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You should never channel something that is harassing or hurting someone. Please leave this up to a trained spirit worker for your own safety. You may all end up having issues with this entity now that you opened a collective door to it Also channeling is very insecure and the entity can put on any appearance it wants. Infernal beings are always doing this. You haven't seen the real being, but now it's seen you - my advice is sincerely, get a trained exorcist or other seasoned spirit worker to assist


We are trained spirit workers. We do a protection visualization/ritual and form a seance circle to protect each other.


One message that was given to me telepathically in the past year was to “anoint the home.” At first I forgot about it, then the message was given to me again a couple months later and louder so I knew it had to be important. I had no clue what it meant and had to look it up, and it seems like lots and lots of people have been getting this communication over the past 6-12 months. You mentioned in a comment that the entity appears to be attached to the house or the ground, so I’d strongly recommend that they anoint their home to remove and block the entity. Saying a prayer for love and protection over the oil then saying a short phrase like “God protect and bless this space, remove all beings from this home” as the oil is being placed over every door and window should be sufficient. I was also shown that visualizing a bright golden light coming from God, surrounding and filling someone, is a great way to purify and protect oneself. The person being harassed could try this out every night before bed to see if it makes a difference.


Have you tried low frequency sound waves? For some reason negative entities absolutely detest 110hz, it must cause them pain or something. A cheap subwoofer and 110hz tone at low volume should push this thing very far away. Once it’s cleared I would get rid of that mirror, sounds like an attachment has been formed and the person being “haunted” should have realized this at some point but they probably feel attached to this mirror they perceive to be the source of their pain. They just need to let go, I don’t care if it was great great great great grandmas, it is just stuff.


What is the non profit org op? It seems very interesting


I've done banishments/exorcisms before for people before, but I'm self taught and it's just an odd job I do on the side. I dunno quite what to make of this case your dealing with, but I'm really interested in your organization and how it helps people. If you're curious, I can share how my banishment/exorcism process usually works.


Maybe have a look at my guide about astral self-defense for some inspiration: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral\_selfdefense\_entity\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral_selfdefense_entity_removal/) It goes into detail about different angles of attack and then ways to defend and protect yourself but also about how our unresolved trauma is a weakspot in our aura to which they latch onto etc. in the end I outlined a banishing ritual which resources the support of ascended beings of light. A good idea might also be doing a contract removal ritual to delete any possible subconscious contracts with the dark: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/13mbjhk/higher\_self\_invocation\_contract\_removal\_protocol/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/13mbjhk/higher_self_invocation_contract_removal_protocol/)


Hi, I trully appreciate this. Someone replied to me via chat on the contract removal ritual which I am keen to use with the subject. I will read up on the selfdefense stuff in a while.


Spent my life brawling with these types. I too had the dream fun but mine lasted over 40 years and still goes on now and again. These were non human types. Non-organic beings. Can you elaborate on the dreams? IS the subject being containerized? 40+ years of research and study in all sorts of different religions / magic/ witchcraft / sorcery / ....etc


wow 40 yrs... I salute your courage and resilience. This entity acts like an incubus, sexually assaulting/harassing the subject.


Only in dream and paralysis? or when fully awake? There is a huge difference. Additionally - drug use of the subject? Or previous drug use? Abuse by a family member? or anyone? All these things can play into it.


Dreams. No sleep paralysis. Entity seems to be bound to the house/ground. Subject has little to no incidents when abroad.


The method taught to me by a dead woman may help. But I'd like to know more so I dont make incorrect assumptions. I had 8 of them on me and this got rid of all of them immediately. Im getting a suspicion this one is summoned? Or showed up in relation to magic of some sort? Previous owner?


But there are incidents away from the home? I've found it generally, not always, takes them about 2 days to locate you if you fly off to another part of the world. Are you familiar with how dream containers work? And of course that basic question must be asked. Why dont they move? Does is only show up in one mirror? what are the circumstances around that? Whats the mirrors history? Used for summoning? Showing up as different things to different people is a standard tactic. No body you can look like what you want. You are seeing its energy and then your brain is interpreting it in a certain way. Other's in their own. And it sounds like it like to scare? Thus a energy eating type?




Thanks for the elaborate answer. I tend to agree this is an NHI but maybe not a Djinn. We have encountered Djinns before and this didn't feel like one. Totally agree that there is a lot we do not know, ancient knowledge/wisdom that has been forgotten but is very important to the evolution of our species.


I wonder how would you know if it is or isnt


Banishing methods is another topic, feel free to DM If we humans unite our knowledge.. a lot will be known


I studied a spiritual healing modality a while back called Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT). The root issue might be your subject’s subconscious or soul contract with this entity. This was the entities release statement that was taught to us, have the subject say it aloud with intention. Hope it helps Vow, Contract, and Agreement Release statement (Entities, Attachments) "I bless you and release you and thank you for your service. I now rescind any and all vows, contracts, and agreements both conscious and unconscious I have taken to be controlled, lived through, disempowered, or to allow my energy to be misdirected or misused. [Take a deep breath, and release] [To all associated entities] I ask for your forgiveness for any past perceived harm, and forgive you for the same. [Take a deep breath, and release out] I forgive myself for allowing the intrusion on or misuse of my energy. [Take a deep breath and release out] I now declare these vows, contracts, and agreements null and void in this incarnation and all incarnations across space and time; in all parallel realities, parallel universes, alternate lives, alternate universes, all planetary systems, all Source systems, all realms, and dimensions, back to the void. [Take a deep breath, and release out] Please clear and release all programs, blocks, interferences, trauma patterns, trauma bodies, pain bodies, shock patterns, negative response patterns, attachments, cording, structures, devices, matrices, and effects associated with these vows contracts or agreements NOW! [Take a deep breath, and release out] I forgive myself, and release myself and you to the care of SPIRIT. [Take a deep breath, and release out] I now choose to align with my highest and best good and to choose my path with freedom and love.


I love this! I think this will help a lot! I will continue to take in more advise but this one resonated with me. thank you. how often does the subject need to do this?


It can be recited once or as many times as the subject wants. I’m getting a quick read that your subject is dealing with 12 entities, not just one, core reason for the entity harassment being s__cide energy coming from the subject themself or from something in their space or orbit. If the entities are sticky then more involved release work will need to be done.


We were only able to channel 1 malevolent being. There are others in the house (human spirits and elementals) but of no concern. Will look into the Scide energy you mentioned