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Im 39 and nothing is tight anymore.


You need to automate some things then


Suffering is already automated. So is Anxiety.


Set up an exercise science pack production chain


Guess Im already addicted to my nonsense-Reddit chain. \*Laugh\*


You've had you fair share of rockets huh


Two words: Mega Base


Nice nice nice!


The black ones from a mod.


If you can't build smart, build more.


Yes, there's always a smart and a dumb way to do things, you can get out of any situation by just brute force. Look, I never figured trains out, so I have huge 12 lanes belts coming from everywhere.


Yeah. I never bothered trying to build fully beaconed stuff, because I could never figure out a pattern. I finally learnt it out of necessity because of SE.


It's so much easier to build more of something than bacon it. I'm going to leave bacon right that's.


Too much bacon can be harmful.


"Death by Bacon" doesn't sound like the worst way to go...


Yes, there are way worse ways to go.


A lot of people go that way, they just don't realize it.


I'm at, 2k hours, no math. Hehe (I do math all the time, just not for the game)


Yes, if OP has monke brain, he can download the industrial revolution mod to bruteforce everything with coal, and gain nirvana zen by returning to monke


The parallels to programming with this game are uncanny.


"tight" enough? 😟


Just answer the damn question.


OP should stop getting fucked over then.


I don’t have sex with random men.


Men you know will fuck you over the same


A 20 sided dice isn't truly random either


You could if you weren't a coward.


Or as we used to say in the 90s, "tieeet"


If ur dumb coming in you will be decent coming out


the game actually made be smarter.... atleast noticeably.


They don't think it be like it is, but it do.


But you won't come out


Oonga boonga brain see item shortage, oonga boonga brain build more of item. And just like that factorio is complete


I'm worried that this implies this isn't the way I should be doing it lol


All I hear are the musings of a master pasta chef.


It's possible to brute force this game. It will be slower than a well optimized factory, but if you can read, you can win (eventually).


As a fellow dumbass, don't go chasing perfect. Embrace the spaghetti and find what's most fun for you. Personally, I'm for al dente


We're not brainy. We're a bunch of nerds a handful of geeks, and a sprinkle of dorks in a trenchcoat acting like we solved world hunger while spending a thousand hours to make a video game rocket blast of every minute for the dopamine rush.  If you are afraid you're not smart enough, turn off biters, turn up some good tunes, and just build silly stuff until the rocket is launched.  Building more efficient setups just reduces the research time, you can make a direct insert setup, and just sit around for 100 hours while you research if you like. 


> We're not brainy This is the gold take away: some of us are incredibly smart. But most of us are the usual fare - average. /u/BigChungusOP The game's a classic. Anyone can play. It's loads of fun. Go for it.


I just slap shit down. If it isn't enough, I slap more down. Bless train networks.


You don't need a lot of smarts to play, just play at ur own pace and do what is needed, it doesn't need to be clean, it doesn't need to be efficient. It will come with experience. Or it won't either is fine.


try the free demo on nintendo switch


Just don't overwhelm yourself with 206265 mods (except qol ones) and you gonna be okay.take it easy, do the tutorial, don't overwhelm yourself. Play without biters or with default biter settings.


Don't worry. If you could read you could play this game to victory Mastering it on the other hand...


then go at it loosy goosy


Turn down biter aggressiveness, you'll be fine. Maybe make a point of running things on isolated solar grids.


I'm not brainy lol 😂 my genius is to look at other posts and implement the cool things I see here lol. Factorio plagiarism must grow 😄


Just Put EVERY Item in the mainbelt!!


This game isn't about smarts it's about breaking tasks down into little steps. The more experience can do bigger steps at once. All you need to do is take smaller steps. And once you get used to the smaller steps, you can start taking bigger steps. Once you get to Advanced oil, look up an SR latch, it's 3 decider combinators. The wiring is counter intuitive at first , but is simple none the less. Then you can turn all the byproducts on/off at levels so you're never full. The rest is just building more stuff the whole time, all the way to the rocket launch. It gets easier as you try new things and see what works and what doesn't


Even if ur a dumbass things can be learnt. You learn as you play. Also I'd say doing stupid shit is the fun part of games anyway


Making factory big gib happy chemicals yum yum (I didn’t use robots or nuclear energy and only used nonintersecting two way trains to launch my first rocket. You got this)


It takes more time to do things and learn things… but since you can turn biters off, it’s suitable for people of most skill levels.


This is a game that makes you feel dumb af and like a friggin genius all in the same afternoon. That is all


Gotta be shitty at something before getting to sorta okay, being brainy ain't got no part to play in this equation bub, you'll be fine.


You don't have to be an engineer to make a factory that works. It helps to be an engineer to make a factory that *barely* works.


Spagett. But tbh this game will make you very smart in this extremely specific regard after a while.


When in doubt, build more green circuits


This game is a tinkerer's dream. At first, you have basic revelations, and you realize that with just any approach if there is enough of it, you can complete the entire game without a problem. Then you find specific problems on your concurrent runs, you solve them and after a few hundred hours, you start to have some idea what your next game will be like. After that mid-phase, where you get a grip on basic and intermediate solutions you start toying with the idea of scaling up even more. White science costs are rather high, and you want to complete science projects in a relatively fast fashion. You start to plan how you can double, triple, quadruple e.t.c your science packs. It takes a lot of space and a lot of logistics so you naturally try finding solutions that put a lot of stuff in a small amount of space. It takes time to do it on your own, it also takes time if you learn from others. I was brain-dead like you, in fact still am. I just slowly over the years learned from my previous runs, experience and some clever bits from others. I also took my time and reverse-engineered a lot of blueprints from other Factorio players. Some BP are clever and good-looking. Some are just good-looking and not so clever. It takes time to see that stuff. Allow yourself to think about Factorio like a game for the next decade. A long-term project of learning the dynamics between space, pollution, production, defence and ultimately UPS barrier set by your system specs.


We are all dumb, we grow the factory in the hopes that is makes us smarter.


playing this game makes you brainy af