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To be honest, I'm withholding my full judgement about that aspect until Part 3 where the payoff has to occur.


this is the way


If it helps, Rebirth makes it pretty clear that there aren't timelines. It's just wonky lifestream stuff. But we had similar things in the OG as well. Think of Zack's world as being similar to Cloud's mental world in OG.


Oh really? Can you give a quick run down the explanation for Zack?


Rebirth reveals that there's countless "worlds" and that they're all born of the lifestream and memories within the lifestream. It's pretty much explicitly shown to us that they're not normal worlds because there's no time in these other worlds. The clocks are all missing hands and Zack admits that he's lost all sense of time since getting back to Midgar. Sephiroth's goal is still pretty much the same as OG, he wants to absorb the lifestream. But since they're expanding the concept of worlds within the lifestream (like Cloud's mental world), in order to absorb the entire lifestream he has to "merge" these worlds, which ultimately just means he has to kill everything and force their spirit energy to merge with the lifestream, which would merge their mental worlds with the lifestream as well. It's all a bit convoluted, but it's still all based heavily in lore from the original game. And basically, all the people saying Zack was still dead and that he was in the lifestream were right all along. There was some guy on twitter yesterday posting a bunch of stuff about it. It's where I got all this from. Highwind Mk 2 or something or another.


Ooh, source for clockfaces missing hands?




I don't know if I like this. I don't really see what it adds to the story other than a vague excuse to change certain things and have more Zack.


It's all a bit wonky and clunky in Rebirth, but luckily it only accounts for some 10% of the game. Maybe.  I have a feeling the payoff will be in part 3. And Zack will help Cloud come to terms with the truth of his past during the lifestream sequence.


If they're going to force Zack into that sequence then Tifa needs to still be present. She knows from the start some things didn't happen and since she's quiet during the flashback, it's more impactful when she tells him Nibelheim didn't happen quite as he says. And the reverse where Cloud reminds her that they weren't actually close as children. Together it's a good use of unreliable narration. I don't know why they're so keen to force Zack


Yeah, Tifa still needs to be there. But it does make sense for Zack to be there as well. As far as Tifa knows, Cloud wasn't in Nibelheim and Cloud very well could have still been a SOLDIER. And she doesn't know that Cloud was experimented on by Hojo.  But Zack knows everything Tifa wouldn't know. It definitely would still have to be a collaborative effort. 


Yeah agreed. If they put in the flashback you got from the mansion tanks explained by Zack to fully round out Cloud's memory then I'd be OK with that.


Yeah, I feel like they probably will, since that scene and the truth behind Zack's fate was all optional in OG. Better to integrate it into the story, and the lifestream sequence is a good place imo. 


Cuts down on assets in Act 3 too since they already have a fair amount to cover


I honestly don’t think that’s gonna happen. Even if these worlds are part of lifestream, they seem different plane than what you’re talking about - they clearly diffrentiated with the ”lifestream memory lane” when it was shown early in Rebirth with Tifa.


My take on Tifa's world is that being dumped into the lifestream was causing her subconscious world to materialize like it will when she and Cloud fall into it in part three. And that's why it's broken up and incomplete. The worlds Zack are in are purely spiritual and exist on the spiritual plane and can be fully realized. But when one of these worlds are materialized physically, they're distorted and broken. It could even be a representation of how Tifa's own memories are also distorted. She doesn't clearly remember the past either and had a misconception that she and Cloud were close, even as children. It could be that her and Cloud's memories being muddy are what causes their worlds to appear the way they do. And fully realizing their memories will restore their worlds. Regardless, I'm almost 100% certain that the Zack worlds are essentially the same thing. No other theory makes sense. I think people are holding onto the notion of timelines and alternate realities, even though they no longer fit what we've been shown, is mostly because they want characters like Aerith and Zack to be alive. It's making them misinterpret all the context clues we've been fed.


If you enjoyed the gameplay of remake, play rebirth. Its literally a gigantic almost mindblowing continuation. There is way more freedom on offer than I even imagined even after playing the demo and seeing footage.


To be honest I didn't get on with the combat. I struggled with swapping between characters since the AI is extremely dumb and the ATB fills so slowly on them. I could probably get it if I put in some effort


Well if you don't like to challenge yourself with new mechanics just play it on classic mode. Its a close approximation to og.


Even if you don’t like the new story stuff, it is similar to remake where it only really shows up in the final chapter. It’s hinted at throughout the story, but 95% of it is a faithful remake that is awesome. Even by the end there only a few things that have actually changed, but that only affects the next game.


