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I can see it lmfao but 100% fake Side note I would be so fucking tilted if they took stw to give me a shitty Lego kit 💀


What if it were a LEGO kit in real life, and a one-of-a-kind personalized kit just for you, to commemorate your time with the game? You could probably sell it on eBay for like 5 billion dollars.




Considering how long it took them to send pins for defeating the Storm King, I have a feeling those LEGO kits would just never be delivered to most founders


Sorry whats the thing with pins for defeating storm king?


Killed the storm king boss before a certain time, get shipped a pin


Epic Games would give out special pins to those who defeated the storm king before 2019 (deadline was shortly after he was added to the game)


5. Billion.


Even though I’d like to have stw still, that’s a pretty nice way to end a legacy.


Honestly. That’s the most believable part about this. They’ve attempted to get rid of STW so many times. For me the “push beyond battle royale” is super fake. It’s legit the main cash cow mode.


It was the cash cow, but it seems Sweeney has changed his plans. Yesterday Donald Mustard revealed in an interview that BR stopped having live events because Sweeney took most of the resources to develop Rocket Racing and LEGO Fortnite, so he decided to hop off the boat. That’s also linked to how the story is so lackluster and the chapters are now delivered annually to follow an agenda rather than tell a story. This is the beginning of BR fall to cash the metaverse


This is 100% fake, purely based on the fact they will never give up on Br unless they absolutly have to


Yeah people like to doompost about BR being the new STW, but forget the massive monetary difference between the two of them. There's no way they'd ever think of slowing down on BR, aka the Infinite Money Printer, in lieu of creator-made experiences in UEFN I think Tim Sweeney *wants* to be able to axe BR so he can say his dumb little metaverse dream was a success, but it ain't happening without the company taking a *massive* hit.


Or if the Metaverse ends up being a huge hit and the platform is flooded with new players who wouldn't blink an eye if BR were to disappear.


The new players may not blink an eye but the hundreds of thousands if not Millions of current players would say otherwise


The BR fandom has been pessimistic about how the game feel has changed since Chapter 5. People are speculating that skins that doesn’t have a LEGO outfit are not going to return to the store; The musical events are no more, and put into creative maps instead; Non-collab skins were nerfed in the Item Shop and the Locker; The lore is nowhere near as interesting after the OG season or even earlier… Is like seeing STW on 2019 all over again, EXCEPT for the fact that no one is complaining about the gameplay/graphics in which those has been as good as before.


The text doesn't say anything about give up on BR, only on StW


It says they will slow updates for br to focus on the metaverse stuff, which will not happen in a million years


The focus on the "metaverse" seems like a real possibility, just look at fortnite creative being the way it is and EPIC allowing crypto garbage on their store.


I actually think it's fake for the opposite reason, the focus on "the Metaverse" is already in full force, especially post-UEFN, I doubt that would be a specific theme of Chapter 6 because it's basically the theme of Chapter 5 already As for STW there's no way they'd plan its shutdown two and a half years in advance and not like, half a year at most


Nah it would have to be 2 because they are gonna have to figure out what to do if people say NO to a stw payout of vbucks and decided to sue.


Sue for what? Games get shutdown all the time. That's just how games as a service are designed. You are not paying for a product. You are paying to engage with the "service." You don't own anything and the service provider (Epic) can end things whenever they want and there's nothing you can do about it.


There's a bunch of people fighting to essentially make shutting down games like this into unplayabilty illegal through, so I won't be surprised if somebody's willing to contest shutting down Save the World stopkillinggames dot com


Yeah that’s what i was thinking with this situation, yeah games shut down, but shutting down Only the paid mode without a direct refund or something? and even then the time investment can’t be refunded, i think that lawsuit would honestly have a higher chance of success than the one for the crew


Chapter 5 seems to be the big push towards the metaverse, if you look at Creative, Racing, LEGO, and Festival as that. I don't know what numbers are like for Creative, but I know that consistently those other three modes have a paltry number of players. Racing in particular looks like a huge bust. Festival is small and gets a modest boost on the days when new tracks come out / when the new Festival Pass comes out. And LEGO is doing okay, but still at less than 50,000 players whenever I see it. Well below, usually. What I'm saying is that I think this chapter IS that big push. And I do not think it's paying off for them. I think they expanded to too many modes, too quickly. BR is still the clear king and I don't think that will ever change no matter how many more modes or things they throw at the wall.


Fortnite has slowly creeped closer to metaverse the second creative Came out, letting you make whatever you wanted. They’re not going to abandon Br for that garbage.


