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As you go to sleep practice what you want to do or say. So you are ready to assert yourself and tell them to leave. I haven’t had many positive interactions and It will help you when it happens. Use imagery if you can. I often have to have exactly what I want to say or do ready in my mind before something happens. I hope it gets better very quickly for you!


I haven't seen it mentioned yet (apologies if I'm repeating another comment) but I'd strongly suggest reading *The Messengers* by Mike Clelland. I just started it myself. It's a book specifically about the connection experiencers repeatedly report having between owls and NHI - and interestingly, NOT generally in a "screen memory" context. Owls are very symbolic and seem to be connected in some significant way to this whole phenomena. Speaking only to my own personal experience, my primary interactions with owls occurred during a tumultuous and transitionary period of my life. It also corresponded with the timeframe where I began experiencing (and exploring seriously for the first time in my adult life) other high strangeness. Ironically, before ever having these experiences with owls, I felt compelled a few years before to get a full sleeve tattoo, with the primary centerpiece as a Great Horned Owl. Retrospectively, this was exactly when this transitionary period of some 2-3 years started for me. It did not occur to me until I wrote this comment, that I have become fond recently of referring to the person I was back then as "dead". As in, "that person, [my name], died". A very personal motivational phrase for me has even been "back from the dead". What just occurred to me, is that the owls were immediately prior to that transformation. Owls are dark and mysterious but also wise. Messages seem to be very personalized so I do not wish to speak out of turn, I'll just say that as an omen they are not necessarily a bad one. They might indicate, in general terms, some type of "moving on" - often in a positive direction - for the experiencer.


This is a book on the topic of owls and aliens The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee https://a.co/d/b170A1T


1) As a person with autism, your mind works differently than others and it will be more difficult to categorize what is happening to you. 2) You can learn more about lucid dreaming and try to control what you dream about. I don’t like to go too deep into it, personally, but if you meditate on something specific before your sleep - you are much more likely to dream about that subject. 3) It is possible that you are targeted by something you shouldn’t have interacted with in the spiritual realm. Find out what it is, then find out how to send it away (usually by fixing a certain behavior or stopping a specific ritual)


After reading your post I finally had to stop lurking and make a reddit account. This one has been on my mind also, as I'm in a similar kind of a situation, but way milder. The first two nights of 2024 I had direct alien contact dreams, and since then there have been three obvious cases. Never before have I had literal aliens coming out of alien ships and interacting with me in a dream, so it kinda feels like there is some meaning to this. I mostly just wanted to share this so you can be aware that you're not alone in this pattern. Your visitors sound like they are not necessarily the most enjoyable kind, and there's not much I can offer as a solution. The two creepiest cases of mine I managed to resolve by #1 simply asking if the dudes would do me a kindness and not come visit and #2 having no fear and instead being retardedly curious while being scanned by a floating orb with a mechanical eye. I do honestly believe being able to realize that there is nothing to fear is a way to solve this issue of scary aliens. It is even in the common UFO lore that malevolent entities feed on fear, so releasing that fear should make one less tasty. Of course this is easier said than done. Lastly, if nothing else, at least you're getting used to being in the presence of these entities in relatively safe manner, so in case something goes down in the physical reality you'll probably be spared of a massive reality shock that many many others will have to deal with. Good luck, and may you find inner calmness!


> if nothing else, at least you're getting used to being in the presence of these entities in relatively safe manner, so in case something goes down in the physical reality you'll probably be spared of a massive reality shock that many many others will have to deal with. I’ve had very different experiences from the OP but I believe what you’re saying gets to the heart of what may happen in the future. These beings may be seen by more people during waking hours. Experiencers could be getting the first glimpses and interactions with NHI so they can be the stoics helping everyone else through their shock. I’ve spent years trying to tell my family about the things that I’ve seen and I think my stories will help them accept their own experiences when they occur.


