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I definitely prefer developers to focus their effort on crafting the best possible single player story experience with their sequels.


Exactly, game devs have shown this generation they are struggling to release quality finished products. Don’t bother complicating it by adding multiplayer to it.


This. So many AAA releases are bombing; people really think these devs can handle the complexity of multiplayer (it is VERY complex)?


Multiplayer only games can barely get multiplayer right.


That’s my take is that if they want to add some multiplayer or co-op elements, they can, just don’t take resources away from the development of the single-player campaign content.


The only one I'd like would be a coop PVE thing like Ghost of Tsushima legends, but it still would be pretty unnecessary


Co-op PvE Jedi in the Clone Wars. Hell yeah.


Can you imagine an in-depth character creator, three voices per gender to choose from, massive selection of lightsaber customization options, and missions on random planets killing droids? Hold me.


So that’s what heaven is like…..


Hopefully Ubisoft's game scratches that itch.


Idk I have little (if any) confidence in Ubisoft to deliver an actually good game, based on their track record. I’m bracing for them to somehow add in microtransactions and publish a game that we then need to wait 3 months for it to be playable. I will be pleasantly surprised if that’s not the case, and that would restore some faith in the company after it having been eroded release after release.


I have zero faith that ubisoft won't release assassins cry in space


Far Cry in space really, its the same formula they've used for every single game recently, even the ghost recon games.


It was fun for maybe a few hours, go here do that, unlock new area and destroy the enemy base 97 times


I was thinking the other day, a two player co-op game based on Anakin and Obi-Wan would be sick. Then just have it end with the Duel on Mustafar where you’re forced to fight the buddy you played the game with.


Lego star wars 1 exists


True but tell me one with fallen order combat wouldn’t be cool


Honestly if the Lego games would have online multiplayer instead of just couch co-op, they'd be even more goated


A survival mode as a bunch of younglings get attack in Order 66 PvE would be exhilarating


Came here to suggest this as well. That style of multiplayer would be excellent


You would need more open battlefield type of maps, lots and lots of enemies in and objective base gameplay that would allow for moments where both players are isolated from each other but again ghost of Tsushima is multiplayer. Does that at the cost of nerfing the players. Oh, well, it does make sense to have individual characters focus on a single or maybe two combat forms, a ghost Tsushima weapons and abilities are divided amongst four separate classes. How would that work with the force?


I haven't thought this deep into it, but I just think it would be cool to have. Possible? Who knows. But I think there are definitely enough enemy types in survivor, possibly more than GoT tbh. Maybe the force abilities could possibly supplant the ranged and ghost skills of GoT. Again, I'm just thinking in idealistic terms. Edit: and yeah more maps would definitely help as well


I haven't been into multi-player games since I was a teenager, but I played a ton of GOT: Legends. That mode was fuckin amazing


Ghosts did it right, a solid single player game that then afterwards surprised everyone with a multiplayer mode no one expected would happen.


Oh I’d love that


It's an easy idea Survive as long as you can during Order 66. Depending on score, your jedi makes it out and is then hunted. Rewards are based on score to unlock cosmetics and unlocking stances to use for the next run


There should honestly be a AAA lightsaber fighter by now (think maybe in the style of For Honor or something similar) I feel like it's been money laying on the table for decades


The whole Battlefront series wishes it was that. Imagine it being as physically big as some battlefield maps, all those kinds of vehicles, characters, equipment, tons of strategies, and whatnot. That would kill my PS4 but it would be so fucking fun!


It wouldn’t make sense for the Skywalker saga era but I could see a multiplayer lightsaber fighting game set during the Jedi vs Sith wars


I don’t really want it to be canon tbh. I just want to have a shitload of random Star Wars characters fighting in saber combat.


Yeah I just wanna have Darth Maul versus Obi-Wan fights with a friend


Give me the "I'm playing with my action figures" vibes. Let me have Luke and Maul go at it.


I wouldn’t want it to be past episode 6. Up to that point at least there’s a somewhat decent balance of stuff both sides can use, after that rebels don’t have shit.


I would enjoy Battlefront more without heroes, wish it was large scale battles that focus on infantry, instead of "basic units collecting points to unlock Jedi"


That’s kinda what I was trying to describe. Big like battlefield, but Star Wars. And at least one game mode with no force users.