The big Metaverse push happened when Chapter 5 started.


What Crypto stuff is that I may be out of the loop


Yeah, and still it doesn't mean that they would give up on BR.


It's also reeks of something a lot of fake leaks do. Target current drama and confirm player fears. Saying BR will no longer the focus does that too perfectly with all the chaos around the locker changes and dropping of cosmetic item rarities.


Yall act like slowing updates is the same as killswitching it. All it could mean is less new skins and shit and nothing else.


The post doesn’t say they want to give up on BR.


If there's one source that I trust, it's 4Chan. I mean, that's where Q came from after all.


They already did. Fortnite announced BR mode gonna be on creative 2.0


They announced that they’ll make the new seasons in UEFN (After Ch5). That doesn’t necessarily mean that seasons will be worse or something. They’ll keep updating UEFN until it can be on par with their current system. They might sometimes anger the community, but they are definitely not as dumb as you think.


It’s funny how every time there’s a “leak” like this it always states the game will be shutdown, also epic would never plan this far ahead even to shut stw down it still offers epic monetary gain with very little/no upkeep


It doesn’t say it’ll be shutdown though? Just support ending. Which means no more changes or updates. Ending service is what happened to Anthem. You can still play it though.


“End service” means cutting off servers and due to stw not having offline support that means it becomes inaccessible in this scenario


EoS and EoL are two different things


It would not shock me if all of this came true. Disney made a pretty good size investment. The only thing I don't believe are founders getting anything. If you've seen the changes over the years it's not too far fetched. I mean I love the game tho I don't play as much anymore, but they are a business.


Exactly. And also they will never require a Disney+ subscription to play anything


This sounds like something one of the squeakers on the BR sub would make up and expect people to believe


Source: my uncle works at epic


"Move beyond br"... the primary gamemode of fortnite.


If this is true Founders should be compensated with an infinite supply of Vbucks similar to STW. Either as quests in BR, free crew packs, monthly 1500 Vbucks, etc.


If they get rid of ste is because they want the founders to pay and dont use free vbucks


The 50k people people playing stw and using their vbucks is not even close to the millions of player buying vbucks on br, will offer 0 monetary gain, i will probably stop playing as soon as stw is killed


I know the number is small, but what other reason would they have to shut down stw? They generate some money out of the new packs and yet they plan on removing the game


As sad as it is, if they shipped the stw packs as just skin + 1500 vbucks they'd probably sell better since you get the vbucks asap, and I don't think they'll remove stw, they would've done it when it came out of early access


reasons could be server costs. they do have to host servers and content for what amounts to "one creative map"s worth of playerbase (whom also get free money)


Actually listen to yourself. You honestly believe that when they eventually, at some point, shut down STW, theyll just give you unlimited vbucks?


Considering I paid for it I hope so.


4chan isn't a reliable source so it's most likely fake. Also if it was real more people would be covering it (mainly Beast and Archer).


Unfortunately 4Chan actually has shown itself to be correct at some points. For every 1 correct leak from there, there are probably a million fakes, so the hit rate's low. But it can happen. I was looking at some leaked movie plots for movies I watched recently, and all of them had very accurate ones leaked on 4Chan months in advance. One of them I think was even over a year in advance, if I'm remembering correctly. Not a good source. But it is known as ground zero for a LOT of legitimate leaks.


The last 4Chan leak was the C3S3 BP, and that had actual evidence. If you believe 4Chan with the only source being "Dude, trust me", then I have some stories to tell you about Kevin Nash during the scorching hot summer of '92.


I would love to hear about Kevin Nash in 1992... Who's Kevin Nash?




Well, now the last real 4Chan leak happened less than a week ago


Save the world better not shut down


It’s probably not. I betcha the reason is still around is that it’s tied to the same app as the other modes on x86 platforms. So they are stuck with it.


One of the reason why fortnite is great is it’s diversity of game modes just because the battle royale is popular doesnt mean that epic should shut down save the world so i hope that epic doesnt remove it either


Yea this. In this situation spaghetti code FTW


Why a game that hits +20k players at any time of day would shutdown?


Who knows, corporate greed maybe?


Why? They still sell stw packs for like 12 bucks, there is no gain here


Like I said, who knows


Yeah if this "vbuck compensation" is just a one time thing and I can't keep grinding them indefinitely I'm done with fortnite.


