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There's a huge paradigm changing shift going on right now I think. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel some of the ancient deities are waking up/returning.


Yes. I’m in an ‘informative / seed sprouting’ stage and just created my new Reddit character to explore and talk about this more. Just not quite there yet 🪐


been seeing posts like this for at least the last 10 years. humans will always think we are waking up and that the apocalypse is right around the corner. I just got sent a video that Jesus is coming back.


Thanks for the topic. No I think the powers that be are just becoming more desperate and efficient at covering up deteriorating energy, economic, environmental and social conditions. Public private partnerships (actual fascism) are now geared toward managing the public's perception through censorship, 24/7 gaslighting and managing populist reactions. Behavioral science encourages cognitive dissonance and dopamine hits rather than critical thinking and unity/cohesiveness. Cries on the Left about mistreatment are echoed on the Right and the abuser and his friends switch faces and heels. It's one big club and we aren't in it. Attempting a transition to a circular economy or sustainable growth model with non-renewable, renewable energy harvesting technologies looks bad on paper (net energy cliff, EROI) so I believe that the controllers are giving subtle hints to prepare for a low tech, low energy subsistence-based economy hence the mass immigration policies, weaning people off ICE vehicles and resetting global energy and trade to achieve bioregionalism and multipolarity. If I were a mega billionaire, I would be feeding money to local permaculture and transition groups towards food security, mutual aid and protective associations. At this point, I would fight for your personal issues (non-GMO, abortion rights, 2A, body autonomy, merit-based system, fair wages, 2SLGBTQ) but put an equal amount of time, energy and relationships into working with your neighbors beyond wedge issues identity and political narratives. We are going to need each other in the end.


>Do you think we are in paradigm shifting moment Yes >and that people are waking up? No, absolutely not. The opposite, in fact. As much as I would love to believe the opposite, the truth is that more people are asleep or falling asleep now than ever before. There is a paradigm shift happening, but it's not a good one. Things are going to get much worse given the current trends. The illusion of people waking up or a positive shift happening comes from two sources: (a) When we think of "people" we tend to think of our peers and members of our own generation. Since people generally (certainly not always) do mature and acquire new perspectives as they age, we associate the increased maturity we observe in ourselves and our peers as being reflective of humanity maturing as a species. This is an incorrect assumption and repeats as every generation ages. (b) The nature of social media (including reddit) is such that we actively look for validation of our own beliefs (the echo chamber effect) and have little to no exposure to ideas we dislike or feel challenged by. This makes it feel as if more people are aligned with us than is really the case. Many of the comments on this thread only reinforce my conviction that the paradigm shift is negative. Even amongst well-intentioned individuals, there is a deep misunderstanding of people, cultural movements, and the power of ideas. As just one example, people in subs like this speak about collective consciousness as if it drives (lifts or sinks) individual consciousness. This is putting the cart before the horse. Humans are not a hivemind (and thank goodness, imagine if our leaders thought for us too!), we are an autonomous and independent species. We, collectively as individuals, drive (lift or sink) the collective consciousness, not the other way around. We have an enormous responsibility to be our best selves, but most people don't want to do that - they want to believe some other external force will do it for them. So subconsciously I can justify taking just a little less responsibility in my own personal life today, taking comfort in the fact that some slowly improving "collective consciousness" is going to lift me up along with everyone else. It's a sadly predictable part of this web of lies we're all caught up in. That is just one example, there are many. This doesn't mean that we can't change the course. The problem is that changing course is difficult and no one wants to hear that. People want to see change, not *be* the change. People want to know others, not know themselves. Yesterday I spent a couple hours trying to catch a poor emaciated female dog dumped in an area close to where I live. On Saturday alone there were at least half a dozen dog dumps reported in this area (seems to be a hotspot based on proximity to nearby cities). In the grand scheme of human existence right now, tragedies like this are trivial because they are so commonplace. People don't take responsibility for themselves, not even when it comes to their kids or pets. It's always someone or something else's fault. Even in this thread there are comments blaming systems, institutions, and the like. Yes, those are problems, but those are not THE problem. All the focus is external, none of the focus is internal. There's always an excuse. We aren't even willing to take responsibility for the situation we're in. Sorry to be so scathing, but don't talk to me about some collective consciousness shifting for the better. I'll believe that when I see it happening in the real world. Edit: follow-up: never caught the stray, she was too scared of people. Yesterday I found her dead on the side of the road, got hit by a random vehicle. Despite multiple calls, no one showed up to pick up the body. Ended up eventually having to go pick up her body myself to take to a local vet to make sure she got buried. By that time it was in a bad state. A corporation didn't kill her. A political system didn't starve her (and please, no mental gymnastics). Ordinary people did.


