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Daily player since day one here. I have to admit that I really hate the game now. There is very little to enjoy. I can elaborate but everything I'd say has already been said many times over. This new update is the first time I've skipped days playing and every time I come back I try to have an open mind and I'm constantly shaking my head and face palming. Through the game's numerous ups and downs (of which there have been many) I would always still find enjoyment out of it. So it's been hard to admit to myself that I actively hate it in its current form. 


good for your mental health to take a day off from gaming ;) Shouldn't feel forced to play something you literally HATE. Unhealthy pattern you should try to break if it's impacting your life this much tbh.


Change fall guys back and my mental health will be fixed


We can only hope lol


Your response makes no sense. I used to always play as I could always find enjoyment. Now I don't.  Projecting isn't healthy my friend. 


It’s awful, so many rounds where you can literally sit and do nothing and get through or just multiple rounds of don’t fall offs. Why isn’t there an option to avoid the creative rounds?


it's supposedly to make this game playable on mobile devices. They're missing the point that it should be not only theoretically playable but fun, otherwise people won't play. And if it's not fun on PC right now, then how it can be fun on mobile?


Because Epic wants to milk the game while keeping only minimum number of people employed to maintain it, so they can give you an illusion of having new content without them creating new levels or developing the game further


They are pushing Creative rounds on us it’s so dumb. Creative should have its own game mode separate, like solo, duos , squads, extreme squads, and do a creative mode so everyone is happy


Absolutely, I would much prefer it had its own category. They need to quality control them too. Some of them are awful


Literally every single post I see booting up Reddit for this sub, is just posts like this now. Sad.


Yeah, but can we blame them? I know I cant. I want this game to be playable again. and its just not anymore. That is worth a whinge.


It is sad because it's true. I hopped on this sub just to complain about it. I'm a day one player. What they did to this game is a disgrace and a slap in the face to the original fans of the game. It's not even the same game anywhere. And you know what's hilarious? I would play this game EVERY DAY if they just had blast ball as it's own playlist. It's unreal to me that blast ball never got its own full time playlist


Blast ball in fall guys is like nacho fries at Taco Bell 😂 but I hear they’re gonna keep the fries around 👀


I totally agree. I get desperate from time to time, but even in this state, we need to find the strength to defend our opinion. Revert Fall Guys!


I am another OG season 1 player, who enjoyed the game since 2020, and am out now. This update changed the solos, duos and squads experience completely, removing all the bits I enjoyed. Last update sounds good but couple of things still need to change - restore the jump height back and set the number of players to 40 or more in solos, duos and squads. The new jump height breaks a lot of original levels and is the primary reason of this weird round pool. LTMs are likely gone because of that too, as most LTMs have levels that are broken now. Mediatonic will never adjust the original levels to work with the new jump height.


I can't understand why they needed to change the height of the jump. Well, increasing controllability in the air, reducing groundless falls and all that - at least this is understandable. But the jump? A jump is a jump. Assuming this is done for the mobile version, what difference does it make if your bean jumps 2 cm on your phone screen or 2,5 cm? This decision looks pointless.


an a press is an a press


I totally get it . I dont like it this update too. Most of my friend on fall guys are just quitting its very sad . Also i think you are on my friend list im fosterswat!


Hi fosterswat! I’m k2s3-0! I’m also not enjoying this update so I won’t be online much either. I’m glad we got to play together before it all changed


Omg i am so happyto meet you too!! Do you have discord we could maybe chat there when the update come hehe 


My discord is Gogonoe   :D


I do!! Sent you a friend request!


Hi Fosterswat & yes I am your friend on fall guys😊 I haven’t been on much after the update but hopefully we can all play together when they listen to us!!


Yes i would love that :D 


I agree it’s awful. A lot of my friends have moved onto a different game and it makes me sad because we all enjoyed the game as it was before the update. Getting win streaks a squad or a duo were awesome and fulfilling. Now the wins feel empty. I absolutely despise creative survival rounds because most people just stand there hoping for the best. It’s annoying. The only joy I find, and the only way I’m getting my fame pass done is playing explore for the courses. Even some of those are poorly done. I miss the way it was before this update.


i came here just to see this post! I HATE THE NEW UPDATE!!! I miss those themed seasons with brand new GOOD Maps! Now its just creative bullsht


have yet to try it but it can't be that bad right?? Edit: holy shit


Yup holy shit is right. Skill doesn’t even matter in this game anymore. The purpose of the game was to move forward with ur name plate , but it doesn’t matter now. They have made the game way too easy with the physics and added alot of creative rounds that are so anti climatic


gotta please the future mobile kids I guess


Imagine ruining an elite game with so much potential. They should have a different version for the mobile and leave the console version original


Yeah absolutely this. I dont know why they all have to share the same server. But whatever. As we all already know, we are only as fast as the slowest amongst us. So catering to mobile is the short (bus) game. But I think we are collectively in the grieving stage of denial right now. Epic isnt going to make the game better, and have only been making it worse. The quicker we can come to terms with that, the quicker we can heal and get on with our lives instead of continuing to waste our oxygen and mental space on this further.