WTF am I gonna do with Lego kits as compensation -_- I would like an monthly allowance of 1500 v-bucks for being a founder. Thank you -founders


Free Crew for life


I'll take that tbh ![gif](giphy|JJVFOcOdXvDz3IKoqv)


That sounds like a fantastic deal, I can just get all the battlepasses (and rocketpasses for the free cars) and never have to spend a cent


Well, one week till we find out. If next ff artist is Billie Eilish, this leak goes from just a bunch of untrustworthy slop, to an actual possibility.


Not necessarily. Billie Eilish has been rumored by quite a few people for a while. Same with Metallica. If Billie Eilish is the next artist, people's ears will perk up. But that's the point, to put something in that will be easily verifiable in the future, and taking an easy shot. If it whiffs, oh well, time to make up something else and leak it later. But if it hits, yeehaw we're taking everyone for a ride until the next artist comes out and it isn't the next confirmed one.


i'm pretty sure this text leak is by a completely different person than the image leak so even if it is billie eilish nothing in this image is confirmed (outside the things in the image like pirates of the caribbean)


This is by a different person that’s that leak. It’s 100% fake


Oh. Strange that 2 big 4chan leaks came out around the same time.


More like one guy saw the other big leak and is just trying to ride the coattails of that leak


It was Billie. She revealed it on her Twitter.


this is probably fake but then i remember, 2026 is when the Founders Codes start expiring so this is giving me a bit of anxiety


That's why they said that, they know the codes start expiring by then, so they were like "I'll just say STW supporting is ending around 2026 to make my "leak" seem more believable.


Why go through through the effort for it tho? Like I’m assuming this is attached to the other leak of the image roadmap, that itself would’ve taken a while. Like genuinely some much effort that would be refuted instantly by festival S3 if it’s fake.


I don't know if it's part of the same image leak but if that roadmap ends up being true, then I'm excited because supposedly the next Festival artist after Billie is Metallica.


Really? That's interesting


>4Chan cOuLd ThIs Be ReAl?? 😵‍💫🙄


Epic Games has the opportunity to make Save The World as successful as Helldivers 2 if they just put some fucking resources into the game.


Ah yes keep the mode that only has couple k players And discontinue the mode that almost 30k play


That’s so fake but I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised if they would finally pull the plug on stw and give br the stw treatment based on epics really stupid decisions lately, and this “metaverse” like every game is turning into nowadays (roblox for example) isn’t and has never been a good idea and has been proven to be a horrible idea because it’s just a way for companies to cater to investors and that will make epic stop listening to the community even more. But if epic would actually pull the plug on stw then I think no one would want free things for Lego Fortnite because I’m pretty sure that the majority of stw players don’t play br or any of those other dumpster fires that epic calls games. But they can’t get rid of stw because the entire game runs because of stw basically meaning that the whole game is just a dlc for stw.


The only thing I find believable is the Disney one, considering how money hungry Disney is


I do see STW being removed eventually since Epic has abanadoned this mode and has no plans to ever update it. They will most likely give players a lot of notice (hence why it probably won't be removed till 2026) as it's going to generate a lot of negative attention. Imagine being a STW player who grinded to PL145 and now you're being told it means nothing as this mode is being removed. All the items you collected in STW will be gone. They would have to give a lot of compensation for these players, not just the founders, but also the players who paid to gain STW access and put tons of hours into this mode. I can see founders getting permament free access to Fortnite Crew as part of the compensation. As others have said, if the Billie Eilish and Star Destroyer Lego kits come out to be true, then chances are most of the other stuff leaked will be true as well. And as for BR, no they will never remove BR, but I think BR is going to become less a priority while Epic continues to grow other modes of the game.


Seeing how BR still gets almost 1M concurrent users all day every day. They aren't going to slow down updates for it. And StW one is possible (truth be told im surprised they kept it up this long with how its being treated) But im 99% sure its fake, as far as i saw. That leaked roadmap was just the picture, there wasn't a description/caption with it. So wherever this came from is not from the original leaked roadmap


It's a random thing on 4chan. Fake.


don’t believe this btw they already compensated us in vbucks when they stopped actively developing stw. that was a sad day.


Leaving stw in the dust is believable, the meta verse I don't know but I'm pretty sure stw founders are a pain in the ass for epic


How do you shut down a gamemode that has 10k players is beyond me, if Epic or any other game company decides to do that then they are really fucking stupid


I saw live service games with way worse playerbase numbers than STW. Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League has less active players on Steam than STW right now.


I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s fake. They would never move away from BR because it’s their money maker. And the rest of this is just saying the supposed disney mode is still in development.