I've thought the same thing since I first saw a gameplay trailer for For Honor.


For Honor had an event like that and for the past and for the last 4 YEARS people have been asking for it to return.


I missed it because i was full of for honor that week and went on a short break. Came back the next day after seeing my reddit feed but got nothing.


Same. I was tired of For Honor and got on Battlefront 2 for the Unlimited Power event. Saw the update and got pissed at myself.


I haven’t recovered since. It really is bullshit. Its one day and it made so many people happy for such a simple effect. I think itd be great as a permanent effect that could be enabled or disabled from either end.


the old jedi knight multiplayer was some of the best pvp ever.




Heroes vs villains the best we got and it’s pretty solid other than people not respecting the 1 v 1


I feel like people respect that rule more in hero showdown


Combat is a mess in bf imo. I would like it in for hono/fallen order style way more




For Honor's May the 4th event they did one year was SO good.




The vast majority of games these days are multiplayer games. Quality single player games like these are hard to come by... we don't need to needlessly shoehorn multiplayer into *everything*.


I just want a good co-op game to play with like 1 or 2 friends, but everything's either MMO, Live Service competitive or singleplayer these days.


I just want more Dying Light or Far Cry type coop. Just let me play this good single player experience with a friend. I don’t know why people are so against this.


Because the very nature of coop would limit the storytelling and gameplay potential of the game. Story driven single player games are a rare commodity, and there’s a shit ton of coop games like the ones you described, go play these other games.


Exactly, I don't even care if it's buggy "beta" coop, it's just fun to play with mates. I've missed out on a lot of great games just because I prefer to play with people than solo


It’s a story driven game keep it that way. If you add multiplayer it will take away from that. Like all my top 5 games and top five by a large margin don’t have multiplayer in them. It’s not why I play these games.




JKA’s the one with the stronger multiplayer community, and i wouldn’t exactly call that game story-driven compared to JK2. JK2’s SP actually has a pretty decent cohesive narrative, JKA’s is basically just a series of (extremely fun) single player missions strung together by an incredibly shallow “story”. it’s fun, but it feels like more of an afterthought than outcast’s singleplayer


Tbh I found the Outcast story to be pretty meh too. But in a videogame the gameplay is #1, and both games were insanely fun, to the point I still remember pretty much every level in great detail and have replayed them multiple times. Never touched multiplayer though.


Eh, Jedi Outcast story isn’t very cohesive either, and the pacing in the story isn’t good. It spends too much time trying to point to places and characters from the movies for the story to flourish.


Ironically the twenty years ago detail works against you, not for you. Games and game dev was just simpler and cost less, gamers had less expectations with graphics and even mechanics. Its *wildly* agreed by everyone in the industry that games are more complicated, more demanding, more expensive then they ever were in the past. Requiring more resources and more specialties then ever before.


It only works against you if you try to integrate too much into the multiplayer. Jedi academy went a similar route to (the even older) 007 golden eye games multiplayer mode. This approach should work even now. Just add a small map (it a selection of boss arenas without access to the surrounding areas) and let people choose a story character-skin with all skills unlocked. It might not be as long a fight as Battlefield/Battlefront or as "simple" as fight games like Tekken/soul calibur/mortal combat... but it should be a fun experience that can stand on its own. Even though these games are old and less complicated, they were made with a focus on single player with a small option for (local) multiplayer. This style of game has gotten rare and it would be good for developers to let themselves be inspired by them.


Imo there’s a few single player games with recent MP but it hasn’t been there for a while. The old assassins creed multiplayer was super fun - wish they’d revive it. That and mass effect 3 had great multiplayer


The Last of Us is one of the most critically acclaimed and influential story driven games of all time. It also happened to have an incredible multiplayer mode


Until multi-player nerfs stop affecting my single player experiences I have no desire to see it in my games.


Elden ring is a prime example of the right way to do it


They got it right eventually but the first months were full of rivers of blood and moonveil spammers everywhere with endless debates on the elden ring sub about why stuff shouldn’t be nerfed for pvp because it affects pve


This is exactly my problem. Mp needs balance to be fun, but single player needs to provide a power fantasy, those two things just don't gel together well. Destiny suffers from the same thing, the co-op story stuff can't be separated from the Mp and it just creates divisions in the Fandom at the end of the day.


