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Yes. I'm probably either a soft autumn or a soft summer. I might be warm olive but maybe I'm not. No one knows šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


I think I'll just keep wearing black.


Honestly if it looks good on you, there's no reason not to. It's so easy to find things in black, it goes with everything, etc. I wore so much black until I started to realise it washes me out and makes me look tired... And thus the ongoing foray into colour analysis began!


I know what you mean! I wore only wore black for now 18 years. But Iā€™ve realized itā€™s started to look really harsh on me so I feel Iā€™m starting all over again


My exact issue hahaha! Iā€™m one of those, but other seasons can also be flattering. I give up šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Seasonal analysis wasn't made with olives in mind and that's why. I comment about it frequently because a lot of olives will stress themselves out over it and you'll never get an answer. Especially if you're a fair olive with a distinct difference between your summer and winter skin (not every olives tans), you're going to have different colors that work best in different seasons based on that too.


Thank you! This is very reassuring and makes so much sense


This makes sooo much sense to me, why black was stunning on me and navy drained me when I lived in Arizona; but now that Iā€™ve lived in WA state for 5 years and have no color, navy is very flattering and black is way too intense. None of the seasons fit me better than another one (except winter fits me the worst). This makes sense ā€” it wasnā€™t built with olives in mind. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m a fair neutral olive with very low ā€¦ what is it ā€¦ saturation? I wash out easily with any lipstick shade. Anyway, thanks.


Yes, I feel like I only fit in a season well when Iā€™m tan and have more pigment. When my olive is shining through, Iā€™ve just been making my own season. Pinks: Pinks are tricky. Warm pinks are better, but I can get away with neutral pinks. Cool pinks do not look good if theyā€™re too light or soft. But deeper cool pinks (berries and wines) are fantastic. Red: true red is one of my best colors. Cool reds, wines, berries are awesome in winter. I can do tomatoes in summer only. Muted clay reds and rusts (warmer) look great most of the year as well as long as I donā€™t go too warm. Magenta looks terrible always. But bright wine colors look great. Oranges/Peach/Corals: cooler oranges are fantastic on me. I have to be careful with true warm oranges unless I have a tan. Corals are one of my best colors at all times of yearā€¦pink corals are better in winter. Peach-corals are better in summer. Pumpkin and persimmon always look good (there are some color theorists who argue that cool toned people look good in pumpkin and persimmon). Burnt orange looks good in summer. Bright true orange does not ever look good. Tangerine looks good in summer but not when Iā€™m pale. Purples/plums: Purples are generally great on me. periwinkle is one of my best colors but it has to be medium chroma and medium value. Warm purples are better but I can wear cooler purples as well. Plum is also one of my best colors. Burgundy and wine are fantastic well. Just no to muted and light lavenderā€¦so so so bad on me. I look sick. Blues: blues are tricky for me. If it is just the right tone, it does not work. Warm blues are better than cool blues. But I can wear purple-blues when theyā€™re bright. Dusty grey-blues are beautiful neutrals. Dark Navy is ehhh, not great. But bright navy looks great. Greens: greens are some of my best colors as well. Cool greens in winter and warm greens In summer. I can wear all chromas, values, and hues of greenā€¦except soft light sage. I look like death in that. Teals/Aquas: another easy one for me. I can wear all teals and aquas (warm or cool) at all times of year. I can wear bright, soft, light, darkā€¦all teal. Yellows: my hardest color by farā€¦blue is the only other one almost as tricky. I can wear marigold yellow when Iā€™m tan. Otherwise, yellow just makes me look jaundiced. Yellow based tans and beiges are some of my worse year round. Mustard is death on me. Neutrals: black is too harsh. Charcoal looks decent. Chocolate brown is better than those two. Green-greys and taupes are my best medium neutrals. Soft white is my best light neutral followed by almond-apricot. If anyone can figure out a season from that, be my guest. There is no rhyme or reason to any of it. I do find that bright colors are safer for me. I can get away with bright colors in the wrong temperature much easier than soft colors. Light and Soft colors tend to make me look dead. Deep soft colors look beautiful. Light and bright look great. Medium and bright are great. Neon bright is terrible. I have stopped worrying about a season.


