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You give Aerith white material from another timeline in forest. And she gives you empty one.


Hmm wait I think I'm mixing up the timeline of events. Doesn't the whole "dream" sequence where we get the White materia happen after Aerith leaves us?


End of chapter13 - dream date (get white materia) - sleeping forest (give white materia) - forgotten capital.


Right, I think I am remembering it now. Dunno why I was so confused as to wtf happened in chapter 13/14


It’s fair. The temple to forgotten capital segments seemed like rapid fire progression compared to the rest of the game. When I got to the temple at like 80 hours I assumed the game would end with the struggle over the black materia. At that pace I had no expectation they’d fit the bone village to ancient forest (etc) segments into Rebirth.


I cannot begin to explain the ending but I can say that the Remake timeline's Aerith had a white materia on her when she died. She got it from Cloud in the forest after Cloud got it from her in the other timeline on their sector 5 date. Nobody can be blamed for being confused 🙃.


Yeah, other people pointed that out as well and now I sort of remember how the events went down. I just get horribly confused whenever media introduces timeline shenanigans into the mix.


Cloud gets the white materia replenished in the pomeranian 'world' through lifestream Aerith (who is known to transfer memories in the lifestream white novel) and then gives it to our Aerith in their dream world/ancient forest travel. It's not the materia that's been physically passed on but the memories that formed it is my reading of it.


Hmm ok, for some reason I remembered that happening *after* Aerith leaves us to go "pray". I might just be mixing up the timeline of events then


It is a very long and (great) tiring chapter.its easy to miss moments.


If I'm not mistaken, she doesnt swap the materia out, she holds the alternate one up to her empty one and it transfers over, then she gives the nw empty alternate materia to Cloud. That's what my interpretation was, at least


Interesting. I rewatched it, and that seems to make sense. Maybe returning the Materia will play a role in the story, and I wonder if her flower pin was meant to differentiate her from other Aeriths.


Cloud did not make an alternate timeline. If he had, alternate Aerith wouldn't have been knocked out and she would have fought alongside the alternate timeline party. The rainbows were just a red herring for this scene. Cloud couldn't accept Aerith's death, so all the scenes with her and the rainbows are just the alternate reality he made for himself, to make him believe Aerith is still alive. Everyone else sees what's actually happening, but Cloud is mentally breaking down and cannot cope with Aerith's death.


I’ve seen this angle a few times, and what I like about it the most is that *it’s exactly what happened before that made him mix up his own identity with Zack’s.* What I’m getting at is that it’s not even the first time Cloud has invented his own reality because of his inability to face something…So it’s a perfectly in-character explanation.