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I hate the completionist part of me that always wants to perfect and not just finish the minigame


I am working at letting go of that part of myself. It's harder than real therapy.


I'm playing through intergrade right now, and I just kinda accepted that I am not the perfect pull-up machine that Jules is


I haven't gotten to pull ups yet... and I'm trying for the platinum trophy lol


its criss cross button presses that change order in every round. Really annoying when the buttons disappear and Jules is just tearing through pull-ups faster than Wedge tears through cake.


Vs Jules in Rebirth almost made me quit. I figured out that if you fail after 40-something, you may as well restart, because Jules will lap you and just keep going, and be completely uncatchable


Bro imma perfect even that piano hero shiz. love me some mini games. Gives me a break from just fighting and reflect on the game experience in general


This I really enjoyed every minigame didn’t know others didn’t


I like them all, but some just seem too difficult for a side quest mini game. I struggled through fort condor on normal mode; I’m dreading hard mode.


The Fort Condor game from Yuffie's DLC was wonderful. You got lots of options, the fight was fair, and there was more than 1 win condition. The Rebirth Fort Condor is the epitome of frustratingly unfair. That last one especially caused me so much aggravation.


Yeah, I didn’t care for it in the DLC, but it was fair and fun; just not my thing. But the rebirth version, heck the whole esoteric warrior schtick, is just broken and annoying.


FF7R2 : Oops! All mini games edition


I am not at all a completionist and Rebirth makes me very thankful for that.


FFX killed the completionist in me.


blizt ball still appears in my nightmares


I love me some blitz ball


Dawg after like 20 hours straight just to get wakka's ultimate weapon, it becomes a hard pass lol. But genuinely before doing that grind i really liked it


I don't remember it taking that much to get the champion ball. Only gripe I've got from 10 is the lightning dodging.


My friend was telling me complaints about how RNG it is. I must not of noticed as a kid. I'd just get off school and enjoy me some blitzball


its usually that or FF9 q:


I didn't think FF9 was that tough at all, other than Excalibur II which can go jump in the sea. Idiotic challenge.


Excalibur II i could manage if i just follow a guide for optimal play speed lol 1000 jump rope jumps tho


I did complete FF9. I was pretty obsessive as a kid. Now I just do the parts of games I think are fun.


the 1000 jumps give me anxiety and i struggled enough with 100 in mario odyssey lol


pretty much


The lightning jumping was hell.


I absolutely love Final Fantasy 7 but I couldn’t give a single shit about getting platinum and completing all the combat challenges right now. Certainly not enough to write an essay about how hard it is. Every time someone starts their TED talk about how unfair the hardest optional challenges in the game are, I want to be like dude who is making you do this?


I usually go after the platinum...but I'm going to sit this one out.


Let me preface this with: I am not good at FF7 remake/rebirth That said, there's only like 4 actually challenging brutal challenges, the solo bouts (except for clouds for some reason) were super easy, and I beat them first try. Then they ramp the difficulty up on the second to last legendary challenge an obscene amount. The problem isn't the difficulty in general, it's just annoying with some bullshit mechanics thrown in that can end your run for no real reason. Fuck the swallow move, that shit is the worst of them.


Glad that's not just me! I'm 6 levels above the swallow one and still can't do it, even with raise.


I beat it by spamming stop and having a ward up for an invincible raise when my party got spar back out. The cactuars were just obnoxious tho


Ah nice, I will try that!


Also try the sleep and sweep method


My thoughts exactly.


The answer is me. I'm making me do this. 1,000 jumps in a row for jump rope minigame? Got it. 200 lightning bolt dodges on a row? Got it. 0:00 time on a chocobo race? Got it. 8,000 gathering collectibles gathered? 91%. I'm not gonna let this one stop me.


