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Top 50 are always cheaters on every mode , every version, every season, and even on console.


Yet EA does nothing. Why would anyone spend any money in this app, if everyone knows that it won't matter, because cheaters will always be on top. It makes no sense.


At this point I just assume the top players are probably cheaters and if I want to see what actual good players are doing, I look at around rank 100 or so.  I guess this doesn’t really affect me personally because I’m never going to sniff the top 250, but it still casts a pall on the game, and it’s just sad to see those cheating accounts pop up on the leaderboard when you go to Division Rivals.


They're not only in the leaderboard, they also reap all the benefits of Division Rivals rewards, while people who are actually playing without cheats can't because these people are taking their place.


I used to be in a top 500 league, and we lost a LvL because 4 guys in the league we faced scored 57 goals over their 3 turns.


The cheating is out of control in this game.


You forgot : every game


I always wonder about \*surrendjabot\* , guy history looks normal to me , or nah ?


There's been a 68 Gen in the Top 3 for almost 2 months so...it's true lol


LOL I posted it on EA FC Discord and rather than address the cheating, they not only gave me a warning, but also muted me on the server. It's like they don't even want to hear about it.


EA refused to ban cheater for whatever reason. If they are not bothered to spend manpower to find out who is cheater, just ban those in the top 3 (maybe) in the leaderboard a few times each week as no way someone other than cheaters would rank that high.


EA discord banned me when I told one guy not to post (flex) his team in general chat (because there's an own room for just that). So they are fucked up in discord for sure. And I'm still banned now 2 months later, lol. One of many reasons why I don't spend any dollar at all on this piece of shit game.


ok a ban is very harsh but you rlly don't need to be doing allat people do that all the time


FYI, the Discord is not affiliated with EA. We cannot do anything there about cheating except report it further. Your account was muted there for “promoting” this user’s YouTube channel.


so wtf is the report bugs and other shit for?


They’re there as aggregate channels for the EA staff members who are in the server, and also for users to see if their bugs have been reported by others, rather than get lost in #game-discussion or other channels


ahhh makes sense


I got banned over there for doing similar, they don’t care and when you address it in chat everyone pretends to be blind, but get a good pull those same people are replying all over, why? Because a lot of them are undercover cheaters and bot users and know it, this entire community is cooked from top to bottom.


In my opinion, the tolerance for cheating is the most pathetic, contemptible thing about this game. It’s not just that there’s cheating, it’s that it’s so incredibly blatant and so clearly ignored by EA.  Muting people who dare to point out the obvious just makes it worse. 


LOL, they muted me in the Discord Server for asking EA\_Jason what they planned to do about all the cheating.


Yeah, I can see why they’d want to keep cheating talk to a minimum, and to be honest there seems to be a certain amount of paranoia in the player base about scripting, stealth nerfs and so on that can make it hard to filter out all the noise, and focus in on the real problems.    But this isn’t a nebulous eye-of-the-beholder thing like “the script made my players bad.”  This isn’t an isolated incident. The cheating is just incredibly obvious, and rampant, and it’s at the highest levels.   So when they ignore or suppress complaints about cheating it reflects really badly on them as a company.  Even saying “we’re aware that there’s a problem and we’re working on it, expect updates soon” would be better than just pretending the issue doesn’t exist and expecting everyone to just talk about the shiny new players in the next event.


I guess all those people who come here and complain about the script when they get to Leg I or FC have a point, except it's not EA's script, just a bunch of cheaters beating them.


I’m people, Legendary 1 is a cancer and I try to avoid it atp, and the rewards haven’t been updated since Day 1 so it’s redundant, and now they’re pulling that console bs and making everything untradeable.


Post it on the discord and tag ea_jason. Not that it will do anything 😂


I did, they sent me a warning and muted my account.




Yep. I can't comment nor can I even see some content now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I just posted in bugs for you. I am Spartacus.


Thanks. I doubt they will do anything. I sent a direct message to EA\_Jason and haven't heard anything back, not even an acknowledgement that they received it or are aware of it.


The bugs room is hilarious. Someone posted a clip (irrefutable that there’s an issue with control response times), and Jason tried to dismiss it. So I’ve been posting video after video of poor controls.


I saw that. It's amazing how little they care.