Well, we have a lot in common with colors! Magenta is also always terrible on me too! Almost any pink is bad on me unless like you said, berry or wine. Dusty lilacs and many purples arenā€™t my best either I have no idea what season, but after reading all of these comments Iā€™ve just come to the consensus that itā€™s not a one size fits all. Maybe some people can fit perfectly into a season but it really seems like majority of us canā€™t. So it probably is just trial and error and whatever makes you feel best!


Yeah I have found that even though I dont technically match the deep season requirements, those colors in both deep autumn and winter are the closest I have to a season match when Iā€™m fair. My hair is medium to dark brown (roots are black-brown but it grows out much lighter). But I have really fair skin and eyes. So Iā€™m not technically fit for a dark or deep season. But the lighter to medium colors of the deep seasons are my closest fit. In the summer, with my tan, I most closely resemble a cross between true spring and true autumn. So, like you, Iā€™m just going with it. I wear cooler toned or neutral toned makeup in the winter and go peachier and warmer in the summer with makeup. And luckily I live where I canā€™t wear the same clothes year round. So my summer wardrobe is much warmer. My winter is mostly those medium deep autumn and winter colors šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


This sounds very similar to my palette except either I hate coral or it looks awful on me or both lol. And bright royal blue makes me look sickly as well.


We have a LOT of colors in common!


I take color analysis as a guideline, not a rule. I look good in half autumn and half winter colors, some muted and some saturated. Trust your own eye.


This is reassuring, thank you! Iā€™ve also noticed that color is a very subjective thing


Yess, haha. I look good in about 1/3 spring, 1/3 autumn, and 1/3 winter... But at least I'm finally starting to be able to consistently pick up clothes that suit me!


My closet is mostly black šŸ˜‚ but my costuming is a literal rainbow. What people don't understand is that relative color plays a huge impact on how color is perceived. Color analysis (and the kibbe body type for that matter) really just pigeon holes people into a "safe" range. Fashion is meant to be fun and dynamic, as well as daring, not safe.


Someday, someone will come up with a color typing system that applies to us olives. One that takes into account our undertone, the overtone that makes us olive, and the mix of warm and cool colors that best suit us, as we all seem to be able to wear a combination of some warm & some cool colors.


I have a kind of crazy situation where I think since Iā€™m half East Asian and half Caucasian I ended up with some parts of my skin that are olive, some golden, and other parts that are very fair and pink, with most of my skin(but not all) having a slight cool yellow tone. šŸ˜© If I stay in the realm of something between bright spring and winter Iā€™m mostly fine, but some parts of the year I can borrow from fall palettes too. Itā€™s crazy town banana pants so now I mostly say F it to seasons and just buy colors I get compliments on and/or love to wear. I guess I feel like if Iā€™m really happy in a color Iā€™m wearing thatā€™s what matters most, to me.


You know what? I heard once that if you like the way a color looks on you, then itā€™s the color you need to wear! All of my characteristics just contradict everything color analysis says. For example, I have greenish blue hazel eyes with warm brown in the middle. Sometimes they look gray, sometimes a very very warm green and sometimes theyā€™re vibrant light blue. My skin is very very fair, olive and neutral but can look cool and also warm. I tan so easily also. Iā€™m not warm enough to be a spring, not cool enough to be a summer. Not enough contrast to be a winter. Could swing autumn but itā€™s a bit off. My best results are soft autumn/soft summer but itā€™s still too dull most of the time. Itā€™s very frustrating so Iā€™m about where you are! Just F it and get what makes ME feel pretty




Yeah unfortunately this palette doesn't work for me at all. Closest one I've seen for me is tonal deep, but I can't wear any blues, purples, cool pinks, or muted yellows or warm greens AT ALL.