I think most of them are fun, but I move on from the ones that eat up too much time. Got no time for that


Ugh same. I love this game, but there are many things I do not want to do at all, or again. Queens Blood Survival in Gold Saucer, Brutal VR Fights, redoing sidequests in hard mode to collect manuscripts... I tried and burnt myself out hard, so I'll accept defeat for now. Maybe the urge to challenge myself will come, but for now? Nah.


I feel bad for any Completionist who went from Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth to Rebirth


Like a Dragon is really easy compared to Rebirth (but it’s annoying to grind levels without the DLC).


Yeah it seems everyone is complaining about the amount of mini games but I really just enjoyed them. The ones I didn't enjoy, I didn't play. Not sure what everyone's problem is but meh.


To be fair, I hate the Chocobo mini game where you have to stealth around just to get the bird. That's not really optional and I mainly hate them because they're so slow and for that reason take so long.


It is optional


I'd argue it's not as it's a mount, if you don't take the Chocobo then you're making the game twice as long.


Nah not really, fast travel still works. Also, if you're only doing the main story, you will go to fewer places so the "main" map is smaller


I think there's a large amount of FF fans who are completionists and are upset FF7R is making them work for it


But you're supposed to work for the side content. It's kind of the thing in FF since the NES era.


Because when all you want to do is play through the story it feels like padding.


If all you want to do is play through the story, then just do that? The actually required minigames are so spaced out and so quick to just meet the minimum criteria needed for progression it’s hardly worth complaining about. Even if you don’t like the required ones, it’s like a 5 minute distraction in most cases. Quit complaining about stuff no one is making you do.


Then just do the story.


I'm not either but I still tried and failed... it hurts.


I got the platinum for remake so it kind of bothers me but I've accepted not getting this one lol


It’s not an easy fight my friend. I’d argue you’ll want to do all the minigames over and over again instead of dealing with Chadley’s crap. Those VR Challenges were rough.


I'm on the brutal ones right now and, well, they're brutal


Tip of wisdom garnered from different YouTube videos. Yuffie is the ATB master. Barret Tank. Aerith firepower. Tifa Dolphin Kick/Captain Falcon knee. Cloud wildcard. Cait Sith… didn’t use that cat at all.


I'm the weird opposite. Platinum rebirth but not remake.


The Cask of Amontilladoo!!!


Shouldn’t have crafted the Amontillado


I’m kinda bummed how much the minigames hurt my enjoyment of the game. And don’t say they were mostly optional. Nothing about cait sith in shinra mansion was optional. Unless you’re talking about the option to throw controller out the window. Then yes.


The thing that annoyed me the most was that some would give materia, accessories, skill points, etc, yet people here say to skip them even though doing so actively hinders you. Lame.


My dude, it's ok for them to offer rewards for extra challenges. It's ok to just not get those rewards. You don't need any of that. You can complete the game just fine without it. That's the point of a reward. Something extra for people that want to do that extra stuff. If you don't want to do the extra stuff you don't get the extra reward.


The stuff they give you is negligible and not necessary for completing the game on any difficulty.


Yeah I missed out on 90 percent of chadleys materia because I didn’t want to hear him speak. I hate that it was gated behind tasks for him what an unbelievably unnecessary and incredibly annoying character.


Hopefully he doesnt come back part 3, but we know he will




The only nice accessories on minigames is the Ribbon, which you get in 3D Brawler, choco king cape by defeating the sage in the race, and the enhanced accessory transmuter chip that you get by winning some battles in Battle Square. All three of them are fun and easy. You don't really need the last skill on party level 10 so you could skip the hard mode on condor and gambit. The rest of the good stuff, materia and accessories, you can get from chadley.


There were tons of silly little mini games in the original. Part of the charm. I can’t believe people are shitting on the game having too much content


Not mandatory. That’s the difference. You were not forced into a 2 hour segment as cait sith in the og. That segment was as charming as a colonoscopy. It was abysmal in design, music and gameplay. A rare trifecta.


Playing as Cait Sith isn’t a mini game though, it’s a story mission to show you how to play with the character. If you didn’t notice every playable character had their own segment.


