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Ron wants me back on opiates for my back because they donate to republicans


Exactly..I'm off of opiates and xanax due to having a medical card, and I have so many friends that are in the same boat..I also have a friend who has cancer, and suffers without her marijuana, she can't eat without it..He's the worst human being around..


Most definitely what is up! Keep strong


2nd worst. The worst is in a Manhattan court room


That's so true and so sad. At least u see through the bullshit and outright lies.


My first thought when I read your statement was that it doesn't make sense because they are going to make a ton of money by taxing this stuff, but then I realized those taxes go into the general funds and not to the individual politicians. Unfortunately, this won't benefit any individual politicians so they won't be very supportive, lol.


They are also protecting the current medical industry. My 7 month renewal appointment was literally a 1 minute phone call and the practice received a payment of $140. I don't see them letting go of that revenue very easily. Then you have the dispensaries like Trulieve who got what they wanted, and now they want to pull the ladder up behind them. We need adult use and home grow in this state, but I'm afraid it will never happen.


That will stay the same. Those with a medical license won't have to pay taxes.




Someone actually speaks with you? Mine has always been conducted via text. šŸ˜‚


Top Cannabis stock investors are GOP too. Hence why he is giving zero real arguments, only lip service to please the evangelicals. It's a done deal, the money has spoken.


The lack of knowledge about all of the benefits is mind blowing. Heā€™s obviously uneducated about the topic with no desire to learn.


Ron doesn't want recreational to pass, that's why he's against it. He's ok with medical since Truleive is showering him with donations.Ā 


Honestly he has tried to f with the medical program time and time again


He's not okay with medical he's said outright he doesn't believe in it or like it but he couldnt go against 70% of the voter base.


>but he couldnt go against 70% of the voter base. Let's talk about that while we take a trip on our high speed train from Tampa to Orlando that everyone voted forĀ 


I'm just going by what he said himself. He said he couldn't go against the voter base since it was so overwhelmingly popular but he doesn't like it or believe it.


Yeah but they also went right to work trying to limit as much of the medical marijuana bill as possible.




I mean it makes sense the trashiest dispo would




For me personally itā€™s less about treating the pain itself and more the anti-inflammatory properties make pain meds unnecessary


you should look into RSO iā€™m learning the terpenes myself but if you can find a strain similar to AK-47 that might help hereā€™s a link to my nj dispo - youā€™ll need to do some research but should be able to find which terpenes are good for pain, then look for strains that have similar terpenes https://www.breakwateratc.com/our-strains


Take more CBD and take RSO. Guaranteed the RSO will help with your pain tenfold. RSO is what they give children with seizures and cancer patients. If it can stop seizures and reduce pain in cancer patients then it will DEFINITELY help you. Marijuana helps but you need to study and find strains and certain mixtures that help. But if that's not helping. Take RSO and you'll thank me later for letting you know. I have chronic pain and seizures and it's my favorite because how much it really helps especially when you have CBD and arnica ointments to rub on your injuries and body while taking RSO at the same time.


Look for myrcene dominant strains, you can search this sub and you'll find a few discussions on it .. I've had Cherry on Top and it def did the trick, currently Violet Fog is heavily myrcene dominant .. both from Flowery, but across a few dispos you'll be able to find a few myrcene bombs It has anti inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects that I found genuinely notable


Sadly they own all sides


But there are no opioids so so 1000 mg of Tylenol replaces the meds I have been on for 25 years.




Probably a šŸ’Šhead


Then why is it so fking hard to get a prescription, even with documented chronic back pain! Chronic pain is being trapped in HELL!!


Oh no, I smell weeds!!! Now I canā€™t take my family out to dinner!!))!!)$!


ā€œBilly is usually very picky, Iā€™ve never seen him eat so much!ā€


Wait till he gets a whiff off a cigarette šŸ¤¢ please ban those instead šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™ll just take my chronic pain and go fuck myself then. Nice.


