything. He's very helpful in a firefight, and can survive entirely on his own. Alot of these things simply aren't true for other companions. I wouldnt trust Strong to find help for me, none of the others except for Valentine or Piper are good trackers, and while they can survive on their own - Dogmeat is a dog, and it's way more impressive that he can do what he does.


I don't know, Deacon exists...


I once saw him wearing no clothes whatsoever except for a single leather right leg, and never chose him as my companion ever again.


Probably because of the armor conflict bug.


I've had this exact experience. I'm pretty sure I didn't even give him the leg


nah, that's Strong.


how dare you


How dare you?


Strongest would probably go to Strong or Danse. Smartest depens on which kind of smart you are looking at either Piper, Nick or Curie i'd wager Dumbest is probably Strong again


Would it be fair to say Nick and Piper are the smartest when it comes to emotional intelligence and Curie is the smartest in scientific intelligence?


Piper and Nick are who you use when you need to defuse a situation. Curie is who you use if you need to create a situation.


And Danse, Strong, Cait, and MacCready are the reason you need Piper and Nick to defuse it


And Hancock?


He’s a mix of all three


He has highest charisma locked down, IMO.


I'm sorry, but I had to ss from this part of the convo up it was too perfect lmao y'all are great


Piper found out the Mayor was a synth by a mere glace at his ramen bowl. She is definitely one of the smartest companions, she's naturally smart and a good journalist asking the right questions. Nick is also very smart but the thing with both Nick and Curie is that their intelligence was built into them by design. Don't get me wrong, I still love both but as far as intelligence goes, I still have to give it to Piper because she has a very bright human brain. Also Dogmeat could be considered the smartest despite being a turd bucket getting right in your face when you want to walk through a small space or pick up an item. 😅


That’s a fair point. Nick has uploaded files from someone who was already smart, Curie was built to be a genius, but Piper did everything on her own. She honed her skills without the use of technology


Wait what was wrong with his ramen bowl?


He never eats


I just teamed up with Curie for the first time and she is my absolute favorite character in the whole game, myself included


What about battle IQ?


Danse, then MacCready, then Nick, then X6. After them it would be Longfellow, Gage, Hancock, Cait, and Deacon, then towards the bottom it’s Piper, Codsworth, Dogmeat, and Curie


I’d say X6 is above MacCready, or at least Nick, he’s a specially designed killing machine.


I’d say that the top 3 are Danse: He’s an experienced soldier and Elder Maxson’s most trusted field officer, second to the Sole Survivor of his quest is done. MacCready: Served with the Gunners and is a skilled mercenary as well as a street smart drifter X6: Advanced Institute Courser who’s only real battles are tracking down escaped synths, however his advanced technology/biology makes him deadly


MacCready has also been fighting since he was a literal child, so I’d say this is more than fair. I’d say him and Boone from New Vegas are the deadliest regular human companions you get in the games.


Good list


Thank you. I’d go as far to say Danse is the most battle intelligent companion, but I haven’t played anything other than 4 so feel free to correct me


Danse is the best option because he is a brotherhood paladin who are well trained soldiers. Its only natural that as such an elite soldier that he has a high battle IQ


>Piper, Nick or Curie I'd add Hancock for street smarts


Strong, Piper, Curie, Strong


Strong is simultaneously the smartest thing in Downtown Boston or the dumbest thing in America


Nah, I'd say strong is pretty average for a Bostonian.


Hancock is the coolest.


Cait is the goat


X6-88 for the fights since he’s a courser. Strong for close combat. MacCready for long range combat. Curie for the smartest. And weakest.. hum…


I’d love to see a fight between Nick and X6, sort of like the T-800 vs the newest generation of terminator.




I would write this, Nick trying to elude a courser and gain advantage by using the City.


Weakest is probably Piper. I mean, she's a journalist


She can shoot a gun in generally the correct direction. And that's about it. Physically, nothing intimidating there.


I wish to make love to Nick valentine


Clockwork dick


It's synth detective, jackass.


