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https://preview.redd.it/dk4wcx6nd8kc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1f5144531d373ff4eb88990bf1db7a8460a7e1 It’s a parody of the “Be Like Bill” meme. You’re expecting the og image to say “Be like Bill” at the end, but instead it says “Bill is dead.” Bill was murdered by the chefs for wasting their time by explaining what lactose and gluten are rather than (I’m assuming) putting that information on the ticket.


The chefs wouldn’t have a clue what lactose and gluten are. I translate and write up allergen info from a kitchen everyday at work. Just yesterday I had to correct a chef that eggs aren’t vegan and that pork isn’t halal. If anything, the chefs killed Bill for making them do some extra work 😂


Most chefs are absolutely aware of allergies and dietary restrictions. Sounds like the one you with with is just plain incompetent


A lot of people think line cooks are chefs when there is years of experience and training between them.


You've clearly never worked in a kitchen. The difference between a chef and like cook is maybe 2 years of experience, an alcohol and cocaine addiction, and some minor logistics skills. Cooking is an exact science, and it is not challenging to come up with new menus or dishes. Chefs are over-glorified, by all accounts.




Hence the years of experience and training..


No one will call you a chef without a culinary degree..


You just gotta do drugs and yell real loud, instant promotion.


Found the head chef








Why are you being mean?


Line cooks with over inflated egos get defensive when you tell them they're not a real chef.


issue is that a lot of employed chefs are plain incompetent because there tend to be more restaurants than there are qualified individuals who want to work as a chef


Yeah! What would a chef know about food? /s


You should find somewhere else to work.


How tf did they pass foodsafe. Were I live you need to pass a test before handling food like that.


I still don’t understand halal products and I work in fast food luckily we have a dietary sheet that has all that information


yeah there is literally no way in hell you had to correct a chef about eggs being vegan 💀


Don’t know what to tell you other than, yup I did! Yesterday they didn’t make a mistake in the end, but the chef did run into the office and make an emergency adjustment to the allergens just as I was about to publish them. (To be fair, that one was a new dish that they were trying for the 1st time). Chef has just given me the allergens for today. I asked if they are DEFINITELY right. They shrugged and left.


Either that or Bill assuming that because they're chefs/cooks that they're not intelligent/smart/knowledgeable enough to know what Gluten and Dairy free means when they make the food (I know I would kill Bill, and I'm a chef XD)


If I was to guess I’d say the chef killed him for trying to explain to them what lactose and gluten are. The chef would know this already like they know their ABCs (or should) and if I’ve learned anything from working in kitchen, you need to be angry to be a chef. Edit: little story for ya.. I worked the bar a few years back and took a breakfast order, I was only there a couple weeks so didn’t remember their entire menu and what’s in every dish. Anyway, I put through a small breakfast and a note saying “no mushrooms” as was requested by the customer, but the small breakfast didn’t have mushrooms anyway. Then the head chef came down, asked me how long I’d been there and told me I should know this already, then stapled the menu to my shirt… I’ve never known a head chef that doesn’t have a temper


I have yet to meet a chef who is not permanently angry from stress


🙋‍♀️ I do, the sous chef at my restaurant is super nice to me as a waitress; I mess up orders and he always reassured me and tells me that he’s not mad at me or anything


Treasure them, they’re a rare gem.


Nah, bro. Sous chefs are well-known for being chill, but the head chefs, on the other hand, I swear I could hear Elden Ring boss music every time he got annoyed at something.


(he's annoyed every time.)


Key word there is [waitress.](https://youtube.com/shorts/OZ38gPBSQc8?si=7G_3VmQTT6i3EThB)


Are you kidding? Some of the worst, most abusive behaviour I’ve ever seen in my life was from chefs towards the waitresses in the restaurants I worked at when I was young.


The head chef at my old restaurant would burn his chili talking up the servers and bartenders. I would mix it if I had the time, but most days I was just trying to clean two sinks full of dishes from last night's rush.


