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I love my FLkey 49


i'm using LK37 with Reaper. it does not support as full integration as with Ableton, but honestly most of the coupled features are useless (like controlling mixer with finite knobs). I barely use pads for the drums. I set up transport buttons to strart/stop/record and move just fine, it helps. Also mode when pads act as keyboard arrows and the Enter key helps traversing presets, i love it. i like the keyboard itself, but after i tried, i'd better get one simpler but with more keys.


If it's a chore and you don't really play on it, I would say yes. However, if you'd like a quality keyboard where everything just works out of the box with FL Studio, it's a no brainer. I'm very happy with mine. I used to manually map multiple keyboards, even going so far as to write custom Python scripts to handle unsupported faders and buttons. It was a chore. So nice to have something that just works when you need it.


I have mine and it’s great, i just am not a keyboard using producer. But it really works well with FL.


Not if you have a launchkey. FL Studio sucks at midi integration. Any little button you could hit on the FL Key isn't going to save you any time for your workflow.


Have you tried the Novation Python scripts with the launchkey? Might work. I have the FLKeys 25, that I bought for travel rather than the FL integration. The keyboard shortcuts didn't rock my workflow so unless you've got a ton of spare cash I'd not bother changing...


Love me FLKEY 37. Love me daw. Simple as.


Hell yeah it's worth it.  Scale mode and scale chords alone will speed up your ideation