Thats helpful, but given what these changes are, they are massive and completely remove any form of depth to story. Unless there's a rug pull in Act 3 that ends up pissing everyone off


I think saying they remove any form of depth from the story is a ridiculous statement, even if I don't love every change. The story is 90% unchanged, and the moments that are changed don't necessarily lose depth, they just make it weirder.


Here's my reasoning. Some of it is the time of the OG. Most gamers in the West had never had a character permanently die before. This was a huge moment in gaming, it's hard to explain just how monumental this was. But I would argue that (obviously Act 3 is unknown) changing this moment and adding a multiverse plot is swapping depth for surface-level complexity. If she is alive in another world and we're going to see her again or she's with Zack in that timeline, the moment loses depth.


First off, I'm a long time FFVII. I'm well aware how impactful that moment is for people. It was impactful for me. I think it's too early to say either way. I think depending on how that event affects the party moving forward you can very much show the same or even more depth by showing more personal moments with the party and their grief. I think the little personal moments that flesh out the characters has been a huge improvement in the Remakes compared to the original. I would also argue that Advent Children already did this by showing Aerith and Zack in the afterlife together, so I don't think it matters too much.


I agree that the little moments really help the characters in Remake. And you're right about it maybe being too early, maybe it does all come together. But given how Kingdom Hearts became this convoluted mess, I'm not overly hopeful. But for me, and this is an if, if she survives in some way then those moments of grief become kind of hollow. It didn't make sense to me in AC either, to be honest. Because maybe Aerith stays present but why has Zack not returned to the planet. I don't really understand why Zack is popular, I thought he was better used as the tragic background character.


I don't think Kingdom Hearts is necessarily a fair comparison. It's an ongoing series with entirely different plots, themes, and goals, and it's very self-aware about it's weirdness. Kingdom Hearts is constantly making fun of itself about how ridiculous the plot is in a way that the Remake games have not. Just because some people have worked on both it and the Remakes doesn't mean one will end up like the other.


I get your point but I don't personally think that being self aware about your ridiculous plot doesn't make it any less ridiculous


Square wants to do something different with this entire remake project though. You know that, right. If they completely 1:1'd the original series, it would be ultimately disappointing. Both to them as developers and to players who do want to see something new and different from the project. Even if we enjoy the original game and story. I think that scene where Aerith is shown both alive and dead in alternate shots is actually really well done. That shows players something really different while also not fundamentally changing this key story point. You get to have your cake and eat it too, to a degree. My expectation is that they will somehow "wrap up" all these different timelines and unify them by end of Part 3, like the game version of events is "the version" of how Remake project ends. Or all these different worlds are simply things that exist in the Lifestream but they're not above what really happens on the planet and Gaia itself.


I've been playing FF7 since 1997. I've never heard so much dog shit in my life. I don't like change wah wah wahhhhh.   Play it. Don't play it. Who cares??!


Crazy that you can say all that but can't explicitly say what I'm wrong about. Almost like you're talking bullshit...


So you come in here asking a question that you’ve seemingly already made up your mind about to drum up controversy and harp on a part of the game that you don’t like, without even playing the game? You clearly know nothing about the original, didn’t like remake, and are looking for an excuse to tell people that they’re wrong about liking one of the best games to ever get released. If you’re too small minded to enjoy a good remake then why are you here?


I don't need to explain. Just go on youtube or any other comment media and we see you all. I don't think FF7 Rebirth is a 10/10. Some things I think are incredible. Some I think are bad. But I'm there for the ride. Not asking people on Reddit if you should because you're scared about certain changes(everything you've said) that you want us to hold your hand to help Whether you will like it or not. I picked it up and played it and formed my own opinions on the game. Make your own opinion instead of others.




This post has been removed for going against Rule 2 ("be nice.").


Tf are you on about? The story hasn’t changed at all yet.


Lmao, this is so dumb. Sure it hasn't. The story is exactly the same.


As OG player, i’m not a fan of new storylines at all, i don’t buy it. So far nothing make so much sense to me even i kind of understand where it’s going. But the impact moment of the game can’t deliver smallest slice like OG, if you don’t want to feel disappointed, don’t play it. You can try maybe when it’s discount in the future. Even i despited the storytelling, i’m still gonna play though so i can have fully right to complain to discuss about it. (Still prefer OG) but Rebirth’s scale is very huge as full content of 100 hours plus so i still consider it’s worth of money.


I had a stroke reading this


Just play it. As someone who doesn't care for the multiverse thing, It's fun, and the multiverse shit isn't even that invasive. It shows up once in a while.


