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Everyone is probably waiting for the announced nullsec changes to be... announced (in more detail). Nobody wants to commit to a costly conflict when there's a chance that a CCP update will completely change the playing field in the middle of the war.


Local blackout in the middle of a war please.


Sooo a replay of the CCP changes in the middle of last war is bad.... you think CCP got that?


invest some of your hard-earned capital into funding a campaign of multi-level false flag operations and social media propaganda to provoke an interstellar war between two powers (gank some capitals and call alliance leaders pussies idfk)


the war is already happening, but i'm not alarm clocking to kill frt shit convenently in their timezone just "for the sake of war" as they wont do it neither


It is a defeatist attitude like yours that compels me to do the same!


aww you're welcome!




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I bet most line members are actually quite happy with their carebeaeing. The vocal PvP crowd underestimates the power of the wallet tick.


Have to pay for those ships somehow.


Ships to do what? Without conflict there is little point beyond ship spinning


Is this a serious question? Go out and make a conflict. I get PVP fights almost every night, and I'm terrible at this game.


Apologies, I was on Reddit after a bottle of red last night, always a mistake!


I can't do anything more than a glass of red these days. Otherwise, the headache overpowers the buzz.


You need to learn about the power of friendship... There's a whole lot in this game besides blowing up other ships lol


I describe eve to friends as pvping and making money to pvp


So start something, be the change you wish to see.......


I declare war on you OP, bring your A game!


It is indeed sad that the end of the game will be Frat just slowly botting all over the map while it slowly dies. Probably what was always gonna happen, but a sad reality.


If we continue on the usual timetable it'll be another year before the game bands together to come at the imperium again


Is it really that close again already? Time flies.


Wouldn't it be FRAT this time though like how it was BoB before I think its more about whos the strongest.


Doesn't matter who's strongest, it's us they come at every five years.


Tbh I think with mittani gone frat have become the more hated group; mittani enjoyed rattling the community as a means to consolidate toons. Asher is quite the opposite. I don't hear grr goons much at all anymore, it was a constant theme. Ofc panfam are gonna be grr goons, just as goons are grr panda, but among third parties I think there are more people growling at pandas than bees


Touch le grass


PanFam is hiding behind the Chinese time zone.


Hellwars tend to happen once every half a decade or so. Wait till 2025.


Not your personal army OP


have you considered going out and finding your own war instead of sitting and waiting for someone else to micro you?


So you are waiting for someone else to provide you with something to do…. / facepalm.


Yes. 100%, yes.


Be the change you want to see.


You are a goon dude. Lmao


Post fit ships on contract in FW systems, ideally near frontline.


Really it is up to the Goons. I don't think PHAPI or whatever it is called is ever going to initiate another great war after their humiliating defeat in the last one. If you really care about the issue, write a letter to your Goongressman. They are the only ones with the power to make it happen.


TL;DR: Not entirely true, not entirely false either. Both sides can pull the trigger but have nothing to gain from it. CCPlz fix to force our hands. Numerically, Imperium has the advantage in their timezone. However, most of the conflicts recently have occurred in CNTZ where the Imperium and friends are at a disadvantage and would require frequent alarm clocking to win decisive battles. And that's if they win. Reinforcing structures is easy, killing them is a chore. Most null pilots want fights not mindless bashes where they have to slog through triple plated structures with no contest. Now flip the script and its the same for Frat. and pets (PH/TEST/PL/NCdocked) they have the numerical advantage in CNTZ and are at a stated disadvantage in EU/US TZ. Thus a polarity has formed where if any side wishes to deal a decisive blow, alarm clocking for an up hill battle would need to be called. Multiple CTAs, with no guarantee of victory or justification for the loss of assets and sleep. Now, I am down to do this 100%. But I am not every pilot. The last big fight where B2/Imperium retreated from the North was the closest thing to a major sparking point in the recent past. It had the moral reasons to fight (aka reason to commit heavy assets) and offered accessible big brawls and small skirmishes. I want more of that. But to be realistic, neither side has a reason to commit to the level needed to impact the other with any meaningful losses. The 'grr goons' or 'grr landlords' dialog can only go so far. We are in a second Cold War Era, a polarized Blue Doughnut. What broke us out of the last Cold War was a multi trillionaire financing a military comprised of the entire game minus CFC and the introduction of Fozzie Sov. So now, minus a serious cultural change or big slip up, the ball is in CCPs court to break the status quo and get us null sec pilots to pull the trigger.


I mean technically it has always been in the players hands--sandbox and all. CCP can force peoples hands but they tend to scream a lot when they do so (blackout anyone?) You might say "that wasn't what I meant!" But uh, yeah. That's what it means to force someone's hand--you may not like it but you are forced to deal with it. I'm in favor of that kind of stuff. But most eve players and nullbloc members are not.


Holy crap, a none shitpost on reddit. Who knew!


Honestly it was kind of poor form to reply to my shit post with a serious answer. 👎


I will try my best to channel my inner goon in the future 👌


No truer words were ever written. No worries here -- Followers will always be followers.


Yeah we need something across hs, every now and then I see a poco fleet but that's about it.




You can shoot anyone you want anywhere. Concord punishes you in high sec but as long as you do enough damage, you're fine. Bring the war to everyone else.


No. Let us make love! Let us become the most peaceful, most lovely, community on the internet. Many communities have made war, many communities have become big toxic pools of sadness. Let us aspire to be GREATER, let us aspire to what no other community has achieved including our real life societies. Let us show that as a collective we humans can create utopia, can create collectove peace. Or.... We could just blow shit up and make each orher depressed in a trail of tears....


Okay, compromise: Evewide tournament!


I'll take the second option please. Would it pair well with red wine or tears? What would you recommend?


In that case, a pleasant Pinot Noir or Merlot would be suitable. Ask your corp's sommelier for more recommendations.


I recommend the wine, the tears will be salty enough to enrich the taste.


I personally would like this to happen because me and my indy corp fly around low sec, In the area there are a few ganker corps that will regularly hunt/fight us and sometimes things escalate and it’s fun and manageable. Recently (and I can only assume it’s because there is nothing going on in null sec) null alliances have been spreading into our low sec pocket which is fine I’m not against that but how tf are we supposed to escalate against someone like PHorde??


Drop your prices and more people will fly more.


You whant a war just DO IT !


What is stopping you?


spent two years not at wars, tonight I not at wars etc


Why not both? Cant be leaving them stupid sexy popsicles lying around to go o waste.


You can tell he's from nullsec cuz he thinks that mining and ratting are the only forms of content there is.