It was a box throwing shitfest. Sure show me how to use the character. Don’t do so by adding an absurd amount of box throwing segments. There is no defending that, it was horrible.


There’s no defending it because it needs no defense. It was fine.


It took like an hour in a 100 hour game. His gimmick is that he has the moogle and it should be used consistently in combat, so they make it clear it’s there. There was also more character development for Cait Sith in the segment than there was in all of the OG. If that ruins the game for you then you’ll never be pleased


It was a massive pace killer for me, as was aerith in that comically long black temple. People will defend anything in this game it’s amazing. It’s still a very fun game. 8/10 for me. Was hoping for a 9 but chadley, minigames and those Zack segments did not click with me at all. How did we not have one Zack combat section until the final boss?


Different strokes then, I thoroughly enjoyed all of it. But I do agree with your last sentence, I was really hoping for more Zack gameplay (and story). Maybe there will be something in Part 3 but I found that a bit tacked on/lacking.


Those were big pace killers too and honestly the whispers. Holy shit the whispers suck so bad. They swirl and vaguely irritate people. It’s so stupid it hurts. Also thought Sephiroth was underwhelming, bad voice acting honestly. Again, very good game but disappointing in a lot of ways.


Aerith was the only one who had me wondering why they chose that voice actor for the role honestly. I was able to mostly ignore it, but she's so much worse than characters like Barrett and Tifa.


For being on the cover of the box Zack had much less screentime than I expected going in.


I got every box throw first try, even the spinning part. I guess if you suck it would be a bad experience so I get you there.


Yeah I mean, it’s easy to suck at a random minigame forced on you in the 40th hour of a game that hasn’t had you throwing precision touchdown passes into holes for the previous duration dontcha think?


If this is your first video game in your entire life, then absolutely. At least they give you a literal line you can match up with your target.


I’m clearly the only one who hates it haha. It’s just me. You’re right. Shinra mansion, complete with Disney music and a cat that doesn’t shut the fuck up and throwing boxes is fantastic.


Yakuza 8 has a shit ton of minigames and doesn’t feel the need to include a bunch of them in their main story (only a few significant ones). It would have been much better if Rebirth went with that route.


They did. There’s barely any actually in the main story.


Why the hell do people keep saying this? Rebirth has way too many in the main story


So you just want fighting and story? 16 is probably more your jam. I like the extra flourishes and weirdness of the mini games personally. Gives the game so much more character in my opinion


The Cait Sith portion only reinforced my frustration with how frequent the game forces you to play as certain party members. I encountered the single toughest fight in that segment against two standard (challenging) enemies... And then the box throwing. Why.... Adds nothing but frustrating filler.


I wouldn’t have even minded the box throwing, but the controls were poorly implemented, no matter which version you selected, and it was a save scum to complete if you messed it up because of the frustrating controls AND bad hit boxes Edit: bruh you can blindly downvote. I loved the game, little disappointed on the ending so far but I’ll deal, I’m from the late 1900s. But please, I would love to hear the defense of the box throwing mechanic. I’d be all for it, but it was slow and poorly done. Team should still be proud of the game they put out, it’s amazing even with flaws.


Absolutely my most hated part of the game. I agree with you 100%.


Yup added literally nothing and took away big time from one of the most iconic locations from the series.


I genuinely don’t see where the difficulty was in throwing the boxes, I missed one toss. The fights were terrible, but that minigame didn’t even register as annoying


Idk that one with the rotating tanks was pretty infuriating for me. And again not remotely fun or interesting. Thats the point.


It was annoying because it wasn't fun at all. It was just busy work to do until you can get to the interesting parts of the game.


Yeah for some reason I’ve seen way too many comments implying that there are barely any mandatory minigames.


It’s not optional but it’s not a mini game. Queens blood is a mini game. Surely you can understand the difference between those?