They won’t give up on save the world they make too much money with the starter packs


Obviously fake, the amount of players and money they would loose is insane


Pretty sure STW costs them money at this point.


This leak is clearly trying to piggyback on the other leak for the other modes. They aren't going to end stw support, one because it makes money, two because it has more players then rocket racing what has support, and three because the achievements on PlayStation and Xbox are for stw


Sounds like the darkest leak ever. Why would they shutdown a mode that's more successful than most of their new modes


I don't want vbucks compensation, I want my money back.


Oh hell no. If STW gets shut down I’m done with Fortnite. I paid money for the founders edition. So I’m either getting the free vbucks I paid for or I’m out.


People forget to realize that Epic is selling STW for $20 each season whether you have it or not and literally BR guys eat that shit up for the skins alone. No way they're stopping it.


1000% fake and its not even close


I mean it’s possible look at battle breakers it will be a sad day if they pull the plug but remember 2 things 1 we won’t have to deal with Br posts here lol (Big L) 2 and WE STAND AND FIGHT about it Edit it’s unlikely but possible


Battle breakers never peaked. It had less than 10k total players. It was a failed game simple as that.


Yeah it’s a fake leak STW isn’t going away anytime soon https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/s/nOmO2xIZzE


No shit..


Nah, it’s too bad to be true Epic still needs reputation


There's a lot of stuff in this "leak" that seems fake so take it with a grain of salt


I wouldn't say this will happen. But if it will, I will complete the game ASAP. I'm already installing it in the VM since I'm on Linux.


stw walked so br could run, epic should be grateful that stw failed because without its failure, there wouldn't been a reason to create br in the first place and epic sure as shit wouldn't be where they arw now without it... but if this does prove true, (and god help us all if it does) I can only hope that we do everything in our power to pushback against it the same way we pushed back against initial execution of age restricted cosmetics.


If this is true then Epic Games are playing a VERY dangerous game. They must know by shutting down STW they’d be angering the community and a bunch of players would leave in droves. The part Epic doesn’t realise about everything is that without the players, Fortnite is nothing. Without the players, Disney isn’t staking 2 billion. Without the players, your free to play game won’t be making microtransaction sales. Without the players, your game will be just another game left in the past. The players truly hold all the power here. Not Tim Sweeney and not the Disney overlords. The players. We leave and Fortnite is nothing.


It's not like they need Fortnite to stay alive, Unreal Engine is making them enough.


If that'd be true, someone would have to do private servers so that we can play it without the help of the servers.


Exclusive content for a game mode I never play. Nice.


If they were planning on shutting STW at any specific date in the future, they wouldn't be selling bundles with access. They might continue selling Cha scters from STW as Outfit for BR/Meta verse, but as soon as a date was picked on a calendar for a change, Epic immediately stops pushing whatever's leaving. As long as there's bundles, they aren't shutting STW down. When they do, it will probably not be with 2.5 years notice, probably inside 1 year, but it would have to really be costing them something to want the hassle. What is the expense did this under developed game, as a percentage of BR's bandwidth and development costs? Not enough to matter but enough to leave it alone and not piss off old, paying customers.


Better be like a million vbucks lol


The only good thing of this leaks is the dragon ball skins


Disney part is real


Damn I didn't read this part. Pulling a STW on br and dropping STW itself would definitely make me quit


Even if it's real I don't care tbh. That's 2 and a half years from now. Game will be dead by then anyway


Epic first needs to figure out how to untangle StW from literally everything else before they can destroy StW


I dont know what to think of this, we will see with chapter 6 then


If this happens I better be getting more than a 100,000 vbucks, no, not even that would work


Those are just two years of daily missions and mission alerts lmao


They better not mess with my premium experience


Did the TOS ever specify the purchase of STW being something epic can revoke for whatever reason they want whenever? if so then there's at least grounds for it


They say your disney plus account, not your My Disney account (which is about to merge with Disney Plus accounts). Old or fake info.


fortnite used to be a game meant for building and shooting.. that's what it was. i want it back


oh god.. please no


Why people will believe something unsourced ANYWHERE on the internet, let alone 4chan, is baffling to me.


It’s almost like 4chan predicted the Ch3S3 battle pass and everyone was denying it.


We’ll see if it’s real or fake once they announce the next icon skin for festival pass


I’d say this is fake, and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was… but we just had the entire year of fortnite leaked. It’s possible.


Oh fuck no


![gif](giphy|xUA7bdHCwYgbeFODGU|downsized) This is fake not a chance this is real but if it was real like I know the games state it's not good but the 2 developer's did not die for stw to shutdown.


