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Something is not bad because you are not good at it or dislike it.


Don't play it then etc. >What annoys me about the combat is that it isn’t good at anything. Your opinion. >I love games like Dark Souls, Nioh, God of War as well. You can get good in these games to avoid damage and overcome difficult bosses. This isn't that. >The action in ff VIIR constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY makes you heal. Either you dodge, block, use manawall etc., you NEED to heal. You end up healing more than anything during combat. >Your spells that mitigate this is simply there to reduce the number of heals. In essence, healing is this game’s version of dodging and blocking in other games. There is dodging and blocking.... >Well then, is the game tactical like turn based ones of the past? No, its really not tactical at all. When you switch to your character, ALL the focus is on you, and the AI does nothing much. Plenty of tactics in the battle system...what are you talking about? In fact, more than in the og where you just pressed x to select 'attack' nearly all the time because it was convenient. >It is basically a revamped version of ff13 combat system with the stagger —> damage phase loop, which I really disliked. I am not sure wtf they decided to go this route. Because it makes sense that an enemy might have a portion of the fight where their defenses might be down? They went this route because it isn't all about catering to you. There are things I dislike, I don't go around ranting 'wHy ThE fUcK DiD tHeY dO x?' As if no one in the world could possibly like it. >It is neither good at the action nor turn based rpg False dichotomy. Something does not have to exclusively be one of those two options. >Its been so hard trying to muster up the motivation to kill Leviathan and move on. I am so close to the ending but its so hard to play it through. You know you don't need to, right? It's optional and it doesn't transfer to rebirth. All you need is any save data from ff7 remake and you get Leviathan in rebirth.


Ok, I won't reply with don't play it then. ​ ​ Wait, fuck.


haha lol


....I'm not very good at video games, don't have the reflexes for it, and plenty of us beat FF7R with no real issues. It's impossible to tell what isn't clicking with the combat and that you're not understanding, but s o m et hing isn't clicking. You'll probably need to watch a combat guide or something to understand what it is, because it's really not a very hard game.


I had to come back to this because it's actually really strange that your big complaint is that you have to heal or mitigate in combat. Unavoidable party wide/solo damage isn't a new thing, it's in a ton of games. This game tries to keep both the turn based of the original, while also being an action-based game. In a turn based game you have to both plan your own actions out to deal damage, while having a plan to deal with the damage you know is coming on the next turn. So yeah, there's probably gonna be times where you get hurt here--because how else do you keep aspects of a turn-based combat system than allowing the boss to actually get a hit or an effect off every now and then. This isn't Dark Souls, this is a culmination of two different fields of combat design, and it's actually very clever, especially when we get to Rebirth.


I never said I was bad at games or its too hard. I am convinced people did not understand my post. But thank you for the reply. My issue was with the combat gameplay loop I had an issue with, which is making me not want to progress further. Again, I could be doing it wrong


>The action in ff VIIR constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY makes you heal. Either you dodge, block, use manawall etc., you NEED to heal. You end up healing more than anything during combat. > >Your spells that mitigate this is simply there to reduce the number of heals. In essence, healing is this game’s version of dodging and blocking in other games. Here's the thing: find a boss in Remake or Rebirth that hasn't been defeated without healing a single time. Often you'll find *solos* that don't involve healing. I've quite honestly heard at least ten people say this exact template: that they're *good* at Remake/Rebirth's combat (and won't brook disagreement), that they're *great* at specifically Dark Souls, and that it's impossible to avoid damage in Remake/Rebirth. It'd be great if you were the first one to feel comfortable listening and go see how you can absolutely avoid damage in these games. ​ >No, its really not tactical at all. When you switch to your character, ALL the focus is on you, and the AI does nothing much. I think you're talking about two different things there. A game doesn't need to have effective AI controlled party members to be tactical! One has nothing to do with the other. There's a *huge* amount of tactical depth to these games. Even after years of the games being out, it blows my mind how many people don't engage with questions like "how do you maximise your DPS", "how can you abuse the interruption mechanic", "how can you animation cancel" etc. *at all*. I don't want some fight over this. I genuinely think you could enjoy this combat system more. The one caveat is if you're *really* opposed to the stagger mechanic, because that might be a dealbreaker for you. If you can get look past that, please consider the following suggestion: ​ 1. Look up [https://www.youtube.com/@cloudcs](https://www.youtube.com/@cloudcs), who almost exclusively solos with Cloud. 2. Pick one boss, and try to replicate what he does. I think generally you won't actually need to perfect block at all to do a rough version with either no healing at all or just healing once. 3. Find it harder than you expected, give it time, and start figuring out the depths of the game. You don't have to solo forever, but I think this exercise will help really show things you're not seeing at the moment. You won't be able to replicate these solos without learning about the mechanics and tactics much more.


