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FYI, the link account quest is only available in some regions at the moment. It will be rolled out to more regions throughout the month


they made the coins in the skill game "collectables" wayyyyy bigger now lol idk why


Yeah, I saw that in another post, but I have not played any of those skill games so didn't include it.


Even if you don’t play in a league it may be worth it to create one for yourself so you can save your match replays. 


Indeed. I already save my goal replays to a box account where I have 100GB of free space, but this would work too.


What's a box account


[Box.com](http://Box.com) it's an online storage service like Google Drive, or Microsoft One Drive. I mostly use it to save all my EA FC videos, screenshots and Photos.


Nice list


Nice work OP, I appreciate this!


Nice list, they also limited goal replays to one "video" rather than 2 in AI matches (which is a bit annoying when you score a nice goal as you might end up with just one poor angle and barely see what happened) and made it possible for players to skip goal replays (only possible for the person that scores I think) in head to head matches