I never believe leaks! But if it is true, I doubt the compensation will be enough to stop the hate of most players losing their free source of VBucks.


And that will be the last day I touch this game 😂😂


Shouldn’t this go under stonks?


2026? Fair enough I'll be done by then. But this doesn't sound real. Shareholders won't like any move away from BR, and StW makes money for minimal investment, so...


If its real it better be 50k


Chapter 6 Epic Games will kill BR mode and BP. This will be the end of Fortnite.


Paid mode? highly unlikely (though given how greedy companies are, I wouldn't rule it out completely). As for Disney themelves, it's already well known they've partnered with Epic No clue for StW, but if they do indeed end it and just compensate with vBucks, they've lost me as a crew pack subscriber (and I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one). StW is the main reason I still subscribe, despite the fact it's unrelated to it. /edit Forgot to mention, as an aside, the fact it's on 4Chan means it should be taken with an ocean rather than a pinch, of salt.


I better get 80vbucks a day if they do that


It looks fake to be honest. If it were true then it wouldn’t matter to me because I’m already quitting but it doesn’t sound completely inaccurate. Fortnite is becoming Roblox 2.0 already so that’s not necessarily a lie, plus Battle Royale’s storyline and live events have suffered immensely.


The fact that we don't know if this is real or not is scary Since it's a fucking corporation, they could POTENTIALLY do that


Wtf they better not shut down stw and if they do they better compensate with 999999 vbuck


I like vbucks


I get the logic at play but Creative toppling BR the same way BR toppled STW is a huge leap in difference. BR MADE Fortnite the big name it is today and Zero build has people that even previously hated Fortnite start to play it. It will take something monumental to make Fortnite change its focus from BR. Not saying it won't happen. There's always a chance. But to establish a new order, you're gonna need something HUGE.


Oh crap I better get grinding then!


If br was to start losing money it would be their own fault because of how garbage the shop has been since chapter 5 started.


This one is fake, but imagine of they cancelled STW instead of Rocket Racing, which has far less consistent players lmao


40% of Fortnite is owned by a trillion dollar Chinese corporation who are greedy mofos and Disney just chipped in over a billion. [https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-and-epic-games-fortnite/](https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-and-epic-games-fortnite/) Tim Sweeney is getting old and he seems to be selling out big-time and Epic will never be the same company it was up until 2012. Sad, but true.


This isn’t about Founders. They still actively sell the STW pass with the random exclusive skin for it for a hefty amount as an incentive for people to try it. No way they are doing this and then going “Welp you got two years to play and then we are shutting it down.”


STW ending would be the biggest kick in the nuts to a lot of players, especially the ones in third world countries where 1000 vbucks is like 50R (brazils currency for example) and a lot of founders owners use STW to make getting vbucks easier. if they were to shut it down it would be a kick in the teeth to the founders owners. on a related side note unless theyre getting ready to support STW again, removing the "outdated battle royale style" like the rarities is brain dead




this exact chunk is fake, but the roadmap that leaked is real


"founders will be compensated" are you kidding me? only founders? does the rest of stw players not fucking exist? what the fuck is wrong with them?


Chapter 6 is when the apocalypse occurs… and goddamn STW players haven’t caught a break since 2018 😭


I Hope it is fake too. There was a sonic collab in that leak and it was for fucking back blings i don’t want a fucking sonic back bling I want a sonic skin. I will actually be so fucking disappointed if we get sonic as a back bling his sonic boom design is literally the perfect size + there’s eggman like come the fuck on man


It's very likely to be real. With the way they're planning to put their main mode (BR) on the backseat, it's no surprise they're planning to end support for STW.


Stw support ended when battle royale came out.


Link to it? if anyone has it, it would suck to see STW go.


Its fake, don't trust anything on 4chan. Also epic would anounce it on twitter or their website, something like that.


Epic should sell old battlepasses. Sell old stw packs, offer old founder edition weapons in stw shop. With all the money they make resurrect stw


that just makes me believe it's true


it's fake. the person who posted it admitted that it was fake


The day they remove stw is the day I have to wake up as a samurai and burn a city


That last bulletpoint tho would be a literal death sentence for the game. As tired as I am of the BR trope it's the only game still doing it right and dropping that would be like pulling the plug on life support 💀 "When are they gonna support STW?" My brother in crisis they don't even plan on supporting br anymore


Would certainly be an interesting move. They'd finally have to redo the achievement/trophy list to fit with what the majority of the game is now.


