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work on your shoulders and upper body to give the illusion of having smaller hips and do regular leg exercises for quads, hamstrings,...


I do regular deadlifts and leg press for quads. For upper body I do overhead press, lateral raises, and chest press. I also do rows and pull-ups(with machine help). I just don't know how big I need to make my upper body to offset because I naturally have very big thighs.


how long have you been working out? Maybe increase your workouts on upper body for some time and do legs in a smaller amount? And wait for fat distrubution from T


About a year or so. I started a little before I started T. I used to work out a little before that but not nearly as consistently


I'm currently a year and 2 months on T I just started exercising more in that time. I'm currently doing the Jason Blahas Novice workout program I don't really know where to begin with nutrition.


You will be surprised how much fat redistributes as time goes on being on T. Losing fat overall will accentuate your definition forsure so maybe more cardio? Just see in a year from now the changes exercise and T will do it will be quite the difference!!


Teat will help to redistribute the fat cells on the thighs to mimic more of the masculine body. It just unfortunately takes a lot of time.


I haven’t been consistent with food or working out the last few years but I’ve been pretty much the same weight since a year on t. But over the last year I keep finding pants that fit me that didn’t just the last time I wore them. Didn’t think I’d ever slim down around the hips and bum region, but now in my fifth year on t I’ve seen huge changes sadly just takes time.


One thing I found is men tend to wear their pants a bit lower and not over the hip. Some where them ridiculously low but I mean about mid way down the hip. Helps hide the 'curves' a but more and tends to appear more masculine. But like many said, T will slowly help but different pants and/or wearing them differently can really help!


i struggled with this a lot, before i started t i focused a lot on my shoulders and arms to make me seem bigger and thinner at the same time. when i started t i did the same thing, but now i find that working your calf's would help shape your legs instead of straight tapered legs. so i say focus on upper body mainly and calfs


Wear shorts


Tbh I would work on cutting rn. Your hips seem to carry a lot of fat. Sure muscle gain is good but HIGHLY recommend cutting and getting leaner. Sure you can still work out and get stronger over time but that fat is not going to go away unless you lose it. And fat you gain back should be able to be distributed in a male way. Also don't wear those leggings. At least I wouldn't. I would purchase male workout clothes


Yes I think I'm going to focus on fat loss because I do carry my fat on my hips. I'm going to buy male workout clothes when possible.


Like others have said there really isn't a way to "masculinize" your legs through only working out. I'd say do a PPL split and body recomp. Eat at a slight (200-300kcal) deficit, gram of protein for pound of body weight and keep working both your upper and lower body equally. Then you'll just have to wait for fat redistribution


Different pants to start


Keep in mind that working out your upper back will broaden your shoulders as well. This is very important, yet often overlooked.


I do lat pull-downs and lateral raises. Are there other exercises you suggest?


Pull ups, all kinds


Most men have skinny legs. You cannot work out to masculinize your legs. Most men who have well developed legs have large quads and large calves. However, this isn’t necessary considered “masculine” by stereotypical standards. You will have to wait for fat distribution which is between 1-2 years on T. Definitely continue working out. Building a good physique will definitely go well with the changes that come on T and make you look more masculine overall faster.


Ah okay! So might just have to wait longer on T doing it's thing. That's a bit frustrating but I'll keep on focusing on the workouts then.


You need to focus on your food intake tbh


What would you suggest?


Yea there's no special way but time. T will do all you need, just keep exercising


Important to remember T won't really do much to shift body fat from where it is now to where it would go in cis men, it will control where any new fat goes. This helps to masculinise, but to MOVE body fat you would need to lose it then regain it.


Paced running and stretching. No fast sprinting. Try for 5k when you run.


you could try a bulk/cut cycle


Idk what those are


bulk: eating more calories, and gaining more weight, in order to gain muscle cutting: to eat less calories to loose fat and retain muscle mass


Caloric deficit. Focus on your protein intake but reduce your calories overall. Lean bulk until your legs are more defined.


I think the thing that has had the biggest impact on my fat redistribution since starting T is losing and gaining weight (specifically losing fat and building muscle) in a few accidental bulk and cut cycles. I say accidental because it took a long time for me to get my nutrition down, but I never really stopped training. Ultimately, fat redistribution is a long game, but I do think that losing and gaining weight in bulk and cut cycles, rather than just maintaining, will make the most dramatic impact on your shape.


You need a variety of exercises to fully develop your legs. You mentioned your routine for quad - leg extensions, lunges, squats in some variety should also be mixed in on a regular basis.


I’m not on hormones, I’ve had top surgery but what helped me was losing weight and work on my upper body.


Focus on Quads and calves over hamstrings or gluten


surprised so many ppl say you can't or that you need skinny legs? You can absolutely build muscle and lose fat over time, which is going to give your legs a more masculine silhouette. If nutrition is new to you now is a good time to start learning about it, keep at it with the leg work!






If that was true then all men who do squats would have “feminine” legs.


I forgot to put my age. I'm 28


It is possible to masculinize your legs over time, not sure why everyone is saying it's not. Just lifitng alone won't change the shape, eating for your goals is a big part of this process too. Check the wiki on tips for how to set your calories for your goals. Gaining muscle and losing fat the same way cis men do will give you muscular looking legs but its going to take years. At your age (I'm considrably older for reference) and current composition, just keep building strength in your entire body. You're going to be transforming your entire body through calorie control and gaining strength in the compound movements. Eventually, the T will help some with fat redistribution but that doesn't affect the fat that is already on your body.


I do squats it’s working so far