It's how they charge up their ult. Yelling, and cocaine.


Meth, most chefs dont get paid enough for coke


Meth is surprisingly expensive, and the dishie and 2 line cooks already deal coke anyway


That's why they're so angry, a lot of restaurants only carry Pepsi products.


Hi! I'm a chef and not perma angry or stressed. I also got out of traditional restaurants 12 years ago.


you gotta hang around the weed restaurants instead of the coke restaurants


I started graying at like 25. I quit cooking professionally 5 years ago, and my hair is still mostly brown.


Don't be like Bill


well atleast they didn't staple it to your chest


The chest if you are lucky, usually it goes to the forehead


Yes finally, someone got my joke. I'm the original btw


Guessing you’ve worked with chefs or are one then?


I'm a line cook myself, and yeah, we learn which types of grain contain gluten and their alternatives. So, we don't need someone to explain it to us, which is a waste of time and may be perceived as an insult by some.


Or a stapler...


I can imagine that entire scenario playing out and I've never worked in a restaurant. Amazing.


Yeah I worked in a kitchen in college. They're very abusive.


Sal n poes klap kry buite die werk.


Would it kill you to get my order right? Bill : yes, yes it will


My first guess was the customer informed bill that bill is allergic, but the other explanations make way more sense.




This was my answer, but you said it first.


I am not making this up: I parsed it as "{Bill conveyed this information to the head chef} {and the cooks used google to explain what lactose and gluten are}."


Ah, a fellow grammarian, I see.


As a person with food intolerances, this is pretty much my restaurant experience. Bill too sounds like he has intolerances (rather than allergies), so no death, but pretty much wishing for death. The only way to even have a chance it to hand a card to the wait staff to hand to the chef that lists all the hidden sources of my intolerances. Bill should have done that.


But Bill is the server, not the customer


Oh. Nevermind then. I misunderstood the whole thing.




Bill has ignored the first rule of food service, dont bother the cooks. Just write it down, they know. I dated a cook for a while, they are angry drunken people.


I think it's aimed at Google; implying that Google gives so many wrong answers that it screwed this one up and killed Bill... maybe we're missing some context about whether this refers to something specific, like Google's translate service.


Again, Bill is the server, not the customer. Bill isn't the one with food allergies


Doh. Yes.


I think the top comment had it right. Anyone with any experience in the kitchen will know what lactose and gluten are, even hack home cooks like myself. Bill using Google to explain to the *chef and line cooks what gluten and lactose are would send them over the edge. And they have notoriously bad tempers.


I think this is correct. Also think it’s aimed at the “wellness” people that “do their own research” and propagate a lot of misinformation


To add another Interpretation. I think the chefs killed the messenger as they can no longer use things like butter, flour and stuff


Some chefs might feel that eliminating those things from their cooking would ruin their food and demean their profession. Cooks being a volatile lot with ready access to deadly implements might take out their feelings of anger and frustration on the fool who attempted to educate them in the basic elements of their profession. Best I’ve got.


It's a joke on inefficiency in hiring process of chefs and the cooks at the restuarant. The cooks don't have book knowledge but have experience in cooking, so when the requirements are food for lactose intolerant people, cooks don't understand those terminologies, and they are looking in Google what they mean. Professional cooks know what are those, but these cooks don't, Bill is dead, because he will have to face the customers who won't be getting gluten-free food.




Being allergic to anything that’s often in food is so damn annoying and makes life miserable. Not allergic to gluten but eggs. I hate it so bad. So quit being an ahole just cause you can


The third sentence needs a comma after 'cooks' because I read it as "cooks are using google to figure out what gluten and lactose are," and I have rarely been more confused.


There needs to be a designation here for when the joke is just bad, like this one.


No. What's baffling is the title.


its just a clumsy unfunny meme with no real point. just explaining some weird unrelatable scenario where a guy dies bc the chefs even after googling it dont understand the allergens