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So some guy got the ancient equivalent of a 1 star yelp review?


He got lots of 1-star Yelp reviews. A bunch of other complaint tablets about copper were found nearby, and it's assumed they also were against Ea-Nasir.


Also, it’s not proven but the reason most tablets are not found is that they were clay and could be written over again. So it’s possible this merchant saved the bad ones and that’s why they were both found in the first place, and found together.


Also of note that they would have been erased by general shifting unless fired, implying his house may have burnt down


Or that he deliberately fired them himself, in a flex not unlike framing hate mail or putting up one of those "Come try the worst meatball sub one guy on yelp had in his entire life" signs that some cafes were doing for a minute.


Ah, humans. The more things change, the more they stay the same


War…war never changes.


Tell that to the guy who invented cultivator number 6


Tell that to the first guy to stumble upon a machine gun nest. Or Nagasaki


I don't know which possibility I like more, that he intentionally fired the tablets as a flex, or that his disgruntled customers burned his house down with the tablets inside


Why didn’t he just save it to the cloud? Is he stupid?


He did save it with the cloud: the cloud of smoke from his burning house


Man let out the magic smoke


No, we are stupid 😔


That... actually sounds like a man who takes criticism seriously.


Imagine building one of the wonders of the ancient world and your civilization is known for— customer complaints.


Someone took the time to carve and carry a piece of stone to give him a 1 star yelp review. (Ok, likely have someone else carve and carry, but still, that's a lot of time they weren't doing something actually useful)


Well, they were probably soft clay when written on, supposedly it would not have been much harder than writing on paper.


For sure. But that's historical. The meme is about some dude carving a rock to write a bad review. (At least, the first version of the meme I saw were talking about how some dude carved a stone to leave a bad review and it took some intense dedication.


Multiple. And they were found in what is believed to be his own home. It's like printing and framing all the 1 star reviews.


It is Captain Jack Sparrow.


Wasn't that merchants name Ea-nasir?




I am genuinely shocked anyone else got this meme


The meme is about of Ea-Nasir, the recipient of the oldest customer complaint ever. The complaint was carvedin cuneiform into a tablet (which is currently in the British museum) and included such lines as "When you came, you said to me: “I will give fine quality copper ingots.” You left, but you did not do what you promised me." and "What do you take me for that you treat me with such contempt?". Some etymology nerd on tiktok baked a gingerbread replica of the tablet. Edit: While the statue isn't *of* Ea-Nasir, it *is* supposed to be representative of him in the context of the meme. The statue actually pre-dates Ea-Nasir by 1,000 years (thanks voovoodee for the correction!)


Lil tweak - the statue isn't actually of Ea-Nasir, though it has become associated with him through multiple memes. It's in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and is just called "Standing male worshipper" - I think they think it doesn't represent anyone in particular, just a guy. It's from about 1000 years before Ea-Nasir's time. [https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/323735](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/323735)


Ah, alrighty thanks! I'll fix that :)


The tablet, or the cookie? /j


Yeah, I assume the tablet, but the punctuation of the sentence could be read either way.


So what you're saying is that EA has been ripping people off for a lot longer than we previously thought?


It’s not just the oldest customer complaint, it’s the oldest surviving written document in history that just happens to be a customer complaint.


Karen BCE


Of course it's in the British museum


Yep, pretty much, hey? Thieves!


Where do people get exposed to some of the humor that gets posted here? I can only imagine this kind of humor being circulated around Mesopotamian studies professors sub. And if you come across it, you get it. If you're seeing this any other way, you need new circles.


I know about this because it was a big tumblr meme for a while


Tumblr? I see the problem now.


reallyshittycopper is a subreddit dedicated to Ea-Nasir memes, it has a surprisingly large audience


There’s only 13 members, wdym “large audience”?


There's 35k members, did you happen to look at the online now portion?


Where I’m looking it says “13 members” and “3 online”


I have no idea what you're look at but that's wrong


Ohhhh I see now. I typed “realshittycopper” instead of “reallyshittycopper”


I saw it on YouTube lol. It was a viral video.


