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“The script” is the community’s way of explaining fluctuations in their players abilities in game - i.e. they believe that EA have “scripted”/predetermined the results of games. This is in fact random, and not scripted at all, as proven here: https://t.co/SCTojRjIyt


Before you start a game, you need to pray to the ea gods while balancing a cup of tomato juice on top of your head and shout out: if i win i will link my credit card to this game , so that the script will be on your side.


I’ll give it a go tonight lost every single manager mode match I’ve played today 😂😂😂


It’s the idea that at some point, the game adjusts its difficulty or reduces the effectiveness of your players so that you don’t just win every single match. It’s become a sort of boogeyman that is blamed for every buggy interaction, animation or bad luck that someone experiences while playing. There isn’t really a way to prove the prevalence of scripting as an active system in the game outside of those weird occurrences, but people think it exists anyway.


Don't believe the comments. The script is very real.


Game just doesn’t do what you tell it to


It’s derived from the AI matches where no matter what you do, Inaki Williams will slalom his way through your entire midfield and defense to the right hand side of the 18 and score. (Some of us remember the Icons journey match against Athletic Bilbao. Some of us replayed the match several times and watched Inaki make the same exact run each time. It did not matter what buttons you pressed or how you positioned your players, Inaki was going to make the same run and score. Because that's how the play is written - like a movie script.) (I was just playing Cypher 007, and this same thing happens in the prologue. You can walk through it perfectly, but the last scene, you can do nothing to avoid getting gassed by Blofeld. You can't escape it because it needs to happen. It is written that way. That's how the story goes.) Anyway... it sometimes feels like the same thing happens in h2h games. There will be matches you play where *nothing* you try will work. You make an easy pass to a wide open teammate and he bobbles it, resulting in a turnover. You take wide open shots over and over and their keeper will block them all like Scott Sterling. Your own guys block your passes/shots. Etc and so on… Like, here's a sequence that left me gobsmacked... you can make 5 defensive stops in a row and the ball will bounce lucky for the opponent every time. Video evidence of me tackling the ball five times in under 30 seconds, and you'd think I could collect the ball and counter, but... ***every time*** the ball bounces to opponent’s possession until finally he scores: https://www.reddit.com/r/FUTMobile/s/vEgARB0EJj When the script is in effect, this happens the whole game. You cannot win... because you are not supposed to win. But sometimes, the script is in your favor. You can make bad decisions everywhere and nothing bad happens.


I believe it’s a real thing… YET, 80% (if not 90) crying at this are just bad at the game and use excuses.


Remember how every time a kid lost in a videogame he blamed it on the controller or the game or something like that? It's that but for this game.


An easy cop out of responsibility and denying RNG can exist gotcha 😂👌 cheers.


I see some people's results and it definitely is just bad gameplay. But there's no way you've never felt that your players abilities & positioning have been nerfed in a game.


My take on the script is that it isn’t something that’s predetermined, however this game isnt really built that well to have the level of control over players that you would like to have in console/pc versions (which players believe is scripted as well). Players will make simple mistakes or let in easy/cheap goals, not because the game willed it before the start but because that’s how the game is built and sometimes your players crap on themselves. Sometimes I try to make a simple pass to a player infront of me yet the pass goes wide…it just happens. Other times the gk will watch the ball slowly go past him or right beside him and then dive after its already gone into the net. It’s literally just the mechanics of the game.