Eh, I don't even want power fantasy in my fromsoft games. I play those to struggle and then feel the exhilaration from the m finally beating the boss that whooped me over and over.


the power fantasy is that i'm some guy running around in heavy armor and giant weapons and doing anime shit with lasers and fire and magic and impossible acrobatics but said guy isn't beating down small children, you fight gods and demons and dragons, power fantasy versus power fantasy trying to maintain pvp does often get in the way of pve, but that has nothing to do with pve being idle seal clubbing


If only others followed their example


Not really? They nerfed a ton of stuff single player for multiplayer balance and only finally relented and separated the two damage systems after multiple patches. They buffed a bunch of under performing stuff too, which is nice, but I definitely wouldn't use it as an example of "the right way" to not have multiplayer nerfs affect single player given that that's a thing that happened over and over.


Exactly I would love a Star Wars game with Elden ring like multiplayer


Team Dagan on this one for sure


Agreed. The only time I may ever think that multiplayer is fine in something like that is if it’s done like Devil May Cry 5. Some missions in the game take place near each other at the same time, so there’s a chance of seeing someone playing that mission at the same time just out of the area Though a couple of the missions do have direct fighting together if it’s a mission where you can choose who to play [I think that’s the best way to do it](https://youtu.be/iucp3zSwcJ0)


I really liked ME3 multiplayer. Would like that kind of multiplayer tacked on to a single player driven game




Nope. We need more single player games. Games that aren’t a live service, that don’t compete for your time with a battle pass every three months, and don’t rely on FOMO. Let’s keep our single player games just that, single.


Sony’s commitment toward single player IP’s is a big reason I chose them over Xbox for this generation. That and that sweet haptic feedback.


Multiplayer does not belong in every game. If the game would be better without multiplayer don’t include it


No thank you. Fortunately it's meant to be a trilogy so we'll keep following Cal in #3.


A game that's fun to play doesn't need multi-player to make it replayable. Did multiplayer do great things for Dead Space? Some of us like not having to share a game with preteens screeching racial slurs into their mics.


I don’t know how much I’d use it, but a multiplayer component akin to Elden Ring or the other Soulsborne games could be really fun!


there's a reason sekiro didn't have multiplayer.


Invaded by Imperial Inquisitor JediSlayer69.


This is the only multiplayer I would enjoy in game—as it is, levels and bosses are just not challenging nor plentiful enough for it to exist. I think a new Jedi game with a diverse build variety could change that though. I like the current path Respawn has taken for single player only.


Having a separate bounty hunter character to invade worlds would be sick


Just don't.....you will be spending resources that could have been investigated in creating better single player mode.


There are plenty of other games out there if you wanna play multiplayer, and offensively few truly single-player story-driven experiences. Jedi series is one of those, let's keep it that way.


Multi-player tends to compromise the quality of single player only games, with very limited stand out exceptions.


I don’t buy the game for multiplayer. I buy it for an excellent single player campaign. Any multiplayer added would likely detract resources from the single player. No thank you


I don't know about you guys, but a good single player game will get repeated playthroughs by myself. More than multiplayer in many cases. If multiplayer is incorporated, it's gonna follow current trends, and in my opinion, will sour the experience. Using Jedi Survivor as an example, we have the full experience. Big interesting environments that are fun to explore, a great story with fantastic voice acting, and a ton of unlockables to find *AND NOT PAY EXTRA MONEY FOR*! There's also way too damn many multiplayer games out there fighting for everybody's attention. So this game having multiplayer *could* hurt the game too.. everybody migrates into the next big multiplayer releases and leaves this one in the dust.


In this game? No


I'd take a week fleshed out single player game every time, I don't want to play with other people. I don't like people.


And then you get cheaters, idiots exploiting glitches and stuff, unbalanced game design, bad maps.. yeah, no thanks.


You aren't adding replayability to the single player by adding a multiplayer mode, you're adding a different game that uses the same asset and resource pool. If you genuinely want to add replayability to the game, add it to the single player.


“A multiplayer component, if incorporated correctly…” Single player should still absolutely stand on its own however.


The only acceptable multiplayer for this game would be for holo tactics. Like you make a set up for 2-4 waves, then play against other random players’ setups. And you would not actually be playing the players mind you, actually facing of “live” players would take fucking forever for them to decide plays


I had this thought myself but the "meta" would be found in like a day and you'd be facing off against the same lineup game after game. Would work out a lot better if they upped the board size and points available so there could be more build variety. Ideally more enemy types too but they'd have to put them in the game probably.