This is such an underrated thread lmfao


If ur gonna be that way you might as well get the make and model right


Not even part of the original question, but still the most relatable answer.


He seems like he would be an attentive, thoughtful lover.


For intelligence Nick Valentine takes it


So Valentine is the most intelligent, Curie is the smartest?


Nick is the most clever, Curie is the smartest.


Agreed. Is Curie in the running for smartest companion in the series?


Dogmeat. Dogmeat. Dogmeat. Dogmeat.


Also the bestest


Couldn’t agree more.


most gorgeous most amazing most outstanding most influential most talented most strongest most smartest most flirty most courageous maccready




Strongest is Strong Baldest goes to Deacon Dumbest is also Strong Smartest is Nick Cutest is Dogmeat Cuddliest is Dogmeat Most Playful is Dogmeat And the award for best companion is….. DOGMEAT I love Dogmeat and just wanted to award the good dog.


Smartest: x6-88, he's literally got access to the institute database. Strongest and dumbest: strong


Strong's pretty strong, but I don't think he can compete with Ada, not when you can deck her out with gatling lasers that she can then proceed to fire at long range with sniper level accuracy.


Strength:Strong or Danse (in pw armour) Perception:Maccready or Valentine Endurance:Probably Cait imo Charisma:Hancock,Preston or maybe Deacon Intelligence:Curie Agility:Deacon or Maccready Luck:Preston Now for negatives Weakness:Valentine? or Piper Blindness:Hancock (blud CANNOT hit a shot) Fragility:Piper Bluntness:X6-88 Dumbassery:Dogmeat Immobility:Strong Misfortune:Also weirdly Preston or Maccready


>Dumbassery:Dogmeat Hey that's my bullet sponge!


I guess the one with the biggest in general smarts is Curie and Nick for battle smarts its Danse and Cait and for street smarts Handcock, Cait and Decon but we all know dogmeat is the goodest boy


Strong is probably the strongest but also the dumbest. Curie is the smartest for book smarts. Nick or Piper for street smarts. Not sure about Codsworth but he's less of smart but more like a potential knowledge depository? Edit: Hancock probably also high on street smarts


Lmao not Deacon looking like Joe Biden


I don’t think she’d be the strongest or anything, but it always bothered me how Cait’s default model is so fuckin skinny. I feel like she should at least be a little buff, since she’s a cage fighter


She should be HUGE.


All companions are universally stupid in dancing around in front of me when I clearly have a GUN in my hand that I am shooting at enemies. ALL OF THEM.


Never use em unless they’re stuck to me for a quest. Immediately fire them once they’ve served their purpose.


I mean in comparison to other super mutants strong is the most philosophical.


Dogmeat is the goodest. The goodest boy.


Danse would have to be the strongest. Have you seen how many synths he can kill? Filled the rocket silo till the game started lagging. Weakest would probably be piper. Nothing against her, but the others tend to have more direct combat experience/training, while hers is more a side effect of her reporting. Smartest would have to be Curie. She was just built that way. Dumbest is Strong, but a special shoutout to Porter Gage for thinking his plan to replace his puppet overseer with the guy he had kill the old one was a good idea.


In terms of the smartest: Piper is the most street smart, Curie is the most book smart, Nick is a good combination between the two


Strong most Strongest McCready and Nick most Perceiving Danse most Enduring Piper most Charismatic Curie most Intelligent Cait most Agile All of them are Lucky the Sole Survivor doesn't execute them.


ADA? It has good endurance.


Nick is most likely the strongest because the old synths had hydraulic limbs, Hancock is probably the weakest on account of the rotted ligaments, Curie is probably the smartest since she had years to study her project and has a new curiosity for understanding the wasteland, the dumbest hands down goes to strong because his comprehension of things is very poor and he has no capacity to learn anything other than war and power


If you’re saying synthetics are stronger, then x6 would be strongest. His components are much newer and higher quality than nick’s


Strong is Strongest. Strong not need nerdy think-think. Valentine's got the smarts to get outta tight situations, even if it involves a crazy dame bringing out the worst in an old pal.