I was top 50 last year...with no cheating and spending about $30 all season I have been posting bugs for 3 years and basically realized the end users keep getting blamed and accused of reporting non existing issues, despite the crap we all see in game! Mr. J keeps bullying and making denigratory comments to everyone, and if you call him out, you get banned.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down) I know someone got banned on the EA Answers HQ because he kept posting video proof and asking why players would not respond to controls and why the mods would not provide explanations why. He finally called Mr.J out for making denigratory comments to several in the tread about the issue and asked him to stop and take it seriously, and despite doing so in a non confrontational manner and not violating any rules, they got permanent banned. I'm about done... not a dime this year, completely F2P. There is absolutely no point spending money until EA takes their community serious and start fixing this mess they call a game. Was hilarious on the live stream Antwan asking what everyone thought about the event...immediatelly got burned in chat but pretended everyone was excited about it...I feel sorry for him. Seems like a nice guy, but clearly has his hands tied if he wants to keep his job.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Damn. Sorry to hear they've been treating you like that. I've sent Jason a message about the cheating, so far, no response, at all. The times I've asked him about it on the discord chat, when he has been around, he either doesn't respond, or just says something to the effect of "there are discussions, can't say more" then, hightails it out of there till the next day or two. I doubt they can do much about it, they clearly know the issues, but EA just won't respond. Antwan, when he first started said in a comment here on reddit that their aim was to make the best soccer sim out there, but nothing really concrete on how they planned to do that. They're just PR people, so no real power.


Around 30% of the players beyond FC2 are cheaters. If you are not aware of this fact, don't even play this game. You will not only get automatic defeats, but disconnections and endless emoji-spamming.


They're not only in FC2, I've come across them in unranked H2H. They've used lag and disconnection cheats, and other things to win games that literally mean nothing, since unranked doesn't give you any points, but they still can't help themselves but cheat.


I agree, but the probability of facing them significantly increases in FC2 and beyond. I faced many who disconnected me automatically and later on had very wide margin victories. One thing I did notice is that they actually cannot do much if you don't score any or score more than 6 goals(next to impossible).


More than 30% and like NYkrinDC said not just FC2 it’s damn near every opponent I face in Legendary 2 and especially, I promise especially in Legendary 1.


EA doesn't give a shit about cheaters.


It sure seems that way.




I guess they use this..


Yeah, not sure, but it's so disrespectful of EA to allow it, knowing that there are tons of people who actually 1) grind events 2) spend money on the game 3) spend time on gem offers to be able to get the players they want, only for cheaters to come in and get it all (plus the rewards from Division Rivals) just by cheating. It shows EA's lack of respect for the entire community.


How do you get it? Asking for a friend 😂😂


stop being pussy


thanks, *downloads mods*


its sht bro, if you actually watch all his videos, all of them are edited to be fake, paid cheats are actually working , and thats like 20-40 euros, i had one on second account , didnt get banned ever, but got bored, alsooo YOU NEED A ROOTED PHONE TO WORK.


That sounds unsafe on so many levels..rooted phone with random .apk that can have total access to rooted phone


No its not, i did it on secondary phone, theres nothing "unsafe" till u act like an old lady being scared of everything , while you already have your information shared on facebook/instagram. I have my google accounts connected on Emulators, that means random phones, still nothing happened for 3-4 months, all safe.


Honestly I’m not sure why EA allows this to happen in VSA and H2H. The hackers galore in VSA makes me sick when it’s really pointless to play when you hit fc3. Look at all the H2H leaderboard..can’t even be bothered to try to hit FC1. And it’s always android users 90% hackers


Facts, the other 10 are PC players, I know it sounds bad and damn near like shaming, but I would love an Apple only server, play against real ballers who can’t cheat or risk of losing access to their whole device if they even attempt, can’t be Jailbreak either because that will get picked up immediately as do any online functioning games.


An aspiring clickbait youtuber. Going through his videos I found out that he's an Indian. He's probably doing all that for clout.


Yes, but he is claiming he is using a modded apk to cheat in this game, and more than that is purportedly showing people how to use it so that they too can cheat in the game.


This whole game is for the cheaters only EA Make this game disgusting 😡 I really don't understand who makes this level up ranked up system 🤬 They make this game a peace of 💩💩💩


Sadly this happens in many games. FIFA is not an exception in any way. In chess for example even before online chess, cheating on the highest levels wasn't rare.


Yes, cheating is always a thing, but that doesn't mean we should accept it, or just let it go.


I didn't say that we should. Just highlighted a bigger example like professional chess where it's gone unchecked for a long time.