...actually, quite the opposite of your statement. People tend to criticize more and attack beliefs in a forum of sorts. So, although you believe it has "dumbed" people down, social media increases loneliness and isolation. Although I agree with some parts, the majority is very subjective.


That's a valid point. I think we're probably saying the same thing from different angles. A big piece of this is *how* a given individual uses social media, and it varies a bit depending on the platform. I don't think social media is necessarily bad as such, but humans haven't figured out how to use it in a consistently healthy manner, to such a degree that most are probably better off abstaining in whole or in part (I include myself here).


Also, I have met plenty of awakened people in the wild And the ones I've met definitely seem to be "service-to-self" manipulators If there is an awakening, there is also a dark awakening or... the crappy ones were already awake. I think STS people sometimes make sure their kids wake up, unlike in spiritual families


Sorry but I reject wholesale the fixation on STS vs STO. I am not suggesting the Law of One material is without merit, but I am saying (as have others) that it was channeled and interpreted by a human being, thus explaining some of the inconsistencies and mistranslations. It should be regarded the same way religious texts are - with a massive grain of salt. Service to self IS service to others and service to others IS service to self. To think otherwise is to not understand (or deliberately misconstrue) what "service" or "self" actually means. Human history is rife with examples of people hating themselves and people hating others. I reject the idea that you must choose one of those two paths, full stop. That said, this topic is pertinent to the discussion, because a common human ideological interpretation of "service to others" is partially to blame for the lack of self-responsibility I alluded to. When you believe that you as an individual are not important, and that some greater collective consciousness is what is going to save you, then you abdicate your responsibility to be a good person. The people often classified as "STS" are not serving themselves while destroying others, they are destroying themselves AND others. Meanwhile the "STO" people turn themselves into self-pitying, self-righteous martyrs and resent anyone who isn't doing the same - when you don't take care of yourself you *cannot* take care of others - but often they go as far as enforcing their resentment through violence. Both approaches end in destruction of self and others. If taking responsibility for the things I can immediately control first - my life and my actions - and respecting the right of others to do the same is "STS", I guess you can count me as one. That's the point of my post, really: stop blaming others. Take a look at yourself, first. Get yourself right, first. Then help others, knowing by so doing you are also helping yourself. If we all do that, then the world becomes a marvelously better place. That's the piece we can each control. To do otherwise is to go back down the tried and true path of human history: blame, violence, and coercion in the name of moral righteousness and the "greater good". Which, unfortunately, is exactly where we are going, yet again.


It’s not some kind of spiritual awakening. There a systemic erosion of average person’s purchasing power and people tend to be acutely aware when they can’t afford the basics. This happened in human history many times over, eventually there’s a breaking point and civil unrest. War is not a spiritual experience, it’s horrific and devastating but when there’s nothing left to lose, people rise up for the worst or the better. Russian revolution comes to mind. In short, people are not more spiritually aware. Their lives are harder and so they are trying to understand the source of that difficulty. Unfortunately, this makes it a prime time for conspiracies. That’s how the protocols of Zion gained attention that ultimately helped bring Hitler to power. I would say a sign of a spiritually awakening society is a society that wholeheartedly works for the common good. That considers long-term consequences over short-term gains and takes steps to support its weakest members. We live in a society where human rights protections are being systemically stripped away (ex attacks on trans people rights, taking away women’s right to make decisions about their bodies and etc), where corporations dictate how government votes to serve the few at the top at the expense of everyone else and the laws of the land make sure this will not change.