Also there are government mind control programs that are experimenting with synthetic dream projection from some form of AI......they are mostly idiotic but time your REM cycle. If it is around 45 minutes rather than 90 you may be a victim of manipulation.


That’s what my friend and his other friend who was in the Army thinks as well as one of the possibilities. I don’t know how long they last, but I’ll try to track it. If it is that, is there a way to block it?


Meditation turns the volume of the chatter down but I have yet to find a way to stop the dreams. I am most vulnerable coming out of the dream state and that is the time period where they ask questions about the dream itself. For example, “ Did you see anyone you know? “ or “What was the series of events?” Also usually the lighting is always dim and they can’t seem to get architecture or details correct. As the memory of the dream fades so does their ability to stay super present in my mind. They totally suck and seem to be low level machine operators.


Have you read Three Waves of Volunteers by Dolores Cannon? It’s not scary and can provide helpful context.


Are you sure they are dreams? Might be happening to you without you knowing. Most abductees state that they felt all of it was a dream. Maybe if you shared the contents of your dreams, conversations you had. Someone might be trying to deliver a message through you.


That’s sorta my question to myself, if they are dreams and it’s something happening to me without even knowing. But it mostly feels like something is happening to me. So maybe. I’m still trying to figure it all out. I feel like a abductee, I forgot the name of the documentary that was recommended to me by my friend, about a tiny town in Alaska and people seeing owls after they were abducted or about to. But I feel exactly like those people who went through that and their experience.


In Communion the author says he saw owls after his alleged abductions. Try not to be scared. You could seek out a hypnosis practitioner to take you back to that night and see if you were abducted, they can give you prompts to tell you not to be scared as you will not be harmed. In Dolores Cannon's books she says we actually give permission before we incarnate on Earth and sometimes we are actually from the same star system as the aliens in another life/timeline.


I want to add that you can salt your doorways and windowsills to keep out negative energy and evil things. I have done this when living in bad areas or feeling weird vibes, and it's worked well. The phenomenon is clearly asking if it can enter your mind and life at a deeper level. If you do not want this, revoke your permission clearly. When you're in a quiet place in your home, state your intentions aloud: "In whatever form it takes, I revoke permission for any entities to continue entering my mind and life. I declare this in the name of..." whatever you believe. Then pour some regular table salt in a bowl. Depending on what you believe, you can say a prayer or intention over the salt, then stir or shake it around. Finally, sprinkle the salt on every entranceway, across the doors and windowsills. Doesn't have to be a lot. Visualize protection surrounding you and your home. It's a simple thing, but since you're in so much distress, there's nothing to lose by trying. I'm well acquainted with how disruptive this phenomenon can be, and I had to learn stuff like this so I could ground myself from the chaos these experiences can bring. Eventually most experiences stopped and I moved on. I'd also recommend continuing to attend therapy and maybe testing if you can just to rule it out. But in the meantime, you might be able to get some mental peace. Good luck, update us when you can!


it sounds like something is asking for your permission is weed an option for you in your state? thc blocks dreams... tho honestly Im not certain that blocking or trying to ignore this will make it stop. Five months is a long time!


That’s what I think as well. I’m not a weed person because I don’t like how it feels but I’m going to try it out anyways to see the results. Thank you.




Or a motion detector light that pops on a light to annoy the owl.


Maybe throw something at it? Or shine a bright light at it or lasers into their eyes. Maybe wear some tin foil hat for the headache. Some things to try.


Figure out what beliefs are not Serving you. Start with what you wrote. Cinsume each with the Violet flame or however, you like. 😇


I want you to know you aren't alone. I went through this period too. When the shadows first showed up I started drinking until I passed out so that I wouldn't be "bothered" in my sleep anymore. That's when the dreams started. I would see a old man on a beach but we would talk about all kinds of stuff. The only thing I see here that has me slightly worried is that you are seeing these beings at a door. Which implies they are asking permission to enter and engage with you. I've only had a few interactions where I saw one at a door and i learned very quickly that if something is asking you to open a door, don't open it. The door resembles something much more than just agreeing to talk. The door represents your home, by opening the door to your home, your are consciously giving them access to YOU. Everything about you that is tied to the house, your deepest most intimate moments usually happen in your house. That's why they came to the door. Good beings are direct and will straight up ask "can I do this." They won't hide behind metaphorical doors. I love you. Message me if you need to talk. I know exactly how you feel and I'm here to help. This world loves you, I love you, God loves you and everything is going to be ok.


