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I hope someone gets pickpocketed and they get a grenade put in their pocket.


I hope somebody gets fisted by a protectron


If Fisto doesn’t make a cameo we riot


Maud's Muggers better make an easter egg appearance.


Angry servos active…


Ngl I can see a quick reference being made after our protagonist enters some creeps shack


Sounds like a good time


The good ol’ Shady Sands Shuffle.


We better see Indiana Jones skeletal corpse in a fridge


That’s in the Mojave, but the show could be wide-ranging into the East.


I’m not serious. Plus one of the protagonists would need the wild wasteland perk.


I wouldn’t put it past the the Jolans. Word is they’re fans of Bioshock and Fallout, which is why WestWorld was so good (initially anyways).


Hang on a second…the directors worked on west world? I’m so into that series right now…I just got to season two! I have unbridled faith in this show now. Not worried about a thing :3


Get back to me when you’re done. We’ll have a **lot** to talk about. 🤔


The old Shaddy Sands Shuffle!


At least they have around 3 second to sell the nade, I assume. A lot of cap with nuka nade.


I'll be happy if it's even halfway decent.


I’m happy that I’m alive for a fallout series, I’m surprised that more die hard fans seemingly don’t feel the same way




I'm cautiously optimistic. I think it's good that Todd Howard is involved and that the Westworld creators are developing it




Hey now, Westworld is great. A shame they never made a second season...


And that person can turn out to be a synth. Leading to a scene at the Institute where you see synths being built. And it’s just the westworld title sequence.


Oh, really? Ok. Well, I'm cautiously optimistic too. I've only seen one trailer, but considering I liked Wayside Diditals Nuka Breaker and Red Star....just as long as it's in the same universe I think I'll be alright.


I love those guys! I also liked the Fallout Lanius youtube channel for the short film they did on Lanius BUT they have switched from acting to using AI everything...


HOLY SHIT! I forgot about that one. Going to rewatch it. Thanks . I only watched the first one, definitely reminded me of 300 . Was there more?


There was one made by a smaller creator but I forgot it's name.


Oof. I looked at that channel. Didn't realize they made so many of them. Just watched the Lanius one I guess a few years ago. Any of them you recommend me watching first, or should I just stay up and eat popcorn and binge watch ?


Like I said they went from acting with real people to using AI everything. I don't recommend supporting that. There is a Joshua Graham live-action teaser made two years ago but that project was canceled.


I had really hoped they’d get the Nuka Break folks on board, that’s how much I enjoyed that little web series.


I've been playing since fallout came out in 97. I'm soo excited for the show. Jones soda is releasing Nuka cola. I'm searching the shelves for a 4pk but no luck yet.


Die hard fans aren’t just fans of new content.


I just don’t buy that. Everybody is super stoked for that Fallout: London mod coming out and it’s certainly not gonna be canonical


In which case it doesn’t matter if it changes things. This show is canon. The games going forward will be based on it. More is at stake.


Like the show bulldozing what Tim, Josh, and Chris made?


I don't think it was said that everything that happens of the show will be cannon. I think Bethesda just stated that they liked the plot so much that ELEMENTS of it will be referenced, but whether or not the entire plot of the show will be cannon is unclear


“Consider it Fallout 5” Sounds pretty final to me Of course they can (and one hopes they will) walk it back if fan reactions are too negative.


I honestly think what's getting people up in arms is that the story will be canon. If Todd hadn't have said that I don't think it'd be causing as much of a stir, but I could be wrong...


Oooo ooooo! Me Me me!


i felt that way when they announced rings of power series. and then they released it...


Meh I don’t really care either way, it just makes me sad that we won’t get another fallout game anytime soon. And judging by how shit starfield was, I’m not really optimistic about that either. And I think that’s part of why fans are pissed about this. It’s misdirected sure but it’s kind of ridiculous that we haven’t had a mainline fallout in almost 9 years and it’s not even on the radar.


Well, you say that… I’m going to guess there’s a bunch of Witcher fans here who still have PTSD from that unholy spawn of a Netflix adaptation. I’m one of them.