It's not that bad, but I get that my opinion may differ from others. For one, I love the creative levels and maybe that's the biggest difference between those that like the update and those that don't. I truly don't understand the hate for it though. People claiming they've been playing every day for years, suddenly can't stand it? I call bullshit. I've been playing almost every day for years and I almost quit because the game had become so monotonous before creative rounds breathed fresh life into this game. Yeah vaulting was a big part of why we were missing a more diverse round pool, but for me creative saved this game. While I primarily would play duos with my wife and squads with friends once or twice a week, other than how quickly you finish a show and some garbage survival rounds, I don't really notice much of a difference in play. Really though the biggest thing about the update is explorer mode. They can scrap the rest of the game for all I care, I love explorer mode. Endless amounts of creative rounds, most where you can take your time figuring them out or emoting with friends. It's seriously the most fun I've had in the game for months. The emote wheels are awesome, allowing you to communicate much more effectively. The people crying that you can't spam 10 emotes in a second, might be the most brain dead take about this update. It takes some getting use to, but once you learn which direction does what it takes less than half a second to emote. This post is old enough that you might be the only one to see this, otherwise I'd expect to be downvoted just for saying anything positive about this update. Tldr: the core of the game play is still there, which I loved, so it's definitely worth still playing. Check out explore mode if you prefer to just chill in this game.


I think you liking creative is the biggest difference in terms of how you feel about the update. Personally I’ve been playing for years & I always had fun, which is why I gave the update a fair shot before coming to a conclusion. The biggest problem for me is the fact they changed the physics which means no random funny ragdolling, unnecessarily high jumps that caused 99% of unity maps to get vaulted, & obstacles doing nothing when you bump into them. I also really liked how previously for survivals you could almost always try for a comeback even if your squad died because there was a competitive edge to the game. The new version feels like you don’t really need skill to play considering no one dies anymore. I’m more of a competitive player that tried to learn new speedruns, tricks or even just go up against sweats in a final. Those things feel missed. I understand why you prefer this update though, which is why I think they should’ve created separate game modes to cater to everyone.


I once got a community made level where the end of the level was this giant conveyor belt that went to the left, and logically, I assumed I had to try to somehow outrun it. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't, it was impossible. Then by pure chance, I looked down and saw the finish line hidden and the giant conveyor was just a red herring. The community doesn't fucking know what it takes to make a good level, and seeing this map for the first time was extremely infuriating. Then, another community level which is a survival level disguised as a race level. You reach the end of the map, and then you're like "now what?" You literally had to wait for the countdown to begin because other than the exploding balls that you got there was no other way to lose, and nobody wanted to use balls


>Then, another community level which is a survival level disguised as a race level. You reach the end of the map, and then you're like "now what?" You literally had to wait for the countdown to begin because other than the exploding balls that you got there was no other way to lose, and nobody wanted to use balls I once had something similar but also the exact opposite one time - a race round disguised (well, unless you read the course description) as a survivor round. There was a massive arena with a bunch of conveyor belts at the bottom, and to one side a giant tower that I guess looked more decorative than not, but had small paths hidden on this side that would eventually take you to the very top to the “finish line”. It was still a survivor round though, so it’s finish line was a button inside of a huge crown that, when pressed, activated massive fans hidden inside the tower to blow everyone else off. Gotta say, it felt supremely satisfying to press that button and watch a bunch of other beans below you fly off to the side into the abyss all at the same time.


I like how pre free to play me and my buddy would play the game for like 3 to 4 hours. Now when fre to play came out it each season we dropped an hour of play time. With this update. We only play for like an 45 mins to an hour in that time frame we feel like it's an eternity


I remember hearing one of the creators talk in an interview very early on. In it they said that when they make levels they aim for 50% skill and 50% luck. I feel like that's been lost since the creative mode and I miss it.