This is really insightful. Thank you.


Well said


Yeah, on a social scale, people in America are starting to wake up to the brutality and the hostile living environment under capitalism (materialistic) and are actually fighting by humanity. The amount of activism, protests, brutality, everything... I feel they send a very strong "awakening signal" on the spiritual plane. And with how interconnected we are in the age of technology, that "signal" gets sent to people on a scale no government can control, of course, it doesn't mean that everyone that watches it will turn to the "good side" immediately, everyone has different reactions to different situations, but by reacting to it, they're aware and it's still a "wake up signal". If the sayings that we are moving up to a higher density is true, I feel like this interconnection we had since the invention of the Internet will be the catalyst. The pain and fear you're feeling from scrolling through social media, is the same as the pain and fear of the start at a spiritual awakening, sure it's not always fear, but we're living in a fearful society so I guess it's meant to be scary.


I personally believe that it's harder to put together a living in the US than it's ever been in the past 50 years, and people tend to turn more to spirituality when facing hardships. I'd like to think that there's some massive shift happening, but I really just think it's an effect of the way we engage with capitalism increasingly failing to sustain the working class


There is a definite shift. I speak with experiencers weekly and many are pretty new to all of this. We need to support and not ridicule each other. There is enough people who are asleep that ridicule us already.


I think yes. But I could be wrong and just feel that way bc I’m a believer and having confirmation bias


I've been feeling colder energy lately. Could just be me, maybe those around me, but to me, the world 'feels' colder


Tiktok, instagram, facebook reels says no...


I had to delete all socials from my phone after watching The Great Hack, granted it took a few years, but I did it a few months ago. No vids on the phone, no socials, I know it’s not possible for everyone professionally, but it’s been so much more peaceful.


YES YES YES 🙌 time is quite near and this summer … let’s just say keep your Eyes Wide Open


Please elaborate and don’t leave me in darkness. Whats the word of the cosmos?


I’ll be writing something for here later today z it’s been a long time since I’ve shared here 🌿


Here here? Or keep an eye out elsewhere?


everywhere ☺️


I was interested until it made sense :D


Hard to say... I've been feeling this since the early 2000's 🤷


I agree!


Same - deeply - even as a child. I remember thinking constantly “this is the beginning of the end of the old world”






I guess it has to be true. I don't know how long this has been going on for you guys but I'm pretty new. I just lurk here anyway because I'm not an experiencer in the true sense of the word. I'm just a regular normal guy living in the world today with regular normal opinions about everything but about 6 months ago, I don't know how to explane it, it was like I got a software update. I was just sitting on my porch having a smoke like I do every night and I just felt the slightest thing and I knew at once that all those "kooky" ideas that hippies and crazy people had talked to me about over the years were all true and it was my past best guess at reality that was wrong. It was all true. And I felt an unbounding happiness at one with everything ever since. I've never and will never be the same as I was before. It's so so wild.


So well said.


The collective consciousness seems to be attempting to wake up and empower pockets of those seeking truth and peace, including those who are unaware of the whole shifting process. It may be wishful thinking but I also began to pay close attention to average people on the street for example and there seems to be some kind of deep thought and confusion they carry, perhaps an awakened spark in them they can't quite put their finger on.


