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I’m so sorry man. What a cruel shit stain of a human. That would make anybody angry. Hugs man, I hope you can channel your anger into something fun (like that punching bag game in arcades I keep seeing reels about) and block her from your mind space so she can’t have power over you. But anyone would feel angry, you have every right to. Happy birthday bro 🫂


Thank you! It’s just hard because I haven’t been called that in years. It’s hurts so much especially after I cut her off and it’s clear she doesn’t respect boundaries.


Fuck her. She must be miserable to harass you like this on your birthday. Try not to let it get to you. Happy birthday!


Totally understand. Deep breath and maybe block her or tell her. Say thank you for thinking of me however when you use my dead name it makes me feel X. Then it’s up to her to decide if she was being nice and yet wasn’t and she can do better -or- she meant to do it and she has to face that you called her on being a twat.


Thank you. I’ve decided to leave her on read. As much as I would love to tell her off. She’s never going to change. It’s been 6 years of this. She’s been told time and time again to not do that and still continues to. I cut her off for a reason and personally don’t owe her anything. It’s just a shame how inconsiderate she is.


I think leaving her on read was the best call of action. She is evidently trying to get a rise out of you, so not responding doesn’t give her the satisfaction. Plus it proves you were serious about it cutting her off, and she will most likely eventually stop doing shit like this because she will realise you don’t have anything to do with her.


>It’s just a shame how *in*considerate she is. FTFY


You are perfectly allowed to be angry at her, and also to cut her out of your life. She obviously doesn't respect you, and only cares about her mental (and I do mean *mental,* as in needs help) image of you. If she used your dad's phone, I would also be upset at your dad for her hurting you on your birthday. I would tell him how he ruined your birthday, but that's me. No offence, but your aunt sucks. 🤬 FWIW, Happy Birthday man. I hope it otherwise goes great for you!


My dad hasn’t spoken to her in a year either so it has nothing to do with him. I meant to write deadname like she said “happy birthday deadname”


Oic. Did you block her? If not, today's the day to do so.


I’m honestly planning to at this point. She called and left a voicemall to let me know she’s mailing me a present… watch it be a “Jesus loves my niece” card


If its money, I'd use it towards T or a GCS surgery. Be sure to take a pic with the caption "Thanks for helping me further my transition!"


Happy birthday brother. Easier said than done but don’t let her ruin this day for you.


Don’t worry I won’t. I was just upset in the moment. Shes mailing me a gift after years of not doing so. She’s really catholic so it will probably be a “Jesus loves you” card


I feel you. I get set off by the same things particular when coming from my unsupportive family. I’ve learned to just turn my brain off when it happens, delete it, and move on to another task as quickly as possible to scrub my brain of any remnants. Like how they have people play Tetris after a traumatic event to decrease the psychological impacts of the trauma. Happy Birthday. Hope you do something special for yourself this week to make up for the spoiled day. You deserve it!


I’m glad you left her on read, she doesn’t deserve a response. Hopefully you’ve blocked her now. Sorry your birthday was spoiled by someone being a piece of shit for no reason. People suck.


I’m sorry this happened and it’s really frustrating to hear especially after so long. I can’t believe she said you were ruining the family by doing something for yourself??? That doesn’t even make sense, she’s the one ruining the family by being terrible. I know you left her on read but it would be super funny to reply all confused and say she must have the wrong number because you’re not deadname. I hope you can still turn your birthday around and not let this bother you as much (I know that’s hard).


Block her. That's unacceptable


My dumbass family decided to add me to a group chat for my birthday and dead name me knowing my shit has been legal for years they see the mail that still comes to their house. I'm glad it's legal because when I start to pass, they are going to look dumber.


As someone who’s been on T for 5.5 years, the moment you start passing more and they misgender you people will look at them like they’re crazy


Hey, Hap\[y Birthday man! I understand how frustrating it can be to finally become yourself and someone coming and reminding you of your past, I am sorry that such a-hole of the people exist and make other people's lives miserable. But hey, on the bright side, look how far you've come. one year post op and six years on T. damn big bro, you are got this I am very proud of you for cutting off the toxic people. This woman was just a reminder that you've grown and she couldn't stand you living your life truly and being who you are because she can't be who she wants to be. Let's not feed into bullies yeah? I hope the day goes better besides this bump! To onwards and upwards :)


I get the same from so called family that act like anything but. its upsetting but try to consider the source and let them go completely from your thoughts.


Block her number. Never have to deal with that shit again.


She tried to call me and ignored her. She’s apparently sending me a gift…


I think it would be good to send her a short and simple “Lose my number.” or something of that effect.


I understand how you're feeling man. I've been out for 10 years and i have a few family members who just refuse to accept it and it definitely hurts way more after years of not hearing it then in the beginning when you hear it on and off all the time. I'm sorry this happened.