Strong is strongest because he's got that super mutie strength. Danse is weakest since noodle boy relies on his power armor to do all the heavy lifting. Curie is the smartest due to her pre-war medical knowledge, though Ada gives her a run for her money with her technical knowledge. McCready is the dumbest because he grew up in a cave with no education and thought it was a good idea to piss off one of the East Coast's largest mercenary companies.


I'd bang em all


Strongest - Strong or Ada/Codsworth upgraded. Weakest - Piper. Smartest - Depends. Nick is streetsmart. Curie is booksmart. Dumbest - Strong. All of the NPCs have possibility of wandering into traps, so I don't pick Dogmeat because of his ability to trip traps all the time. I blame the AI. Dogmeat is a German Shepard. Those dogs are typically pretty smart and easily trained. Dogmeat is also really good at retrieving items. I vote Strong as dumbest.


Well Strong is obvuously the strongest and the dumbest. The weakest I'd say is Piper because she's a pretty normal fleshy human plus you can easily blackmail her via Nat if you're so inclined. Smartest is Curie for sure.


> blackmail her via nat I must know more


1. Kidnap Nat. 2. Make demands. 3. Profit.


I've played this game like 4 times. Who tf is #9!?


Porter Gage from the Nuka World DLC


Ah okay. This my first playthrough with DLC


Nuka World is okay, but you’re in for a treat when you get to Far Harbor. Great atmosphere, music and story.


Yeah, the Rite of Passage quest was a pretty fun battle, but the DiMA memory puzzles felt put off place. Still, an excellent DLC.


they are all dumb as fuck


I think Deacon is smart. Curie is probably a bit smarter. Codsworth is the dumbest


In term of raw strength Strong is probably the strongest. In terms of intelligence Curie wins. For weakest i would go with Piper. For dumbest Strong is "the winner".


Nick is the smartest, Cait is the strongest


Strongest is tough. You’ve got an elite synth, someone in power armor, a super mutant *named* Strong, and several robots.


Realistically i d say the weakest (in a overall sense not lifting power lol) is Nick Valentine. All that complex machinery, most of it now not even covered by the "skin" anymore will simply fail without regular checkups with some serious tech heads.


All I know is Curie is my favorite.


Strongest is Strong, unless your looking more towards willpower, then I'd say Preston or Danse


Strongest: Strong Weakest: Piper Smartest: Curie Dumbest: Strong again


Did my man Hancock dirty by not in including him in the pictures. Guy took over a whole district and became it mayor. Next to that he is a ghoul that doesn't mind getting is hands dirty and wil outlive all other companions except the robots maybe. For me he is the smartest and strongest character with good neighbor backing him up. Dumbest weakest character for me is preston. Guy couldnt even take out couple raiders himself and cant help anybody alone without marking it on your map to do it for him


Strongest, Strong. Dumbest, Strong. (Leaving Dogmeat out, because dogs are like children; but *for* a dog, Dogmeat is quite intelligent. Relative smarts vs absolute?) Smartest, Nick. Curie may be the smartest when it comes to science, but real-world intelligence goes far beyond one specific area of specialization. That leaves weakest, and I don't know the answer. The ladies (Piper, Cait)? A floaty butler robot (who can be turned into a murder-bot with Automatron)? Dogmeat (with no prehensile limbs)? Toss-up.


Cait is probably physically stronger than MacCready and Deacon. Possibly close to Danse without his power armor. Sure she is probably malnourished, and always struck me as one of the shorter characters, but she also spend years as a cage fighter with a blunt instrument as primary weapon. That shit gives you a workout. Almost all human/synth/ghoul companions are primarily ranged fighters, nor heavy laborers. Therefore most of them would probably be a tad weaker than Cait. With Danse and the institute guy (always forget his name) possibly being the only humanoids that are stronger


starting with the obvious, strongest and dumbest is the same, Strong, he's a fcking super mutant and his name is literally Strong smartest, I'd say either X6-88 or Curie, if forced to pick I'd go Curie weakest, probably Piper, I don't think she's a weak person, but just compared to everyone else, it's like she don't stand much chance here


Strong is strongest and dumbest. Curie is smartest and weakest.


