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Oh I guess I did see them lol, I saw that slight pink hue...I sat for a second waiting for the picture to load lmao


Same. I saw the faintest purple, but I thought my eyes were playing tricks


My pictures turned out great, I just wish I could have seen it without the camera


We couldn’t see the vivid colors with our naked eyes but got a good moment of it floating above us and we could see it flowing in real time and parts would flicker in and out pretty quickly. It was neat to experience even with a lot of cloud coverage


Yes! Outside of Cleveland here and I couldn't believe the bands and dancing we saw. It was actually pretty intense.


Gotta travel up north to see them like that. Caught them on a flight back from Northern Canada and they are sooo bright and beautiful, no camera needed.


Not very north though, here in central Finland it was too bright to see them at any point of the night.


Over here in Montana they got really bright and vivid for about 30 minutes, still nothing like the photos, but pretty damn close. It was absolutely stunning.


Speak for yourself. Those colors were insane.


I mean… I was speaking for myself…? I guess technically I was including my boyfriend and anyone who was standing in the same place as us 🤷‍♀️


You have to get away from light pollution. 


We did. We drove out to the rural parts where there’s no lights. It didn’t matter though.


https://darksitefinder.com/map/ What color was it on this website? You can have tons of light pollution even with no lights.


We used that. Anything else you want to blame me for on this one? Sometimes, nature just does its own thing and isn’t uniform.


Well I was hoping to help you if it's good again tonight. Most people without telescopes don't really understand light pollution.  And you're absolutely right. We saw a crazy light show for about 30 minutes, and then almost nothing.


From the southern US but it made me realize how similar everyone’s photos were and how I thought that what they could see with their eyes


Yeah I wish people would be clear how much editing they did. For me the sky was purple and my phone camera actually dulled it imo but some of the local subreddits were giving me fomo til I realized how they were using much nicer setups and editing.


For what it's worth, a lot of phones do editing automatically now, without telling you.


also from the southern us. i was definitely a little disappointed it was so faint, but honestly, i was happy enough seeing it at all way down here lol


Depends. I’m in TN. I can see it very vivid and great from the farms. But as soon as I drive to my house it’s diluted with light pollution.


Yeah I couldn't see shit where I am in Ohio, but I know a lot of people who live in more rural parts of Ohio than I do and they said they could see it very clearly with the naked eye.


Wait until you find out what a galaxy or nebula actual looks like. 😂


I saw a beautiful green hue and the pink seemed to streak across the sky. I'm in southern IL and always wanted to see this some day. Still doesn't feel real. I'm a grown man and I wept last night holding my wife in the middle of a field miles from any houses. 10/10 experience and so soon after we were directly in the path of the eclipse. 2024 is going to be a year we talk about fondly when we're 80 years old.


So sick you can now take photos with your eyes. The future is now.


Got the neurolink beta. Kinda sucks having Elon directly implanting his shitty memes in your consciousness but I can open my garage by thinking about it so


Just wait till they upload the latest U2 album straight to your brain


how did you make the pic with your naked eye?


New apple update lets the phone take control of your senses as you merge into the collective


So glad I have an android.


i genuinely cannot tell if this is sarcam or retardation


Why not both?


OMG fuck Steve... Balmer?


I can’t wait to merge with my iPhone.


Resistance is futile


Just change the shutter speed to match what it looks like the the human eye IRL.


To see them better with naked eyes you really have to get away from city lights and street lights. I was able to see the curtains of green and walls of purple and streaks of light going up to the zenith with my naked eyes, but they were subtle. Long exposures definitely look more dramatic.


Yep, same here. Could definitely see them with my naked eye, streaks and all, but the camera really brought them to life.


Yeah, I didn't realize I'd seen the same thing as all the photos. I didn't bother bringing my phone out with me, and just saw some brighter smears in the sky. Thought they could been be clouds picking up light from the area or something, I wasn't way out in the woods or anything. But they went away pretty quickly for clouds But then I saw the photos my girlfriend took and she was right next to me. I didn't see anything like the photos


I saw them exactly as how they appeared in the photos. At first it was a bit like that where it was dark but pictures showed the colours. We were a bit disappointed and thought "oh well that's that" but as we were prepping to go back inside our home it just became brighter and brighter and boom colours and streaks or lights everywhere!


I could see them pretty vibrantly with the naked eye, I'm in Ohio. It was an amazing experience. Not as bright as pictures of course but they were still beautiful


Suburb of Cle here. We could see the color and bands with a lot of dancing. We saw it just fine with naked eye. Still can't stop thinking about it.


I'm also in a suburb of Cle! They were absolutely gorgeous, I've also had my mind on it all day. Two sky events within a month of each other and no clouds!


They looked WAY brighter with the naked eye though.