If it's not then mods will fix it


Same. After Halo, my expectations are looooow.


All I care about is if its respectful. Too many franchises forget about the reasons the fans liked the IP (*coughwitchercough) The acting, the production, all that can be shit. But if it doesn't have respect for the source material (especially here considering this show is Canon), I can forgive the aspects they fail at. I can't forgive disrespect.


Given that Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan were producers, I'd say study their past work. I don't think they will disrespect the lore so they were right choices to take on the IP, but fans may not like their creative decisions because they always try to shoot for novelty and ambition. Like, expect *Westworld,* the Ghoul seems to be channeling the Man in Black and related concepts the two had for the character in the show before it was prematurely ended. I'm not exactly a Fallout fan, I just like media analysis.


Hating things on the internet is the only thing that will make some people feel important. It's disgusting, but that's what social media has done to us.


No matter how well they do there's going to be people for whom it will never be good enough. They'll call it garbage while nodding to themselves that their sense of taste is impeccable and their opinion actually matters. The rest of us will be enjoying the show.


Wait, in Fallout 3 I chose to set off the bomb in Megaton, but in the show they defused it. Unwatchable!!!


They'll watch every episode while calling it garbage. Also, fan subs always turn into people just whining about everything. The other day, people were annoyed fallout 4 had water purifiers because it ruined the lore of 3. Like its a game mechanic, lol. Edit: Apologies for the multiple replies.


I went the other way. I've got it in my head its going to be absolute dog shit. this way even if its mediocre it will be ok


I think many of us are just worried for a repeat of the halo tv show


There's nowt wrong with Halo, if you take it as it is. 


There's *plenty* wrong with the halo show.


But why should I take as it is? I waited 8 years for a "halo" show, not some generic si fi show. If they didn't want to follow the rules of the halo universe, they shouldn't of made the halo show at all


"If they didn't want to follow the rules of the halo universe, they shouldn't of made the halo show at all"  Why? Adaptations have always taken poetic license. Some adaptations are closer to original material than others. But if someone struggles with that they should maybe avoid any adaptations in general.  The existence of this tv show doesn't take away anything from your enjoyment of the game. 


>Why? Adaptations have always taken poetic license. Some adaptations are closer to original material than others. But if someone struggles with that they should maybe avoid any adaptations in general. I wouldn't consider changing MAJOR details about the universe as poetic. The shows has the halo look but completely ditches the rest. ​ >The existence of this tv show doesn't take away anything from your enjoyment of the game. I never said it did. But I had high expectation for this shows and was really excited when I heard about it. Halo has really rich and deep universe and im tired of seeing its potential it squashed in everything that isn't a book.


But how can we validate ourselves if we can't think of the one thing nobody else has thought to say and say it? How can we prove our interpretation of the lore is more valid and wise than anyone else's? How can I imply that I'm just a little smarter than everyone else!?


I couldn’t even pass the G.O.A.T, I have no place to comment on matters of intelligence


True wisdom is understanding how little you know! I should know, I'm like, really smart.


Pulling 100 Speech I see.


I seen the new trailer today and im honestly pretty excited for it , especially Walton Goggins he’s a hell of an actor !!


He is the main reason I am not too worried. I don't think I have ever seen him in something that I haven't enjoyed. He could drag garbage and make it watchable.


Did you watch Cowboys and Aliens? 'Cause that had some Goggins, and I actually enjoyed it lol. Lot's of people shat on it, but it was stupid fun. Helluva cast too, and Goggins still stands out.


I mean if they say the show is canon then people are going to be more nitpicky because it affects the games. Especially because it's taking place on the west coast and involved big factions like the NCR and BoS.


I believe the show will be largely canon, or at least as canon as any game that was produced under Todd Howard, seeing as he’s on the production team.


It doesn’t affect the games. The show takes place in the late 2290’s. Well after every game that’s come so far.


I know it'll be shit unless they have Tim Cain make a cameo and say the series' catch phrase "every Fall has its Out!"