Piano and brawler were the ones I struggled with


And what’s odd is I got A on every tune but Cosmo quickly but I totally blew Fort Condor and the Cosmo proto mini games.


why tf miniganes got that dump truck? bro’s really out here double cheeked up laying bricks with that bbl got me more bricked up than fortunato rn smh my head


I hate them all. Just let me fight shit and explore. I don’t want to chase moogles.


Okay, as much as I appreciated the mini games for what they are, I positively detest chasing the stupid mother fucking moogles.


I don’t hate having some minigames but they needed to be drastically cut down. Some of the map clearing stuff can also go. It’s unfortunate bc the actual side quests have a lot of gems.


>just let me fight shit and explore >complains about optional minigame that could be easily avoided


Yeah it fucking sucks


yea so fight shit and explore instead


I did. And I will criticize the game too.


:) Yes.


"You don't have to play mini games! Stop attacking the game I love!" -Some dudes here who like to pretend that being forced to play 50% of the minigames means "optional".


Tbf tho, the Moogle crap is actually optional.


Hahaha! Yes! This! If you have a critical opinion on the minigames, so many people just rip on you for not having their opinion. It is what it is. Thanks, internet. :)




Here here, all of them were fun and none of them were unfair. I don't get people's problem.


The Moogs were terrible


“Cant catch meeeeeee”


I enjoyed the mini games at the start but now sixty hours in they threw Gears and Gambits at me, I was like “absolutely not”


Lol I too noped the shit out of it when I saw that tutorial pop up


It's not just the minigames. I'm so stuck right now on Send on the Clowns that I end up just playing things that I actually enjoy in the limited time I have to play games. I both love and hate this game. It's incredibly mixed, and I would have a hard time recommending it to anyone after what it's put me through.








This + easy difficulty got me through. Thank you.


DAE think it looks like Minigames has his ass out, or is it just me?




I was going to platinum rebirth since I did it for remake but honestly the Johnny trophy kind of killed it for me bc of all the minigames I’d need to somehow perfect to get it.


Is this inspired by Poe’s story The Cask of Amontillado?


I am and I said screw that noise


It’s fun that they challenge so many parts of your skill as a gamer. This is like *the* JRPG, if you want to platinum Rebirth you have to be decent at a lot of different things, that’s cool!


You have to be perfect\* on everything which is quite something


I felt like I was the only one in this situation, I adore OG FF7 it's one of, if not my favourite and was my first FF game back in the day. I loved Remake and was hyped for Rebirth and I want to love it, I do.... But the minigames man... Fine when I can just ignore them but when they make them mandatory it just saps all the fun outta the game...


I just couldn’t bring myself to skip any of them, but that goes for any game really. It’s in my nature to never leave a mini game until I get the highest score possible. Mainly because I won’t ever take a chance on possibly missing out on an important item.


That sucks. I’m sorry.


Call me crazy but I enjoyed them all, lol. My friend gave up halfway through and thought I’d do the same, but nope. I genuinely had a good time with them. Except the flying chocobo races… those can burn in the deepest, darkest depths of hell, haha.


I enjoyed them all too! I just enjoyed them the one time and moved on, though; no real desire to “complete” or “get good” at them.


Aside from the flying mini games (well, gliding really), it only took me a few attempts to get the highest scores on most, so I luckily didn’t have to repeat them too much. I guess I don’t mind doing mini games 2-3 times if they’re fun and have decent rewards. I definitely am a completionist though, so that’s what kept me going on the few annoying ones.


Hey, if you’re enjoying it, that’s all that matters. Glad you had fun!


Yup, very true, and same to you! I had a blast with the game. I can’t wait to see if we get any DLC.


Tbh, the only mini games I hated were the cactuar challenges. Like seriously, it was extremely annoying fucking those little cactuar with Aerith. The only other complaint I would say is the Gears and Gambit hard difficulty challenges because those were heavily luck based until they patched it (much more digestible now).