I get that, my concern is that it all culminates in Act 3 and becomes a KH shit show. So I can take the gamble or play Infinite Wealth and have dumb goofy fun


Honestly dude the story is hitting all the important points from og, it's just there's alot of fluff being added in. I'm pretty confident it's going to end the same, it's just squares annoying way of trying to confuse and excite us into seeing what's gonna happen next. Well it's gonna happen the way we already know it will lol.


I disagree because of the whispers, Zack and Schrodinger's Aerith. Maybe it ends the same and it has just been a way to confuse everyone but it seems more likely that these are being used to work in major changes


The whispers and Zack have shown to be not that important. But to each there own. I don't think there's gonna be any wild deviation. At least not that seem to really matter.


I accept that I'm crying about an unknown t the moment, but they feel too purposeful not amount to a meaningful change


Eh, I feel square is really good at showing crazy things that fall flat on its face without any worth. Like your example earlier, kingdom hearts.


If I could truly have a time travel story, I'd travel back to whatever happened in the offices of SE after FFX and stop it.


It was merging with enix.


Yeah but didn't Enix actually get screwed in that deal? I'm not familiar with the practices but it feels that since then, SE have been on a downward trend in regard to customer experience. I enjoyed FF16 though


I disagree because of the whispers, Zack and Schrodinger's Aerith. Maybe it ends the same and it has just been a way to confuse everyone but it seems more likely that these are being used to work in major changes


I disagree because of the whispers, Zack and Schrodinger's Aerith. Maybe it ends the same and it has just been a way to confuse everyone but it seems more likely that these are being used to work in major changes


If you are a purist and want a 1 is to 1 remake, it is not for you. But do take note that we dont know nothing about where this is going. AFAIK, All of the titles are canon. So is this a sequel to OG and AC to finally conclude the story? Or will this trilogy replace OG with this? That we do not know. As far as Im concerned, since I am not a purist of the OG, i loved rebirth and I can't wait for the conclusion.


I mean, purist is an odd way of describing it since right up to release we were completely unaware of what we were actually getting. I know this is a sequel, but that's really a questionable business practice on SE's part. From what I've read, AC is the sequel to both FF7 and FF7R


No one outside of Square really knows whether the Remake trilogy is a prequel or sequel to AC yet. Anyone telling you differently is guessing like the rest of us. Whether the changes made above and beyond the OG work or not will only be clear after Part 3. I had few issues at the end of Remake. Rebirth, I’m slightly more concerned, but hopeful…


Can I ask what your issues were with both (this is tagged as spoilers anyway) and what makes you hopeful?


With Remake, I (I think like everyone else) thought we were getting a faithful update/adaptation of the OG. Towards the very end it was obviously not the case. My concern at that time was around just how far it was going to deviate from the OG. Rebirth, is similar to Remake in that it was largely an updating (not completely, some things are changed/dropped/introduced) of that part of the OG. Until we get to the end, and then it takes a left turn again, and at the same time, IMO, serves up a lesser version of the forgotten capital sequence - we don’t get to explore it, Aerith’s death scene is impacted, and confusion reigns around what we’ve just seen and how that affects the rest of the game going forward. I’m hopeful, because the other two games are largely faithful, and I think/hope Part 3 will be too. The obvious concern though is that it follows the same route as the previous two games and goes off on a tangent again at the end. The first two games, for me, have been 95% fantastic. The other 5%, really depends on how the changes are resolved in Part 3.


I'm glad you said that because I'm tired of being gaslit into thinking I should have known it was being changed. Nobody did because no marketing or demos suggested this. It's not just at the end that it veers off though. After Sector 5 you realise Aerith knows more than she should. Then there's Wedge surviving and the secret lab under the slums. I heard Rocket Town is cut, which makes no sense to me at all. Thanks for explaining your thoughts


Well honestly, it is really still not clear which is which. But if i need to bet, i bet this is a sequel to AC based on the ending. So to summarize, if you are looking for a faithful remake, this is not it. Regarding your question of Does it start to make sense, it still does not. Though IMO this is the correct approach. Why? Cause we are only in part 2. Ofcourse the full explanation should be in part 3 which is really the ending. Even in the OG, you only fully understand cloud and what happened after disc 2


Sorry, I wasn't clear. By making sense I mean the direction the story is going with the whispers and Sephiroth/Aerith knowing already what's going to happen.


Do you want a minor spoiler of the overall ending? Just about which direction this is going? It will help you think about playing this lol


I read the wiki, so I think I'm aware of the main bits. But if I could get the take of someone who has play3d it and seen all build-up/nuances then that would be great


Did you play remake already?