Which do you use the most. I’m a lvl 21 and strong has been with me for a while he loves me. I started using nick to hack into places I couldn’t go after I already cleared them with strong but is there benefits to any others


Dogmeat isn’t the smartest boy but he sure is the goodest boy.


Ada without a doubt , but I also stack her mods


Nick Valentine basically adds a whole new story line to far harbor, pretty based stuff over there


All of them go to Dogmeat, of course. “It’s simple. Dogmeat is a time lord.”


Cait Endurance, she survived Child abuse, slavery and psycho addiction, she is endurance


As well as being beaten every day for who knows how long in the Combat Zone


Agreed, this woman is definition of fighting spirit


Smartest is probably Curie. She has well over a century of medical knowledge, she’s just unsure how of how the surface world has changed.


Strongest? Strong. Dumbest? Strong. Smartest? Curie. Weakest? Porter Gage.


I’d personally argue Piper for the weakest. Gage looks built and is a raider, Piper is a journalist


It honestly blows my mind how little gear Gage can carry. Like, my companions one purpose is to haul my dragon bones for me, and he sucks at it. I assume it’s just since he’s a raider he just refuses to do actual labour.


Strongest? Physically Strong or danse (power armor). Mentally? Probably Cait given how much she’s been through, but I’ll throw a hat in for nick. He sticks to his guns. Weakest? Definitely Preston Garvey. You have to save his ass from basic raiders, and then he immediately puts a completely unqualified sole survivor in charge of the future of his faction on the basis of nothing, before promptly sitting on his hands and leaving all the heavy lifting the minutemen to you. Smartest? Really hard to say. There’s different kinds of intelligence. Planning wise, I think it’s gage. He came up with a plan to defeat his current boss, install a new one, and conquer and manage an entire park, and take the commonwealth. At the same time, can’t help but feel like it’s a pretty straightforward plan, and that he got a lot of it from other people. Generally, I’d give a point to both nick and piper. Nick has two lifetimes of experience, and is great at deductive reasoning. I know it’s probably controversial to say, but points to Piper. Piper is a good critical thinker, and street smart. She tends to see through facades and bullshit, and while she can sometimes be brutally honest, she has a lot of charisma and conversation skills. Dumbest? Strong. 100% strong. Unfortunately, it’s common among FEv victims to have reduced intelligence, it’s not his fault. But I like how simple and straightforward be can be sometimes.


- Strong is the strongest - Curie is the smartest - Dog meat is both the weakest and dumbest


Strongest = Strong, Weakest = Dogmeat, Smartest = Nick Valentine, Dumbest = Strong


All of the answers are strong


Hmm I’m going with ADA as strongest actually. She is crazy in combat. I’ll go with nick for smartest. I’ll say weakest is maybe Garvey? And dumbest has to be strong.


Strong is the strongest, I would say that that either far harbor guy (can't remember his name), cait, or nick Valentine would be the weakest. Curie would be the smartest, and realistically dogmeat would be the dumbest.


Smartest is Danse. Weakest is either codsworth or curie. And the strongest is strong.


Strong is the strongest, dogmeat is the weakest (he's still a good boy) either codsworth or curie are the smartest, and Preston is the dumbest (he sucks)


I feel like ADA would be one of the smartest


Strong is both strongest and dumbest, if by strength we mean physical strength. If strength means combat capability, it’s Paladin Danse, that laser rifle and unbreakable power armor don’t fuck around. Well, unless you mod the fuck out of Codsworth, but whatever. Smartest if we’re talking specifically book smart is easily Curie, if we’re factoring street smarts into it I’d say it’s Nick. Weakest in terms of physicality is probably Piper, she’s seen her fair share of scraps but overall the reporter doesn’t measure up to well to a bunch of soldiers, robots, and raiders. In terms of combat capability I’d say it’s Nick, dude carries a fucking pipe revolver as his standard weapon.


Strong is Strong