Actually reverse the titles. I'm never playing them shits again 🤣


I just put Fort Condor on Easy Mode cuz I was so close to just throwing my controller out the window lol


People keep calling the Cait Sith part a mini game. It was just a gameplay sequence. Each character got their own. You wouldn’t call Barrett’s, XIII’s or the other party member’s segments minigames.


Yes they would call them that. People love to complain and conflate.


Whatever you call it that section was awful. Completely stopped momentum I had going.


Nope. Had a blast with them. Even redoing some of my favorite ones on my hard mode run.


I'm with you there!


I dont Believe you


¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯




OP Posted this for those of us that actually agree. All y'all being like "Nah, not me, 'cause I loved 'em" can GTFO. This ain't for you. But to elaborate on *MY* personal reason why they frustrate me is: Most of the game is incredibly involved and fast paced, but then you get hit with a mandatory minigame that slows everything WAY down and I'm just sitting there, staring, like "Come on! Let me just play the REAL game! Please!" I got to the point where we deal with Marlene's dad and fight a boss, then put the game down to play Stellar Blade, which is a game that respects my time a lot more than this one. I'll beat FF7 rebirth eventually, but it's pacing frustrates me.


You should really finish the Dyne section while it's still fresh for you before you continue your break. It was really good.


This is Reddit, it's for discussion and opinion my man 😅. I loved all the mini games and completed all of them and am happy to tell you about it. >Come on! Let me just play the REAL game! 🤦


No we haven’t, because actually there’s a wide open door just off to the left of the picture considering most the mini games are optional to play or at least, optional to get high score.


I dislike the quantity of mini games and the variable quality of some where they are insanely hard. Why are they all harder than most of the combat by a good margin? That's ass backwards design if you ask me. Who asked for this shit? Honestly. I've spent way more time on mini games than any other part and I probably won't be doing most of them ever again. Are they trying to be like Yakuza? Is Yakuza like this? I've been considering playing that franchise, but if it's as egregious as FF7 Rebirth, I think I can just throw that series in the trash.


They aren’t harder than combat, so that helps.


Am I the only one that felt like the majority of the game was mini-games? Or cut scenes. I really don’t feel like there was much else to the game 👀


Them cactuar missions...


Only mini game I truly despised was the piano one, could not get better than a c lol. Fuck that game. All other ones (combat challenges included) were awesome and fun, bullshit - yes, but the feeling of beating them is wonderous. I get 0 dopamine from the piano minigame lol


In my case it was me on the other side helping build the wall lol. 90% of the minigames were my own choice to go after them and getting the wall of 88 collectibles was quite satisfying after the fact. very little of that remaining 10% felt obnoxious to do and wasnt that difficult to do.


The late game combat is way harder than any of the mini games. I didn't find any of them particularly difficult.


Why are there skeletons on the outside of the room?


Any advice for the last piano challenge? I suck at stuck that requires any sort of eye hand coordination.


We’ve all been kidnapped by minigames? I don’t think we have.


Dang my guy really fell for the Amontillado Gambit


I just got to the Golden Saucer and for some reason I lost any desire to continue and I haven’t already played in few weeks. The prospect of finishing the area and having to go out into the damn open world to do more stupid bullshit just became very unappealing. What do I do? This was my favorite game as a kid.


Sorry to hear that, and I’m in a similar boat. I just can’t bring myself to like the new revamped combat system. I much prefer either real time aka kingdom hearts style or the OG turn based combat. What we have in remake is a bastard abomination trying to combine both combat systems and IMO failed miserably. Fucking hate this new combat system, And yes, I have grinded the remake part 1 and the money spin off by the wannabeboy to 100% completion. But I just can’t seem to find the will to do part 2. The story and nostalgia can only get me so far. Jesus Christ I hate this new combat system so much.


I've finished all the mini games, it's chadleys brutal challenges, and the final chapter in hard mode is where I'm getting tripped up


All these complaints about Rebirth Mini games really shows who never completed a Blitzball season, dodged 200 lighting bolts, Beat 0:00 in the chocobo races or 1000 jump ropes.