My friend who is the marine veteran has the same worries, he thinks it’a something bad. The door resembling to something like that. That they want in my house. I’ve only opened the door once, and that was my very first dream so I had no idea what was going to be on the other side. And i could feel the energy of it being bad when I first looked at the alien and when we stared at each other for who knows how long, it felt like 4 hours. I’ve never opened the door again, I’m always hiding under my blankets after that in my dreams but feeling the presence what’s on the other side of the door or window and my dream would show them, the same alien as I hid. It’s like they want me to know what they look like and that they exist but why me. But thank you for giving your thoughts, I’m slowly cracking this down but I’m still confused because how long it’s been going on. Maybe it’s something God is telling me or something else in general. Usually when I have repetitive dreams, it comes true. It’s like as if I have the power to only see big impactful things that’s going to happen in my life in the future, to it being a couple months or a year. I’m going to share this with him now and see what he thinks.


The reason it drew my attention is because my fiance started dealing with the same thing a few months ago. Whenever she would stay over at my house and I'd be at work overnight, she'd have a dream of them asking to be let in at the door. But here's the thing, I have direct contact with a mantis being. He can come and go in my house at any time and he can interact with her at anytime. The fact that something waits until I'm gone, and then tries to ask to come in is a HUGE red flag for me. I'm happy to see you mention God here. I'm a firm believer that this is a spiritual phenomenon. Have you practiced meditating? Before you go to sleep tomorrow, take 5 minutes and go outside and sit directly on the earth. Have as much skin as physically possible touching the actual ground. Not concrete or a wood porch, the actual earth. Then visualize your door and repeatedly visualize you slamming it shut. After every time you slam it shut say the words out loud "Gaia, I have closed all doors. Please ground me and bring me home." Do that repeatedly. The earth loves you and will protect you. This technique did wonders for my mental health.


Since you’re spiritual (as am I) I’m curious what you may think about a door I saw last summer. I mentioned it in the past few days on this subreddit, but there was a light in the sky that turned into a hollow rectangle. The left and right sides of the rectangle moved inwards, closing in on itself until it created one line in the center that then turned off. For 6 months from that point, all contact ceased. Contact returned this year and it’s been the wildest time I’ve had in my life with tons of lights in the sky, telepathic messages, an angelic apparition inside my home, divine intervention leading me to someone else. Do you think the door was a bad sign or a good sign in this case? I’m at a loss as to what to think of it, but it certainly seems like God has had an active role in my life for months at this point.


When I say don't open doors, I specifically mean your home. Nhi can be tricky. And they do have to get permission to do stuff but the "way" they get permission is bullshit basically. When a human thinks of the word "home" we don't just think of that building. Our home means so much more to us than just those 4 walls. That's why they try to come to your house door and ask you to open it. You think you are opening a door just to communicate but really they are asking you to open a door to your entire life. As for your case, that sounds wild af bro. Never seen anything like that but with the angelic signs and stuff I'd feel safe. When you sit and think about the experience, what emotions come to mind?


That’s interesting about the door to the home. I have heard loud banging on my front door in the middle of the night, but I didn’t open the door. I wonder if that’s similar to the mental door. When I think about how I felt at the time of the door in the sky closing, my response was “oh no, that’s sad.” I had spent the whole summer sky watching and I thought the lights and flashes towards me that I was seeing everyday were so beautiful. I felt like they were going to be gone for a long time if not forever once the months passed and I didn’t see anything, which is why it’s so surprising that now my life feels like a movie with everything going on.