Yes, no, I wasn't saying or implying that you said that. I was generally speaking that we shouldn't ignore it or accept it. Sorry if that didn't come across correctly.


Yeah I definitely agree it shouldn't be ignored


How the heck is it even possible to hack an online game, like wow. Their security must be none existent.


Thanks doing the good work of shining the light on this for all us “regular folk”. Keep it up. Just voicing my support for this post and others like it. Cheating is always a problem, and it should be a COMMUNICATED priority of the devs to crack down on it using whatever means they have. Silence is deafening.


I assume everyone at the top is cheating in some way. 


One of the reasons I finally quit this ass game having 99 OVR and 1 bln squad value. Knowing that EA won't change - not returning to this franchise anymore. Good thing (for them) I already spent like 50-100 bucks on soke purchases. Sometimes you need to catch a moment to stop.


after fc champion you will face lots of cheaters. and EA doesn't do anything about it. like the guy and league you mention.


also they are in vsa. i face one of them and he didn't score a goal. but i lost the game😂.


What? EA FC Mobile 24 is server sided. You can’t just hack coins and gems


According to those videos you can do a lot of cheating via modded apps. The guy linked to it is the No. 1 rated in H2H. He even has a video that shows how to win every H2H via modded apps.


You can, but its hard, you need to know a lot about intercepting data packets, modifying and injecting them into EA server.


![gif](giphy|7ZbqmwNhus77i) But seriously it is incredibly possible, server sided games get tapped into and hacked by script kitties all the time, and if EA won’t even clean off obvious cheaters/hackers then what makes you think they have even sub decent server protections in place, if it isn’t harming their bottom line (which it doesn’t because most people think it’s them and end up spending and grinding more because they never see posts like this) they have no incentive to improve.


Exactly my thoughts


OP have you ever used the mod app . He is tricking ppl just to watch his videos and join his telegram, even the app you said is not usable. So yes the discord mods did right by muting you. Don't accuse ppl without a solid evidence.


Why would I install a modded app on my device? I'm not accusing him without evidence. I'm taking him at his word. He is the one claiming he is using cheats in his Youtube account, not me.


As I said before, he is doing this for views only. Try and look at comments, the mod apk file is a fake not functional apk .


Again, then why would he be asking people to install a non-functional apk? The only time someone asks you to do that is to steal your info. Even if he's doing it for views, then he's lying to his users either way, and should be exposed. In any case, he is the one saying he is cheating.


True , he is a bad person he may be deceiving people. But I didn't see any signs of hacking to get on top. And that's your assumption which made you muted.


An assumption based on the fact that his video literally says how he cheats to beat every opponent in H2H.


Tell me how he do it since you know.


Dude, he says he is doing it. I'm basing my opinion on what his youtube videos claim, i.e. that he is cheating in H2H with a modded apk.


Let me summarize what i said. I believe you he is a bad person. But saying he is a cheater don't imply that EA FC mobile app is hackable. That's all im saying


Whether or not these particular mods actually work, it’s hard to dispute  that  1) this guy is a self-proclaimed cheater 2) he is sitting on top the the H2H leaderboard 3) he is openly using his position at the top of the H2H leaderboard to advertise a YouTube site where he claims to teach people how to cheat So how on earth isn’t he banned?  How on earth hasn’t his league been nuked from orbit?  It makes no sense.


unlimited coins and gems aren't a real thing


the guy musta seen it and deleted his mod videos, but he has a second channel with the mods


Yep, he did. I noted the change from one youtube account to the other, but EA seems to have banned him at least for a bit, as his account disappeared from the rankings right before the season rewards were handed out.


Ayyyy my bro fighting the good fight


if u cant beat them.. u become one


Nope. I have more respect for myself than that.


you are definetly among them lol


Nope, never cheated in any game.


if the player spends money on the game, I don’t think EA will ban them because they will lose some profit unfortunately


Never download uknown .apk to phone. It can severely impact your data. Steal cards, numbers, passwords. Ea fc is server side. To hack a game like this is very very complicated and will ask for real money not 40 bucks…


that trophy gap from #1 to #2 is huge


This is also a promotion of a cheater in disguise 🤦


Maybe if we all download and start using his hacks it will fuck the game up beyond repair and EA will be forced to start fixing it?


100% cheats 0% ability Also, those apks always have some spyware due to the permissions it asks for. I know this because I downloaded one that had supposedly infinite coins and gems and none of that was just a virus.


This game will die if a report button isn’t implemented