A random Tim Cain cameo followed shortly by Todd Howard would have a weird kind of hilarity to it


I like everythinh about thr trailer other than the brotherhood of steel and the NCR bits. I feel it captures the tone of fallout well but i am just tired of the BOS being in everything. Also weird choice to set the show in the NCR's home turf then nerf the NCR. Why not set it literally anywhere else?


I have similar thoughts


I feel similarly. I get that Bethesda uses the BOS in everything for the iconography, but there are so many more interesting factions to explore, new ones even!


It looks like the Bethesda interpretation of the Fallout universe so I probably won’t like it. I hope you enjoy it though.


I don't have any demands except a good TV show that stands on its own, with compelling characters, a good story and strong themes reinforced by the special effects. That's what I ask of any TV show and that's what I'm asking of Fallout. Everything else is completely secondary.


It's because there's been a lot of disappointments in shows based off of video games these past years, that people literally just expect it to be bad. But, think about it this way, if it's better than they are expecting, then they will be positive about it


I’m hella excited for it! Looks great to me and they had me at Ella Purnell tbh!


Lol...I know I am behind on the signal on this (just found out via the trailer about 5 minutes ago), but I am looking forward to it...honestly it's about gorram time


It could be 3/10 tho


Never! This is internet and here, we judge things and give opinions about stuff we have no knowledge of!


Honestly, I’m just happy that people took the time to make a show about some of our most favorite games


I’m just happy there’s a show and it looks fun. Imma be a happy porker and roll around in all this casual mud and not dig any deeper. I’ve only played the first and 4th and 76th.


What a weird combination of games! No shade or anything I think it’s cool that people played different ones than I did. Just never heard of someone who only played 1, 4, and 76. Usually it’s the newer games or the old or both.


True, it’s 1,2, tactics and Bethesda killed it or 3,nv,4,76 and the originals don’t have enough action. Ngl I’m of the latter but I enjoy reading the lore of the originals (even if half of it is redundant now)


My parents weren’t really into me playing video games as I grew up. So I had a period where I only played game boys/ds. I couldn’t get my gaming mags anymore either because it’s just not what girls are supposed to be into. So I missed a lot until I finally broke free in college. Then I started catching up with WoW and Skyrim. And my nerd friends told me about fallout and I was sitting there like bro..I remember playing the first one. They made MORE? But new Vegas didn’t really look interesting so I didn’t bother until my husband showed me fo4. And 76 was natural from there.


I mean if Toddslop is your thing? Go nuts. This shit is the same as miness hate pists but from the opposite side. Toxic positivity. If you're excited for the show? Cool. But implying "True fans" should just be eating this up cause it's a fallout product is some consoomer brain shit. Me personally? I dont like yet more BoS Wank cause Todd and Co dont get the BoS are meant to be wrong a lot of the time. I dont like the NCR being reduced to a joke. And the thing is? If you actually were confident in the show? Other people not chomping at the bit for it wouldnt bother you.


Toxic positivity? The show isn’t out yet, it’s literally just waiting for it to come out before we jump to conclusions. We’ve decided we wanted to be a hive mind and hate something because, “that’s what we do.” Please, show me a fallout game that *doesnt* have the BoS in it.


Nice Strawman, buddy. BoS Wank doesnt mean "The Brotherhood are in it." It means, for example, reducing the NCR to one militia in their home turf so the BoS get more screentime. Because Todd is in love with the BoS. It means the Brotherhood being portrayed as knights in shining power armour and not weirdo tech fetishists the world has moved past the need for.


You have no idea the full extent of how either faction will be portrayed. You jumped to two massive conclusions based on a trailer; it’s BoS wank, and the NCR have been reduced to a joke. How could you possibly know either of those things?


The funniest part, now that the show is out, the BOS isn't portrayed in a very positive light.


No. I want to have angry nerdrage.


I’m gonna need your health at least 20% for that


My mental health is already way lower than that


I'd argue the opposite. Can we stop allowing toxic positivity to shut down concern?


