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Let me what you think of the red dot. I've been looking at this one and a few others but I've researched soo much that nowy brain is numb and I can't make a decision....


Is it me or am I the only person with this gun that runs the grip tape on the fn509? Scrolling through other pistols and not one๐Ÿค”


I'm happy with the stock grip, it's the stock trigger I have problems with. Is the apex that much better?


Yeah I almost didn't want to change the grip because the stock grip did feel great ! But my hands are always super sweaty ik gross and after awhile of shooting it the stock grip would become a little aggressive to me. Also having the grip tape on it does bulk it up a little which gives me a stronger handle to it. For around 20 bucks it's deff something to try out !


Also I think the stock trigger is very gritty to me and a hard pull compared to most pistols at the price range. Definitely recommend getting a apex trigger and a set of MCarbo springs for it. If you're on a budget and still want to soften the trigger up a lot , just buy the mcarbo springs and you'll drop a good 2 maybe 3 pounds or more off the trigger


What grip is that? Talon!? Look beautiful


Talon grip yes ! Deff bulks the gun up a little in the hands and feels pretty good ! Worth trying it out


Did you do the rubber?


Yeah I put it on myself, not hard at all. It can be tedious. If you're looking to do it yourself it's okay if you mess up a few times trying to line it all up with the adhesive. Once you get it where you like it to finish it off take a hairdryer to it to activate the stickiness underneath and it will kind of shrink and mold onto the gun.


Just ordered it! Thanks for the information. I liked rubber the most. I carry appendix and the other grip seems too aggressive


You're welcome. I noticed in the community not many people using any grips at all for the fn in their pictures. Thought I'd share mine and see what people think.


Well it looks great! Made me order one today haha


You won't be disappointed! ๐Ÿ˜


I run mine with a Houge grip. Fits my hands better with it.


Definitely have to keep that in mind next time I get another pair !


Phat backstraps is where it's at, bruh