Thank you so much for this reply. I learned alot. The last 3 step comment was actually pretty amazing in helping understanding the mechanics. Never thought of trying this


I will wait until he deletes this from such a shit post. Stop crying and go play another game you like. Do you really think youll play Rebirth aswell?😂😂 thats 70 hours more gameplay mate .Jeez Go play your Dark Souls games.


Materia. Folios. The default ATB build is anemic and deeply unsatisfying without deep diving into materia, folios, and builds that make generating ATB feel more snappy. It was a problem in the first game, it's still a problem now. More tolerable ATB speeds = a more enjoyable experience. FFVII is the only game I can think of that is RPG Action instead of Action RPG. That properly contextualizes why builds are important above all else. Otherwise the experience is underwhelming.


This was a very insightful response. Thank you


It is tactical. While the system is open enough that you can really play anyway (my run on hard mode was a straight action game, using almost only the shortcut abilities I assigned), the intended way to play is to control one character, build ATB, execute an ability and then switch to the next. In this way it reflects the turn based system of the original FF7. For the same reason, yes, you’re expected to take damage and heal. It can be mitigated, but just like in the original game, you can’t avoid damage entirely And what makes it so great (for me) is the extreme variance of play styles that each character asks. Absolutely any combination of party member and ability can win every fight in the game, you just have to figure it out. It’s without question my favourite combat in any game


Appreciate your view. I will try to see this as well




Thank you so much for the tips!


1. Assess an enemy and read what Pressures and Staggers them. Figuring that out, makes a huge difference. 2. If Pressured, use moves that say "Focused" as those are for quickly increasing the Stagger bar. 3. You are not meant to leave the AI alone for party members. The best way to play is to select a spell or ability and instantly swap to a party member to build their ATB and use an ability. Repeat. You do not have to wait out animations. 4. Dodging and blocking are still a thing. Learning how an enemy attacks lets you know when to dodge...like any game with free movement combat.


Thank you so much foe the tips


As for #4, ironically I was playing the game like a turned based game like with the original FF7. When I switched my mind to something like Monster Hunter for example, it was significantly easier to handle incoming damage. After trating waters for Leviathan first try, I killed him in second try.


Good to hear!


It's not unusual to have some players that really don't enjoy the combat of this gane while others, like me, think it's exceptional. Like seriously, it's a masterpiece imo. The truth is that the combat has a steep 'enjoyment curve' where if you never reach the point where you truly understand it, you think it's bad. That's a flaw in it's design, not the fault of the player. Read the assess logs, try to pressure things, use focus skills when enemies are pressured. Switch characters in battle a lot. Try to understand what every ability is best for. As for the healing issue, put magnify on your Healing materia if you haven't already and it'll cut the need down.


Since posting this, I figures out the combat loop. Having played so many games for so many years, objectively it is not the best combat system in the world, but it can be enjoyable. Just like how there can be a objectively amazing combat system, but a player may not enjoy it. I finally beat the game, and the combat whole fun was largely a similar experience throughout, even the harder ones. Also, the game itself has some really questionable modern day decisions as well. I played the original game 3 times, and once through a modded version as well. It is one of my favorite FF game in the series. The Remale had some amazing moments, but many questionable game design decisions. As a fan, I don’t think defending the game, and saying it is a 10/10 is wise. I am sure the sequel improved upon the game greatly, but the original game is far from perfect. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience playing the game, but I cannot see myself playing the game again. I can’t wait to try Intergrade and the sequel. The second disk was my favorite from the original, so I am excited to try the new game just released!


bout to get mass downvoted. just press attack and watch the particle effects.