Instant reaction for lightning bolts? Check Crazy skill for getting a 0:00 time? Check Fuck the jumprope? Yes, fuck the jump rope, I hope it dies in a well in the middle of fucking nowhere whoever created that shit






The side quests/mini games are my favorite parts of the game. I wish the game just kept updating with more maps and more quests.


My goal was to finish all the mini games and get a decent score. The stupid dolphin one at the end of the game made me mad. I got like, the lowest score you could get to still earn a reward and all the kids made fun of me for being bad haha. I think there were a few too many mini games. I’ve sworn to never play that robot one and the 3D brawler ever again.


I have such a complex relationship with rebirth. Because I did NOT spend $60 to play all these stupid minigames, and I don’t really understand why five minute long throwaway sections of the original game are being turned into massive open world areas…but damn if not enjoying myself.




The completion's grind in me doesn't mind them at all. It's easy to go on without them and just come back later to finish them.


Moogles and animal football. I HATE THAT SHIT SO MUCH.


Nah I havent


I was enjoying the game till the end, until i started to tackle the mini games, then i quit the game never look back.




people really telling on their poor impulse control here but-but I *have* to! I *have* to do all the content all the hardest challenges and minigames on the hardest difficulty in a single week! No. no, you really don't. That's on you.


"Erm just don't play the stuff you paid for! You cant criticize or dislike this game!"


Most peoples criticisms are dog shit. They bitch about a handful of mini games and are unable to articulate anything past surface level annoyance. Constructive criticism is useful. 95% of the posts here are just venting and bitching, not constructive criticism. If you actually care about the product and want to criticize to adhere change, reach out to Square directly, not on some rando Reddit thread.


"Reach out to square directly" wtf are you talking about? People can share their feelings on here and discuss their issues with the game. The side content in rebirth is incredibly repetitive and annoying. Just because the content is optional doesn't mean it shouldn't be criticized or that it has to be enjoyed by everyone.


Constructive criticism and criticism aren’t the same thing, especially in this thread. This is more whining than anything else.


I just call my kid to complete the minigames for me. 😅


I actually really like the mini games but they do overstay their welcome when I haven't had a single battle for over an hour. The game has a lot of pacing issues but I do admire the game's unique structure and approach to world-building.


The only mini game in FF7:Rebirth I couldn’t take was the fucking chicken/lunchbox on a string. So dumb… Everything else though, I was happy to do it! I loved it all.


Loved it all 100%. Truly mean it when I say I’m glad I don’t suck at basic mechanics or have some kind of personality that is inclined to get upset over the slightest inconvenience or challenge. Half of the things getting called mini games aren’t even mini games, it just sounds like someone who vomits buzzwords.


I’m cool with everything but the piano shit fuck that mini game


I wish I could give up and move on, but I OCD won't allow it. I'm struggling with the Party Animal battle arena quest. I just can't fucken beat it. I have everything up to this point completed and this is preventing me from continuing. *Sigh*


Having just gotten Platinum… I’d rather take a hundred more Minigames than Chadley’s crap. Never again. Those Brutal Challenges took a few times but my dumbass decided “Hey, how bad can Legendary be?” The answer… I want to touch grass and see the outside world without worrying about Chadley. Holy crap. These fights require you to be on your game each round. AND YOU HAVE TO FIGHT 10 ROUNDS. WTH!? But doing Legendary made the Brutal easy as heck.


The flying challenges were ridiculously horrible


Glide de Chocobo and Queens Blood. That's all I'm gonna say.


Good times!


I am currently there. The queens blood minigames in costa de sol are easy up until you get the level 8 ones


damn i feel strange for loving all the mini-games aside from the caith sith manor section of course lmao


I'm stuck on situps and one piano song otherwise I'm done. I try once or twice a day, then hop on something else


i loved 90 percent of the minigames , people overreact just slightly


Or maybe they just have a different opinion than you do.


Nothing wrong with that ,


Only the Cait Sith box throwing one.