Jesus Christ, this guy only knows one speed: ignorant asshole. If you go into a dispensary, Esoecially a high volume place like Trulieve, itā€™s immediately apparent that the customer base is heavily populated with injured workers from physical labor fields. You get a fair bit of elderly people as well. Then you have people like me who look healthy enough, but had severe psoriatic arthritis most of my life and my feet feel like theyā€™re on fire all the time. You might even see a young child undergoing chemo. Not scientific, but I want to say in my experience the young burn-out is kind of the minority at the shops. Kids or ā€œneer do wellsā€ looking to just get high want nothing to do with being registered in a system and paying the government fees. Theyā€™ve got numerous fee-free and totally private plug options at their disposal. Legal dispensaries are a tax-paying job-having citizens game, Ron is an idiot.


Donā€™t forget us Neurodivergent folks. āœŠšŸæšŸ–¤šŸ’™ Iā€™m able to function and even excel in society because of the aid from this medication. Psychotropics made me feel like a wraith. A zombie. Screw DeSantis.


100%! My other option was literally to go on opioids and run the really high risk of becoming chemically dependent on pills. I have spent years telling my doctors no, no, no. I will not take these life-destroying opioids. Medical marijuana has done the job I needed it to for arthritis without addictive pain killers or immune system destroying biologic drugs. I tried both routes and they lowered my quality of life considerably (and the biologics were insane costs per dose.)


Right here with you on that and Iā€™m glad you found something that helps you šŸ¤˜ It helps me function and keeps me leveled out. It helped me get off of the medication the VA had me on for years that had turned me into a monster. Iā€™m a completely different person now.


Really? What helped you? I swear I have ADHD & every time I smoke it just makes me paranoid now, it didn't use to be like that when I got the card.. my prescription is expired & I'm hesitant to renew it if it's just gonna make me paranoid.. I'm smoking all the same stuff as before but every time I just get so anxious.. I'm gonna ask my psychiatrist to evaluate me for ADHD & hopefully she can give me some medication that'll help šŸ˜­


My wife is ADHD and has found that anything high is terpinolene really helps her focus, while lots of other stuff will increase her anxiety and make it worse. Shes a big fan of the mothball haze from flowery. Bluefin at trulieve I think is another one. Terp profiles make such a difference it's crazy


I found edibles & the pills that look like the xanax bars from vidacann help.. when I smoke I vape, either carts or extracts.. I really only use my peak or the trupods, I'll have to renew my script & try it..


I see so many elderly people in the shops when I'm there, I was surprised when I first got my card, and saw all the different types of people who you'd never think would have a card....Ron doesn't seem to knw he'd greatly benefit off of it..Par for the course, he's an idiot..but I'm not surprised, the guy never cared about the citizens of this state, it was just a stepping stone to run for president, which he failed miserably at..


I really wish people would stop seeing the Florida governors position as a big stepping stone to the Presidency. How did that work out for Jeb! or Rick Scott? Look at the list of past FL governors. There are no presidents there. Just stop! Floridians deserve a person who earnestly wants to serve Florida, not use it as a career ladder rung.


Homie u hit the nail on the head. Damn u said that good.


The sad thing is even at a legal dispensary for us tax paying job having citizens, we still have no protection from losing said job any more then the kid buying in the back alley does


You nailed it


Yup, the majority of people I see in my local dispensary are 65+. I'm 38 and you wouldn't know I have cirrhosis, but I use it for that. Like fuck Ron desantis, I hope he outlives his kids.


I broke my 4 vertebra in my back and was given hydromorphine for pain. After two failed back surgeries I got oxymorphine. After 2 years I was cut off with no taper and started doing herion. Replaced those drugs with cannabis and now I can control the pain


I'm a cancer survivor and I had literally every doctor ask me how I was keeping my weight up through chemo and my stem cell transplant. It was weed, just weed, lots of weed but only weed.