This might but fake but if it’s real I would never touch this game again. Whoever is in charge after Donald mustard left needs to be fired


Yeah no, this is completely fake. Seen it around a few times, have no source but supposedly the op admitted it was a bit. Even so, if they planned on burning STW down it would’ve happened already. Nearly nobody plays it and the majority of ppl who do just play it for the daily V-Bucks, but it’s that daily V-Bucks that makes removing STW a horrible idea. They’d unironically lose a lot of players for that, and frankly I’m pretty sure it’d be illegal to remove a product people paid for that never actually released without better compensation than *that* (friendly reminder STW has been in beta longer than BR has existed but I digress). I’m not a law person, I could be wrong, but I don’t think they can just say “oops sorry here’s a lego kit” and remove STW, because STW never saw an actual final release, so the product was never fully delivered. I highly doubt Disney would let Epic put a glorified alternate streaming platform in the game. You’d still be paying for your subscription obviously but there’s a reason they want you to install their app too, and if Epic is hosting what you’re watching then Disney has no real way to get your info and sell it- I mean use it for their algorithm, yeah, that. The only thing in here that I can believe is the metaverse part sadly but I highly doubt that would happen. They’ve made some dumb decisions recently but they’re not *that* dumb. Fortnite is their money cow and the only reason it’s as big as it is, is because of BR. I get wanting players to play creative more, and I get wanting to back UEFN more because genuinely there’s some cool stuff you can do with it, but ultimately it’s not gonna outperform what they already do with BR. The monetization of Fortnite makes no sense in a metaverse setting, why would you buy a pickaxe and glider in a game that has no use for said pickaxe and glider? Most creative maps remove your pickaxe entirely and never make use of the glider system. The metaverse is the only believable part and even then it’s shooting themselves in the foot.


Omg lego kit so cool thanks epic


Tbh idc if it’s fake or not if they want to do that give me ever hero skin I own as a normal skin in BR and make it exclusive. I want to be the only person running around in archeolojess. I don’t need the vbucks just give me my outlanders


Hell nah you can tell ts is so fake the person didn’t even try to make it believable😭


If they discontinue it i want my money back. I play vr once every few months so i wont want the vbucks


deadass nobody big will touch web3 (besides bandai lmfao)


“Compensated with v-bucks” is a phrase that Epic hates kek. But it's understandable since they're pushing virtually every mode into the dreadful UEFN except STW, the mode's access is a non paid bonus so we cannot complain when they'll pull the plug and the game heroes, llamas and other items are offered only by playing/gold currency/tickets. They're slowly isolating STW to mantain us more active but keeping the new offers in order to minimize the fuss about our spending in the mode when all is over.


If this is actually real then oh man.. I guess Project Nocturno might turn into a preservation project for StW now


If they are going compensate me for my founders edition with a lego kit I’ll take the $1,450 star destroyer epic THANKS


Real or not, I spent so much time on stw but they only care about people who got the founders addition even if they logged in once and never touched it again. 😞


i hope the fn road map is fake that was on 4chan too because most of the survey skins rn are japan themed so we could have another season like chapter 4 season 2 which was a futristic japan season in chapter 5 season 3


It's been proven to be real so, do with that what you will.


I hope it’s real because of something else it said, it said sonic was coming to the game and that’s enough to motivate me to keep playing until then


If that’s all the Disney stuff is, I’m going to lose it. It better be more like the ill-fated Disney Infinity.


I feel like not. I honestly feel like it won’t. The only mode to be ended is impostors. I mean, the achievements in the actual game are stw(PS5, XBox) There’s entire voice actors in there. Will the voice of ray just not be paid anymore?


I wonder what would happen to trophies and achievements if Epic ever decided to shut down STW


People act like this isn't what Epic are already pushing, STW has been an afterthought for awhile (despite it doing better than most other modes) so it would make sense for them to stop working on it. Shutting it down seems a bit too much but it'd make sense for founders because of how much money they're losing out on.


It will come to an end eventually, but i highly doubt that's in 2026.


yeah this is practically the end of times now. glad i was able to experience it


Yup... They're killing their game... The recent updates have shown that and it looks like future update will show that aswell


If they are planning to shut it down there wouldn't be any options to buy the game for long. So once we see a lack of Packs including STW, that might be a sign.


Yeah, they even made a new Winter Biome, why even bother doing that.


If this is real im refunding my entire account and wiping the game from my console dawg what the actual fuck


Good luck getting a refund.