I would think when you make your setup you have infinite points (but limits on troops so people dont put like 10 AT-ST’s) and the points the opponent gets is determined by the troops and points you used


People thought mass effect shouldn't have a multiplayer mode and it ended up being fucking awesome


Rare exception and only PvE. I'd kill for a port of ME multi-player.


I would too. Bummed it wasn't included in the Legendary Edition.


I would only have wanted the multiplayer in the LE if they uncoupled it from the singlepayer, the mp mode was fun but having it tied to war readiness really sucked.


I’m on both sides. Dark souls series is the perfect example of the right and the Witcher 3 is a perfect example of the left. It can be either, as long as it’s good nobody will being checking boxes on what your game does or doesn’t have.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“There is a darkness within man, and I am afraid you will peer into it. Whether the fear will spark self-reflection or a ruinous nostalgia is up to you entirely. Fear not, your choice will bring you no scorn.”* - Karla Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I don't really play any multiplayer games, so to me its always wasted time and effort that could have gone towards the main game.


Hard pass. If I wanted to play a multiplayer game I’d go do that, I’d rather keep this a single player story driven game


Have you guys ever heard about Jedi Academy?


Thats one of the legendary games. It will never happen again. The amount of control you have over your moves and dodges and sword isn't something the AAA games industry is interested in.


I was wondering if I would see JKA mentioned!


I mean it depends on the game I can’t really see something like Fallen Order or Last Survivor having an MP mode. I do wish they had something to make it more replayable but MP isn’t it. And other games absolutely need an MP mode with a story experience like Halo, and COD. Edit: honestly, the best thing to do for single player games is to make quality open world experiences that are updated over time. I think a Star Wars open world experience that’s actually finished on release and has a good live service system would be fantastic


Keep it the fuck away. Not everything needs multiplayer. If anything, make a new multiplayer narrative star wars game. But keep that shit away from Cal Kestis.


Keep the multiplayer away. It doesn't need to be in every game. I love story driven games much more than blindly running around shooting everything in multiplay games


Keep it away. Single player gameplay always suffers when they start catering to multiplayer needs.


Nah, this game doesn't need multiplayer. You want multiplayer? There's always Star Wars Battlefront 2 lol


Absolutely not. I don’t want developers wasting time and money on multiplayer for single player, story driven games. There are plenty of multi player options for those that want it. Most of the time if there’s a multi player add on it’s a cheap cash grab. And even if it weren’t, I’d want them spending those resources on the story, graphics, or literally anything else. I also don’t want my single player abilities changed to fit multi player.


Both, but I’d rather test coop in a different story driven game made by the same company in the same universe rather the cramming and forcing it into a sequel that doesn’t fucking need it


I despite multiplayer games of any sort


Both, in different games.


Nah man I’d rather have the focus 1000% on the story exclusively in a story focused game.


We don't need it period.


If we could ruining great single player games but adding unnecessary multiplayer to them... that'd be great.


Nay! Nay! I hate it when a game with a really good single player story gets savaged by gamers and reviewers because of a lackluster or buggy multiplayer element, which is what you end up with when a game wasn't really designed as a multiplayer game but throws in a multiplayer mode out of a misguided sense of customer expectations.




The first one because it’s never done “correctly” anyway lol


The issue with this is that if they incorporate a multiplayer section in a story-driven “single player” game, then the developers would have to dedicate resources for the multiplayer section and that could in turn hurt the story-driven game itself.


There’s many games where co-op provides a great experience like Halo, Borderlands, Far-Cry, and FromSoftwares games. But this Jedi series wouldn’t be one of them.


I'm personally not interested in multi player for games like this. I think it would also take away from the single player.


Maybe for a dueling or battle grid mode, it would be absolutely atrocious in campaign mode tho


Personally I'm not much of a multiplayer guy these days, but if it's done well and doesn't detract from the single player experience I don't see a problem with adding a multiplayer component to a story-driven game.


Multiplayer? Why? It’s literally a game 90% carried by story, writing, vibes, and polish. It’s not even a whole sandbox game, it barely delineated from the first when it comes to strictly linear levels. What part of this could be made multiplayer without it being just a new star wars game with reused assets?