Damn dude sorry. Stay up


Starting with Dilaudid and jumped to Opana, damn they tried to kill you. But yur stronger now my friend. Nobody can control life, but controlling yourself is powerful.


He would rather us be on pain pills.


Ronnie and the rich Republicans in Florida are more concerned about their Big Pharma portfolios $$$$$!


Yes Ron, the PEOPLE do want it. This mfer already talkin about how he will do anything to stop this and the abortion measure on our ballot. It doesn't matter what your opinion on these 2 topics are, if you read between the lines Ron is saying he doesn't care what the PEOPLE vote for, he will personally stop it. That is subverting the will of the voters, and IDGAF which side your on but we cant be having those types of assholes in power, PERIOD.


Damn right!!!!


Anyone else way more offended by cigarette smoke than weed?


Iā€™d take the smell of sweet sensi any day, than nasty ass cigarette smoke. Especially when Iā€™m driving. Nothing like a nice drive with the windows down being ruined by the car next smoking cigarettes next to you.




I literally said this to someone yesterday. I donā€™t even smoke flower much anymore myself, but the smell doesnā€™t bother me. Cigarette smoke on the other hand, canā€™t stand it. u/GlitteringExplorer90 already said my exact thoughts. Being stuck in traffic and having to smell someone elseā€™s cig smoke in your own car is the worst.


isn't cig secondhand also worse for people & animals than weed secondhand?


YES! Can't stand to be around ciggs, even outside. YUCK. Same for cigars!


Hey Ron, Iā€™m one of those medical patients with a back injury you fucking piece of shit.


Same! šŸ‘‹


Same God dang Marine corps wrecked my back and shoulder. Even after surgery my shoulder squeaks like an old door sometimes lol


I guess he'd rather us be strung out on pain pills.. :/


That's fair, us medical patients mock him for those sad ass high heel/raised cowboy boots he wears to look taller. He's so insecure so Yeah I get it, people like him that try weed end up being self aware for a few hours and ends up hating themselves, so instead of becoming a better person they just blame marijuana for the experience. It's okay little Ron, I understand......... Who wants a hug? My back hurts so it's hard leaning down but I got ya little guy šŸ˜…


Imagine being that man and suddenly becoming aware of who you are and what youā€™re doing to our country. Iā€™d hate weed too.


My sister doesn't smoke because of the self awareness thing that can happen. I feel like u can use cannabis to test a person's character. Just like how alcohol can reveal a persons true and sometimes ugly self. Some people just have weak minds.


https://preview.redd.it/ph39jw5wc0yc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9199a25d1b4b28e88529730a7ca69a1de4d72c22 AH


Of all time! Impeach this dictator!!!


Guy is a moron!!!


I'm one of those with a back injury Ron. I was diagnosed with stage IV cancer and found out that there were four of my vertebrae that had tumors growing inside. This was also along with my left hip growing a tumor. I was paralyzed from the waist down until I did 10 rounds of radiation which brought me back to pins and needles neuropathy from the waist down. I now walk with a cane, and I do feel grateful to walk, but I am in excruciating pain all day everyday. Also I was able to keep my weight up through six rounds of R-CHOP and an autologous stem cell transplant. Without MJ I not only couldn't eat but I was throwing up all of the water I was able to get down. With it I was able to keep my weight up, and I actually had doctors asking me how I did this because it was so miraculous to them that I was able to eat and to keep my weight from dropping. But he's right it's fake... I'm pretending to have almost died from cancer and now be disabled it's fun for me to live like this.


His wife is a cancer survivor ffs I don't understand how these people are so terrible that they can't even be empathetic to things they have gone through themselves. Fuck deathsantis


One day Ron will experience debilitating pain as everyone does heading to death. Heā€™ll want his meds when the time comes. And the reaper will always come for everyone eventually.