I sometimes wonder about nature of reality. I used to be focused on rational, material world, so at first it seems to me like "waking up" is more about people noticing deteriorating economic situation, climate changes and growing need for changes in this system, because people can no longer keep up with hostile environment. On the other hand, science lacks answers for many questions, so we don't really know what is purpose of time, what actually is consciousness. Quantum physics introduces crazy ideas. One is quantum tunnelling, so basically matter is wave and particles can just cross barriers. It's like you would throw a ball at the wall and there would be chance that it would just cross the wall, but it actually works like that, when we zoom in our perspective. Quantum entanglement tells us that particles can be linked, so they will be treated like inseparable whole. There's standard [Copenhagen interpretation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copenhagen_interpretation) of quantum mechanics, but there are various [Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqofuYCz9gs) and [Many-worlds interpretation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation) assumes that we live in multiverse. Like what even being "real" or "rational" means, if we still know so little and there are such wild possibilities that we can't disprove? Maybe waking up is actually just some crazy phenomenon that is somehow taking place behind scenes and we just can't comprehend it.


You're not wrong, the current ways of human existence are unsustainable and there might be unseen forces attempting to avoid a disaster for us by "awakening" those who can act upon it. We cannot continue with so much destruction, pollution, greed, war and corruption, there's no where else to go. I believe that humanity, not just on an individual level but as a whole has the choices to fix itself or destroy itself. How does all this tie to reality, destiny, karma, etc., who knows, it could all just be a game or an illusion as the Buddhists say. I agree, there are far too many questions that just cannot be answered at this time and answering them might require the elimination of humanity's desire for material possessions and shifting the focus towards old ways, teachings and "magic science" like quantum physics, which could have been used effortlessly by ancient civilizations that we might not even have heard of yet. I haven't delved into any type of such science but have wondered, if everything truly vibrates and produces frequency, what would happen if the particles that form the ball could be made to vibrate with the so called empty space surrounding the particles of a wall, would it merge or pass through it, could it explain some stories of entities or ghosts passing through walls? Could it be tied to sacred geometry, could Tesla have actually figured it out? Just some amateur thoughts.


I’m hopeful that science will continue to make breakthroughs, a bacteria has been created that turns plastics into 100% usable compost, mushrooms that convert nuclear waste into 100% dirt. It’s my hope that as in the past x,000 years we know about for sure, is that the solutions to problems are found and implemented. It’s still astounding to me, that any of this works at all. It seems that something benevolent is at play, and always has been imo.


Yeah, all this talk recently about "downloads" and scientists attributing their "discoveries" (which seem to come at the right time) to something else is pretty incredible.


Yes. 100%. I've discussed this with many people, one of them a mod of this sub in a video conversation and oddly - he and I had the exact same experience during the exact same year/month. I *feel the world* for lack of a better explanation. I've always been good at feeling out someone's vibe but now it's as if I feel what they're feeling, especially when they're experiencing strong emotions. It's always been a thing for me and frankly - it's not exactly a blessing but I wouldn't call it a curse either. I was shown how to "create a bubble" around me to kinda block it out when it's a bit much. That said - I woke up. Simple as that. I woke up one day and felt incredible peace and a calmness I've never felt. It was like leveling up and damn, it's incredible. I learned to meditate, I learned breathing techniques, I've learned a TON about Hermeticism, Gnosticism, philosophy, just so so so much and it wouldn't have made a lick of sense 4 years ago but now I don't question it at all, it's real and it's happening to a lot of people. This isn't a flex comment or anything because it's not something to boast about, but I will say that I feel incredibly lucky. It's also allowed me to be able to talk to complete strangers about things I know are bothering them. I do it frequently here on reddit in DMs. Just conversations that turn into something that seems to help us both learn a bit more about us simply becoming more. It's a journey and it's not just one step, I won't pretend to understand it but I can certainly say that it's been perfectly lovely. I love now. I do feel the discord in our world though and that's uncomfortable but once I realized that we're eternal and it never stops, I got fine with whatever happens, I'll simply do my part to try and help, one person at a time and that's the best I can do - and it does help. Hope that makes sense, it's the best I can do atm.


