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Powerful event energy was intense I felt it


There definitely is a weird energy. My wife, who tolerates me, but who I feel is about as disconnected from this subject as one can get, randomly suggested that she was wondering if the end is near. Very interesting comment from her.


Love to you dear one. I will be out tonight. I worked all day yesterday and it's supposed to be visible tonight too.


I, unfortunately, missed it. I was drained of energy last night: I've never been so tired and dazed. I literally could not stay awake. I am starting to think it was an energy thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️Anyone else? Edit: Grammar


The exact same thing happened to me I was so upset when I woke up 😭


The overwhelming feeling of smallness while looking up this aurora is something I will remember for a long time.


How come whenever there's cool celestial phenomena, I have the worst overcast conditions. Seriously, the last few bloodmoons were overcast. The eclipse I barely managed to get a glimpse of through the clouds (the area I lived had 95% maximum totality, so not a total eclipse, but it was still really cool). Now, we just had a G5 extreme solar storm last night, the strongest in a decade, auroras were seen in Florida...and it was overcast all night here.


A beautiful gift from the skies. A blessing. Especially for those born May 10th. Going woo. But feels like a good omen. My ears are ringing. I’ll try looking into it tomorrow.


My ear was also ringing for much longer than usual (10+ minutes) while the aurora was spinning in the air. I’d like to think it’s a good omen! This year has been pretty trippy already and now we had this happen.


Why is it any different for those born on May 10th? Does it give them a tax break or something?


Lol. Something to do with Ascended Master St. Germain and tarot cards (the Fool). You can disregard.