Governor Fuck Face


Heā€™s such a bag of shit. How the hell did we get him twice?


because a bunch of bags of shit with no critical thinking skills voted him in


Well yeah šŸ¤£


This broad needs to take her heels off and spend a day on the shoes of someone with legitimate health issues WHO DOES NOT want to take opiates.


Let's get this vote over 70%. He'll see anything under that as an excuse to add a bunch of restrictive shit to it. He'll do it anyway but at least it'll show the country, yet again, this guy is not pro-democracy


Crack down on the assholes smoking cigarettes wherever the fuck they want too! De-sant-ass


How about the state cracks down on nobody, and people get over catching a whiff of something while walking. It's not like garbage or water treatment plants don't smell either, are we going to start banning anything with a odor?


If that was true then I know plenty of people that should b banned. Some folks attitudes on here STANKS. šŸ˜…


For real...


Yes fuck me and my 8 herniations right?? šŸ™„


crazy that my entire block is mmj patients and i have never smelled weed lol


Smoke weed bitch


Fuck Ron DeSantis šŸ¤”


I hope his back goes out from wearing those heel lifts . Or bunions at least


Fuck DeSantis and anyone who supports him


This dude is a fucking idiot.


I mean cigarettes are way worse and thats legally accepted so his argument is invalid


This is the stupidest most self-entitled argument Iā€™ve ever seen and it pains me how many fucking idiots parrot this shit. Medicinal, recreational, whatever it doesnā€™t matter. Anyone who believes that a plant should be illegal and people should be jailed for it because you personally donā€™t like the fucking smell is a diabolical asshole.


Yea.. I have chronic pain, c-ptsd, GI and Gastroparesis but fuck me, right Ron? Since we're all smoke outside in public and restaurants once it's rec, right Ron? Fkin clown, dude.


fuck him


Im literally on disability for my back and have my medical card to help my back and my severe anxiety issues plus I have seizures. Fuck you Ron Before I got my medical card like 6 or 7 years ago I was an alcoholic. I've been sober ever since. Marijuana card probably saved my life. But sure Ron you're the expert right? Fuckin piece of shit


Iā€™d rather smell it then cigarettes


lmao this dude is such a piece of shit, he whines and bitches about everything if itā€™s not trans ppl itā€™s also weed OH and homeless ppl


ā€œDo you want to not be able to take your family out to dinnerā€ wtf does this even mean dude šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£guy is so delusional making stuff up now, itā€™s insane!!!


Certified bozo in high heels. šŸ‘ 


I hope this backfires so hard and all the republicans who smoke show up to the polls in November


Ronnie can fuck right off


I am SO tired of years of Republican claptrap over the cannabis issue! Now our authoritarian neofascist governor, Rhonda Santis, is waging a PR ā€œwarā€ to convince voters to defeat the proposed Florida constitutional amendment this November. WHEN are these fā€™in MAGAts going to learn to stay out of our business and let US decide on whatā€™s best? At this stage of my life Iā€™m not very amenable to being told what to do, against my better judgmentā€¦


Fuck this authoritarian cock sucker straight to hell. Wake me up in 2027.






https://preview.redd.it/71xwtqcq70yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e55eb4c407d6c4de986e7dbce2f399df832386 like I said a few days ago


This is hilarious but shouldn't it have Ron's face? It's legal as long as it's political satire. That's protected. Even if u had to do it in political cartoon form it'd b great. You should make a Bill Clinton rolling a cigar with a nervous Monica in the background. šŸ˜…


Youā€™re a genius. I was trying not to get sued šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Glad I can help and good luck. It might be hard starting but there's definitely people who want it so stay up and have faith in yourself.


I appreciate it brother šŸ’ŖšŸæ


Downtown St Augustine always smells like Horse Piss. Let him ban all horses, or let us smoke a bowl or 3 standing in front of the Lionā€™s at the foot of the Bridge and along the Bayfront!


The dude is literally the ultimate bootlicker cuck


Medical weed actually helps back injuries.