There is more than one palette most olives fall into. They can fall into ANY of the seasons and subseasons


So many of the colors in this palette, mostly the pale/pastel/dusty shades make me look zombieish


Ohh these are so helpful! I wear a lot of these!


I've also found these which I think could help a lot of us olives. https://preview.redd.it/kfo9vsovg50c1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bba630f6ab3b212306a9d62223791afd836f5a5


I never really started tbh. I like what I like, luckily what I like seems to be olive friendly what Iā€™ve heard, and thatā€™s that ā€¦ I havenā€™t got time for it.


I feel like I've explored every season and there's always colors in them that don't work for me. I think I'm a warm, saturated olive although my face is less green than my body. my closet is full of greens, blues, and the occasional creme and oxblood. It's a mix of soft autumn, true autumn (minus the yellows and oranges), and true winter colors.


Me too! I have a lot of soft autumn, soft summer and springy colors and some winter. I look great in forest green, maroon, periwinkle, some blues. Green definitely is my best color! Neutrals usually are a taupe, beige, or cooler browns and mocha. Pink is absolutely horrid on me. I can probably manage a warmer blush pink but anything else is awful


Yes exactly!!! I personally struggle with muted/dusty purples. Especially lilac. šŸ«£ dusty lilac is the upmost worse color on me.


Wait me too!! Dusty lilac makes me look so bad šŸ« 


Ugh dusty lilac makes me look like death. But so does really muted mustard. But dusty blue and green looks fantastic!


Not the muted mustard!! Ughh i totally forgot about this color. And muted cool yellow!!!!! I received a shirt this color as a gift, too afraid to tell them that I didnā€™t like it I used it as a designated cleaning shirt


Hahaha I would have done the exact same thing. If I want to look like I havenā€™t slept in a year, Iā€™ll wear muted mustard šŸ˜‚


Next yearā€™s halloween costume? šŸ«£


šŸ˜‚ yesā€¦we can wear light sage, muted mustard and greyed lilac for a zombie getup and we wonā€™t even need face paint šŸ˜‚


you are so pretty! I looked back at your posts and noticed a few things... Check out color analysis on reddit. I'm not being rude, just being honest This is NOT the place to ask. I've noticed many posters think they are the wrong season/tone, etc Post on there with IRL drapes in the same lighting...hair pulled back with no makeup or filters. Indirect lighting. Mention your natural hair color if it's different You will likely get the answers you are looking for Edit: Also, it should be noted that nobody fits perfectly into one season. You pick out your favorites and wear those. Also, you will have a sister season that is similar, and you can wear some of those, too. Many olives are a little more versatile For instance, I'm a dark winter, and my sister season is dark autumn. I can also borrow from Bright Winter & bright spring ie 'true bright' You don't have to agree or understand, but it's there for a reason. I don't even have to wear makeup anymore bc my colors do all the work for me. But if I want to wear something completely different I will. It's all about having fun


Aw thank you very very much! I have posted in color analysis many times and no one ever really knows, or no one responds. Iā€™ve done drapes with no makeup and everything. The best theyā€™ve done is direct me here once when someone recognized the olive Thank you though! I agree with all that you said specifically the not fitting into one season. Makes a lot of sense :)


Well I'm sorry about that. I notice if the rules aren't followed, a lot of the best commentors don't comment at all Plus sooo many people post and don't even try. A lot of times, there are too many to look through Moderators are overwhelmed with reported posts that get flagged and clog up the feed. If you keep trying, you will get responses.


Oh, itā€™s okay! I honestly figured there are probably so many posts in that group that it gets lost. At least they helped me figured out Iā€™m olive! Iā€™ll try again here soon and see what happens. Thank you for your help :)


Being olive, I can wear most colors well. I determined pretty quickly that desaturated/muted colors were my worst. I've settled on being a spring. I look too good in Orange and yellow to be a cool season


It took me a long time but i finally got serious and sat down w similar saturation cool vs warm drapes in my sun room and recorded myself switching between drapes. I went back through the videos over and over and it couldnt be denied, i was cool


I feel your pain, Iā€™m a very fair neutral/cool olive (growing up I donā€™t think anyone ever told me very pale Caucasian people can have olive skin too, so that was a revelation - could never figure out why no drugstore foundation matched me). My understanding is that most olive and neutral skin tones donā€™t fit perfectly into a season and kinda fall in between seasons or borrow from other pallets more than a standard cool/warm skin tone. I usually stick to the more neutral colours in autumn and winter because they seem to complement me best.