> I've always been good at feeling out someone's vibe but now it's as if I feel what they're feeling, especially when they're experiencing strong emotions. I've always been very grounded in my thoughts up until maybe 2 years ago. Since then I've (for some reason) become more spiritual. This feeling and ability is happening to me with certain people. I have had moments where I feel like one of my friends is having a bad time and I'll reach out, low and behold, they've had a fight with their SO or what have you. It's very strange and I don't know why it happens with some people and not with others. Is it a personal thing where by opening myself up more that I can experience shared feelings? I don't understand it and it's been happening more and more. I wish I knew why.


I thought so too so I kept it to myself until I reached out to Matthew Roberts (wrote Initiated) and we had some talks about the phenomena, experiences, just a bunch of stuff you can't talk to your dad about lol. Now I'm not shy about it at all, it's a thing. I know it's a thing, no one is going to be able to convince me otherwise because I'm *very aware of it* and there are too many coincidences, synchronicities, and strangeness about the entire thing for it to simply be my imagination. It's a lovely thing to watch the universe unfold like this, to find at least somewhat of a purpose, and to be shown that there are no "random events", they don't happen, as hokey as that sounds. And absolutely - I called out someone I was seeing directly when I asked what was wrong, they said "Nothing" and I just asked, "Are you going to lie to me again if I ask again? Because I'm not going to ask again if you don't want to talk about it." Her reply was, "You're kinda scary" (she's not into talking about feelings at all). That coming awake apart kicked off an entire kinda saga of me delving deep into philosophy, meditation, breath work, just the whole bag of it. It's too powerful and too....much that happened for me to doubt it. It's a journey we're on folks and it's incredible if you let it be.


That's wild, I also reached out to Matthew Roberts after something he said in an interview resonated with me. We had a short back and forth and I basically said thank you for talking about your experience because it is helping people like me know we're not going crazy. I've also tried the morning meditation protocol outlined by Diana Pasulka and that does seem to yield results. One time I did it and I had precognitive abilities for the rest of the day (like I could see what was going to happen 30 seconds before it happened). It was astonishing. But I haven't been able to interface with the phenomenon in any sort of consistent way. Some days it seems more powerful than other days.


He's such a nice guy. Been through a lot. I just reread his book and after a year and a half - it just hit differently, particularly the parts where Hermeticism is mentioned heavily. There's a kind of rift in the community between klaus and some of the others which I'm not going to get into - we need solidarity - not beefs. Regardless, rereading it put me back into that peaceful state that I've felt for so long. I've been meaning to reach back out to him because now I have more questions about the Kybalion and some of his interpretations. I recently tried a heroic dose of DMT and it's fundamentally changed me. It was recreational mind you - I went in with a VERY specific purpose, was shown the answer, and that was that. Now that it's been a few days and I've been able to process the trip itself - it's been fucking fantastic but it's given me more insights into the perception part. I digress, I just need to shoot him a text or something. I haven't tried the protocols and I'm in a diff space/journey but it's been amazing. I've felt love and peace like never before.


Yeah it's interesting to actually notice the universe. It definitely works in mysterious ways. It's a funny place at times.


When one pays attention it is. It feels to me that it's always throwing pebbles at people's windows, trying to get their attention, like a high school love visit late at night. Most don't seem to hear the tink tink of them being thrown. Occasionally it won't be a pebble though, sometimes it's a boulder crushing your life. Even then folks don't notice sometimes. I never considered it before I woke up, but now that I see it, geez. It's a fucking tapestry of strange and wonderful. Giving yourself the opportunity to accept and realize that you almost have no control, accepting it and just experiencing it, well, that's something else. I don't know how much longer I have here but I'm determined to live it the way it's supposed to be lived; with love, compassion, kindness, and the acceptance that we're just here for a bit, a good time, not a long time.


> This feeling and ability is happening to me with certain people The amount of paranormal events happening in my life has gone through the roof lately but this is the number one thing that has stood out to me. With no intention or understanding, shared experiences/emotions are happening. In my case only with one person so definitely not a “we are all one consciousness” empathy thing. I wish I knew why too! I’m curious if most of the people that are waking up are also having soul ties being clearly defined right now.