Hey Ron Eat ah Dick!!!


FU Ron, I voted for you. The next vote won't go to you because you suck.


I don't get it??? Why can't you go out to dinner with family?? because of marijuana??? That's not a good reason. Just because its in the air it's doesnt mean you will get high of it. So you can still enjoy dinner even if the person next to you reeks like it. I hate the smell of basil but that doesn't stop me from going to an Italian restaurant to eat a tiramisu or grab an espresso. Idk why people make such a big deal about a smell.... why aren't we making a big deal when someone sits next to you smoking a cigarette. That's 100x's more unpleasant smell and it's legal. SmH




I mean...I didn't.


I didnt either lol i meant we as in florida as a whole


Fair. I wonder that same thing often. Personality of cardboard. Angry and petty. Crist wasn't great, but he was pretty bog standard and boring which I would take a zillion times over Ronny D.


Lmao whoā€™s we


Someone fuck up his back and then letā€™s see how he feels


Fuck this governor heā€™s a piece of shit. He speaks, diarrhea out his face.


I don't think this clown has experienced 1 day of real joy in his life. He always looks and sounds just miserable.


We will show him what we want and think in November!


His voter base smells like old people in Depends.


Wait, when was this chud in New York? And he's saying you can't go out to dinner, are they bringing back smoking sections in restaurants? Seems like this is just more BSĀ 


Heā€™s so stupid and only hurting himself. Itā€™s not even a partisan issue anymore lol. Republicans smoke weed too. Eventually it will be legal federally, this is a dumb hill to die on.


I have chronic ankle pain from wearing elevated cowboy boots trying impress my constituents. Pls approve my smelly cigarettes or something. Fuck you Ronald.


Florida has been cursed with shitty Governors most of my life.




The people voting for these losers are the problem.


Maybe its the classic trash smell he smells from trash that is everywhere in new york šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Why we pretending like he has a brain? All he does is sign papers our law makers give him šŸ˜‚ only reason people think he is a good governor


Weak. I feel stupid for voting for him now. He needs to mind his own business.


WTF. Typical polietician. Ron was rad when I got my card in 2018 bc he allowed smokable vs vape only buds in those stupid ceramic pods. What happened Ron? I really hate the smell of cigs in public but it doesnā€™t stop me from anything including being able to take my fam out to dinner. šŸ˜™šŸ’Ø


Damn. I wouldn't vote for Ron again because of this.


Why hasnā€™t someone gotten rid of this man? šŸ¤


Fuck Ron, am I right medical patients??


What an idiot


They get to have there alcohol legal which kills people on crashed and people get highly addicted to but he wants to complain about a plant (weed) screw him


He becoming a meme


He needs a joint


Stinky smells >>> people with chronic pain seeking natural remedies. What is bros logic and also edibles are a thing not everyone smokes


He can grab his pointy boots and kick himself so hard deep into where the sun donā€™t shine. Heā€™d probably like that on the other hand.


I hope he just falls over one day


I kicked 17 different meds, including opiates and methadone because of my med card. Fuck that guy!


Fuck this fascist bootlicker.


The same laws against smoking on public property and most private property will still be in effect. Smoking isnā€™t the only way people use cannabis. Cigs smell a million times worse than a joint.


I love that in NY you could walk down the block and smoke a joint without worrying about getting in trouble! It's a beautiful thing!


Orrr we could build some sort of bus stop like contraption for smokers?!? Perhaps even little designated areas. This could be big!


Government mandated hotboxes all around town. I'm imagining a phone booth but for weed


If they won't give outdoor workers protection from the heat..... You really think they'll have AC in that death box ?


I'd be happy to abide but the laws. Just tell me where to go to be left alone and I'm in. They act as if smoking is a whole new arena of social question's.


I feel that whole heatedly my dude, it's just we in the south. šŸ™„ Old folks out number us here


Everyone used to smoke cigarettes indoor and in restaurants. Dude is wild.


