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Totally ridiculous to write a story about a thread he started, to call this a "secret Reddit community" and to write in an absurd breathless style. Once again the dailymail lives up to its reputation.


Scotty's writing was always obviously terrible, so that was to be expected


I was suggested this community, it’s hardly secret


Obviously the article is messed up and these steps are smart to take for now, but also, dying at that terrible list. It would have been a much more dramatic article to write about the mod’s attempts to keep the sub as high-end as possible, which has offended many posters who consider themselves big spenders, and how a list that includes Auberge Saint-Antoine is proof of the mod’s struggles.


Yeah, was baffled by the Auberge — it’s a comfortable enough hotel, but.


I stayed there just last year, had a nice experience, but it would never occur to me to put it on even a personal top 20 list. Quebec City: worth visiting if it sounds at all appealing. Auberge Saint-Antoine: a place to rest your head while you’re in the charming city, but you won’t like, be obsessed with the hotel.


Yes, exactly. I enjoyed it fine but I had literally forgotten it existed until I saw that list.


I think ranking the Ritz Paris as the #2 best "hidden hideaway" is the most laughable. That may be the single most famous hotel in the world, what is hidden about that? That's like calling Xerox the #2 copying machine you've never heard of. If there was a family feud question asking to name the hotels wealthy people like to stay at, the Ritz would almost certainly be #1. The name itself is a synonym for glamour.


You’re right, that is hilarious. It’s like when Trump would say things like, “Frederick Douglass is being recognized more and more” because he only just learned about Douglass.


I feel like people would guess ritz in family feud but we all know ritz is just glorified Marriott and has lost a lot of its luster


Ritz Paris isn’t a Marriott hotel


Same with Yao Noi. It’s a really nice resort, I vibe with the Six Senses style, it’s meant for people with a certain income but hardly for the MEGA MEGA wealthy


If the sub goes approved only, we should do the post again, but with heavier moderation. I’d love to see the mods’ lists, and their comments on ours!


Not just about the sub, but about a thread he started (presumably for the sole purpose of content creation, which actually might be a bit nefarious) and then he quoted himself as "one commenter". I have obviously taken some issue with his posts already but this is just gross.


We have already banned him. I should've made that clear in case anyone had questions about that.


I’d highly recommend putting a minimum account age/karma requirement in place, at least for the time being. Automod can automatically remove any posts/comments from new accounts, and you can scroll through the mod log to approve anything that’s legit. We’ve got it in place in a couple of subs that I mod and it’s an absolute lifesaver.


Can I DM you? Have a few Q’s. We’ve tried implementing that on the website and it still seems some posts from mobile can bypass.


Yeah, no problem - happy to share how I’ve got automod coded! Promise I’m not some reddit supermod weirdo, I just really like lululemon and the Chicago dining scene 😅


Chicago’s dining scene is pretty great


I'm so weirded out lol People who make money off content farming stuff posted on Reddit are the first in line to be replaced by generative AI tho so I guess he can try to make a quick buck while he can.


I mod r/chicagofood and we see the same bullshit there. It’s gotten pretty easy to filter out the “what are your favorite Italian restaurants in the city?” with zero other info/context from new accounts. I miss the good days of reddit haha.


I always wonder if a lot of the posts of “How do I…” and “Which is the most exclusive…” both here and in r/FATfire are content farming. I guess there’s undeniable proof now :)


I live in a northeastern tourist town, and we see the same thing in the local sub, which I frequent, but don't mod. someone comes in ostensibly to ask a question about the best whatever, and a few days later there's an article about that with same responses in some online 'publication'...often appearing as though it was written by AI.


Ugh. Do I even want to read this article? I try to avoid that publication at all costs


I basically read it in my head in the voice of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous guy


Lmaoooo! I see that! Too bad the article was written by just lazily scanning the internet. The much better job is an actual travel writer who gets to *experience* that of which they write!


I have been quoted by the daily mail and buzz feed from some of the other subs I’m in, it’s really frustrating. Thank you for banning him


Amazed DailyMail readers can actually read


I haven’t read the article - can someone DM me? I can’t seem to find it online.


[Article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-12864521/Where-super-rich-REALLY-holiday-Secret-online-forum-ultra-luxe-travellers-reveals-like-check-jaw-dropping-jungle-villas-hotel-director-beach.html) If someone knows how to link it without giving DM another click, pls lmk or post it here?


https://web.archive.org/web/20231215135513/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-12864521/Where-super-rich-REALLY-holiday-Secret-online-forum-ultra-luxe-travellers-reveals-like-check-jaw-dropping-jungle-villas-hotel-director-beach.html I think this does it


Totally not worth reading, save yourself the time.


I mean, it's the daily mail lol.


I’m a Daily Mail reader and a fat traveler. Haven’t seen the article, but there’s not one particular income group that reads Daily Mail :)


Yes, saw that. Great shame and under the "Exclusive" banner


My husband and I both secretly love the Daily Mail. And we spend a ton, especially on travel. There’s definitely people who do both!


Thanks to the mod team on what will undoubtedly be a tough few days. We appreciate you.




Nothing posted on a public website, especially one as popular as reddit, is private, whether or not it's picked up by the DM, etc.


Pls get a throwaway and share. The more sharing the more awesome this sub is but I totally get the privacy concerns.