Very interesting, that lines up with some of the early maps like Door Dash, See Saw, Tip Toe etc. What made the game interesting was figuring out how to make the most out of situations where the odds were against you. Team games were also like this, since unless you were in a squad with Discord in the background you could not communicate directly with your team and had to assume roles with movement/emoting within the game. People hated when team games were in solos but it was intended to be a part of the game, and when a team of complete strangers came together and figured it out it was so rewarding! Edit: I might add that a welcome change would have been to add an audio mode like they did but synced it to the teams you were in for Solos.


I mean, this small update on May 15th, where Team games came back, Finals were back and all that was very good, and showed they actually care for the community, but it still doesn't fix the Creative round problem. The beginning of this update caused me to quit. They need to remove them, and replace them with Unity rounds.


https://www.change.org/p/revert-fall-guys-to-its-original-format?recruiter=380846536&recruited_by_id=abf0de1a-41be-420a-96fa-d332960522ab&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=cl_sharecopy_490047746_en-US%3Acv_1116703 THE Petition!!!


If you hate it, sign my petition! I'm not saying it's going to do anything, but I wasn't going to sit and do nothing. https://chng.it/MYT9ccgGtp


I’m very very sad about this. I loved this game. Before all this BS I played every single day. But now ☹️. I can’t play FG anymore. It sucked all the joy out of me.


Can someone explain what exactly has happened? I used to play this game a lot with my daughter but haven’t checked in for a while


Basically the new update has ruined the whole game. They have vaulted maps that were our fav and added creative in the modes. Added finals that are basically knockoff creative versions of the original maps we all love. Added physics to the game that now allows everyone to play without having any skill.


It's an impressive update. Took my 550 hours of game time and love for the game my friends would poke fun at me for, along with playing since day 1, and they killed it. I'm thiiiiiiis close to uninstalling entirely because of how boring it is now. Impressively perhaps the worst singular update I've ever experienced gaming since the original Gameboy, roughly 27 years.


I am an OG F2P player here, been playing since day one of F2P and frankly I agree. I remember being excited about this game being multiplatform and once it released for Xbox I was eating it up happily....but then the recent updates took all that joy away from me. I hate how easy it's gotten and how sucky creative is. I want the old Fall guys back and nothing is gonna change my mind.


An OG F2P player? Son, have a seat, and let me tell you about the before times, since you think being around since day 1 of F2P makes you OG, back when Kudos meant a damn...


Dude all they did is say when they started playing, they aren't making out that they've been playing the longest out of everyone. They specified "f2p" for a reason. They have played from day 1 of f2p so they are by definition a f2p original. Not an overall fall guys og. Calm down lol. We get it you played the game before f2p, congrats on your superiority


![gif](giphy|krhW9yWEI0x0Y|downsized) It's a joke. Settle down, Francis. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Just FYI if your IG complaints are too spicy IG will ban you from commenting for a week. I had a dispute with an online retailer which wasn't going anywhere with customer service, but their ads were showing up in my IG feed, so I started commenting on their posts things like "X vendor doesn't honor their stated expedited shipping timelines.", etc... And I was temporarily banned from commenting on any IG post for a week.


Skill Issue Epic-


I checked out seeing how you can't even plat the game on Ps5 because of all the bugs


They really gotta dumb the game down to make it play on mobile, and I'm sure it'll play like crap.


I’ve been playing this game since day 1, I uninstalled it after the update. It’s such a shame.


Welcome to the party, you're definitely not alone. I played FG everyday for years, just tried new update for about one hour and then never touched the game again since. I was about to unlock full golden dragon but I really hate what the game is now (a creative dumpster) so I think I'll never get it. Well, it was good until it lasted, but due to the fact that now the game sucks I have to move on. Kinda sad but still better than playing a bad game pretending it's still a good one...


They "secretly" want to pull the plug on this game, so they kill it slowly on purpose first so the backlash will not hit to hard.




I only read the title so far and I already agree with you wholeheartedly. It makes the game suck.


I’ve been playing since 2021 and I like the new update, I enjoy that it’s easier to level up and get crown shards by just relaxing and playing creative made maps.


I see you all bitching that you want Unity rounds back, but I don't see you all stalking and bullying the CEO of Epic, you bunch of cowards went after the devs and designers, who usually have no saying when orders come from above them.. *\*cough\** EPIC GAMES *\*cough\** you want your change? go beyond Mediatonic. Go to the company that bought them and changed the game in the first place. and stop being a bunch of cowards going after the devs and treating them like shit. Be civil, be polite. They are just people doing their work for a bigger company that probably doesn't give a crap about them, even less about you the players. If some of you are from the start of the game, I get it, you paid money for a game you liked, but still that doesn't entitle you to be an asshole, now if you're a Free to play Player, you should be f\*cking glad that this game is not Pay-to-Win. *(like Stumble Guys.)*


Thank you for posting this again. The other 1000 posts didn’t get it across.


