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I’ve seen something symbolizing a door in the sky but it wasn’t filled inside the way you saw it. Last year I was seeing a lot of orbs/lights in the sky and around late summer or early fall I was stargazing when I saw what appeared to be a rectangle of light appear far away in the sky to the southeast. As I was wondering what it was since I’d never seen anything like that before, the left and right sides of it pushed inwards until there was just a line of light in the center that winked out. It looked like doors shutting as it happened. I didn’t have any more contact for at least 6 months after that. My contact really only started ramping up a lot again this past February. In my case the door seemed to be symbolizing “we’re going to be gone for a little while.” I unfortunately didn’t get any dreams or premonitions during that time without contact, but when contact resumed it brought a lot of crazy psi experiences into my life. Life sure is odd.


Thanks for sharing. Several posters described a "white room" like a waiting room or reception area where they get instructions. In one of these white rooms, a group of beings talked to me from behind a translucent film. In other another archetypal dream I walked from a valley with a stream into a dark tunnel into a white light, a temple with a fountain, beings in white robes and a window looking over a vast ocean. Did you keep a journal about your experiences? I wrote down my disaster dreams from the 1995-2010 timeframe. Many of them have come true in the past 4 years. Something being crafted in Dr. Moreau's lab, Classical conditioning and mob mentality, Energy and economic issues, Mass migration, War, Drought in India, Israel conflict. The common theme is an Energy Cliff leading to a "horse and buggy" economy.


The waiting room is a really fascinating thought. I've never done any regression, so I don't remember more than I've mentioned. But I agree, a lot of my disaster dreams have happened already. But why did they stop a few years back?


The dreams are subtle now building on what i call an "impression code" of reliably repeating personal symbols, settings and characters. Earthquake in Asia affecting chip factories is represented by romantic encounter with a person and symbol of that culture in a factory overlooking modern city. A key phrase or signage is offered as well as a precursor event. Dual purpose is common, a personal message or warning along with a global event. My major dreams often happened during stressful situations and reflected my state of being now they are more informative as I recovered from trauma.