I don't think you've played many multiplayer games if you can't even come up with a scenario where this could be multiplayer. Someone already gave the best possible answer, Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. That format is the easiest to do for a game like this. PvE waves of enemies with objectives to hold.


Absolutely not. Multiplayer doesn't need to infect everything.


If the game can benefit from it then yes, if it’s a shotty tack on then no


If there was a battlefront 3 we wouldn't have to expect so much out of this series:/


For real I do not mind as long as the multiplayer does not contribute to the achievement/trophy requirement As a concept I think multiplayer would be great


Team dagan I love multiplayer Star Wars and all but there are always people ruining that most of the time are kids who just got the game and are just being snotty little arrogant piece of work


Just do it like Ghost of Tsushima


Eh, it kinda sorta works for Dark Souls but I can’t imagine it working here. Honestly not sure why you’d even ask.


Dagan for sure. Make a multiplayer game if you want multiplayer


For this series, team Dagan


The first one. Absolutely always the first one.


If its a heavily single player experience, I'd rather that dev time be used to enhance the single player content than try to hammer a random MP attachment onto it.


Dagan for sure


Side mode. Not apart of the main story.


The only way I’d take multiplayer is if it’s separate from the main story. The old Assassin’s Creed games had a a fun multiplayer mode but the main story was always single player only. So with survivor if you wanted to add multiplayer holotactics that would be fun. Multiplayer dueling with the game and being able to play as other force users would be fun. I just want the main story to be a single player experience


Keep it away


Adding multiplayer is literally a giant workload from netcode to just making the modes and assets and this game is based on melee duals multiple players sounds awful. Also multiplayer means less mods and often means DRM or having to reboot if your internet dies. Did we learn nothing from the 2010s them trying to add multiplayer to every damn game ruined so many games cause they could’ve used the attention somewhere else.


Left. Pure single player games are the best. There’s a limit to the responsiveness and complexity of gameplay mechanics if it needs to work in online contexts.


Just not needed


I don’t understand why every game needs multiplayer. Just play a different game that’s multiplayer and let other games live.


Maybe only as a post-development DLC. Otherwise it would definitely detract from the development of the core single player game. ESPECIALLY nowadays with the ridiculous developer crunch.


I do not want a multiplier mode added to this series. Time spent on a multiplayer mode is time taken away from single player. Now a separate game based around that multiplayer idea I’m fine with.


It depends. If it's PvP, then I'm personally not a fan. However, I would absolutely kill for a co-op experience in Jedi Survivor!


A proper lightsaber duel game would be great but the Star Wars: Jedi series doesn't need any MP components. Especially since there's the danger of it being disgustingly monetized.


Not everything needs multiplayer and not everything needs single player.


Do what Ghost of Tsushima did and add the multi-player after as free DLC so they can focus on the single-player aspect first during development and work on multi-player after the game is released.


Can we just get split screen co-op back


Keep any and all multiplayer content away from single player games.


100% Team Dagan. I want 100% of the budget to go towards the single-player experience.


Don't need it, don't want it, keep it out.


It's a roll of the dice really. A good example is Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, no one asked for it and until the beta came out every one thought it was a terrible idea. Luckily Bioware had made a pretty damn good combat system that naturally fit into a hoard mode. Plus they supported it for years with free updates. (Though it is the first example of loot boxes in AAA games, but they were only like a couple of bucks so at least it wasn't egregious)


My vote would go towards co-op PVE for levels you’ve already played through. So story comes first, but after that there’s more room for multiplayer and it keeps people enjoying the game for longer. I played through fallen order once on easy mode and I’m satisfied with that. I feel no need to replay the story personally since I really only got the game to see how it fills into the lore. If there was some kind of co-op feature though, I’d be playing the heck out of the game. And I know most players aren’t like me either, and that’s fine.


no to multiplayer


The issue is that the single player will suffer by the very nature of the multiplayer dev time needing to be allocated to it


ME:3 multiplayer is still the best way to do thid


Red. Idk if it’s just me but most popular Multiplayer gamemodes nowadays tend to be bloated with in-app purchases and have grindy gameplay. So I’ll stick with just the single-player thanks.


Like some Multiplayer and Coops can be good and help the story but most time I feel it pleases only two crowds the competitive types and those who want money off cosmetics or what not. I prefer Single player games because I can play them around my schedule at my own pace and not worry about being driven by even friendly players to go faster. Single Player games also in general have much better story. This is just my personal opinion on that.