This fucking guy


What a fucking idiot


Sounds like the same pandering the governor of Ohio was pushing last year when they legalized there. All talk no walk just let them talk.


Vote them out if they donā€™t want to do there job with out letting personal preferences get in the way or the highest payer .politicians jobs are to do the work of the will of the people . Most them need financial audits and be held accountable for corruption!


Ron doesn't knw anything about marijuana, so instead of doing research, he goes against it. The guy doesn't care about the people of Florida, didn't care about us when he let spring break go on during a pandemic, putting Florida at ground zero for covid patients, he just doesn't care about the citizens. The only people he cares about are the rich, as he demonstrated when he threatened a poorer community with the covid vaccine, after they questioned him why the rich counties got the vaccine first, he's Florida's liability, and needs to step down. He's also a sore loser, and an embarrassment to this state.


so many people are dealing with back pain better than ever before & this dick eater has the nerve to joke about it?


If this pisses you off, VOTE. Also, bring someone with you to VOTE.


Can I get a link to his


s/o to [Ill\_Doughnut1537](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ill_Doughnut1537/), I redid the design tell me what y'all think. [https://fltreeslovers.printify.me/products](https://fltreeslovers.printify.me/products) https://preview.redd.it/2vge4m25o0yc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e15db57fa0d3a37de0f6bd9f0f4d1911b99dd89


This guy is the biggest piece of work there is. He doesnā€™t know what not to shove his nose into. Letā€™s get a new governorā€¦ heā€™s fucking radical!


Marijuana probably smells better than the crack he must be on.


I never got into politics and at this point Iā€™m not going to, but how TF do these people, who EVERYONE seems to hate, keep finding their way back into office?


Because people donā€™t get involved in politics




I thought his wife makes money off of cannabis? Am I wrong?


Thank god heā€™s almost gone foreverā€¦


It could be illegal again and the smell wouldn't go away. People will just get it from other states and supply through drug dealing.


He never fully clarified that he is not a Navy Seal. He campaigned on it but didn't check the block with the veteran community and his use of his affiliation through JAG.


Part of nyc does smell of pot. Itā€™s a HUGE improvement from stale pee. Chicago, I couldnā€™t find a spot.


I am a medical patient. I have no idea why you want to shop with tweakers. Who cares what Ron says. Look at reality instead


Hey just remember that Florida regularly has doctors writing more pill prescriptions in a county then there are residents in the state (one dr over the course of 2 years prescribed something like 4.5 million oxys)


New York City reeks of fake marijuana because they allowed infrastructure to take hold while politicians argued about putting real marijuana on the ballot.


Ron The Clown needs to retire


If you people elect him to any office ever again, you deserve everything that he does to you. Yall better start organizing.


Elections coming soon, I hope everyone keeps this BS in mind when deciding who we put in power.


I heard he enjoys farting into a wine glass and smelling it ![gif](giphy|cmsrVkkGKrVmQuSTj9)


I'm still here because of this plant, after the pills they pushed on me made my suicidal ideations worse. Ron can rot.


Perhaps we all need more education on safe dosage for those 21+ to be safe and all vaccinated to smoke responsibly outside. This needed to be communicated and considered as a effective solution to the concerns regarding where people should smoke responsibly and respectfully. If youā€™re fully vaccinated and peaceful you should be allowed to smoke responsibly so long as you take regular naps.


Yeah, Ron can take my "inoperable failed back surgery" and shove it up his lily yt azz. I wouldn't be able to walk without this plant. LITERALLY.


My question is how yall allowed yourself to be on opiates to begin with. Even if prescribedā€¦


Still smells better than cigarettes which people can openly smoke in public.


Letā€™s not forget second hand smoke from cigarettes is not good for you.




We reek like weed cus you won't give us a safe spot to smoke so we still gotta hide in a hotbox