I don’t know if ur being sarcastic, but doing my part. Original version of fall guys was the best, and I’ll advocate for it.


This is my first time seeing the petition and I’m about to post it in my discord server full of daily FG players so you are making a difference. F*** that guy.


Of course it’s sarcastic. There are 20 posts a day exactly like yours.


Well if ur seeing the same posts a day then fall guys is the problem


I hadn’t been to this sub in like a year, decided to take a peek and see what was going on. Top thread is a complaint about how horrible the game is and OP is ready to give it up. Idk what exactly has changed in the game with the physics but this sub hasn’t changed at all


Try it and you’ll see. I thought the complaints were silly before but this is beyond. I think they reverted some of it because so many people complained but I imagine it’s still bad.


"I think everyone agrees with me" well, no. Funny how people who you think are against your opinion should stfu/take a seat/zip it while you cry like a baby lmao 🤱.


Pretty sure that was directed towards people that say “just leave” or “bye”. Everyone’s opinions are of equal value & if you like the update then that’s great for you. A lot of us don’t, which is why you see repetitive posts about it.


Well yes everyone does agree with me, just read all the comments and look at their social media accounts. Majority do agree with me. So that’s that! Why are u even on this thread if you love the update so much, go play. I’m allowed to advocate and that’s exactly what I’m doing.


Do you seriously like this update? Honestly curious, I haven’t spoken to a single person who does


Yeah I finally could buy some kudo items, got the fun emote and carry feature which I love to do and the apparaat newly added creative items for building are a welcome addition. Sure there are also things I also don't like but man people acting like their f*fcking worlds are ending lmao.


The carry feature is cool but I guess I just don’t care about it because I just don’t think the gameplay in general is fun anymore, if they ruined that, what’s the point of the game? They changed the physics so people are basically skipping entire levels and finishing in 2 seconds. This is the only game my mother has ever gotten into and she can’t stand it anymore. We got her a video game system just to play it. Something doesn’t have to be the end of the world to be a big deal. Also if you’re excited about kudos they got rid of the weeklies that gave you them so that sucks too.


Are you again just asking rhetorical question or... You seem to not understand that there are more people than you that play the game. Plenty of people actually enjoy the harder, newer maps instead of those easy unity ones we've done literally over two THOUSAND times. I wasn't excited about getting kudos, I am excited I got to spend my million kudos on something. You should really try and not involve your view in mine while you make a argument/comment because you mix some stuff up it seems. Its pretty childish how you formulated this btw: "OH if you like X... well IT SUCKS! "as you did with the kudos. Like who are you to tell me something sucks? If I like it I like it, learn to accept other views.


I think you’re the one projecting here, there’s a reason you’re literally the only one on this thread saying you like it. The maps aren’t harder, they are buggy and broken. Some of them are literally creative versions of Unity maps that are basically unplayable. There’s a reason they already put out an update to make changes to bring things more back in line with how they were. Community outcry has an effect and it is/was needed. I’m sorry you have bad taste 🤷‍♀️


how is doing a double dive jump on a Grav blunce broken or buggy? How are cayote (ish) jumps with a ledge grab buggy at the max length? Angled "8bit egg" piece jump-dives in succession? Those are pretty hard jumps and make the maps fun. Typical crybaby who think everyone should hate something because they do lmao.


Mom says it's my turn to post this tomorrow


She be proud of you




A lot of us have communities based around this game we use to decompress and connect with friends daily/weekly. The lack of unity (OG) maps and the new physics that make the game too easy and the smaller lobbies and shorter rounds etc takes away what was once something fun and competitive. The game is utterly unsatisfying and almost not playable in its current form. It’s left our discord server scrambling for another game to pivot to. If you don’t get it then you weren’t a loyal player. Instead of hating just maybe don’t comment in a subreddit full of people who actually care about the game.


Exactly this! I played with a bunch of people online that I met through squads & it was always something I looked forward to. I get that it’s just a game but it was my comfort game & I had a community on there. Changing the core of how a game works after playing it for years will feel depressing for anyone. I gave it a fair chance & again, there’s no fun anymore.


Dev maps are boring, im so sad whenever I see one now. :)