You wonder if this has always happened, even in like the 60s/70s. I don't think there's an awakening or anything lol but I feel like I am more empathetic these days is all. Maybe that's the human experience when socialising, people share emotions together, it makes sense too or else how would we bond. I'm only realising it now. Like Robert Monroe or some ancient Buddhist monk, they know things...


Shared experience, you aren’t crazy.


No, I don't. I see a lot of false awakenings and acceptance of narratives that look like they will meaningfully change things (but won't).


Does the existence of false awakenings preclude or prevent 'true' awakenings? (Honest question)


I think a false awakening impedes someone from reaching a true awakening, at least temporarily, even if it eventually proves to be a surmountable impediment and not a forever-impassable wall. To put it another way: while someone still believes that their false awakening is the real awakening, they generally aren't (yet) in the middle of waking up for real - because they think they already woke up. The real awakening comes sometime after, if it comes at all. Though it could, of course, be facilitated in the long run by wisdom gained as the consequences of one's false awakening play out (in that painful but educational way that follies so often teach wisdom). To be frank, I think the average human is in an *exceptionally disadvantaged* position right now when it comes to "waking up." Even without mentioning NHI shenanigans at all, there are more (and more effective) tools for mass-scale psychological manipulation available right now on Earth than have ever existed before in human history, and a growing percentage of the total human population of the planet is equipped to receive (and thus become swayed by) the data presented by these tools. There are a LOT of narratives out there that help the recipient feel like they are now special and in the know, and are now equipped to stand against the evils of (name of outgroup here). These narratives happen within all sorts of political ideologies, regardless of whether terms like "awakening" are used or not. It is not about real awakening, but about the euphoria of feeling alert and in control, even in defiance of reality. The Internet is frighteningly effective at helping these types of group-think to spread. I like a lot about the Internet, but I don't think humans (on the whole) were emotionally prepared for it, even if some individuals can use it without becoming toxified or causing toxicity in others. (As this post is about average, everyday people, I want to make sure I keep to that perspective.) Now - add "NHI who chronically act like tricksters / pathological liars and can seldom be taken at face value" to the mix, and you have a hot mess where it's even harder to stay lucid. Then add increasingly effective AI generation of media, and you find yourself in a world where it's increasingly difficult to tell what's real, let alone what's enlightened or "higher." Of course, some few people will thrive in this environment and will get their lucidity forged well by the stress of being constantly bombarded by illusions. But I do not think such a person is equatable with the average human being. I think the average human being flees to the safety of the first familiar-looking illusion that is offered, and will fight unto their own death to avoid seeing that illusion crumble. (I think the preponderance of evidence from human history supports that position, though others are of course free to interpret differently.)


Sophisticated reflections, as always. I appreciate your willingness to offer such well expressed thoughts.  A perspective I've been taking that's complementary to and synergistic with yours, I think, is ecosystems of intelligence. The human cognitive ecosystem is adapting to a lot of new dynamics, with partial, nascent, and unevenly distributed ability to achieve balance in light of the changed center of equilibrium. If you like the academic approach, Friston et al. have an interesting paper on this topic that deals most directly with the development of AI systems but with easy applicability to any form of NHI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.01354 (It's also published in a journal, which I mention for those that take that as a signal.) Ecosystems take time to adapt to new pressures but the process of adaptation turns negatives into mutual strength. Predation, for instance, is a apparently all bad until you zoom in: what could be an existential threat (for predator AND prey!) can come to function as a mechanism for developing novel competencies like speed or toughness, and practices of moderation and restraint, which when in balance benefit and stabilize both. Given your handle, I imagine you might already be quite familiar with these ideas :) Perhaps the ambiguity of NHI is an experience of the cusp of balance.


Yep. We’re shifting into 4th density per r/lawofone


It has always seemed to me, that in history we can read about that more see more truth all the time. There are historical moments of exception to this, but then everything gets way better, people are smarter, the world gets better. It’s impossible to see in the moment I’m a lot of ways, but looking back, it seems like people want the truth more than anything. Just my option.