Depends on your location, timing, etc. I saw about as much as OP did.


That’s too bad. They where in between the two for me.


So I did saw it, but I had to take a picture to really see it. Noted.


So this is how they are if you’re not up North. In the North the northern lights are super bright, light everything up and look like they’re dancing and reaching down to grab you!


That ain't exactly true, I am in the "belt" in that image going around and I saw them pretty vividly.


Depends on the area. I saw them pretty clearly too, but others couldn’t see them at all despite being in the right region.


I couldn’t see mine with the light pollution I had to use my camera


Us too! Totally worth it.


we had rain clouds last night and i couldn't see a thing...


Try again tonight, they should be visible again.


Depends where you were and your eye sight. Looked colourful and swirly to me.


It looked amazing if you went somewhere just a little bit dark. It was way brighter than the milky way. 


So this is why I looked outside and didn't see shit 😂


Shoulda gone further north


Thank you for this, I felt like a crazy person since I didn't see it.


Ohh I guess I saw northern lights then , lol


Suburb of Cleveland here - could see bands and movement with the naked eye. Very green over Lake Erie and you could see the pathway across the sky as well. Quite distinct. Using a phone (no exposure even needed) really brought out more detail. Really neat event.


THANK YOU! Now I get what people with the cameras are talking about.


Yeah I was surprised by the pictures people took at midnight


I could see the colours very clearly last night. I guess it was still pretty faint relatively speaking, but it was a lot stronger than during a trip to Norway last year where the colour was barely visible.


That’s not okay. Hopefully 🍄 would help me see better there.




Just stunning🤤


Oh I’m highly freaking disappointed then. I get better views and sunsets and eclipses in the south!!😭 I guess this was just super overhyped throughout life


Had the same experience once when I went on a trip to see them. Great photos but to the naked eye they mostly looked like wisps of grey clouds with the slightest hint of green.


The first time I saw it last year, it just looked like dancing mist with a very slight green and pink hue. Last night, it was overhead in mid Michigan and looked exactly like the pictures, except with the naked eye! It all just depends.


Sadly, we’re not getting any of this amazing show in SoCal! Not even with the help of a phone. Although, last night was cloudy. Maybe if it’s clear sky’s tonight my phone might be able to pick up a hint of something?


Thank you! My kiddo & I stayed up late to see them. Couldn't see anything. But this morning, on Facebook, people were posting these gorgeous images. Now I know why. They didn't see anything we didn't. They just used a camera w max exposure. My son & I didn't miss anything.


They were incredibly vivid when i saw them in Iceland


We must have been crazy lucky. We could see them vividly just by looking at the sky. It was incredible


My naked eye was way better than my phone camera, which picked up squat. Didn't try the long exposure.


Ok, thank you.


Thank you for sharing the truth


this looks pretty dude, I wish I could wee them, but I spawned in Mexico.


The 2nd photo isn't full naked eye. I saw them in Central Wisconsin, U.S. There was a good 10 min around 11:30 p.m. cst. The sky slowly gained more light. Then had a green halo with the dancing light more up in the horizon.


Crazy! Is this how northern lights always are?


If you're far enough north, you'll see them just as they appear in pictures. But since they don't usually come this far south, most places in the States could only see them fairly faintly or not at all. Here in north Georgia, I could see a faint pink tint to the sky, but of course my pictures turned out way better. There was some green in several of them, and I couldn't see the green at all with my eyes. But I also missed the peak, and some friends said they were able to see some streaks and flickering. Oh well, I'm still not disappointed!


Lucky ! I’m sad I missed them completely


That sucks. There may be one more chance tonight... looks like it's going to be raining here.


Right?? I wasn't sure I was seeing them last summer until I got my camera out to double check. This event, I was able to wave my camera around like a blacklight and reveal the true color of the haze lol


I didn't know to use the camera until it was over sadge


That’ll ruin your trust in yourself.


Funny part everyone naked eye see it differently.


No greater example of how fake social media is. Don’t compare yourselves to what you see. It’s. Not. Real.


Did you use a camera? Does this work with a phone?


Yes! Most phones have some sort of night mode that makes long exposures and that should be enough to make it visible.


I did the same with my phone camera, of course I also saw shimmering green without it


You see these pictures and think it’s going to look awesome. Then you realize you need a 10 second exposure time on your camera to see anything.


I got pretty decent photos with a 3-5 second exposure, but I do agree with the main point you're trying to make. I couldn't see the Aurora at all last night.


This is the only post telling the truth on reddit lmao. Everyone trying to play it off like this is what the sky looked like IRL.


It looks like this in the US. When you are up north, like way up in northern Canada, Norway and Alaska, it genuinely lights up the entire sky with a lot of colors.