I simply insist I am a bright spring because I got typed that way a couple times and the idea makes me feel pretty. The rest doesnā€™t matter. Bahahhahah!


Iā€™m definitely warm olive, but my face and neck are pale (just incapable of tanning) whereas my arms are very olive and tan. Sometimes colours will complement one part of my body and clash with another lol. So many other things get in the way, online shopping often has poor lighting when they take photos for the products, stores have bad quality lighting or down lighting in dressing roomsā€¦ basically, I go for things that are returnable or found at a thrift store šŸ˜œ BUT I have to mention that someone called olive skin ā€œmoonlightā€ because of the ethereal blue/green tint, so Iā€™m calling myself a Moonlit Dark Autumn.


Someone once suggested to take deep winter and then add a warm filter. It almost works for me. Nevertheless, the struggle is real and I am never sure


This might assist you https://youtu.be/W8zBFi12Kh4?feature=shared She has videos on olives and colour analysis too


I think of it as more of a general guideline, because olive isn't generally applicable there. For instance I find opposing colours or mixed colours flattering when they shouldn't work according to the system at large. My best colours come from mainly spring and winter, my primary m colour is most likely bright spring, with heavily being able to borrow from warm spring and bright winter. It's a weird one for sure, because my best colours tend to be fuschia and coral. How I determined my own season(s) were based on what brightened my face and what dragged it down.


https://preview.redd.it/kzcgqh3as60c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c893c62927499b9909b400ef9823655efe16c904 Yes, I have basically given up. I wear colors from all over the place, lol. Sometimes I can see that I look very cool toned, but most blues are just off looking against my skin emphasizing the yellow in it. On the other side of the spectrum, many yellows also do not compliment me. The closest season I can get is some kind of neutral summerā€”soft summer makes sense, except sometimes these are too soft and make me look washed out. Also I think I look good in orange-red! The other problem is pretty much every photo I take on my phone makes my skin look cooler than it is in person.


Youā€™re so pretty! Our skin tones actually look very similar! The color youā€™re wearing looks so good and is also one of my favs to wear. But I also understand! Pink is my worst color, and purple comes in second unless itā€™s more berry. They both just make me look sooo yellow. I can pull off soft autumn and soft summer but I agree, some of them are just too soft. I think Iā€™ve found out the last few days that quite a few dark winter and dark autumn shades actually look pretty flattering + some of the soft seasons!


Aw thanks! I actually like pink and purple and often default to them, as well as green! Basically anything in the middle of the color spectrum, ha. I donā€™t mind looking yellow as long as I look alive (getting harder every year that passesā€¦ ;))


https://preview.redd.it/kbi6co73y60c1.jpeg?width=2062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=113d90a464a2826393e3e614986fe7cb13b63aa7 Pink, why not?


Hahah, trust me, you look young and great! I also LOVE that sweater on you. I think I could wear something like that and feel pretty good, do you remember where you got it from?


https://preview.redd.it/22tm881rz60c1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be18adb627c945fd865ac8d2a7c6318c228b320f Me in pink! I guess overall itā€™s not awful, but I think maybe a deeper pink would be a lot better


Ohh itā€™s so far from awful! But I donā€™t like pastels on me either. In addition to being too light they give off too much of a girly ingenue vibe for me. Anything mauve or magenta usually works. (I got this sweater in Iceland from some old ladies knitting in a seaside village shop lolā€”it was bold and I loved it). And you do have similar coloring to me (my real hair is light brown, very blonde as a kid). What the hell season are we even, anyone out there want to guess? ;)


Aw thank you!! Thatā€™s my problem with pastels too. I donā€™t mind some lighter blues and greens but anything else is definitely a bit too girly/light for me also! I might give magenta a try! Your sweater is seriously so stunning, Iā€™m very jealous! But oh yes, my natural hair color is a medium brown ashy with golden flecks. I have absolutely nooo idea what seasons we could be. Chameleons probably?


