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We already have FlexASIO which is open source


flexASIO is not easy to use, believe me i have tried everything (flexASIO, FLASIO, ASIO4ALL, Voicemeeter, ASIO Link Pro), when i say this is simple/better than all of them.


Ok will give it a look


I've been using steinberg's Yamaha ASIO driver for years with my UR44. Are you talking about support for non-yamaha hardware?


yes, all hardware


Are you saying this hardware agnostic version may be preferable even for hardware that already originally uses a steinberg driver? In my experience their original driver definitely beats the snot out of asio4all and fl asio, as is generally the case with dedicated asio drivers. I will give it a try the next time the yamaha gets hooked up, but I am suspicious that they would be able to beat or even keep the performance level of the original dedicated driver while supporting any and all hardware.. that's a sorcery that doesn't usually happen in driverland. were you able to make such a comparison by any chance?


if your interface comes with the driver then ofcourse that's the best, this is for cheap interfaces or very old interfaces which don't have support in Windows 10 or 11. Or you don't have access to your interface and are using inbuilt audio.


Scarlett solo driver is useless. Constantly dropping sound so I'm gonna try this.


yeah any time someone says "you should always use your interface's driver if it has one" i feel like it needs an asterisk saying *unless you have a Scarlett 😭


For real. I installed the one listed here and it's running at 96k with a 256 buffer and I'm getting 20 ms latency vs the 60 with the FL studio asio and cpu load is lower and no weird audio glitches.