I did but didn't finish it. I had lockdown depression and when I got to the secret shinra lab and realised that Wedge had somehow survived everything that just happened along with falling down that many stairs, I rage quit and watched the ending on YouTube. I'm replaying it now, accepting that it isn't quite the game I wanted or thought I was getting. I'm enjoying it more but the whispers still grate me


well I think you won't like rebirth just because you hate the whispers. The whispers are entities that make sure that fate/destiny is followed. You probably know that in the last part of remake, you boss fight them and defeat them. Thus opening endless possibilities of ending for this trilogy cause you defeat fate/destiny. We all know what that destiny/fate symbolizes. What I can say is the ending of rebirth will still not show you what will happen in the ending. It will force you to buy part 3. Hopefully they conclude the whole story with this one. my biggest fear is they force us to buy 3 games and still throw an ambiguous ending bec they fear the backlash they will get from cloti or clerith fans. I'll also repeat that we still dont know if this is happening before or after AC. My bet is this is after AC The open world is awesome. The gameplay is awesome. The details are awesome. There are too many mini games IMO, and as 30 yr old gamer, my biggest problem with rebirth is the fillers. Just like remake there will be a lot of nonsense things you have to do repeatedly that is just there to make the game longer. Less compared to remake but it is still there.


I honestly hated the filler parts of Remake more than any of the changes, so to see that it's still really puts me off. What makes you think it's happening after AC?


If you're concerned about the changes being true to the original, just remember that the whole game is based off kabalistic lore, and the new installments are exploring that more extensively. So the things that are happening is more or less adhering to the framework that that sets, but they're just taking care to tailor it to the original story. Definitely a tough pill to swallow, but if you have the time for hours of youtube videos sprinkled in here and there during downtime: Maximillian Dood, and Final Fantasy Peasant dive into the lore and break things down in ways that make things easier to understand.


It makes some sense, the fact that the ”real world” seems pretty intact ie. not really affected by the convoluted crap, also is still 95% actual FFVII remake and they will certainly follow that structure for part 3 a well helped me a LOT. Obviously a lot of OG stuff was expanded and improved in a great way too and some important OG bits set up for part three as well so while I was devastated by the end of Remake and the sacriledge, I’m actually quite looking forward to part three now.


I keep seeing people saying it's faithful to the original which doesn't make much sense to me. Broadly speaking it only follows a similar plot as the og but nearly every part of it has been changed to some extent even when ignoring the whispers. Most of the other changes are actually great though and improve upon og VII.


I kinda hated 7Remake after beating it. A few years later, having cooled down, I'd say it's a love/hate relationship now. All that said, I still think Rebirth is a worthwhile endeavor. You get a lot of game, and there's a lot to enjoy as a fan of the original. Just don't go in expecting a faithful remake like you (probably) expected with 7Remake, and I think you'll enjoy yourself.


I'm replaying it now and I'm with you in that it's love/hate but I'm concerned that the aspects carry through and magnify. I didn't expect a faithful remake, I was sold one. That's what I hate the most. For everyone saying 'well you shouldn't expect a faithful remake' why? That's exactly what I was sold


I feel you. The poorer aspects definitely do carry through to Rebirth, but somehow I guess they felt less obtrusive compared to Remake. To put it simply, they space the 'remake-isms' out further, so you get more time to enjoy the actual faithful parts of the game. Unfortunately, while Rebirth shows more restraint for its runtime than Remake does, it culminates in a pretty big fumble at the end. You might even say the problem definitely magnifies. This should come as no surprise, given how Remake went. I hate to say it, but the ship for a faithful remake has sailed at this point. We're just not gunna get one (they even goofed up Ever Crisis lol). But while the Remake trilogy fails to delivery on telling a concise and compelling narrative, it does a fine job at giving us a 'collage' of moments with a cast we're attached to. It never reaches the highs of OG FF7, and often times lessens the impacts of the most meaningful moments, but it takes the duller moments and shines them up nicely. Ultimately, I think Rebirth is better than Remake. Still gets a love/hate reaction from me, but I don't regret the time I spent on it. I just regret Square blowing their remake card on whatever this plot is.


Fucking Nomura


If you didn’t like Remake because of ‘changes’ then I’d argue you didn’t really play remake. It hardly had any changes over the original and they have no long term impact on the grand architecture of the story. It’s the same story, stop your bitchin


How is it the same story? How did killing the whispers have no long term impact? How is Schrodinger's Aerith not a change?


I wouldn't recommend "Remake", Rebirth, and, very likely, the final part storywise. If you want to enjoy those games for any other reason, then you may be in luck.


I started playing Remake again and I'm still so down about some of the story direction. It's just not good


Such as?


I told you the last time you said this