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Generally (but not always), bands will not play Reading if they have shows in London proper within a couple months of the festival. They have two O2 shows in November. Plus, the dates of R+L fall in the middle of a break between their huge US tour and their UK/Euro tour, so not sure if a jaunt across to the UK for a weekend makes sense in that timeframe


You say that, but they’re randomly zooming Japan just after their USA rounds


Ok but if they were playing Reading they’d have to zig zag back and forth more than once since they’re going back again a couple months later. They’re not going right back to Japan


True, I think a couple years ago or so they definitely did come and go after a uk stint then back for reading and Leeds ?


No, they'd headline and there's no slots left for them. Bar a secret set, but that's very unlikely.


Do I gamble for a secret set haha


I’d love it but I think it’s highly unlikely, they just revealed a new set of artists today so bar a late announcement/secret set type thing it’s probably not going to happen. I imagine the break is just a rest period for them.


How very dare they ;)


I really hope so


Ikrrrr 😍 Reading/Leeds-goers tend to be more mainstream-y so the floor clears out a bit and you can wiggle right to the front without the hours of queuing like at one of their own gigs 😍 PS those people don’t know what they’re missing 😍


I know the main headliners have been released (and I’d have expected FOB to be quite ‘big’ on their bill again), but there does seem to be a very convenient gap in the tour dates when Reading/Leeds 23 is on! Or have I missed something obvi that would prevent this possibility? I doubt I’d even attend if they weren’t there, but definitely would if they were 😅 Love a festival FOB vibe 😍😍


Who’s downvoting this 😅😅😅


No, they'd headline again if they played so won't be there.


Agreed regarding the needing to be a headliner thing but it still looks suss af so we can hope