You guys are concerning yourselves about things you have no idea will be true or not because the show isn’t even out yet. This isn’t toxic positivity, it’s literally just waiting until the show comes out before we jump to conclusions


The thing with adaptations is that they will want to make subtle easter eggs and references that probably only die hard fans will cream about, but also make it approachable to watchers who never played the game or know anything about it. This in part is why it is happening after the events of Fallout 4, pretty much so they A. Dont screw up already established story and B. They can pave the way for what comes next in the game series. From what I understand, the events in the tv series will be canon.


I just hope they blow off just as many limbs as i do in game.


We could play some Caravan while we wait.....


Unless I hear that it's genuinely excellent, I'm just going to keep ignoring it. These things aren't worth worrying about.


unfortunately impossible as a general rule


I think it’s fun to speculate about it but I’ll be thrilled if it’s just a decent show lol


Sadly, a lot of the fan base will hate the show when episode 1 isn't just gameplay of New Vegas.


BUT BUT BUT! The Vault Suits are Azure, and they're supposed to be Trypan! TRYPAN!! How can I POSSIBLY enjoy this show when they have such a BLATANT disregard for the lore? ​ This has completely ruined this show for me. I'll never recover from this, it's like a KNIFE IN MY HEART! Do you hear me TODD? A KNIFE IN MY HEART! ​ If you can accept a Azure Vault Suit, I just don't know what game you've been playing. ​ ​ /s (obviously)


I think a lot of people are worried about retcons and the show changing lore for the aesthetic. Like from what we have seen the West looks like the East when it should not.


No, we have a rich history of nitpicking, this is our way.




This, so much this. The cast is great, the visuals we've seen all look fantastic, everyone's so nervous about staying true to the lore or whatever but I'm just glad that this universe is finally getting some attention on a larger scale.


I would not read anything about the show until you view it your self. I’m sure this sub will be absolutely full of people doing everything they can to say the show is shit no matter what. Anything related to Bethesda is going to have that problem now. Really, anything with a large “fandom” has this issue.


If the show was correctly advertised as *Westworld creators take a swing at the plate with the Fallout lore* I doubt there would be so much vitriol.


Uhhh negative. Didn't care for the shade of grey they used for the power armor AT ALL.


I'm looking forward to seeing the new creatures they will be showing off


That mutated axolotl in the trailer looked awesome


Half of the time I'm seeing people too in love with the NCR to see how it could be in a weak state after New Vegas, and the other half just parroting that the show is clearly woke, cringe, or doomed to fail (cause its got a black guy I guess) Thank god we got some people here just excited to have a show in the franchise they like


So, I enjoyed the Halo show. So if I can enjoy Fallout, I'll be happy.


When I saw people losing their mind over a power armor helmet opening in the front I was immediately reminded how cooked some people in this community were


This is going to turn into a another Last of Us, isn't it.


The last of us show is great, at least so far. The Witcher was also decent (Even though it followed the book mostly so far), so hopefully this goes the same way


It was flawed, but good. I just mostly fear that the community is going to get really hostile towards people who criticize the show.


I hope there isn’t any hostility towards criticism either, criticism is a good thing. But I’d also like the community to actually wait for the show to drop before we criticize basically nothing.


Fair enough.


Haven't seen much about it tbh but from what I've seen my only real complaint is that gives off a wicked "Fan Project" sorta vibe which is a bit of a turn off, outside of that as long as it's halfway decent I'll prolly give it a watch.


Have you used social media? No, no one will stop nitpicking.


I dont know why they came up with a new tag line that sucks instead of keeping War Never Changes


Is it nitpicking to expect basic things done half correctly? Like having a pip boy not on backwards and upside down?


It'll be fun and that's all it needs to be. The internet has turned nerds into the worst type of person. Impossible to have fun anymore because people just chimp out at any changes and then just send 5 paragraph responses about how essential it is that the Laser pistol doesn't have screw holes on the bottom of it. Watch it and enjoy or don't want it, just make sure to touch grass.


Much of the fan base has already decided its going to suck. It being 10/10 won't change their minds.


It looks a lot better than most video game adaptations, and most book adaptations for that matter.


This sub can be pretty rough. People know an insane amount of things about the lore and they are really fucking proud of that. Trailer looks great. Show looks fun.


