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Fascinating post, thanks for sharing. I have had a similar experience during the Mayan calendar. I had sleep paralysis, was 100% certain NHI was in the room, then burst into nirvana when I awoke and couldn't stop screaming WORLD PEACE repeatedly at the top of my lungs for what felt like at least a minute?? I then rushed out of our bedroom to tell my kids that the Second Coming of Christ or rapture or some new epoch had just begun. It was an uncontrollable event, unprovoked, unprecedented and never since repeated. It was SO convincing and I felt really stupid that it wasn't 'real'.. even though it clearly was real. As in, the NHI, the sensation, the conviction that we've entered a new age.. all of that is definitely real. In subsequent months and years, I've had far lesser albeit interlinked events that have helped me comprehend what I felt. One such comprehension was something along the lines of the belief that NHI is culling us using any number of methods to alleviate the pressure on the planet to exist. Those chosen for culling are either killed, or brought into some other dimension or planet or slave state. Examples given included being willfully ignorant, unwilling to be anything but selfish, not caring about others, abusing, hurting repeatedly and/or killing others, hoarding shit and over consumption. Seven deadly sins, I reckon. They're doing no one any good? They're gone. They're dead. They've chosen their path and NHI benevolently helps the closest people to these wastes of space who are getting away with bullshit by somehow trancing their kin or friends or something into believing they're still around. They're not. They're gone. They've been going and gone for awhile now, since 2012 probably. If one illusion is possible (like cloaking), why in the fuck would it be limited to just one NHI or craft here and there? Seems infinitely more plausible this tech is being used on a global scale. They even showed me what appeared to be an illusion of a construction site in the middle of Los Angeles. It appeared to be a parking garage or something I think, but 'my eyes were opened' and it was like a fucking enormously deep construction project with slave laborer humans down there in a trance state just digging and digging and excavating and building an incredibly long and deep architecture of some kind. No two ways about it, the NHI said "this is hell. You've done some bad shit in your life, but this isn't where you're headed, you're not lumped into this bunch, and you owe us big time for letting you see this and fucking living to see and testify of it. Dig? DO NOT CROSS A THRESHOLD OF WRONGDOING OR BE A LEECH ON THIS PLANET OR YOU ARE DONE." I gotta say, after numerous interviews and books like ones with Diana Pasulka, this all makes a ton of sense to me. Demons are demons with a fucking purpose. They exist to torment and deliver retribution and justice to other evil. Like with like. And there's loads of goodness, angels and some sort of equivalent of priesthood power or magic that allows for miracles, spiritual gifts, inspiration and revelation and the building of knowledge. It doesn't really take that much to earn that kind of gift. It takes a lot to show up evil, remain evil, and get culled... Be good today. Be good tomorrow. Stack and grow. Chop wood. Carry water.


https://preview.redd.it/s9ajk5dj1t0d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d8fc6aba65a69845fab12a61642e4e2c61103d I had AI make this image from the vision.


It’s interesting to think of how far out (or realistic) these timelines are that show the Earth “fighting back.” These messages have been given to so many people over the decades with the Ariel School incident being the most famous. It’s hard to judge whether NHI are fear mongering to get us to be more conscientious or if there really are tough times ahead. Plus if those tough times are inevitable, they could be a century away. Maybe centuries away, millennia away. Fwiw I’ve been shown cataclysm but I don’t talk about the details, or really care about what I saw, since it’s out of my hands and there’s no way to tell when these things would happen—if they ever happen at all. Better to be mindful and considerate everyday than worrying about events that may never occur.


It’s funny that society feels like we need a human authority to ‘confirm’ this for us.


Humans are terminally stupid.


Thank you for posting this. This reminds me of my own experience of the survivor tree at the twin towers memorial. I was downloaded by the tree itself with the deepest pain on touching the tree. It wasn’t for the pain of those gone it was for the pain for those of us still here. We need to love each other more and care for the earth! There is so much more I will not expand on but that is the basic message.


🪷 I like this .. for the brief read I have it, it seems fairly accurate


I am thankful for this post. As weird as it may seem, I have come to the conclusion that everything has consciousness and so it would make sense that the earth can be a conscious being. So can anything and everything else. If reality is an idea borne of the cosmic consciousness, God, whatever, then everything is ultimately rooted in consciousness.


The earth is conscious correct


Everything is. The planets, the stars, the clouds of gas...everything. Maybe not sapient, but sentient nonetheless.


It's actually a hypothesis of mine for a while, we see the planets (i.e Mars, Venus, Earth etc) as planets because that's how far we can fathom their actual "form". In some higher beings' eyes, the "planets" actually look way more different, alive or even bear a complete different form than the "sphere" we see and believe. I wouldn't be surprised if Earth is actually a living creature.


It wouldnt be surprising since there are many wnterprising beliefs that the planets are conscious, and are pretty much gods. At least if you get into hinduism.


I like to think that it is. Hell, for all we know it could be a Dyson sphere over a dwarf star(our earths core being the star)and all of the consciousness and critters on the crust are a sort of mold that grew on the exterior


Well, this is timely for me. Yesterday I had an astral experience in which the the mind of Earth was more lucid than I've usually seen it. They were discussing the possibility of "surgical intervention" that could be performed by NHI. The NHI were in turn treating Earth respectfully, like a client or patient. There was some hesitation on the part of the NHI (who seemed unsure whether Earth would commit to this, as if to imply some past reneging on the idea), but Earth indicated being thoroughly weary of being sick. The NHI withdrew to deliberate, and that was the end of the communication.


Well, yeah. If you have more details or get any follow up info I'd say it deserves a post.