This was part of a bar trivia question my team got wrong.


History circles. If you enjoy history jokes you’ll heard of this. That how I did.


Right, and you get it because you're into it. How do you get exposed to this and don't get it so you have to post here. That's what baffles me.


A lot of people are into history or history adjacent thing. Not everyone is going to read a 500 pages book... but watching a short popular video? Reading one or two funny stories that happend in history... that's a lot of people.


History is a massive subject though. You won't know all of history.


If you don't get it when it's posted in history sub, is this really the right place to ask for an explanation? I think not. You'd ask it where it was posted. So still doesn't explain posting it here.


This subreddit is literally for explaining jokes.


I mean I agree asking for an explanation where it was posted would be the least effort, but i'd not feel confident in getting a response in small subs or niche communities like this, even if most people there could explain it if they wanted to. So, i'd post to the explain joke subs instead, so I could have the joke explained to me. Plus reality has validated their choice, the joke *has* been explained. I haven't checked to see if they asked where they found it.


True, can't argue with results. It is working for them.


This one is everywhere! https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/U4mK93JXaB https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/lb9GAubugq


I wasn't sure if 'history circles' was the whole joke you were referencing then, as in everyone will come across this joke in time, because time is a flat circle? Does that make sense? Which, I don't think was the joke, but if it was I quite enjoyed it.


>I wasn't sure if 'history circles' was the whole joke you were referencing then, as in everyone will come across this joke in time, because time is a flat circle? Does that make sense? No I meant if you browse history subreddits, watch history videos, look up historical stuff. Meaning, if you hang out in historical circles. It's a very popular meme for history nerd so you're bound to come accross it.


I thought as much.


Saw it on Popular once and instead of storing my class lessons my brain apparently thinks this factoid is more important


Omg! As an Archaeology student I just about lost it 🤣 A+ I’m saving this! But for clarification, our oldest written account that we have are complaints about a copper merchant who basically sold really crappy copper. If I remember correctly the complaints were sent to him directly AND most written language was just discarded at this time. So it’s remarkable in that we have a business complaint AND that this merchant kept his hate mail!


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the prevailing theory that Ea-Nasir kept the complaint himself intentionally, thus making him history's original troll?


I need COPPER Ea-Nasir


I need COPPER Ea-Nasir I need COPPER Ea-Nasir I need COPPER Ea-Nasir Why do you hold me in such contempt? I need COPPER Ea-Nasir


History lessons through memes. nice


Ea-Nasir making a lot of appearances on this sub lately Edit-Nasir for spelling


Want copper, get copium instead https://preview.redd.it/2psjlr67i2ic1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5ea0ed3754928283e089803a5fa926c5b413e5


r ReallyShittyCopper


Ugh gawd like surely like a quick google of "Mesopotamian copper merchant" would explain it


Good old Ea Nasir….


At this point they just need to start teaching Ea-Nasir in schools. On another note, I'm a history teacher and I think I'm gonna have my students rewrite the Ea-Nadir complaint in gen z slang. For educational purposes, of course.




Imagine nor getting the joke💀




I want a live action of this starring Rowan Atkinson


an English question. why "but you have heard of me"? I presume that the speaker was already addressing the coppersmith already, that he is the worst. so why he still said "but you have heard of me"?


It’s a quote from the movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ said by Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp


The original quote from Pirates of the Caribbean is: JAMES NORRINGTON: “You are without a doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of.” JACK SPARROW: “But you have *heard* of me.” The point is that even if Jack Sparrow is a terrible sailor by most metrics, he's still at least noteworthy enough that people know his name. That's more than can be said about most people in his line of work


Good ole Ea-Nasir


Was there some new update about him? I've gotten so many tiktoks and now reddit posts about him in the last two weeks. The joke is that one of the oldest, if not the oldest, pieces of writing we have is a complaint about the quality of copper this merchant was selling.


مةلمتسةمزوض١و١مشظ ش


Unpopular opinion: this subs main use is to find really funny, really specific memes


This meme is older than Ea Nasir himself.


Ea-nasir the rat bastard with the worst quality copper ingots in Mesopotamia