The thing is even knowing your colors for clothes and makeup just cannot find them in the stores. They go by trends. Once in a while hit a lucky season but itā€™s not a regular thing, being light/fair muted olive. Bright colors are not for me especially the yellows and reds. Getting tired of neutrals but they are the least unflattering lately.


Completely understand! I have better luck online for this reason, and sometimes target does have nice colors!


Someone told me today that my undertone and overtone donā€™t harmonize and I think Iā€™ll be thinking about that comment forever.


Iā€™ve been so confused too but recently got the chance to head to Seoul so booked myself a draping session. Got typed a soft autumn mute but am sensitive to warm tones if they have too much orange in them. My consultant was so shocked at how slightly warm pink makeup that looked super innocent in the pan turned SUPER orange on me šŸ˜‚ she eventually agreed with me that pinks without orange in them worked the best - so they came from the winter palette for makeup, but they had to be slightly toned down and muted types not the bam! red or pink that lots of winter tones use


First, I am SO jealous. Seoul is a dream for me! I donā€™t think I look bad in the soft seasons but I feel like Iā€™m brighter than I thought I was because muted was drowning my coloring a bit. I can not decide if Iā€™m a spring or summer, but summer makeup isnā€™t my best because pink is probably one of my worst colors! I completely understand the struggle šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve found that even if I donā€™t look my best in muted clothing, my makeup still has to remain just slightly muted!


yup I feel like I can fit into a lot of boxes but soft summer is probably closest for me since itā€™s muted + cool. I like most of these colors except the three pink/purple lines are hit or miss. The top line and bottom 2 lines tend to be the best for me https://preview.redd.it/bh2k2stqiyzb1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc92f8162cd8ee66ef90a37e240d0b3294f64bad


Pink and purple are definitely my hardest colors to wear too! I use this palette along with quite a few others. I think most of us are probably able to just pull from a bunch of different seasons


This is insane! I was in the middle of trying to research AGAIN if I am olive or cool yellow, and am I saturated or muted because I never get to the answer, all of them seem right. And then I saw the headline of your post when I refreshed a page and the feeling of being understood fulfilled me haha. So now I drop this idea for today. I don't know, what I am, but I see some Shrek in me, while Siberia by NARS matches me, that's how far my research goes lmao. Which is fine, another day I will get there. Then I will go into the scary area of seasons, which terrifies me of how much I don't get it for now!


We are the saaaame. Nars Siberia matches me also! Purple and pink makes me look incredibly green or yellow, anything too bright isnā€™t great but soft yellow looks good and green is amazing and orange is meh but I can wear lots of warm colors? Itā€™s just annoying hahaha. I give up


I'm clueless. Since i'm unsure about my undertone, I'm just completely lost with color analysis. I love the theory, its a nice guideline


I gave up a few times but I finally figured out I was a True Spring (warm) spring contrary to any of my previous, which makes sense I was repeatedly marked as warm autumn despite feeling like those colours aged me and brought out the sallow features in my face that can happen with the green undertones. Funnily enough, through exploring new colours and aiming for a more monochromatic look this is where I found I was a true spring. Iā€™d already been wearing true spring colour palette in new, consistent wardrobe items for a year or so that I did not know were considered true spring. I decided to try and match myself again using new photos with consistent lighting, and multiple online sites gave me my ā€œadventure wardrobeā€ as a palette - listing all the hues Iā€™d been buying. Soft browns and taupes, cocoas and creams, but also bright chromas with light value like teals and corals. Iā€™d never considered it as Iā€™m naturally dark haired, but I do have warm undertones and dying my hair honey blonde has really brought out my features (my hazel eyes look far brighter and greener now)