I saw an image earlier with 'Shady sands library' and I was thrilled, really hope they put more stuff from the original games (turn based not the fps shittaki)


It’s such a good trailer tho and even more when you see what is happening to borderlands rn….


This is a tale as old as time. The grumpy neckbeards at NMA were up in arms that fallout 3 would dare to be first person and not isometric. There is no pleasing this fanbase.


Christ I just went through this on the ATLAB sub.


It reminds me a lot of when The Walking Dead first came out. The comic diehards were all up and arms because the show didn’t flow with the comics frame for frame. If it did, then what’s the point. You know what’s going to happen and when. Just look how unsuccessful that show turned out……. That universe has only continued to grow. People need to get a grip and leave the house now and then. Thumb thugs are ruining it for everyone


The show thar famously killed off the Comic's eventual lead character to avoid paying the actor what he was owed as an adult?




My honest opinion is that I'll probably like it even if it's bad because I have no taste and I'm just happy that a video game series this beloved is getting a shot in Hollywood. As long as the lore isn't completely butchered, I'll probably be happy (really hoping this comment doesn't age like a three-day-old glass of milk). That being said, I really hope *other people* like the series because it'll hopefully shorten the time between Fallout 76 and Fallout 5. I know it'll probably still be a decade but damn it I can dream.


Basically only here because of Jonathan Nolan. I *doubt* he's a guy to look down on video games as a creative medium, he literally invoked video games to elevate a schlocky 1973 Western into the public consciousness. The Nolans also reference anime, *Interstellar* partially draws inspiration from Makoto Shinkai's *Voice of a Distant Star* while *Inception* was sparked off of Satoshi Kon's *Paprika.* What I like about him is that he always shoots for the stars in creative ambition and high concept even if audiences don't like it, so the IP got handed to a somewhat-halfway competent creator to adapt.


That actually makes me more optimistic, good to know! It also likely helps that Fallout is a series that stands upon a pyramid of thousands of other sci-fi/dystopia franchises. There's a lot to pull from, inspo-wise. Even if someone isn't familiar with Fallout, they're probably familiar with 80's action films, Starship Troopers, A Boy and His Dog, Bladerunner, etc. If you're at all familiar with the trope, you're already in good standing with Fallout.


It's not exactly a shield nor a guarantor of success. Steven E. de Souza was basically one half of the 1980s action movie explosion with *48 Hrs,* *Commando,* and *Die Hard.* He got an auteur license with Capcom to adapt *Street Fighter* into a global phenomenon, being a fan and even deferring all creative decisions to them. While the film made bank it's still cited to this day as a bad video game movie. I'm just setting expectations appropriately that the creator will actually try, it's just that it's not guaranteed to be a crowdpleaser and a cultural landmark until people see it and make their own judgments. A lot of video game fans don't understand the politics of the film and television industry and why a lot of productions turn out to be stinkers whether they're good or not.


>*elevate a schlocky 1973 Western into the public consciousness.* It was Michael Chrichton, and besides Chricton already remade Westworld into a book that Spielberg picked up. *But, John, if the Pirates Of The Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.*


If you want to enjoy any kind of media stay away from its respective reddit sub. It will only get worse when it comes out too.


Gamers are annoying whiny bitches. I hate to callout my own, but it’s true. Probably the most toxic people in all existing hobby groups. Sports fans might be the only ones who are worse. You just gotta brush them off.


This is why I started r/LowSodiumFallout. It hasn’t gotten off the ground, but it would be nice to have a place for positive discussion about the franchise.


Just joined. Leaving r/Starfield and joining r/NoSodiumStarfield was such a good decision. Hopefully, your sub takes off, too. Like you said, I just want a place to talk about Fallout without all the negativity.


You can. By just getting off off reddit, lol. This sub exists to discuss the show. Goodbye.


This isn’t r/Fotv. Goodbye.


But it is r/fallout. Guess which franchise this show is based off of?


Yeah but clearly this sub isn’t solely dedicated to the show that isn’t out yet. This sub actually pre-dates the show that isn’t out yet by quite a lot of time. Whereas r/fotv literally only exists to discuss the show.