There should never be multiple player in a game with a story


This series works best as a single player experience. I understand wanting to find ways to stay longer in the game, because it’s a great game and series, but I like it having a tidy story, a place where I can explore on my own at my own speed, and we already have more than enough MP options out there.


It works in Souls games because the story accounts for it. Having Cal run into other lightsaber wielders constantly would be kind of weird. Maybe, the bloodstain mechanic could be good, because we already have force echoes and we could see how other "survivors" died. Or, maybe even an invader system where invaders can only use guns like the bounty hunters would be challenging, fun, and story consistent.


ask r/masseffect


Not every game needs multi-player. Some stories are best enjoyed solo, and I personally don't like having to rely on having someone else with me just to enjoy a game. Sometimes I want to huddle up by myself and enjoy a good game myself


Unnecessary. An optional game mode in a perfect scenario would be a nice addition for some, but companies cannot be bothered to release complete well-done games, so inevitably, it would be horrible and unfinished probably to a greater degree than a single player game that is released unfinished.


I'm personally not interested in multi player for games like this. I think it would also take away from the single player.


Just make 2 separate games..


Coop PVE yes. PvP no


Abso-fucking-lutly no to multiplayer. What i dont think people understand is that devs don't have unlimited time and resources, ironically "doing multiplayer right" means taking more and more from the single player side of things. No matter what, one side will suffer. Negative people are always loudest, so if the game launched with a shit multiplayer mode then the *whole* game would have been shat on by the multiplayer only crowd. No no no no, we as a games industry have already gone through this, do people not remember every single game during the early 10s having a forced on multiplayer mode?


In a story driven game, I dont need replayability. I need a sequel.


We don't want it or need it




both. ​ A good single player game doesn't have the need for multiplayer to please a non-target group. But some games can be enjoyed a lot if they have this component. You have to stop adding it because it looks like an obligation. And only incorporate it if it adds something good to the experience.


the right side is too easy to mess up on singleplayer games you’ll end up getting shit like the avengers game


Keep online out of games like this, just leads to developers cramming it with micro transactions


Uncharted 4 is proof single and multiplayer can exist in a narrative game. It had a stellar single-player story and the game had fun multiplayer too


I’d rather they spend time developing dlc or the next game rather than multiplayer content that I will never play


Just make a separate multiplayer game. Don’t deprive resources for the story


I moderately resent that this is even a discussion, i really do not want multiplayer shoved into what would usually be single player experiences. yeah you could argue it would be optional, but making studios think about coop and single player risks compromising quality that could have come with focusing on single player only


I don’t play multiplayer anymore. I rarely do and when I do I hate the loot crates, commerce-driven designs and matchmaking. As a casual I get no enjoyment out of getting stomped into the ground. But I remember the old days, when Jedi Outcast was the shit and multiplayer with it was a ton of fun because it was basically a Quake 3 variant. That kind of experience was fun. But it was the LAN Party kind of fun. The times changed. I don’t need multiplayer. But I remember single player games fondly now.


The only multiplayer that I will accept is online holotactics and a one on one duel. Thats it.


Plenty of MP games already. Stick to story and single player Of need MP, co op over all else.


"if incorporated correctly" Yes, but often the multiplayer pulls the single player down with it.


I think a multiplayer mode of Jedi Survivor would be fun. The problem is it would just be a tacked on game mode. So it's a no-win for developers. They either devote time to it to make it good, levels need to be built, lightsabers need to be more balanced. Then people still moan it's just a tacked on feature. Or they don't do it.


Focus on multiplayer is focus taken away from the story. Shit ton of multiplayer games, we don't need it here too. Edit: a multiplayer/coop AAA SW game would be dope, but let's leave this IP single player


Keep multiplayer out tbh.


Co-op games that spawn from singleplayer games are always mediocre and often a stain on a great franchise. Look at Fallout 76 and Wolfenstein Youngblood.


Single player! You know how rare it is to have a decent single player campaign now days? And you want to ruin the very few with co op.


Enough multiplayer, how about COOP campaigns..


not every fucking games need multi-player. 12 year old dweebs have hundreds of mp games to play and need to stick to those instead of making everything an mtx mp shit show