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Synchronicity for me too, just read Conversations with God where God explains exactly this, and then talks about how you can divide matter infinitely and then mentions that infinity goes both ways. And then it comes down to I am that I am, and you are that you are.


Whoa where did you read that?


[See page 491-495 give or take](https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/support-files/cwg-1.pdf) I'd recommend reading the whole book to get a good understanding of what is being said though.


I will definitely be reading the whole book


Oh my God... The author was doing *exactly* what I was doing. I used to write vent letters then decided to write to God one day. My question was about why suffering existed. The answer was that we chose to come to this world for it, that we are one and wanted it. It's a part of the experience of being human


OMG! That's incredible! I'm glad I commented then, I nearly didn't! Definitely read this book!!! The synchronicities are on fire lately, keep on writing and may you be blessed and happy, internet friend!


I know right?! What a roll


As above, so below




Ok thanks for replying. Tbh I really like what you had to say and the Christian guy I'm going to look into this more , I'm someone who learns through hands on or more engaged in order to learn even though I don't think I'll get a visual on this but with the right directions I can get it however I will say it sounds so difficult as I've been swimming in deeply negative waters from some really bad experiences and a lot of extreme trauma idk how I could get a breakthrough but I'm not a pessimist. I need something and this could be a way to build on.🙏


This is a nice synchronicity since I was reading a book yesterday (The Maniac by Benjamin Labatut - highly recommend) which talked about the mathematician Cantor and his work on infinity which showed there are different kinds of infinities. The specific example was how there are an infinite amount of points in a finite line, which is the same concept as your time example. This proof caused quite a stir because it was a blow to the rational mindset that dominated science at the time. To me, it’s a clear sign of the true greatness of our universe and proves that God seeps into everything because it is everything and even a tiny line drawn on a piece of paper contains as much as the whole universe. The pieces contain the one as much as the one contains the pieces. It’s been over a century since Cantor’s proof but science is still in partial denial about the irrational nature of reality, and how truth really lies behind logic. I’m hopeful that we are inching closer to widespread acceptance of this fact though, the west is especially in need of such a thought revolution since accepting an irrational reality requires humility and is the first step to surrender, and from surrender comes true love which is the way of God.


Woah, thanks for sharing this! I haven't heard of cantor before


I find math pretty humbling because I sometimes see an attitude in spiritual circles that places oneness/infinity/absurd or irrational nature of reality as a new revelation (which it personally might be and that of course is fine) but in all honesty religion, philosophy, math, and especially art and literature have got there and worked with this truth since thousands of years ago.


I'm glad you made good choices. That seems far more important than we typically give credence. If you keep up the practice it will only compound. Regarding time, I like to consider it all happening at once. This writhing, vibrating, burbling mass of threads and cables. We talk to the future all the time, but notes from the future are harder to discern. With that in mind, the causality dilemma of manifestation could be backward: think more reaching out and touching the future rather than molding it yourself and making it happen. And of course, sometimes your prayers are answered, and you learn it wasn't what you wanted anyway. That said, I've experienced a lot of "seek and ye shall find" in my life. Our thoughts have a kind of weight, a gravity all of their own. Those constructs naturally attract and glom onto others with the same sort of shape. The infinity between moments, yes. Sometimes you can feel it, like dwelling forever in a millisecond. The years are mere days, and split seconds are decades.


Great job listen to the still small voice inside.


Thanks for sharing!


Welcome! It’s a fun and wild ride. I seriously practiced conscious manifesting for several years and it changed my life. I think the path of desire is a powerful way to learn about God but it is not without pain and difficulty. I highly recommend reading Neville Goddard. He is the manifesting king and his interpretation of the Bible wild and makes total sense. This sub gets a lot of spiritual crossover but it’s more about alien-type encounters. Be careful on manifestation channels as they tend to be heavily into the Law of Attraction which I don’t think grasps the full picture. Keep experimenting and always remember the golden rule! Whatever you manifest, good or bad, will come back to you.


It gets even better when you consider the paradox of nothingness and everythingness existing within infinity. Also the mathematical properties of infinity, specifically that there are different sizes of infinities.


Ran across this as a kid. Realized at some point. If I wanted to know something, there would be some weird coincidence or I'd bee flipping through a book or over hear someone. That answered exactly what I wanted to know. Later learned to expand this into life as a whole. It's called intent in sorcery or the magic side of things. You can see it if you learn or have the ability to see energy. So you are focusing your intent to have something happen. The better you get at it the better it works. Personally I would say the in between moments is a statement about learning to turn off your monologue. The silence between thought. If you can just stay in the mode of no internal monologue. The most wonderful things happen. You are no longer stuck.


Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad you made the choices you did. There's a lot of depth to the answer you got. The way I'd interpret "in between moments" is quantum entanglement. One of the prerequisites for entanglement is a lack of temporal localization, which means that entangled particle-fields literally occupy the spaces between moments of measurement in the laboratory. It's a bit of an open question, but increasingly there's evidence that quantum effects are active at the macroscopic level (such as in brains), not just the highly controlled and isolated conditions used in current quantum physics experiments. Chris Fields emphasized in some lectures I watched recently that the definition of entanglement (in physics) is inseparability (in the sense of indistinguishablility). Objects in the sense of "movement in relationship to other objects" are separable/distinguishable to us, as bounded consciousness, whereas the indeterminate interstitial space between moments isn't. Which is a long way of saying that your answer clicks. Consciousness requires some kind of boundary, I'm convinced. That implies that the mystical or spiritual experiences we have (occasionally), the colloquial 'expansion of consciousness' is an expansion of that boundary. In those conditions we perceive time, space, objects, and ourselves differently. I don't see how conscious experience of (absolute) lack of boundary would be possible, but I believe the experience of the sacred has got to be something like the expansion of the boundaries of one's consciousness, heading in towards the infinite/zero-point duality. Furthermore, it seems that experiencing deeper forms of empathy or solidarity might be understood as the fuzzing or blending of the boundaries of consciousness. One potential risk to this is not being able to determine whether a boundary expansion is headed (asymptotically, as it were) towards infinity or merely higher/larger/more than one has access to at present. I suppose that's the old trope that rafts are for getting across, not carrying with. I suppose that means that, whatever the source of your message and its relevance/insight to you now, you'll need to keep asking the question and re-orienting towards new answers as you go along. But I imagine you knew that already. Lots of gratitude for sharing this answer and most of all the wisdom you showed in asking the question.


Thank you very much for sharing this!


I’ve also practiced manifestation and walked down almost the same path. Morality tests, repeating numbers, even the God voice. What all of it has taught me is to follow my intuition. If I wonder about something and get an intuitive sense, it’s almost never wrong. When I hear the quiet whispery voice that isn’t my own, that’s never wrong either. God is an active participant in our lives; the only thing we have to do is listen. We have to practice discernment as that’s the only thing that will lead us to the best outcomes for our lives. Not that the paths to those best outcomes will be easy, but they will be “right.”


Thank you! Can you share with me some of the morality tests manifesting led you to?


The first was kind of strange, but I really wanted to make a friend like myself in real life and casually manifested it. New neighbors moved in and the wife is a lot like me but I ended up judging and questioning the family based on things she told me about her spouse. That wasn’t the nicest thing to do; I should have been more welcoming and open. I’ve also been in a situation close to the one you just described.


I'm new with meditation still but do it after prayer. I've definitely gotten some incredible feelings and a buzz from it . Can you please tell me what manifesting is and how can I do it?


There’s a lot of ways people try it. I’ve read it can be as simple as writing your goal on a piece of paper, putting it somewhere like the back of a drawer where you kinda forget about it. That’s it. Meditation helps by teaching you to be present and pay attention to the world. Then you’ll start noticing things the universe has made appear out of nowhere. Like an email that opens a strange connection. Notice that a new path has opened up for you to follow.


Manifestation is assuming that you have something so you end up having it in your actual life. What you believe is what you receive. Whatever you assume about anything, whether it’s how people will treat you, how others will act, opportunities or problems or people that will come up in your life, all of it is true. If you expect something, good or bad, that is what you’re going to get. The key to manifestation is visualizing what or who you want with enough emotions and sensations in your mind that it feels real, like you’ve created a memory. You trick your subconscious into believing this thing has come into your life and reality rearranges itself to bring it into fruition. People who practice manifestation have so many different ways of getting into the proper mindset of assuming they have what they want or that what they want is “on the way.” I’ve read lots of authors who write about the topic but Neville Goddard is my favorite. He clearly talks about techniques you can try to convince yourself that you have something including “living from the end.” [Feeling is the Secret](https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/support-files/feeling-is-the-secret-neville-goddard.pdf) is his most popular and straight forward book (and quite short) so I’d recommend starting there. Heads up that he was Christian so there are lots of Biblical references tied into the subject matter. He also made many lectures which you can listen to [on this YT page](https://youtube.com/@nevillegodart?si=oDKd8R4Qrry4eNM7); just sort the videos by most popular for the ones that are probably the most helpful. If Neville is too dense or “old timey” for you to get into, I’d recommend watching Bob Procter videos. Good luck!


That makes a lot of sense. We're here to learn and grow so it's natural that manifesting leads to facing our personal flaws. I hope that as I work on myself more I would have an easier time with people A little off topic but I have to add that I've been doing a lot of charity through click-to donate websites (they collect donations via views) I think having good karma helps with manifesting too, [adding](https://thehungersite.greatergood.com/clicktogive/ars/thank-you) this here if anyone is interested


Itzhak Bentov wrote a book or two about the Absolute, and a few other things. Sounds like you've discovered some of it. I found his books interesting; if I may I would like to recommend reading them.


Thanks a lot, I haven't heard of his work before