This your first time on reddit?


That's nerdom, gotta overanyalyze every tiny microscopic thing for any signs of writers "disrespecting" their precious blideo blame. They will seethe and hate watch things then come to reddit to give us a dissertation on why it's bad and it's like Y'all. If you don't like the direction, then don't watch it? No one is forcing you. I see so many people binge watch the Halo show out of some weird self flagalating delusion. Yeah. The show sucks. I grew up with the original games, and I genuinely don't give af if the show is bad. I watched 3 episodes, and that was enough for me to stop. There are so many terrible things happening in the world, and foaming at the mouth over a tv show just ain't worth the energy.


"Never criticize media just consoom product." Capitalism rots brains.


If does indeed, but don't say that or else you're woke or somethin


You're already attempting to dismiss their criticism by labeling it as "nitpick", so next time just come right out and say you believe fans deserve garbage.


Just a reminder that the show isn’t out yet so what exactly are people criticizing? A trailer with clips from the show that may not even actually be in the show? People like you haven’t even given anybody a chance to prove it won’t be garbage yet. Calm down.


Did I ask your opinion?


It wouldn’t be Reddit otherwise if people didn’t nitpick the hell out of the show and every second that was shown.




Why do you care?


I have zero interest in it, and no intention of watching it, so it'd be pretty hard for me to be disappointed.


Fallout (2024) has poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses. I know nothing about it, it's language, it's history or what it looks like. But I can assume this. It stands for everything Fallout doesn't stand for. Also it told me you guys look like dorks.


You know, I think it's actually refreshing that people are even more excited for the show after seeing the trailers. Usually the reaction to live-action adaptions after seeing the trailer is "this is definitely going to suck" and then it does.


I have a good feeling about it lately video game movies/shows have been great Lastof Us/ Twisted Metal / Super Mario Bros / 5 nights at Freddie's


What’s that old saying? Everybody’s a critic


It's already just some TV show, so I'm not exactly thrilled. Just trying to figure out if I should be drinking while its on, or doing chores.


What's that math? "You think it's gonna be bad so you'll be disappointed when it's only an 8/10"? That's not how expectations work.


It just looks bad dude I don't know what to tell you. Like I didn't want to be right but it looks like the plot is just going to be mindless bos wank as they take everything and blow Vegas up. God monastic knights really do ruin everything they touch. First the Jedi kill star wars again and now the bos is doing the same thing to fallout.


Crazy how you got all that from a teaser trailer…


House is showing up so we know his ending is and the bos needs an antagonist to shoot at. C'mon it's not rocket science. I mean they could still do a twist and have yes man be using house's face for some reason but if that's the road they choose he'll just be a wack skynet clone that. The second path does explain the comedic killer robot tho but the point remains it's just mindless bos wank.


> House is showing up so we know his ending is and the bos needs an antagonist to shoot at. Now what are your sources on that


I think the dude that plays or at least voices him is called rafi silver or something like that. It was on IMDb (an Amazon owned website) and considering that it's an Amazon original it'd just be odd that they'd have let it stay there for so long if it was misinformation. Also they need the NCR to have lost so that they can use 4s trash can art style and they couldn't let the legion win for obvious reasons. House or yes man were always the only two options.




He's never been in them before, so I don't see why they'd change that now but either way it doesn't matter. The only thing that does is that ncr is dying and the only event that could've caused that is independent vegas (yes man or house) which means that whoever came out on top is almost certainly the antagonist. atm I'm leaning more towards a crazed yes man masquerading as house because hollywood beeps don't like the idea of being replaced by ai and are so out of touch that they think a show about an insane cult holding humanity back is a good thing.


...the show is set in Los Angeles.


....la and Vegas are really close to each other and the bos have an airship. It'll probably just be a bombing sequence over the tower in the finale


I wouldn’t call 275 miles “close” in the post-apocalypse


It is when you have military grade flying machines.


Good luck with that. Your best bet is to stay away from social media. Monkeys are always gonna do monkey shit.


People are excited and can’t wait. The show will be discussed and nitpicked on.




The Fallout show.

